Hear Report on Long Pine Outing— The Star Get - Together club met Wednesday afternoon, July 11, at the home of Mrs. Ben Mil ler. Roll call was answered with “Your Favorite Radio Program. There were 13 members present. A report was given on the day spent at vacation camp at Hidden Paradise park at Long Fine. Those who attended the guest day at Long Pine were Mrs. Bill - Hibbs, Mrs. Lysle Johnson, Mrs. Nels Linquist, Mrs. Fred Tim merman and Mrs. Ewalt Miller. The next meeting will be Aug ust 8 at the home of Mrs. William Derickson. , , , Mrs. Miller served refresh ments at the close of the after noon.—By Mrs. Ewalt Miller, re porter. ' ~ House-Warming at Socha Home— Mrs. Dorothy A. Socha and daughters were hostesses at a house-warming party hell at their home Sunday. The guests, all of whom brought basket din ners, were: Mrs. Joe Sobotka, of Inman; Mrs. Edward Rozmus, of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Socha and family, of Cedar Rapids; Mr. and Mrs. Emil Socha and daugh ter, of Wolback; Mr. and Mrs. Lattie Socha and Pamela and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Socha, sr., all of Primrose; Mr. and Mrs. Leon ard Fisher and Carolyn and Mr. and Mrs. Pete Christo and daugh ter. all of Albion, and Mrs. Rich ard Fox, of O’Neill. Mrs. Hattie Boelter Has Anniversary— STAR — Mr. and Mrs. Gera.a Waring and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Boelter and family. Jeny Hull, Mr. and Mrs. ivwalt Miller and family spent Saturday eve ning. July 14. with Mrs. Ha die Boelter to honor her oirthday an niversary. Cake and ice cream were served. Mrs. Boelterwas also honored with a birthday card shower. She received many cards from friends and relatives. Rosemary Ryan's Betrothal Announced— Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Ryan, of South Sioux City, announce the approaching (marriage of then daughter, Miss Rosemary Ryan, to Richard Francis fTedrow, son of Mrs. Mary Agnes Whetstone, also of South Sioux City. Rev. Richard Sweeney will read the service, at a 9 o’clock nuptial mass on Saturday, August 11, at St. Jean Baptiste Catholic church. The bride-elect is a gradual or St. Mary’s academy. She is a sis ter Jt Mrs Cecrgc Hammond M Teurjv* is court .eporter at tn> municipal court in South Sioux City. _ O'Neill People Attend Iowa Wedding— A miscellaneous shower was given Tuesday evening, July 10, for Miss Pat Robinson at the James Murphy home. Miss Robinson became the bride of Donald Murphy Thurs day (morning, July 12, in a nuptial rite at Anthon, la. w Mr. and Mrs. James Murphy and daughters, Mary and Cor rine, and dames Gallagher attend ed the ceremony. Save'time and money on auto parts and accessories. Try us First.—Western Auto, O'Neill. ll-16c Rural Youth Group Makes Fun Fest Plans— A regular meeting of the O’ Neill Rural Youth was held Fri day evening, July1 13, at the courthouse annex. We made plans frit* a fun fest to be held at Atkinson July 24. Everyone is welcome. Sandwich es, punch and pop com balls will be sold by the members. Come and enjoy the square and folk dancing taught by the Rural Youth members. We discussed the state Rural Youth camp to be August 3-4-5 at the Chadron state park. Visitors were: Bernice Grothe, of Emmet; Ruth Goeke, Ruth Lamb, Charles Shane and LeRoy Roth, all of Atkinson. A number of games and dances along with an enjoyable song ses sion led by different members of the group completed the evening. —By Alice Whaley, reporter. Group Entertains Nearby WSCS Units— The Women’s Society of Chris tian Service of the O’Neill Meth odist church on Thursday( July 12, entertained the WSCS units from the following nearby Meth odist churches: Page, Chambers, Atkinson, In man and Emmet. Mrs. H. L. Lindberg was in charge of the program during which each unit supplied a selec tion. Highlights of the Drogram were a talk by Doctor Holden and greetings by Miss Ruth Har ris, who also sang some Chinese songs for the group. Doctor Hold en and Miss Harris are missionar ies returned from foreign fields. Refreshments were served. The meeting was held in the church parlors here. Omaha SMA Alumnae Plans Picnic— The annual O’Neill picnic spon sored by the St. Mary’s alumnae, of Omaha, will be held at Benson park on Sunday, July 22, at 4 pjm. All former O’Neill residents are cordially