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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1951)
Sister M. Adele in Golden Jubilee STUART—Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Engler returned home on Tues day, June 12, from Denver, Colo., where they had attended the golden jubilee celebration on Thursday, June 7, of Mrs. Eng ler’s sister, Sister M. Adele, of St. Anthony’s hospital, Denver. Other relatives present for the occasion were: Sister M. Rudolf ina, of Emporia, Kans., Mr. and Mrs. John Simons and daughter, Rita, and Mr. and Mrs. Mark Storms, of Valentine; Mrs. John Keogh, of Edgemont, S. D., and daughters, Sister John Marie, of Dead wood, S. D.; Sister Margaret Mary, of Rapid City, S. D.; Mr. and Mrs. William Langer, of Nor <ten, and Miss Mary Langer, of Alliance. Suiter Rudolfina, Mrs. Langer, Mrs. Keogh, Mrs. Engler and Mr. Simons are all sisters and broth er of Sister Adele. On Saturday, June 9, they were all dinner and supper guests at th home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Langer in Denver. Mrs Danger is the former Margaret Seger, of Atkinson. On their way home the Fnglers were overnight guests at the home of an uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Keuter, at Ft. Lupton, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Steinhauser accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Engler to Denver but returned home on Friday on account of iliness. Other Stuart Nows Mr. and Mrs. James Nachtman and family and Don Fox, of New port, attended a birthday anni versary party for Mrs. Nacht man’s father, Adolph Elis, at Ver del on Sunday, June 13. Mr. Elis was 69-years-old. All his children and some neighbors were pres ent. LaVem Kramer, Duane Ack erman and Danny Flannigan went to Lake Andes, S D., on Saturday, June 16, and spent Sunday fishing there. Mr. and Mrs. Gail Steinbach and family, and his father, John Steinbach, of Texas City, Tex., spent Monday, June 11, at the James Nachtman home. Gail Steinbach is a nephew and John Steinbach a brother-in-law of Mr. Nachtman. Rev. Joseph Kaup has been ap pointed pastor of St. Patrick’s church at Battle Creek. Reverend Kaup has been in Omaha where he was assistant pastor at St. Margaret and Mary church. His mother, Mrs. Gertrude Kaup, has gone to Battle Creek to make her home with him. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Dodd, of Lincoln, came on Saturday night to spend father’s day with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dodd. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sny der were also guests. Miss Bemelda Bolen, who at tends the state college at Chad ron, visited over the June 16 and 17 weekend with home folks. Lowell Dodd and his relay teammates from Doane college at Crete went to Milwaukee, Wise., on Thursday, June 7, for a col lege track meet. The boys won third place in the 1-mile relay. They returned to Crete on Mon day and Lowell came home on Wednesday, June 13, to spend MILLER THEATRE —Atkinson, Nebr.— Fri-Sat. June 22-23 JOHN ~ PAYNE RHONDA FLEMING DINNJS OKEEff Wed.-Thurs. June 27-28 A COMPLETE CLOSING OUT RANCH AUCTION LIVESTOCK and EQUIPMENT THURSDAY, JUNE 28 Starting at 12:30 P.M. Sharp Due to weather and road conditions sale will be held at the Tom Doolittle Ranch, located 19 miles south and 1 mile east o 1 Atkinson, Nebraska, on Highway No. 11—or mile north and 1 mile east of Amelia Corner. 