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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (June 21, 1951)
Rebekahs Attend District Meet 4 _ INMAN—On Wednesday, June 13, 17 members of the Arbutus Rebekah lodge motored to Oak dale where they attended the 49th annual meeting of district 29. Mrs. Agnes Christensen, of Omaha, assembly president, was a special guest and conducted a school of instruction. Arbutus lodge exemplified the balloting during the afternoon session. Other Inmen News Mrs. Arthur Tomlinson enter tained the YM club at her coun try home on Tuesday, June 13. Mrs. Tomlinson served dinner at noon and the afternoon was spent socially and doing some needle work for the hostess. Mrs. James Coventry was a guest. The Anniversary club surprised Mr. and Mrs. Chester Youngs on Thursday evening in honor of their wedding anniversary. Cards furnished the entertainment. Lunch was brought and served by the self-invited guests in late evening. Mr. and Mrs. Roscoe Raver, of Craig, called on Postmaster James 1 M. McMahan on Saturday. Mr. Raver is a rural mail carrier. Mrs. Joseph Coon, Dale and Doris spent several days the past week in Ewing in the home of Mrs. Coon’s mother, Mrs. Ruth Spangler. Joseph Coon and daughter, Lu Etta, Mrs. David Morsback and Mrs. Walter Jacox attended the funeral of Warren Smith at the Latter Day Saints church in Clearwater on Thursday after noon. Mr. Smith was an uncle of Mr. Coon. Miss Barbara Brunckhorst, who is attending the summer session at Wayne college, spent the weekend with her parents. Miss Mary Gayle Crouse, of Neligh, spent the weekend with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Cary. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tomp kins, Linelle and Roger spent the weekend in Utica as guests of Mrs. Tompkins’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Caldwell. Leo Sobotka, who is employed at Fremont, and Miss Deritha Smith, who is employed at Nor folk, spent the weekend here. Ira L. Watson was a caller in Sioux City Friday. Ernest Brunckhorst and Fred Moore left Saturday morning for Lake Andes, S.D., to spend the Famous Continental SILVERWARE FREE! You’ll treasure It for years to come I... .a set of beautiful Continental Silverware Get as many pieces as you meed. Five piece starter set consists «f teaspoon, tablespoon, dinner knife, fork, and salad fork. The beauty of this fine sllverplate.. .made by one Of America's famous silversmiths... to sure to please. Guaranteed for aerv* .too. Ask your Sioux Brand Feed Dealer for more details. SIOUX BRAND Poultry Feed Your Sioux Brand Dealer will be glad to show you how to make real profits with your poultry this season. Right sow he has a folder of helpful poultry hints.. .FREE.. .It outlines a program that will mean more poultry profits TRI- STATE HATCHERY Phone 90 — O'Neill weekend fishing. Mrs. Eva Murten left Saturday morning for her home at Blair after spending the past 10 days visiting. , , Mrs. Pete Cooper, of Orchard, spent Thursday with her mother, Mrs. Lottie Thompson. The ladies called on Mrs. Ralph Gray. Rufus Sholes and Mrs. Violet Sholes spent Friday in Sioux Ci ty. They were accompanied home by Mrs. Sam Leonard and daugh ter, of Wakefield, who spent the remainder of the week here. Mrs. Leonard was the former Ruthie Sholes. . „ William Johnson and Harry Conly, of Sioux City, were Inman callers Tuesday, June 13. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wilhoit and 2 children, of Western, and Mr. and Mrs. Dwain Carr, of Lin coln, were Inman visitors Tues day, June 13. Mr. Wiihoit is the new superintendent. He and his family will be moving here in the near future. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wagoner, of San Jose, Calif., arrived Wed nesday afternoon, June 14, and are spending several days visiting their sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Col man, at the Gallagher ranch cast of town. Mrs. Roy Gannon entertained her group of the WSCS at her home on Thursday afternoon. Plans were made by the group to hold a bake sale on Juno 30. Mrs. Gannon served refreshments. Mrs. K. T. Smith, Mrs. Clarence Hansen, Mrs. F. E. Keyes, Miss Murl Keyes and Mrs. James M. McMahan attended a meeting of Symphony chapter, OES, in O’ Neill Thursday evening. Mrs. Smith was cohostess with Mrs. Esther Harris and Mrs. George Robertson. They served refresh ments. Herbert Neilsen, Delores and Harold left Tuesday for Gillette, Wyo., where they will spend sev eral days visiting in the home of Mr. Neilsen’s brother and sister in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Calmer Neilsen. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Coon and family attended the Muereti fam ily reunion at Atkinson on Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGraw and sons, of Crete, spent the weekend with Mr. McGraw’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mc Graw. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Budde and children, of Norfolk, came Satur day evening and spent Sunday with Mrs. Budde’s aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Earl L. Watson. Mrs. Stu art Hartigan, a sister of Mrs. Watson, who has spent the past 2 weeks in the Watson home, returned to her home in Norfolk Sunday evening with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Budde. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Keyes and Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Keyes were Norfolk callers Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Hansen and children spent Monday in Omaha. Karl and Donald Keyes and the Taylor sisters, of Battle Creek, and Mr. and Mrs. James Vidlak and children, of Omaha, surprised Mrs. Karl Keyes at Norfolk on Sunday. The group enjoyed a picnic dinner. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Kelley, jr., and daughters, Kay and Ann, and Richard Coventry drove to Columbus on Saturday morning. They spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. James Kelley and Neal, who are employed there. Ned Kelley, who spent the past week with his uncle and family, returned with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. James McMahan were Sunday guests in the coun try home of Mrs. McMahan’s brother, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Cov entry, and boys. Robert Mossman to Wed Soon— INMAN—Relatives and friends have received invitations to the wedding of Miss Mae Grace Scott, daughter of Mrs. Walter E. Scott, of Los Angeles, Calif., to Robert Mossman, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs Leo P. Mossman, on Sunday, July 8, at 8 o’clock in the eve ning in the Shatto chapel, First Congregational church, Los An geles. Mr. and Mrs. Leo P. Mossman expect to leave some time this week and fly to California for the wedding of their son. Grays Feted in Farewell Party— INMAN—Supt. and Mrs. Ralph Gray were guests-of-honor at a card party on Tuesday evening, June 12, sponsored by the Inman IOOF lodge at the hall. Mr. and Mrs. Gray, who have taught here the past sevei-al vears. left on Tuesday, June 19, for Blue Hill where he will serve as superintendent of schools next year. Wives of the Odd Fellows were also guests at the affair. Lunch was served. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Donovan and family spent Sunday in Greeley. I LIVESTOCK AUCTION I I EVERY TUESDAY I fl We sell both cattle and hogs on Tuesdays. From now on, fl fl hog auction starts at 12 o’clock noon, followed by auction of fl fl cattle fl fl For a good return, bring or ship your livestock to the fl market that has the best outlet. Our charges are no ;B fl more, and probably less than you have been paying fl> fl elsewhere. fl fl Phone Atkinson 5141 fl I ATKINSON LIVESTOCK MARKET I fl Atkinson, Nebraska fl SEEKS GOVERNORSHIP . . . Robert B. Crosby, of North Platte (above), last week an nounced his candidacy for gov ernor of Nebraska. A Repub lican, he is a former lieutenant governor. Crosby first achiev ed prominence in 1943 when he was the youngest man ever to become speaker of the Nebras ka legislature. Mrs. Lillie Lufborough and son, Lynn, of Bremerton, Wash., and Mrs. Ethel Kinsey of West Branch, la., visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Low ell Culver. Miss Marilyn Carroll will leave Sunday for Ponca where she will spend a week attending a church camp. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Cohn and Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Cohn and family spent Sunday at Lake Andes, S.D. Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Claik visited Mr. and Mrs. James Boies Sunday at Ewing. Sunday guests at the James Cavanaugh home were Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Cooke, of Cham bers. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Carroll plan to spend the weekend in Sioux City. Mrs. M. L. Moody and sons ar rived Monday evening for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Cav anaugh and Mr. and Mrs. Pdchard Perry. They are from Cashmere, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Hershel Lacy and family left Thursday after spend ing several days as guests at the D. D. DeBolt home. Mrs. George Butterfield, who has just finished a year of teach ing at Tilden, is spending the week with Miss Janet Derickson. Mr. and Mrs. “Bid” Wanser and daughter, Miss Cherie Wan ser, of Holly Springs, la., came Friday, June 8, for a visit with Mrs. Wanser’s parents, Mr and Mrs. Frank Froelich. Mr. and Mrs. Wanser returned the follow ing day to Holly Springs, but Miss Cherie remained for a long er visit with her grandparents. Dr. and Mrs. H. D. Gildersleeve went to Carroll Sunday, June 10, to attend the golden wedding an niversary celebration of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Swihart. Tuesday, June 12, the Gildersleeves went to Omaha to the races and Thurs day attended another golden, wedding celebration, that of Mr. and Mrs. Gus Rathmann, of Blair. Mr. and Mrs. Neil F. Brennan, of Auburn, Ala., and daughter, Miss Julie, arrived Saturday, June 9, for a visit with Mrs. F. M. Brennan and family. They left Wednesday for Marinettte, Wise., where they will visit with Mrs. Brennan’s parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Fmwah, of Ft. Jones, Calif., are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Howard D. Manson, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Bridge, and Mrs. Mae Landis. They are en route to California after vaca tioning in New York and Miami. June 9 weekend visitors at the Howard D. Manson home were Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bryant and daughter, Miss Arlene Bryant, of Rozet, Wyo., and Mrs. Eva Bry ant, of Buffalo, Wyo. They at tended the wedding of Miss Mar jorie Clark and Roger Currie on Sunday afternoon, June 10, at the Park Congregational church in Elgin. Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Jonas and Dickie, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Jonas, Ronnie and Jimmie, Leon Sargent, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jonas and Donna, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hart and baby, and Miss Wilma VanBuren went to Lake Andes, S.D., Sunday, June 10, for fishing. Mrs. Margaret Elkins is visiting her sister in Sioux Falls, S.D. Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Eason re turned Sunday after spending several days at Longmont, Colo. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Eby and family and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Nissen and Gary visited on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Nissen, of Page. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Walsh, of Greeley, visited here Monday at the J. L. Donovan home. Mrs. Charlie Richter visited Thursday and Friday with Miss Janet Derickson. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Babl, Joe Babl, Miss Rosemary and Miss Cecelia weekended at McCook at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Engler and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Baker spent Sunday in Pickstown and Ravin ia, S.D. Miss Wiima Kloepper returned Friday from a week’s trip to Pueblo, Colo., Denver, Colo., and Sidney. Fred Barnes, of Atkinson, was a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barnes Saturday. Condon Leaves for San Francisco— Edward Condon, son of Mrs. Hope Condon, left Tuesday for San Francisco where he will be gin 24 months of navy sea duty aboard an escort destroyer. Condon received his commis sion as an ensign under the NROTC plan at the University of Nebraska June 4. At the same time, he and the other members of his class were given commis sions as admirals in the “Nebras ka Navy” by Governor Peterson O’NEILL NEWS Mr and Mrs. Leonard Rawl ings, of Wallingford, la., and Mrs. Jesse Dobrovolny, of Atkinson, were overnight guests at the John F. Hall home Friday, June 8. Mr. and Mrs. William Daly, of Omaha, visited over the June 9 weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Harrington. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Eberle have returned to their home at Buffa lo, N. Y., after spending about 10 days at the John Harbottle home. Mrs. Eberle is the former Magel Harbottle. Mrs. Eldon Butterfield and children attended the Sparr fam ily reunion at Neligh Sunday, June 10. Presbyterian Rummage Sale, Thursday. Friday and Saturday, June 21. 22. 23, 1st door south O'Neill National Bank. 6-7c Mrs. George Rector left Satur day, June 9, for her home in Boise, Ida, after having visited the D. C. Schaffers and other rel atives for 2 weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wilson have named their son James Ed ward. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Mernman and Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Lyons, of Winner, S. D., left on Saturday, June 9, for Sutherland, la. They returned the next evening. The Lyons left Monday, June 11, for their home in Winner. Bernard Matthews arrived on Sunday, June 10, to attend the Streeter-Huebert nuptials Tues day, June 12. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Lacey and family, of Scottsbluff, arrived Tuesday evening, June 12, for a visit in the D. D. DeBolt home. Mrs. Lacey is Mrs. DeBolt’s sis ter. Mrs. Fred Appleby Is Shower Honoree— Mrs. Fred Appleby was Ruest of-honor at a shower given Wed nesday evening, June 13, at the A. W. Carroll home. Hostesses were Mrs. Virgil L. Laursen, Mrs. Charles Cooper and Mrs. Dan Snyder. Mrs. Fritz Yantzie won high score, Mrs. Carroll, low, and Mrs. Dale Kearns, the traveling prize at pitch. Weekend Guests— Miss Lou Birmingham, of Oma ha, visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Bir mingham over the weekend. Miss Donna Newton and Jack Mazie, of Omaha, came with her. Thomas O’Brien and Patrick Mul len, both of Omaha, spent Sunday and Monday at the Birmingham home. Moves to Omaha— W. W. Carlson, who is employ ed by the Northwestern Bell Tel ephone Co., has been transferred to Omaha. The Carlson family left O’Neill Monday. MOVE TO VERDEL VERDEL —Mr. and Mrs. Gor don Crider moved to Verdel last week where Mr. Crider is a stu dent pastor in the Verdel Presby terian church. Frontier for printing! LYNCH NEWS The Carroll Bjomsen family, of O’Neill, spent last Sunday at the Nata Bjornsen home. Charles Pilcher, of Butte, was a business visitor here Friday. John Pesicka, of Geddes, S.D., visited relatives here Sunday. Lois Davy, of Scottsbluff, is visiting relatives here. Grace Mannen is in Fulton, Mo., attending the national con vention of intructors of the deaf. Gerald Mills and family, of Riv erton, Wyo., came Saturday and visited relatives until Monday, when they returned home, truck ing the Charley Mills furniture there. Attend Reunion— Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bazelman and Miss Connie Jo attended the Meuret family reunion at Atkin son Sunday. That evening they attended a family gathering at the Leo Vandersnick home in Ewing. UKS MACARONI ? a wrm ^ WE WANT HORSES! ★ WE LL PAY UP TO $70 A HEAD FOR STOCK HORSES WHEN j TRADED IN FOR A NEW INTERNA TIONAL REFRIGERATOR OR FREEZER OR A NEW CROSLEY RE FRIGERATOR OR ELECTRIC STOVE. HERE’S YOUR CHANCE i ★ To buy the appliance you need and at the same time trade off a stock horse at a better than average price. Act now! KEATING IMPLEMENT COMPANY ATKINSON NEBRASKA PHONE 8111 tt&uk MmeiZ&vi Special, in Cio«woawm4 A L0T°f folk* the tv'^-door idea, jlX because they feel that tiny tots are safer in the back seat. But that’s no reason why back-seat head room should be dimensioned for midgets only. So Buick engineers have done something about it, in the Buick Special 2-door Sedan pictured here. They’ve kept the compactness of over-all length that’s important in modern garages. But they’ve arched that sturdy steel top to give you he-man headroom—head room in back as well as headroom in front—that makes a six-footer feel at home. And they’ve designed a trunk that has "room for tourists.” Don’t ask us how they did it. Come see for yourself. Slip into those spacious seats—and while you’re there, find out why this compact honey is one of the hottest numbers we’ve seen in years. Find out how that F-263 valve-in-head Fireball Engine pours out the power and stretches the miles per gallon. Find out how Buick’s exclusive combina tion of torque-tube drive and coil springs on all four wheels puts big-car steadiness and stability into this nimble performer. Find out how Dynaflow Drive* takes the strain out of traffic driving —and brings you relaxed to the end of a long day’s cross-country driving. And above all find out how much comfort and luxury and convenience you get for the prices you see featured here. The sooner you see your Buick dealer — the better off you’ll be. ^Standard on ROAl)MASTER, optional at extra ooot on other Series. Equipment, arreeeonee, trim and models are subject to change without notice. LOOK AT THESE LOCAL DELIVERED PRICESI Buick SPECIAL 2-Doer,, QO A7C CC 6-Passenger Sedan y j MODEL 48D (Illustrated) Buick SUPER 4-Door, C9 77(1 A!) 6-Passenger Rivera Sedan Iftljir I vs us MODEL 52 Buick ROADMASTER 2-Door, C9 A97 CA 6-Passenger Riviera Ve V VI eUw MODEL 76R Optional equipment, accessories, state and local taxes. If any, addi tional. Prices may vary slightly in odjoining communities due to shipping charges. All prices subject to change without notice. Wlteii better automobiles are built BUICK will build them > A. MARCELLUS PHONE 370 O’NEILL