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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 16, 1951)
Pastor 31 Years Ago Makes Visit AMELIA—Rev. and Mrs. S. G Rasmussen, of DeWitt, were vis iting old friends in and near Am elia Sunday, August 12. He serv ed the pastorate at Amelia and Chambers Methodist church on Sunday morning, and a number of friends met at the church on Sunday afternoon to visit with them. Reverend Rasmussen was pas tor of the Amelia church 31 years ago. He will begin his 12th year as pastor at DeWitt upon his return home. Other Amelia News Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Ragland attended the funeral of Mr. Rag land’s uncle, John Ragland, at Elgin, Monday August 13. Floyd Sageser, of Manhattan, Kans.. visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vern Sageser, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed White left on Tuesday morning to visit her brother, Harrv Coolidge. at Gree ley, Colo., and other relatives a long their route. Miss Ida Halverson, of Creigh ton, visited Donna Rae Peterson several days the past week. Bill Sammons, Mrs. Andy Ko bak and son, James, and Mrs. Mamie Sammons were Sunday, August 12. dinner guests at Blake Ott’s. Mr. and Mrs. Bimbo Malloy and son. of Omaha, were Sunday, August 12, dinner guests at Frank Pierce’s. Rae Dee Wickham, of Valen tine, visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pierce, from Tuesday until Saturday, August 7-11. They attended the Burwell rodeo on Friday, August 10. Linda Kay, David and Darla Krutz, of Stanton, spent Friday with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Hienie Frahm. and grand father, Peter Frahm, while their parents attended the rodeo. Ralph Adair has a new car. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Backaus vis ited at the Roy Backaus home on Sunday, August 12. Mrs. Backaus went on to O’Neill to see her nephew, born to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Vrooman at the O’Neill hospital August 10. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Krueger and Mrs. Otto Schpoef, of Spen cer, S. D.; Mr .and Mrs. William Neemeyer and Mr. and Mrs. Ir vin Neemeyer and family, of Col umbus, were August 11 weekend visitors at the Robert Ledcr home. Mrs. Krueger and Mrs. Neemeyer are sisters of Mrs. Le der. * Miss Peggy Prewitt helped Mrs. Lloyd Waldo with house cleaning last week. Mrs. George Fullerton and son, Dale, returned home from Oma ha Thursday, August 9. Mary 1 Lou Spath, who is employed in Omaha, returned home with them for her vacation. Mrs. Andy Robak and sen, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sam Jimmie, of Cheyenne, Wvo., spent the past 2 weeks with her mo ns, and other relatives. Attend Burwell Rodeo— Among those and their fami lies attending the rodeo in Bur well were: Mr. and Mrs. Elden Butterfield. Mr. and Mrs. John Turner, Mr. and Mrs. John Cleary, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Saun to, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Graham, Mrs. L. A. Burgess and Miss Jo anne, Ralph Brown, Mrs. Edward M. Gallagher and Miss Betty, Mrs. Charles Fleming, Dr. H. L. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kurtz, and Mr. and Mrs Elgin Ray, all of O’Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Butterfield, of Atkinson; Mr. and Mrs. Elbridge Maynard, of Walnut, and Mr. and Mrs Wil liam Fleming, of Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. Harris Entertains Club— Winners at MM club held on Wednesday, August 8, at the home of Mrs. Esther C. Harris were Mrs. D. C. Schaffer, high, and Mrs. Hugh Ray, visiting high. Mrs. Bessie Rotherham, of In man, and Mrs. Mary Gradv. of Norfolk, were weekend gues'.s of Mr. and Mrs. Matt Hynes and other relatives. CONCRETE BLOCKS Steam Kiln Cured Tested by Omaha Testing Laboratories —approved by Nebr. Concrete Masonry Ass’n. Visit Our Plant See, Write or Call DWA1N KIRK CONCRETE PRODUCTS CO. Plain view Nebr. 15-16-17 AMEICAN LEGION POST NO. 79 IS PRESENTING That Sentimental Gentleman Featuring FRANCES IRVIN CHARLIE SHAVERS AT THE AINSWORTH AIRPORT MONDAY, AUG. 20 Refreshments will be Available at the Airport TICKETS — In Advance. $2.00 per person At the Gale. $2.50 per person Buy Your Tickets In Advance From Any of the Following Oasis Bar, Newport; Alderman’s Store, Newport; Western Auto Supply, Stuart; Schultz Drug, Atkinson; Montgomery Hdw., O’Neill Members of the John Pruss family reunite . . first row (left-to-right): Dick McNair, John and Billy Pruss, Jean Foreman, Craig Foreman, Carol Jean Ries and Betty Rios; second row— Kenneth McNair. Jimmy Ries. Gene Hoehne, Raymond McNair, Jack Ries, Arlin Caster, Al len Caster and Gary Caster; third row — John Pruss, George Ries (holding Bonnie Ries). Mrs. George (Gladys) Ries (holding Larry Ries), Mrs. John Pruss, Marilyn Ries, Delores Ann Hoehne, Norma Lou Foreman, Leona Fern Mc Nair, Mrs. Arlen Casier; fourth row — Mrs. Frank Foreman. Mrs. James Foreman. Mrs. Ot to (Evelyn) Hoehne, Mrs. Lula Crandall, Mrs. George McNair, George McNair; fifth row— James Foreman, Otto Hoehne, Mrs. Ivan Pruss, Ivan Pruss, Frank Foreman and Donald Mc Nair.—The Frontier Photo & Engraving. Girl, 13, Die* in Ord Hospital PAGE!