204 Head of High Grade Aberdeen Angus Cattle Foundation cows for this herd were bought from Bill Dierks 4 years ago when he sold out. Quality and breeding are very good. | 7® head of Angus breeding cows, with calves at foot. Ages 2 to 6 years old. 5 Head of cows to calve soon. 10 Head of milk cows, Holsteins and cross bred HoUtein Angus. Jill young cows and heavy milkers. 26 Yearling Angus heifers. 1 12 Yearling Angus steers. 1 Registered Angus 4-yr.-old bulL 1 2-yr. old Angus bull. 15 Head of Horses Team of bay geldings. 4 and 6 years old, woight 3,000 lbs., good broke grey gelding and black mare, smooth mouth, weight 2.800. Good workers. Grey 4-year-old saddle horse. Haying Machinery and Equipment 2 Regular Farmall tractors in good shape; 1948 Far mall B tractor; new power mower for B tractor; used power mower; good trail mower; 3 new Case 12-foot hay rakes; rake hitch; slide stacker; 1935 Ford V8 power sweep; good underslung with 8Va rear and 7.50 front tires; rubber-tired wagon and rack; 1948 Ford half-ton pickup with rack; Economy King cream separator; 100 foot of Vs - inch flexible cable; good stock saddle; tractor winch; many tools, etc. My Lease On a Choice 160 Acre Hay Meadow for This Year Will also be sold at auction. This is the Henry Stolte quarter, located 19 miles south of Atkinson on Highway No. 11. It is one of thd best Will also offer 24 stacks o! last year's hay for sale from this meadow. I have bought a business in Scottsbluff. Nebr.. and every thing sells to the highest bidder, without reservation. TERMS: Cash. — Lunch will be served on the grounds all afternoon CLINTON ("IKE") DOOLITTLE OWNER ERNIE WELLER, Auctioneer JOE KOKES & GENE HICKOK, Clerks This ad will appear but once; clip and save if interested. Official Proceedings of Holt County I Board of Supervisors ■■■■ - - ■ "" """ 1 .■." O’Neill. Nebraska Chairman. May 31, 1951 Minutes of the previous meet , _ 10:00 A. M. ing were read and approved as Holt County Board of Equal- read, ization met at the rail of the Motion by Clark, seconded by Clerk. All members present. Borg that the following schedules Meeting called to order by the be lowered: Page Oil Company- .from $4085.00 to $3085.00 Ralphs Food Center-from 5220.00 to 4720.00 Earley Oil Company-from 4065.00 to 3265 00 Coast to Coast Store.. from 8075.00 to 7075 00 Sullivan Grocery.. -..from 1000.00 to 50000 Harold C. & Viola Haynes-from 1760.00 to 1360.00 Levi Bros.- from 1205.00 to 805.00 Motion by Borg, seconded by cause as to why the valuations Stems that the following persons should not be increased on their be notified to appear before the property as follows Board of Equalization to show * American Gear Company-from $21415.00 to $25415.00 Bazelman’s Oil Company-from 230.00 to 730.00 Dr. L. A. Burgess- -from 335.00 to 685.00 Lloyd Collins Implements- from 22860.00 to 27860.00 Corkle Feed and Hatchery-from 4255.00 to 6255.00 C?yne,Hardware-from 7470.00 to 8970.00 0 Neill Drug Company. from 5240.00 to 6040.00 Hr- £inley ....—.-from 50.00 to 250.00 Hr- Fl®h?r - -from 200.00 to 400 00 1 T; V,nHin Yj--—.from 270.00 to 670.00 L M. McDonald- from 14967.00 to 15967.00 MeCarville Store-.from 5190.00 to 6690.00 Looker Inc -from 4966.00 to 6966.00 Dr Kubitschek-from 170.00 to 370.00 ^toTC°' from 3260.00 to 4260.00 D R Mo°ubntsLnff?pe/ C°-from 15035 00 to 22035 00 n-Moiii aU*1 ’c°ff iCC-- from 350.00 to 700.00 *? Supplie®- —..from 11709.00 to 19709.00 Spelts-Ray Lumber Co.-.from 18555.00 to 22555.00 Tf^«nniiCream Company- from 19035.00 to 23035.00 Texas Oil Company-- from 2155.00 to 4155.00 SLnndr J b C°-from 2055.00 to 4055.00 TonvAdm0 rCV.Y7i--from 1350.00 to 2350.00 Tiny Asimus Implement Co.