invited to attend and provide their own picnic lunch, according to Miss Beverly Mc Carthy, of Omaha, formerly of O’Neill. Former Residents Are Guests— Mr. and Mrs. Verne Reynold son and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Reynoldson and family and Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Doeming and family entertained Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Carlson, of Omaha, at a picnic Sunday at the Country club. Mrs. Hiatt is Hostess— Winners at MM club meeting Wednesday, July 11, at Mrs. Arlo A. Hiatt’s home were Mrs. H. 1 Lindberg, high; Mrs. H. S. Moses, guest high and Mrs. Dewight Harder, the all-cut. Plan to Move— Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hill and family planned to move this week to the place formerly occu pied by Mr. and Mrs. Arthur La Frenz. Picnic for Relatives— Mr. and Mrs. William J. Froe lich were hosts at a picnic Satur day at their home for their fam ilies. Voice of the Frontier MONDAY ■ WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY ' -9:45A.M. WJAG (Norfolk) 780 k.c. \ } JOIN YOUR NEIGHBORS thrice week ly with the informal, chatty roundup of all the news and shopping information direct from O’Neill . . . from studios in The Frontier building. THE FRONTIER “North-Nebraska’s Fastest-Growing Newspaper” HTHTffiTrT MMNuuamraNMCGsnnM UNSEATED AT STUART . . . This cowpoke didn’t last long a board a wild bronc during Stuart’s annual 2-day rodeo, held July 3 and 4 this year. The frustrated rider disappeared into the crowd before the cameraman could get his name. — O’Neill Photo Co.; The Frontier Engraving. 5 O'Neilliie* at Creighton 'U'— O’Neill is represented by 5 stu dents at Qneighton university, Omaha, this summer. The 5 are among the 810 stu dents attending the 1951 summer session. They are: Thomas C. Harty, John C. O’Neill, Stephen W. Price, Ed ward F. Campbell and William J. Froellch, jr. Campbell and Froelich are sen iors, Price and Harty are juniors, while OiNeill is a sophomore. School will end on August 2 for students attending the regu lar 8-week session. An accelerated 11-week program runs until Au gust 20. Gilg Family Holds Reunion— Sunday the Francis Gilg homo was the scene of a family reun ion. Among the guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Clark Hough and boys, of Burlington, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Kaup and famliy, of Stuart, and Mr. and iMrs. Clar ence Gilg and family, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gilg and family, Mrs. Mary Gilg and Woody, Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Keating, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Van Fleet and family, all of Atkinson. See Son in Army in Colorado— Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clements, accompanied by their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. James Adams, of Lincoln, returned Mon day from a trip to Lowry Field, Denver, Colo., to visit their son and brother, respectively, Pfc. Robert (“Bob”) Clements. They left last Thursday. Mrs. Allen Knight and Mike left Saturday to meet Mr. Knight at Camp Carson, Colo. Pfc. Knight landed in the States last week from an overseas assignment. Miss Vernice Beckwith, of Co lumbus, arrived Sunday evening to spend a couple of weeks with Miss Lynette Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Martin and children and C. L. Bishop, ot Bartlett, were Saturday evening callers at the M. M. Krause home. Mr. and Mrs. Herman J. Jan zing ana Joyce went to Ft. Dodge, la., Friday where Mr. Janzing had business. Mrs. John Rotherham, of In man, and Jim Rotherham re turned Tuesday, July 10, from West Burlington, la. They brought back Bartley, Bobby and Tommy Rotherham, of Springy field, 111., with them for a visit. Gary and Ronnie Holly left Tuesday for a visit with their cousin, Frankie Joe Nejedly, of Creighton. The boys expect to return Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Davis re turned Monday from a week’s va cation in Kansas with relatives and friends. One of their visits was in Washington. oara party ana tunc* ai si. Mary's gym Sunday, July 29, at 8, sponsored by St. Mary's alum ni. Lunch 50c. 11*12 Frederick B. Holsclaw and 3 children, of (Mission, Kans., start ed home Sunday after a week’s visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred H. Holsclaw. The sen ior Holsclaw daughter, Miss Mari lyn, who has been vacationing at home since July 3, returned Sun day to Lincoln, where she is em ployed in the State house. Her sister, Miss Janice, returned with her for a visit. Miss Ruth Harris went Friday to Omaha and Lincoln for a few days. Miss Mary Cullen, of Omaha, who came for the Patrick O’Don nell funeral Saturday, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. N. Cronin and Miss Genevieve Biglin for a few days. Miss Lynda Haynes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Haynes, visited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Haynes, in Page from Tuesday until Sunday. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Butterfield and family were (Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Collins, of Crofton, Mr. and Mrs. George Weber, of Winnstoon, Mr. and Mrs. Lou Speers, of Verdi - gre, and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd But terfield and family, of Atkinson. Mrs. Lyle Wright and Arlis and Mrs. Raymond Shoemaker and son, all of Chambers, visited Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Gaskill last Thurs day. Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Gildersleeve attended the races at Madison last Thursday. SOUTH STUART NEWS Mrs. Vernon Heyne enter tained the afternoon bridge club at her home July 11. (Mrs. Art Givens and Mrs. Harold Givens received prizes. A lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rhodes at tended the picnic at Cleveland Sunday. Mrs. Roy Rhodes and Mrs. Pete Foxworthy were O’Neill visitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hamik and family spent Thursday eve ning, July 12, at the Geo. Shald home. Miss Bertha Bruder, of Boul der, Colo., visited her sister, Mrs. Geo. Shald, and family Tuesday, juiy 10, and Wednesday, July 11. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Greenfield, Mr. and Mrs. Joy Greenfield and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Heyne at tended the Bible camp picnic at Cleveland Sunday. Jerry Heyne spent last week at Bible camp at Cleveland. Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Slaymaker spent Sunday afternoon at the Stub Kunz home. Delores Batenhorst spent from Friday to Monday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Batenhorst. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ziska and Marvin visited Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Kaup and family Wednesday afternoon, July 11. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Shald and Davy and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sho berg were Thursday evening, July 12, guests in the Walter Kaup home. ^ Mr. and Mrs. Dan Troshynski were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Art Givens. They attended the ball game in Long Pine in the afternoon. Louis returned home with them. Mr. and Mrs. Art uivens «uiu children were Thursday, July 12, dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pongratz. They were O’Neill visitors in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wallinger, Jerry and Denny, Mm. Kather ine Papke and Avis were Nor folk visitors Thursday, July 12. Jerry had a cyst removed from his eye. Mr. and Mrs. Don Wallinger spent Sunday fishing at the John son Dale place. A. M. Batenhorst went to Lin coln Monday morning to attend the tax meetings. Mr. and Mrs. Romanus Kaup and Danny visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Welchman, jr., Thursday afternoon, July 12. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weichman, jr., and family spent Sunday eve ning at the Tony Kaup home. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ziska and family visited the Art Giv ens family Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. John Hamik and family were Sunday dinner guests of the John Miksch family. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Barnes and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Le Munyan. The J. P- Murphy family at tended the air show in O’Neill Sunday. .. _ . . , Mr. and Mrs. Orville Prickett, of Wakefield, spent Friday at the J. P. Murphy home. Mrs. Andy Hytrek and Mr. and Mrs. Tam Shoberg, of Spencer, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kaup. iUi. CUIU — -- visited Mr. and Mrs. Bob Krysl at Gregory, S. D., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Shald and Davy and Mr. and Mrs. Bud Kunz and girls attended the ball game at Inman Sunday. The Shalds were Sunday evening dinner guests in the Kunz home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deermer, Lawrence and Ronnie went to Omaha Thursday, July 12, where Mrs. Deermer received a medical checkup. Nick Ramold helped Richard and Marion with tiie work while their parents were in Omaha. Elvira Smith spent Sunday af ternoon at the Charles Deermer home. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tasler at tended the picnic at Cleveland Sunday. To Grand Island— Mr. and Mrs. George C. Robert son and Miss Barbara Robertson went to Grand Island Sunday. There they met Barbara's par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Geoige T. Robertson, and her sister. Joan, and Barbara returned with them to her home at Benkleman. She had visited at the George C. Rob ertson home here for a week. Return to Washington— Mrs. Maurice Cavanaugh, Mrs. Henry Koufahl and Duane Cav anaugh took Mrs. M. L. Moody and 2 sons to Grand Island cn Tuesday. The Moodys were re turning to their home in Cash mere, Wash., after a month’s vis it here. Plans to Participate in Southern Tour STUART—Mr. and Mrs. rierlin Mitchell and family drove to Wayne on Saturday, July 14. Miss Lucille Mitchell attended a meet ing of the group of school teach ers who w’ill take a study tour in the deep South of the United States. The group wiU leave Nor folk by chartered bus on Sunday, August 5. Other Stuart News Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cigrand and family, of Cascade, la., came on Thursday, July 12, for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Shearer. Mrs. Josephine Timmermans and Tommy Higgins, of Broeks burg, visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Coffman on Friday, July 13. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Boldra. of Omaha, and their daughter. Mrs. Ed paubman, and daughter, Diane, of Pittsburgh. Pa., visited with -4he Berlin Mitchell family Tuesday and Wednesday, July 10 antt M. Mrs. Boldra is a sister of . Mr. Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Dodd, of Lincoln, and Miss Connie Thorpe, of Crete, visited over the week end with Mr. and Mrs Ernest Dodd. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Osborne, of Harrisburg, came on Thursday, July 12, and spent the weekend with her brother, Berlin Mitchell, and family. Mrs. Blanche Buxton, cf Ar kansas City, Kans., returned to her home on Thursday, July 12, after visiting 2 weeks with her mother. Mrs. Harry Snyder, and sister, Mrs. Ernest Dodd. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Grace and family returned to their home in Omaha Sunday, July 15, after spending the week at the Mah lon Shearer home. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Higgins and daughter, Delores, of Brocks burg, were dinner guests of Mrs. Frances Roberts on Thursday, July 12. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Schaffer, of Rushville, came on Thursday, July 12, to visit over the week end with Mrs. Schaffer's sister, Mrs. Frances Roberts. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Coffman were O’Neill visitors on Satur day, July 14. EWING NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Pahl and family, of West Point, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Larson. Miss Sally Chriiston is now em ployed at the county agent’s of fice in OtNeill. Patricia, Jerry and Ronald, Hahlbeck left Monday for Pibel lake with Ronald Burke, pastor of the 9wing Church of Christ, where they will attend Bible camp for the week, r Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fleming enjoyed a visit from her brother, Walter Hunt, of Riverside, Calif., and her sister, Mrs. Dora Town send, of Page. Mr. Hunt left Sun day for his home and Mrs. Town send went to Hartington, where she will visit a daughter. Mr. and iMrs. Willet Couch, of Portland, Ore., and Mrs. Sarah Bonge, of Plainview, were week end guests at the Henry Fleming home. Mrs. Maude Bnon spent tne weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Forker near Cham bers. They all attended the air show at O'Neill in the afternoon. The YM club gathered at the country home of Mrs. Ray Angus Tuesday evening, July 10. Pin ochle was played for entertain ment with the following score winners: Mrs. Gail Boies, high, and Mrs. Arthur Kropp, low. The traveling prize went to Mrs. Le land Welke. Refreshments were served by Mrs. Angus and Mrs. Kernut Jefferies, the assisting hostess. Mrs. John Walker was a guest. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Ewing, of Chadron, were guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Dierks. Mr. Ewing attends college at Chadron and has been hired as coach in the Ewing public schools for the coming year. They have secured the residence vacated by the Robert Pruden family for their home in Ewing. Guests at the L. P. Dierks home on Friday evening were Mrs. Wilda Carr and 3 children, Mrs. Viola Maupin, of North Platte, ana ivi. n- uici M. H. Dierks is baik home again in Ewing after spending the past 2 months with h:s daughters, Mrs. Viola Maupin, at North Platte, and Mrs. Walter Tressler and family, at Ogallala. Pat Carr, his grandson, is staying with him. Dan Tucker, of Bassett, spent Sunday with his schoolmate, Merton Dierks. Lee Martin Spittler and fam ily, of California, are guests m the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Spittler. Mr and Mrs. Stanley Merchant of Fremont, were overnight guests at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Harris, on "^issesJoan Angus and Marlize Schrad recently left on a trip to California. Word has been re ceiven from Joan that she now has employment in the Citizens National bank in Los Angeles. Mrs. Ralph Eacher, Mrs. Jessie Angus. Miss Anna Van Zandt, Mrs. Florence Butler Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Chappell attended the “Wings Over Jordan" program Friday, July 6. at the Neligh high school auditorium. This was a musical program presented by a negro choir. _ ._ Howard Stumbaugh, of Omaha, was a recent visitor at the home of his mother, Mrs. Bertha Stum ^Bonnie Barby, accompanied by a girl friend, Marlene Bowly. left for their home in Omaha on Sun day by bus, after spending 3 weeks with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Watson McDonald and daughters, Rosetta and Vir ginia, spent the weekend of July d at Premont visiting at the home of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs, Ray F. Angus. Mrs. Gail Boies, Mrs. Harold Harris, Mrs. Rose Bauer and chil dren were Plainview visitors on Tuesday, July 10. Mr. and Mrs. J. Q. Archer drove to Grand island to spend the weekend with their son, Maurice, and family. Their grandson, John nie Archer, of St. Louis, Mo., ac companied them home. Mis. Viola Maupin, of North Platte, accompanied by her fath er, M. H. DierKs, and her nephew,, Pat Carr, spent the weekend at Mr. Dierks' home. Mrs. Wilda Carr and daughter, Mary Catherine, of Lunclon, spent the weekend at the home of he. father, M. H. Dierks. Mr. and Mrs. Coe Butler, of Lincoln, were weekend guests of ■ relatives. H. R. Porter, who has | ! spent the past 10 days at Lincoln, 1 returned with them. un weanesaay anernoon, juiy 11, the Women's Society of Chris tian Service of the Ewing Metho dist church, held the regular meeting at the church parlors. Mrs. Jessie Angus and Mrs. W. A. Brown were the hostesses. Miss Anna Van Zandt presided at the devotionals, “Come Unto Me” and also presented the lesson, the theme being, “Our Healing Mis sion in the Philippines.” At the business session in charge of the president, Mrs. Earl Billings, the bazaar committees were appoint ed as follows: Fancy work—Mrs. R. G. Rockey; the country store— Miss Anna Van Zandt; grab box and greeting cards—Mrs. Henry Fleming; aprons — Mrs. Waldo Davis and Mrs. A. H. Marquardt; lunch—Mrs. Wm. Spence. Plans were completed for the food sale which the society will hold at the Rockey Implement company on July 2h. Friday, July 20, was selected as the day to clean the rooms in the church basement. They will have a covered dish luncheon at noon. Guests were Mrs. Will Conner, Mrs. Elmer Woeppel, Mrs. Archie Tuttle and Mrs. Allan Pollock, the latter be coming members of the society. A luncheon was served by the hostesses. , _ , . Mr. and Mrs. John Eacker, of Broken Bow, spent the weekend at the home of