The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 31, 1951, SECTION 2, Page 10, Image 10

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    Flower School in
Atkinson June 11-13
ATKINSON—The district LI
flower show school will be held
in Atkinson Monday, Tuesday
and Wednesday, June 11, 12 and
13. There will be lectures on
Monday and Tuesday, both aft
ernoon and evening.
A lecture on “Flower Show
Practice** will be presented by
Mrs. Roy Flebbe, of Omaha;
“Flower Arrangement," by Mrs.
J. Arthur Nelson, of Omaha.
Roth speakers are nationally-ac
credited flower show judges.
Also to be heard is Wayne C.
Whitney, of the University of
Nebraska extension department.
Examinations will be admini
stered on Wednesday—final day
of the school.
The district workshop meeting
which was held in Stuart, May
21, was “very well attended
After a covered dish luncheon,
a book review, “Old Herba
ceous,” by Reginald Arkall, was
given by Mrs Bernard Wilson,
who also read a paper on* Bible
Mrs. Shadla gave a short talk
on her favorite friends, “The
Birds," in which she told of in
teresting bird haibits.
Flowers were brought to this
.meeting and many beautiful ar
rangements were made which
were then judged by the group.
A plant exchange was also
held. The group adjourned to
meet again July 19 in Atkinson
for their next work shop.
Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Shook, of
South Sioux City, who had
spent a few days in the home
of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smith, re
turned to their home Wednes
day, May 23. Mr. Shook is a
brother of Mrs. Smith. Mr. and
Mrs. Smith and Mr. and Mrs.
Shook were Sunday evening
May 20, supper guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Bernard Kornock, and all
attended the bacoalaureate serv
ices of the Orchard high school
that evening. Tuesday, May 22,
Mr. and (Mrs. Smith and Mr. and
Mrs. Shook spent the afternoon
with Mrs. Darlene Snyder at
Orchard. In the evening they
attended the commencement ex
ercises of the Orchard high
school. Milo Snyder, a grand
son of Mr. and Mrs. Smith, was
one of the graduates.
Hie Page WCTU met Thurs
day afternoon in the home of
Mrs. Dora Townsend with 12
ladies present. The topic as
signed for May is “A Child’s
Hand Opens thin Door.” This
brought general discussion of
the responsibility of the United
Nations toward the child of this
age. In the absence of Mrs. Ed
gar Stauffor, the union signal
was presented jby the president.
Hie guests brought many flow
l for the occasion. The host
% —— - - -
ess, assisted by her sister, Mrs.
Myrtle Fleming, of Ewing, serv
ed a Russian lunch. The June
meeting will be held at the home
of Mr. M. G. French.
Dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Stewart Sunday were Mr.
I and Mrs. John Dorr, of Tecum
I seh, Mr. and .Mrs. Dale Asher
and sons, of Fremont, and Mr.
and Mrs. Rollie Snell, of Page.
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat
have purchased the Minnie Lines
property in the east part of
Page and plan to move to town.
This property was recently sold
to Clarence Dobbins, who resold
it to Mr. Matschullat. Mr. and
Mrs. Dale Matschullat are living
on the faniri of his parents.
The Contract Bridge cliib met
with Mrs. A. L. Don Wednes
day evening, May 23. Winners
for the evening were Mrs. Rob
ert Gray, high score prize; Mrs.
Herbert Steinberg, traveling
prize, and Mrs. John Lamson,
all-cut prizes.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Asher and
sons of Fremont spent Saturday
night and Sunday visiting at
the Rollie Snell and George
Park homes. Mr. and Mrs. Snell
accompanied them to Fremont
Sunday where they will visit
until Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cork, of
Spencer, spent Saturday night
with their niece, Mrs. Paul Hart
Miss Maude Marten, Mr. and
Mrs. H. J. Stevens, (Mrs. Eva
Cunningham and Donald Cun
ningham spent Sunday after
noon with Mr. and Mrs. Leroy
Cunninghaml and were supper
guests that evening.
Mr. and Mrs. John Dorr, of
Tecumseh, are visiting at the
home of the former’s brother, A.
L. Dorr, and family.
Mrs. Rollie Snell returned
home from Stuart Friday where
she had spent almost a week
with her sister, Mrs. Alta Lock
Mrs. Anna Thompson enter
tained the NOK club at her
homfe Thursday afternoon. Most
of the members were present.
Mrs. Frank Snyder was a guest.
Afternoon was spent visiting
and with needlework.
Mesdames Herbert Steinberg,
R. F. Park, Mary Michaelson,
Evelyn Gray, Harry Park, Wm.