--- from 9305.00 to 11305 00 Johnson Drug Company _from cnnc nn tn ,.rm(- nn Shdhamcr Equipment Co.... from 12057.00 to 15057.00 Flannigan^Grocery- *rom 30600 to 60500 SSfiSJftF :SSS .So0 g iS.o° rKe?rspw„7c^::-z& sag sa 8Vb£* zrrSSS SS g iii?:SS gsas Lc^r ®«wzi==|s .ssss lists S!Z%ccL'-z=z:~~ SSS 2l“«“ Otto Gloor Bakery -ZTiSS So to sSsloo Gonderinger Motor Company —.-from 9155.00 to 11153.00 Horner Lumber Company- from 14985.00 to 175)85 00 Keating implement Company ..from 20196.00 to 241*6 00 pi',”: J. Kubitschek. from 330.00 to 660.00 N P Mryi*®- ?°m 375.00 to 675.00 nr --from 270.00 to 670.00 Dr. Frank Mancuso- .from 390.00 to 690.00 Morgan Hardware--from 11675.00 to 14175.00 ?,°h.,ifnnS- -—from 720.00 to 1070.00 in. c t,DrUgi- from 3960.00 to 5660.00 Joe Schmuecker-from 630.00 to 1830.00 Minnie P Shaw- from 1925.00 to 3125.00 Thomas Slattery-from 12000.00 to 15000.00 J1'™ ^rug ~00 -from 4655.00 to 5G55.G0 E. C. Weller Lot 43 of 33-30-14 -from 4300.00 to 7300.00 James L. Bengan, Lot 32 33-30-14-.from 365.00 to 800.00 5:00 P.M. On motion the Board adjourned to June 8, 1951, at 10:00 A. M. O’Neill, Nebraska June 8, 1951 10:00 A. M . Holt County Board of Equal ization met as per adjaurnment. A11 members present except Sterns. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Minutes of the previous meet ing were read and approved as read. Dr. Kubitschek appeared be fore the Board protesting the in crease on his office equipment. Motion was made by Baten horst, seconded by Friekel that the valuation be left at $370.00 the amount to which they had increased it. Motion carried. Motion by Clark, seconded by Hubbard that complaints of G. E. Moor, Inman, Martha C. Hill, Ewing, Lulu Poessnecker, Atkin son, and R. A. Findley, Atkinson, be laid aside until next year when real estate will be revalu ed. Motion carried. Jas. Corkle, Hugh Ray, and Leo Moore appeared before the Board during the day and requested an audit of their inventories in their respective places of business lor taxation purposes. 5:00 P.M. On motion the Board adjourned until June 12, 1951, at 10:00 A. M. RUTH HOFFMAN. County Clerk FRANK CRONK Chairman Bosns Entertain— Albin and Miss Jean Bosn went to Lincoln Sunday to Ret Miss Rosalyn Bosn, who has been studying nursing at 3t. Eliza beth’s hospital there. They re turned to O’Neill Sunday eve > ning. On Monday Miss Rosalyn. and Miss Theresa Bosn went to Winner, S.D., for a week’s visit with Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bloom strom, who had spent the week end at the Simon Bosn home. Mr. and Mrs. James Harty, of Scottsbluff, were also guests of the Bosns over the weekend. Attend Tourney— Miss Mary Devine Brennan went to Lincoln Thursday for a visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Foster. John Foster, Ed ward Longacre and Miss Jackie Johnson, all of Lincoln, returned with her Saturday to attend the golf tournament. __ the summer. . , . Jim Chaney and Orville Gilpin, who are employed at Chadron, visited with home folks on the June 16 and 17 weekend. Mark Kaup returned home from Omaha Sunday, June 10. LIKE SPAGHETTI ? To Work in Omaha— Miss Willa Youngstrom, of Sil ver Creek, visited Miss Joan Bra dy Sunday. On Monday Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Brady took them to Omaha where they will be em ployed. Bazelmans Are Hosts— Friday guests at the J. C. Baz elman home were Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Meuret and daughter, of Monita, la., and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Holiday, of Orchard. Stuart Visitors— Mrs. Archie Bright and son spent Sunday in Stuart where they visited Mrs. Brignt’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Hovey. Spend