Dr. and Mrs. L. C. Snearly, of San Antonio, Tex., left Monday after a 5-days’ visit with Mis. Snearly’s brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Sullivan, and Patty. Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Stephens, of Hays, Kans., visited Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Walling all last week. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. George Van Every went to Norfolk and had a picnic with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Miller, Mr. and Mr?. Mar vin Van Every, of Grand Island, and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Van Ev ery, of Columbus, Mont. George Fuller also attended the picnic. Mrs. Minerva Lister, of Perry, la., left Saturday after a week’s visit with her sister and her hus „band, Mr. and Mrs. William Gatz. Mrs. Vernon Beckwith and Connie, of Page, visited at the Harold R. Williamson home Mon day. Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Worth were Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Wetzler and faini'v, of Gregory, S. D., the Daniel Pages, Benny Wetzlers, Roy A. Worths, Mrs. Ella Karr and Mrs. Mary Wetzler. Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Johnson, of Norfolk, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Young. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Soosr, of Bloomfield, and Mr. and Mrs. Leland Spry, of Tiiden, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Weyrich. Miss Dora Thorton, of Bur Oak, Kans., arrived Monday for a 2-weeks’ visit with her grand son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. 'Virgil Thornton, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Leidy left Wednesday, August 1, tor Ro chester, Minn. They planned to be away about a week. In their absence their daughter, Miss Car ol Leidy, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John Kee, of Emmet. Donnie Bosn returned Sunday after visiting for a week at Win ner, S.D. Mrs. Paul Bloomstrom and daughter, Patsy, brought him tc O’Neill and returned tc Win ner Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Prescott, of Laurel, visited Sunday with Mr. {nd Mrs. Marvin Anderson and lamily and Mrs. Bertha Prescctt. Mrs. Presc-tt leturned to Laurel with them Sunday evening for a visit of 2 cr j weeks. Marine P/.\ Dale L. Summers, son of Mr and Mrs. Charhs Summers, 'eft for Camp Pendle *.cn, Oce iiis'de. Calif., after spending a 15-day emergency leave, help ng with ha.-vesting and other farm work. Mr. and Mrs. Warren Burgess ?nd dauglUrr. Kathy Sue of Lincoln, spent the weekend with Dr. and Mrs. L. A. Burges’.. Mr. and Mr* James Harty, of Scottsbluff, visited from Wednes aay until "unday with Mr. and \.rs. Simon i osn and famil> and Mrs. W. il. JI arty and Miss Hel en. t JF GETS FLYING AWARDS . . . CM Duane W. Thorin, navy helicopter pilot has been pre sented the Distinguished Fly ing Cross and Air Medal for performances in the Korean war theater. Thorin is a son of Mrs. Clara Thorin, of Cham bers. The DFC citation read: “For extraordinary achieve ment while participating in aerial flights as pilot of a heli copter. ... At great personal risk he made repeated flights to evacuate injured personnel ... he evacuated 126 men in the face of the enemy and ad verse weather conditions.” The Air Medal was awarded for “loyalty and steadfast devotion to duty” during the period Au gust 5, 1950-February 6, 1951. He rescuedl several pilots from crashes at sea in addition to many scheduled helicopter flights. Thorin is now stationed at San Diego, Calif.—The Fron tier Photo.___ - =1 Ewing WSCS in Regular Session EWING — Wednesday after noon, August 1, the Women's So ciety of Christian Service met at the Ewing Methodist church for a regular meeting. Sixteen mem bers were present and 1 guest, Mrs. Herman Shroeder. Mrs. Florence Ebbengaard was in charge of the devotionals, presented the lesson, "The Last and after the business session “Even Until the End of the Road,” for Which the First Was Made.” Mrs. Earl Billings presided at the business meeting with Mrs. William Spence acting as secre tary in the absence of Mrs. J. L. Pruden. Several of the officers gave reports. Committees for the sunset banquet were appointed with the following chairmen: Menu Mrs. Henry Fleming; tables — Mrs. Leland Welke; program — Mrs. William Spence. Mrs. R. G. Rockey and Miss Anna Van Zandt, thme hostesses for the afternoon, served lunch eon from tables decorated with green crepe paper streamers and bouquets of garden flowers. Other Ewing News Mrs. Rex Minshal and son, Da vid, of Lander, Wyo., arrived in Ewing Wednesday, August 1, where they were guests of her mother, Mrs. Gay Gemmill, until Friday, then going to Long Pine to join Mr. Minshal, who was vis iting his parents at that place. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Muff and family, of O’Neill, were guests at ♦he George Jefferies home on Sunday. Bonnie Jo Jefferies is a house guest this week of Miss Netalea Maben, of Clearwater. Royce Wright spent the past, week with his grandfather, George Jefferies, at the turkey ranch on Clearwater creek. The Adrian radio service has been purchased by Henry Bahm, of Valparaiso. The stock was in voiced Tuesday, Mr. Bahm tak ing possession immediately on completion.. George Adrian, who was the owner and proprietor, plans to move today (Thursday) with his family to Wichita, Kans., where they have pur chased a residence. George will be employed in the Boeing Air craft Co., beginning work on Au gust 15. Ewing is the home town of Mr. and Mrs. Adrian, both having been born here, attended and graduated from the Ewing public school. After their marri age, they resided in California. It was here that George enlisted in the navy, serving in World War II. On his discharge, they returned to Ewing where he en gaged in radio repair work. The Adrians have 3 children—Mar vin, Brenda Sue and Colleen. Mrs. Maud Brion returned home Saturday from a vacation trip into northern Minnesota with her son, R. S. Brion, and family, of Neligh. Mrs. Everett Ruby is spending the week at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Beelaert, and fam ily near Page. Billy Harris celebrated his 8th birthday anniversary on Friday. In honor of the occasion. 9 small boys were entertained at an af ternoon party. Outdoor games and contests provided amuse ment. Ice cream, cake and a cold drisk were served by his moth er, Mrs. E. A. Harris. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Rockey attended the Wheeler county fair at Bartlett on Sunday. Miss Gloria Cratty, if Omaha, was a guest of Miss Bonnie Jo Jefferies on Friday. Mrs. Fred Maben and Netalea were guests at the William Wulf and George Jefferies homes on Tuesday, July 31. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kropp and family spent Sunday at Chambers where they were guests of her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Mick Jeffers, and family. Brother Ivo, of Gilmore acad emy, Gates Mill, O.. returned home on Tuesday after spending the past 10 days visiting in the Ewing vicinity. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Woods, of Luck, Wyo., were recent over night guests of his 3ister, Miss Vina Woods. Pvt. Charles Bergstrom left for Camp Carson, Colo., on Thursday after spending a 10-day furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. N. A. Bergstrom. PAGE NEWS Mrs. Ben Komock and Mrs. Darlene Snyder took their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smith, to Grand Island Wednesday, Au gust 1, where they left by train for Washington state where they will make an extended visit with their daughter, Mrs. Faith Knorr, at Kennewick, and their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Smith, at Walla Walla. The Help U club met Wednes day afternoon, August '1, with Mrs. Clare Schroth with 16 mem bers present. Mrs. Ella Sholes and Mrs. Nellie Hamilton were guests. Progressive pitch was played during the afternoon. Mrs. Vince Jackson was high score winner, Mrs. Roy Waring held low, and Mrs. Paul McBride won the traveling prize. A covered dish lunch was served. Their next meeting will be with Mrs. Kenneth Waring. Pvt. Elwin Haynes and sister, Melissa, came from Denton Fri day and visited until Monday with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Haynes, and other relatives and friends. Private Haynes, before going to Denton to spend his furlough with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Haynes, and Melissa, was station ed at Ft. Leonard Wood. Mo. He will report August 13 at Omaha and will go from there to Wash- i ington state. A picnic of tne t ink ana bny der families and their relatives was enjoyed at the Page park on Sunday. Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hall and daughters, of McPherson, Kans.; Mrs. Tom Sinnard, of Grand Is land: Mr. and Mrs. Bert Fink, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Fink and son and Mrs. Kittie Frye, all of Ew ing; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Snyder and W. E. Snyder, of Ainsworth; Mr. and Mrs. George Oetter and daughter, of O’Neill; Mr. and Mrs. Ben Miller and Lois, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. George Fink and Billie Zempel, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Fink and family, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Fink, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Trow bridge, Dick, Norman, Barbara and Judith, Mrs. A. O. Weber, Mrs. Larbee Kelly and Vernie Hunter. Mrs. J. K. Braddock, Donald and Audrey, of Omaha, were dinner guests Sunday, July 29, in the Alton Braddock home. Bonnie Riege returned home Saturday, July 28, after spending 10 days with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Horrocks, at Tilden. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stew art were Thursday evening sup per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Krugman and family, of O’Neill. The RNA Kensington met with Mrs. Jesse Kelly Wednesday af ternoon, July 25, with 7 members present. Mrs. Elsie Cork was a guest. A covered dish lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nissen, of Page, and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Nis sen and son, of O’Neill, left on Wednesday morning, July 25, for Mitchell where they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Lem Webb and son, going from there to Denver, Colo., to visit Mr. and Mrs. Es mond Weber and family. On their return home they will visit Mr. and Mrs. Milton Nissen and fam ily at Sidney. Mr. and Mrs. An ton Nissen are the parents of Mrs. Webb, Mrs. Weber and Milton and Dale Nissen. Mrs. Clarence Stewart enter tained at a dinner for her hus band’s birthday anniversary on Wednesday evening, July 25. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Mun son Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eickhoff, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Haynes, Mrs. Anna Coover and Mrs. Anna Thompson. Mrs. Gene Mudloff, a daughter of the Stew arts, baked the birthday cake. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smith re ceived word Wednesday evening, July 25. of the death of their son in-law, E. L. Knorr. of Kenne wick, Wash. Mrs. Knorr was the former Faith Smith. Mrs. Gailord Albright took Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Copes to Norfolk Tuesday, July 24, where they vis ited their granddaughter, Mrs. Dick Woods, of Stromsburg, a pa tient in Our Lady of Lourdes hos pital. Mrs. Bill Sorensen and 2 chil dren and Mrs. Soren Sorensen drove to Ainsworth Wednesday, July 25. Mrs. Bill Sorensen visit ed at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Sorensen, and returned home the same day. Mrs. Soren Sorensen visited her daughter, Shirley Sorensen, and returned home Thursday after noon. Mrs. J. K. Braddock and sons, Donald and Gene, of Omaha, came to Page Sunday, July 29. Donald and Gene returned home that evening. Mrs. Braddock stayed for a longer visit. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smith sold part of their household goods at auction Saturday, July 28. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Smith and Linda, Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stewart and Loren and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stewart enjoyed a fish fry at the Munson Stewart home Friday evening, July 25. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart are the parents of Mrs. Smith and Arnold and Roy Stewart. Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Stevens, ox Oakland, were supper guests on Saturday evening, July 28, at the home of the former’s sister, Mrs. Eva Cunningham, and overnight guests of his aunt, Miss Maude Martin. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. atevens and Miss Martin wtui. dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs| ri. J. Stevens and in the afternoon they visited at the LeRoy Cun ningham home. _ . _ Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Parks and Ronnie, Mrs. B. H. Stevens and Wanda, of Page, and Mrs. Fritz Brandt and son, of Atkin son left Thursday evening for Leadville, Colo., where they will visit tor a few days in the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Stevens and family and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stevens. Lorna Stev ens, who has spent some time with her brothers at Leadville, will return to Page. Watsons Move to Rapid City— Thomas Watson arrived Friday to take Mrs. Watson to their home in Rapid City, S.D. Mrs. Watson has been transferred there with the Bell Telephone company after having been in the O’Neill office for 1 yeais and 11 months. Mrs. Watson was pre sented with a gift by the local employees. Mrs. Tom Wilson, of Chadron, arrived Sunday, July 29, to visit Mrs. Theresa Murray, Mrs. Watson’s mother. Mr. and Mrs. Graydon Hemmingway ana the Murray home. Mrs Murray son, Gary, arrived Tuesday at hadn’t seen Mr. Hemmingway in 17 years. They visited An drew Wettlaufer and children Wednesday, August 1. They all left Thursday and the Watsons left Sunday. Go to Minnesota— SPENCER—Mr. and Mrs. Roy Karr went to Minnesota Sunday for a fishing trip of about 3 or 4 weeks. Mrs. Ella Karr, who was visiting the Karrs, is now at the C. E. Worth home in O’Neill. Frontier for printing._ ROYAL THEATRE — O'NEILL — Thursday, August 9 Marjorie Main and James Whitmore in MRS O'MALLEY AND MR. MALONE with Ann Dvorak They’ll tickle the nation’s fun ny bone! She’s on a man-hunt and he’s on the town! Adm. 42c, plus tax 8c, Tot. 50c Children 10c, plus 2c tax. Tot 12c Friday - Saturday August 10-11 The whole true-to-life story of the last of the great outlaws! AL JENNINGS OF OKLAHOMA Color by Technicolor Starring Dan Duryea. Gale Storm, Dick Foran, Gloria Hen ry, Guinn “Big Boy” Williams. Adm. 42c. plus tax 8c. Tot. 50c Children 10c, plus 2c tax. Tot. 12c Matinee Saturday 2:30 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday August 12-13-14 Betty Grable and Dan Dailey in CAT L ME MISTER In Technicolor Betty Grable, more glamorous than ever, and Dan Dailey head this musical, supported by a large excellent cast including Danny Thomas, who practically steals the show. Adm. 42c plus tax 8c, Total 50c. Matinee Sunday 2:30, Adm. 42c. tax 8g. Total 50c: Children 10c. plus tax 2c. Total 12c Wednesday, Thursday August 15-16 Glenn Ford, Ann Baxter, Dennis O’Keefe and June Havoc in FOLLOW THE SUN Also many famous golfers! The most dramatic sports event of the last quarter of a century was the comeback last year, after a near-fatal automobile accident in Texs, of golfer Ben Hogan. Adm. 42c. plus lax 8c. Tot. 50c Children 10c, plus 2c tax. Tot. 12c I CHAMBERS NEWS Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Barret, of Brunswick, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lybolt. Larry TangemAn spent a few days with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Tangeman, before leaving for the armed service on Wednesday, August 8. tMr. and Mrs. Charles Horton, of Beatrice, spent the weekend in the William Medcalf home. Mr. and Mrs. William Medcalf accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Em met Medcalf to Clearwater Sun day to visit relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Jake Hoerie spent Sunday with their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hoerie, and family at Clearwater. Rev. and Mrs. Arthur P. Seng piehl and son, of Chicago, 111., came Saturday to visit friends. Reverend Sengpiehl was a former pastor of the Baptist church. Clarence Young and son, Har old, who are assisting at the Bert Mitchell home at Belden were visiting at home over Sunday. Mr. Mitchell is a brother of Mrs. Young and is ill with polio. Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Farrier and family, of Chambers, Daryl Wedgewood and Lyle Clemins, of Neligh, attended the 3d annual Hardy family picnic held at Grand Lsland, Sunday, July 29. About 40 relatives w'ere present. A grocery shower in honor of Mary Lou', Gartner was held Fri day evening, August 3, at the home of Ardith Farrier. A pro gram in the form of a court trial was presented. Those taking part were Ada DeHart, Lylas Tange man, Luann Hilligas, Ruth Potter and Mary Jo Roth. About 35 were present. Refreshments were serv ed. Pfc. Harold Elkins left Monday for New Jersey where he will embark for Germany. He will be promoted to corporal and will instruct German youths in code. Harold is a brother of Stanley Elkins, of Chambers, and has worked here at different times; Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Zwiebel, of Harlan. Ia., spent Sunday with her father and wife, Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Gillette. They were enroute to the Black Hills. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Tomlinson, of O’Neill, celebrated their 55th wedding anniversary with a pic nic af Ford’s park. All 7 of their sons and daughters were present, also all but 2 grandsons, Robert Turner, of Chambers, and Henry Bruhn, of North Platte, who are in the armed service, and 2 great granddaughters. Mrs. John Honeywell went to the home of her daughter, Mrs. El wyn Rubeck, in O’Neill Monday evening, August 6, to attend a shower for a friend. She visited there over Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mitchell and family drove to Kearney Satur day, July 28, where they visited until Monday with her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Young, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Will Jutte drove to Stuart Sunday, August 5, to visit her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Casper Harley. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Medcalf and children, of Sioux City, and Mr. E. R. Carpenter drove to Atkin son Saturday evening to visit the latter’s daughter and hus band, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stevens, and children. Frontier for printing. DANCE SUMMERLAND at Ewing Sunday, August 12 ) Music by JIMMY CATON and His Orchestra No Dance Here August 19 Excellently Located 102 ACRES ADJOINS ATKINSON. NEBRASKA * SELLS AT AUCTION TUESDAY, AUGUST 14 2:30 P.M. SALE WILL BE HELD AT THE ATKINSON LIVESTOCK MARKET. FOLLOWING THE HOG AUCTION Legal Description All that part of the Northeast Quarter of Section 4 in Town ^ ship 29 North of Rangel 14, West of 6 P.M. in Holt County, Nebraska. Lying south of the right of way of the Chicago and Northwestern Railroad, except a strip 25 feet wide of the west side thereof, contains approximately 102% acres. Location This property is located directly southwest of the Atkinson Livestock Market and immediately east of the NEW FEED YARDS now under development by Ernie Weller. It is ideal ly located for the development of feed lots or holding pas tures for livestock. It is fenced and cross fenced, has well ( and windmill with ample water supply and is all seeded to grass. Order of Sale This property will be offered as a unit or in tracts to suit in terested buyers. Terms 25 percent cash day of sale—25 percent January 2, 1952—bal ance of 50 percent I will carry back at 5 percent annual in terest. Warranty deeds and abstracts will be furnished. Pos session will be given September 1, 1951. Reason for Sale Advancing age makes it desirable that I sell this property. Interested parties may call me at the Stockman Hotel in At kinson at any time and I will show the property and talk things over with you if you are interested in all or just a part of the land. ,1 JOHN MISKIMINS Owner ERNIE WELLER, Auctioneer ATKINSON. NEBRASKA ANNOUNCEMENT The Insurance Office of L. G. Gillespie is in Gillespies Radio Electric building. ‘/2-block south First National Bank. INSURANCE OF ALL KINDS O’NEILL Phone 114 or 218 NEBR. FOR VACATION SNAPSHOOTING... KODAK Duaflex D CAMERA Kodet Lens Has big brilliant view finder. Takes black-and-white and col or snapshots—12 pictures per roll. See it here. Only $14.95, inc. Fed. Tax. O’NIL PHOTO CO. Phone 1 O’Neill Paint Closeout I HALF - PRICE ALL P AI NT listed below to be closed out at one-half of Regular Price. Now is the time to lay in your supply a,s prices on good, standard quality paint will never be lower! This big offer only lasts three days, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, August 9 10-11. ^ First come first served! All must go! None reserved and no returns! Outside Paint 5-gal. lot* 5.25 Per Gallon Half price 2.63 Per Gallon 1 oral, lots 5.50. NOW 2.75 gal. 1 quart lots 1.50, NOW 75c qt. Chi-Name) Primer 5-gal. lot* 5.25 Half Price 2.63 Cal. SHINGLE STAIN 1-gal. Cans 3.94 Per Gallon Half Price 1.97 Gal. Raw Linseed Oil 5-gal. lot* 2.98 Per Gallon Half Price 1.49 Per Gallon Turpentine Gal., Half Price SI Gal. ^ Chi-Namel Everred Barn Paint 5-gal. lots 2.95 Half Price 1.48 Cal Rex Flat Wall Paint 1 gal. lots 4.20 Half Price, 2.10 Per Gallon Quarts 1.30 Half Price, 65c Qt. Tractor and Machine Paint Quart Size 1.60 Half Price 80c Quart Chi-Namel Varnish 1-gal. lots 5.96 Half Price 2.98 Per Gallon Porch and Floor Paint Gallons 5.89 Half Price i 2.94 Gal. BEN FRANKLIN STORE R. V. LIUCAS. Owner O’NEILL, NEBR.