—Mrs, Soren Sorensen received a message EYiday telling of the death of her niece, Marilyn, 13, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oli ver Morgan, of North Loup, who passed away early Friday morn ing at the Ord hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen, sr., and Mr. and Mrs. Soren Soren sen, of Page, and Russell Soren sen, of Creighton, drove to North Loup Sunday. Funeral services were held Sunday afternoon at the United Brethren church south of Ord. Burial w^is at Almeria, 60 miles northwest of Ord. Marilyn Morgan was born April 20, 1938, at Martin, S. D. She is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Morgan; twin broth er, Marlin; 3 other brothers and 7 sisters. She was a member of the United Brethren church. She had almost finished reading the Bible. Miss Patty Grenier returned Tuesday from a 2-week vacation with her aunt, Mrs. George Mel lor, and family, of Atkinson. L_hBIVI RETURNS TO U.S_M/Sgt. Roy D. Johnson (above) last week returned to the U.S. af ter several months spent on Eta Jima Island, off the coast of Japan. Johnson, an employee of the Lohaus Motor Co., serv ed during World War II and as a reservist he was recalled to active duty last fall. His V'ife and family and his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clay John son, sr.t reside here. — The Frontier Engraving. All Welcome at Bible Camp— The second annual fall round up Bible camp and missionary conference will be conducted August 23 to 26 on the grounds 4 miles northeast of Long Pine on Pine creek. This camp is open to persons of all ages. Accommodations, in cluding both lodging and meals, will be available to all who come. Campers must furnish their own bedding, but all else will be provided. Visitors are welcome at any time, and the general public is cordially invited to all services. William J. Froelich, jr., re ported Sunday to Great Lakes for a 2-weeks’ cruise with the navy. WWW Weather Forces Reunion Indoors Sunday’s family reunion of the John Pruss family was forc ed indoors by the thunder show ers. The basket dinner was held at the Ivan Pruss home in O’Neill in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hoehne and children, of Boulder, Colo., who were visiting here. Mr. and Mrs. John Pruss and descendants posed for a photo graph (above). Visitors included Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith, Donald and Rennae, of Cham bers. Present were: Mr. and Mrs. John Pruss, of Emmet, longtime Holt county residents; Mrs. Lula Crandall, of Chambers; Mr. and Mrs. Frank E. Foreman, Norma Lou and Jeanie Kay, of Emmet; Mr. and Mrs. George McNair, Donald, Leona, Fern, Raymond, Kenneth and Dick, all of Stuart; Mr. and Mrs. Arlen Caster, Al lyn Lee and Gary Lynn, all of Stuart; Mr. and Mrs. James Foreman and sons. Byron and Craig, of Battle Creek; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith, Donald and Rennae, of Chambers; Mr. and Mrs. George R i e s, Marilyn, James, Jack, Carol, Bette, Bon nie, and Larry, all of Atkinson; Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Pruss, Billy and John, all of O’Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hoehne, Gene and De lores, all of Boulder, Colo. Mrs. Hoehne is the former Eve lyn Pruss. This is the family’s first reunion in a number of years. O'NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Louns bury and Geralyn returned Mon day, August 13, from Kearney where they attended the funeral of Mr. Lounsbury’s nephew, Fred Geist, jr., who died in an Oma ha hospital from polio. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Beckwith, of Page, Bill Marcellus and Betty Williamson visted at Pickstown, S. D., on Sunday, August 12. .. i About Time FOR SCHOOL . Gilligan Rexall Drug Has Your Needs! Pencil Tablets — Ink Tablets Not Books — Shorthand Books Notebook Covers with Zipper— Leather or Plastic Lunch Kits with Vacuum Bottle „ $2.39 History Paper by the ream _ 79c Rubber Bands, 2 25c; Vi-Lb. 75c Fountain Pens and Ball Point Pens 98c to SI .50 Pencils — Leads — Erasers — Mucilage Ink — Paste — Pencil Sharpeners Mr. and Mrs. Philip Filipowicz, of Omaha, are visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Zak rzewski and other relatives at Butte and Orchard. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wells and the Misses Laura and Lorene Wetzler returned Sunday, August 11, from a week’s vacation at Ni agara Falls, N. Y. _ Back to School, VALUES! ■ ■ \ It's a one piece plaid J with solid broad cloth. Soft plaid with ay “V” bib rimmed J ^ in white pique. . . NOW! BACK-TO-SCHOOL j | PLAIDS' [ | SIZE 7 to 14 98 | I O ), 1 * NEW! NEW! Colors! Patternsl Styles! I * WOVEN GINGHAMS -Color bright .* for keeps! i * SANFORIZED1 -Perfect fit after la un dering! * PRACTICAL — Extra wearingsbetween* j washings! I J * VALUES —Priced with old fashioned thrift! t Will not shrink more than 1% III BOYS’ LONGWEARING POLO SHIRTS i cotton yarns! A • Full cut for freedom of M • Choose from 8 washable • Sizes, small-medium* ■pypiwy- ■ ■ ... . BOYS’ BIG MAC® Hfi i DENIM ■ I JEANS B |~| mBP» B (SIZES 6-16) • Husky 8 oz. Sanforizedf Blue Denim! • Double orange stitching on all main seams! • Copper plated rivets at all points of strain! 1/ ' i