Weekend Here— Elwin Benson, of Omaha, visit ed over the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Blake Ben son. ROYAL ’ E — O'NEILL — Friday and Saturday June 22-23 STAGE TO TUCSON With Rod Cameron. Wayne Morris, Kay Buckley, Sally Eil ers, Carl Benton Reid. Color by Technicolor. Adm. 42c, plus tax 8c, Tot. 50c Children 10c, plus 2c tax. Tot. 12c Matinee Saturday 2:30 Sunday, Monday and Tuesday June 24-25-26 The greatest Romantic Idol— Most Fabulous Era in All Screen History! VALENTINO Color by Technicolor An Edward Small production starring Eleanor Parker, Anthony Dexter with Richard Carlson, Pa tricia Medina and Joseph Cal leia. The screen’s newest romantic sensation, Anthony Dexter . . . portrays the world’s greatest lov er! Adm. 42c, plus tax 8c, Total 50c— Matinee Sunday 2:30. Adm. 42c, tax 8c. Total 50c; Children 10c, plus tax 2c, Total 12c Wednesday and Thursday June 27-28 Joan Fontaine and Joseph Cotten in SEPTEMBER AFFAIR A lonely man ... a lovely girl ... a chance meeting in Italy— and the rest was fated. Perhaps their romance might only live in the space of a precious few heart beats, but this was the love they had sought to the four corners of the earth . . . the love every man and woman hope to find. Here is a motion picture that is at once both a revelation and a challenge to every man and woman who has loved—or want ed love. Adm. 42c. plus tax 8c. Tot. 50c Children 10c, plus 2c tax. Tot. 12c MRS. RAY G. SLAYMAKER . . . Miss Eleanor Kollman (above) became the bride of Ray G. Slaymaker on June 12. Both bride and bridegroom are from Stuart.—O’Neill Photo Co. ATKINSON NEWS Mrs. Irvin Wart a, Claudia Sutherland and Jennie Lee Thompson, of Portland, Ore., were visitors last week at the Joe Ballon home. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Thompson, jr., Richard Thompson, Leola Jambor and Brice Belisle, ail of Lincoln, spent the June 9 week end at the Joe Ballon home. Attend Funeral— Mr. and Mrs. Dale Buckmaster attended the funeral of an uncle, Landis Storm, Sunday at Royal. .. I To Grand Island— Mr. and Mrs. Dean Reed spent Saturday in Grand Island. O’NEILL TRANSFER John Turner, Prop. ★ Daily Trips Omaha to O’Neill O’Neill to Omaha Irregular Trip* O’Neill to All Nebraska Points ★ Telephones: O'NEILL—341-J OMAHA—A. T. 0560 ir Your Patronage Appreciated '' • EXTRA ENJOYMENT FOR YOU I •1931. FoMoff Browing Carp, St. laaU, Mo. Owe ha, Nnbr, Mow Orioaot, la. -—v ARE MISSING A REAL THRILL UNTIL you late*' . rv Drive in a POWER^afe, So easy! So smooth! So different! Come drive the first and finest automatic transmission in the low price field . . . today! Powergllde Is owner-proved over a billion miles. MIDWEST MOTOR CO., LTD. Chevrolet — Oldsmobile — Cadillac O’Neill, Nebr. Phone 100 I THE THE BARLEY Irj T> ARLEY is the soul of fine beer. That ^1 smooth, that mild, that mellow taste of Old Style Lager starts with premium barley ^ ... specially selected by our own experts at ||| i the very blush of top flavor. When choicest jlf barley malt is skilfully combined with l|Pp costly imported and domestic hops . when IKj| brewing is done with unhurried old-world care...when lagenng (ageing) continues far Kf longer than is usual in this country...then, and only then, can you expect a better beer Mg —Old Style Lager beer! This proud label, JKtf seen on your table, marks you a connoisseur 5 of fine beer. Enjoy this superb light lager f today. Ask for Old Style Lager. ^ paZ IHEILEM AN’S Old V n»> ^ AMERICA'S QUALITY HER {| We don’t aim to mckc the most beer; only the best II Erawod only by b Hoiltman Irtwing Co., lo Cron*. Wiicomin