his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eacker On Saturday, Mrs. Ralph Eack er Mrs. Agnes Bartak, (Mrs. Anna Savidge, and Mrs. Otto Reimei drove to Ericson to attend tnt funeral of Arthur Burhans, whc was fatally injured in a cai wreck. He was a relative of tne Burhans family which formerlj lived in Ewing. , • Miss Wanda Lee, of Omaha, ii a guest at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lee. ONEILL LOCALS S/Sgt. Hugh Langan who i: stationed at Forbes Air Base, To peka, Kans., is spending a Jti-daj furlough at the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Lang an, of Spencer. He arrived Sun day. July 1. , . . Mrs F. M. Brennan and daugh ter. Miss Pat, are visiting Mr and Mrs. Neil F. Brennan anc daughter at Madison. Wise. Thej plan to be gone for 2 weeks. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Sauers re turned Friday after a trip tc Iowa where they visited Mr. anc Mrs. J. J. Spies. Mrs. Spies anc Mrs. Sauers are sisters. Mrs. Mary Drake, of Mason Ci ty, la., was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Schacht for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Schacht took her to Newcastle Sunday where she will visit for a while with a niece before returning to Mason City. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schenzel visited with Mrs. Ruby Miller and Miss Anna Kayl, of Norfolk, over the weekend. Lewis Sch^n zel returned to O’Neill .with them for a short visit. f Mrs. Florence Schultz ipent Wednesday and Thursday,' July 11 and 12, with her son, John Schultz, and family at their farm home near Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. Shelham er and Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Ru beck spent Tuesday and Wednes day. July 10 and 11. in Omaha. Miss Catherine Tomlinson, of West Point, is spending tho week with Miss Sharlene Shoemaker, daughter of Mrs. Leona Shoe maker. She arrived Friday. Mr. and Mrs. EJm°r Reddick, of Wood Lake/ and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Soukup visited Saturday at the Mark O. Howard homo. Mr. and Mrs. O. M Herre spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs. James Herre, of Beatrice. Sgt. Raymond Suliivan, who has been stationed at Ft. Leon ard Wood, Mo., will leave Sunday after spending 2 weeks with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Sulli van. He will be stationed near Seattle, Wash. Edward Campbell and William Froelich returned to Creighton university after spending the weekend with their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Storjohann, Margaret Ann and Jeannie, Miss Dolly Hood and Miss Cathy Ru beck were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Benash. Mrs. J. F. McCarthy and 2 sons arrived Wednesday, July 11, for a month’s visit with Mr. and Mrs. George E. Peterson, sr. ' _ ... the letter* (tart. Then many reader* of THE CHRIS TIAN SCIENCE MONITOR tell the Editor how much they enjoy thi* daily world-wide newspaper, with each com ments a*: “The Monitor is the most carefully edited ne»cv paper in the V. S. . . • , “Valuable aid in teach* ing ... "Netos that is complete and fairr. , "The Monitor surely is e reader's necessity . . Yon, too, will find the Monitor informative, with complete world new* ... and a* neces sary a* your HOME TOWN paper. > Use this coupon for a Special Introductory subscription — 3 MONTHS FOR^ONLY >3, TW Ckrhllaa Stlaaca Maakar Oaa. Nanraj It., Daalaa IS, V. S. A. Ptaaaa iaaJ aia aa talrWactary aaftairtp liaa la Tka CkrUilaa Salaaaa Maakaa j 7* laaaaa. I aadaaa IS ' (aJJraaa) | (ctty) (sso*) (*••••) . ^^ 'T DO YOU Practice Economy? If you do, you will appreciate the value received in one of these late model used cars! 1950 Oldsmobile 98 4-Dr. Sed. Hydromatic. radio, healer, seal covers, sun visor and while side wall tires. This is a one owner car. Very clean. 1949 Ford V-8 Custom 5-Pass. Cpe. 14,000 miles. ___ _ ^ Only_$1095.00 1949 Chevrolet Fleetline 2-Dr. 1948 Chevrolet Aero Sedan 1947 Chevrolet 2-Dr. Sed., Only $875.00 1947 Chevrolet 4-Dr. Sed., Only $795.00 1949 Chevrolet 1-Ton Pickup Only_$995.00 1948 Chevrolet 1^2‘Ton L.W.B. Only_$745.00 1947 Chevrolet l/^-Ton L.W.B. Only___$695.00 Other Makes and Models to Pick From MIDWEST MOTOR 00.. LTD. Sales & Service CHEVROLET - OLDSMOBILE CADILLAC Phone 100 O’Neill —