Simmons, Bilyl Burton and
Neven Ickes, jr., and Misses Do
lores Kemper, Maxine Park and
Jane Simmons attended the
Royal Neighbor 39th annual
third district convention at Al
bion Thursday, May 24. The Page
group presented the memorial
work at the evening session.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Clemans, of
Creighton, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd
Steinberg and daughters, of Or
chard, Mr. and Mis. Harold
Cork, of Spencer, and Mrs. Paul
Hartigan, of Page, were dinner
guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert Steinberg.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Don, of
Orchard, visited Sunday after
noon at the A. L. Dorr home.
Mrs. Alma Tegeler was host
ess to the Get-to-Gether club
Friday afternoon. Twelve mem
bers were present and 2 guests,
Mrs. Leonard Wright, of Glen
dale, Calif., and Mrs. Dave
Mrs. Joe Bazelman and daugh
ter, of O’Neill, visited Sunday
aifternoon with flMDrs. Myrtle
Richard Orcutt and Miss Shir
ley Sorensen, of Ainsworth, and
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nissen and
family, of Page, were guests on
Sunday afternoon of Mr. and
Mns. Soren Sorensen.
Mr. and Mrs. Myrtle Castor
and 2 daughters, of Sterling,
Colo., and Mrs. Anna Smith, of
Inman, were dinner guests Wed
nesday evening, May 23, of Mr.
and Mrs. Melvin Smith and
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Park, of
near Seottsbluff, and Pvt. Mau
rice Park visited Saturday aft
ernoon with their uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. George
The Royal Neighbor Kensing
ton met Wednesday aifternoon,
May 23, (with Mrs. A. L. Dorr
with 9 members present and 1
guest, Mrs. Harry Park. A no
host luncheon was served.
Miss Wilma Potts
Is Sunday Bride
Miss Wilma Doreen Potts,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dale
Potts, of Chambers, and. Fran
kie A. Baldwin, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Baldwin, of Grd,
were married Sunday afternoon
at the Methodist church in Bart
Rev. Charles Cox officiated at
the 2 o’clock ceremony.
The bride wore a princess
style gown of white slipper sat
in with long sleeves which came
to a point over the wrists. Her
fingertip veil fell from a bead
ed tiara. She carried a white
Bible, a gift of the bridegroom,
and bouquet of red roses. In
carrying out the tradition, the
gown was the “something new,”’
the veil was “something old and
something borrowed", and the
“something blue” was a blue
Miss Marta Migreny, of Bart
lett, was maid-of-honor. Her
gown was of green satin and her
headpiece was also green and
trimmed with pink rosettes. Her
corsage was of pink carnations.
The vocalist, Miss Alva
Schrunk, of Ewing, sang “I Love
You Truly,” and “Because.”
Louis Genereaux, of Bartlett,
served as best man and the
ushers were James Langren, of
Bartlett, and Rolland Schrunk,
of Ewing.
The bride’s mother wore blue
with white accessories and the
bridegroom’s mother wore gray
with navy accessories. Both had
'corsages of pink carnations.
A reception was held for about
60 guests in the church parlors
immediately following the cere
mony. The wedding cake was
baked by Mrs. Arnold Cook, of
The bridegroom, a former
army sergeant, served for 4
years in World War II. The
bride is a graduate of the Whee
ler county high school and is a
former resident of Holt county.
After the wedding trip Mr.
and Mrs. Frankie Baldwin will
reside on a ranch north of Bart
Attend Graduation
At Wayne College—
Mrs. Henry Martin, Mrs. Ad
die Wrede, Mrs. Clarence
Wrede, Mrs. Lyle Watses and
Mrs. John Hipke, of Springview,
attended the graduation of Mrs.
Martin’s son, Allen, from Wayne
State college, Friday, May 25.
Miss Anspach
Is Hostess—
Miss Wauneta Anspach was
hostess Friday evening at a
farewell party given in honor
of Miss Marilyn McConnell.
Eight guests were present.
Miss Althea Hammon, of
Lynch, left Tuesday after visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wells for 3
O'Neill. Nebraska
Complete X-Ray Equipment
V* Block So. of Ford Garage
Chambers News
Merle Fagan took Mrs. Fagan
and children, Judy and Gary, and
I his mother, Mrs. Marjorie Fagan,
{ to Franklin and on to Kensing
ton, Kans., to spend memorial
! day.
Milton Grimes, son of Mr. and
! Mrs. Clair Grimes, of Chambers,
was among those who graduated
I from Wesleyan university Tues
: day, May 29. His parents and sis
ter, Mrs. Lela Corcoran, drove to
Lincoln Tuesday for the gradua
tion exercises.
Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Snodgrass,
of Adams, and Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Griffith and 2 children,
of Lincoln, came Saturday to vis
it in the R. K. Platt and James
Platt homes. The Griffith family
left Monday for Merriman to vis
it relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Snod
grass will spend the week visiting
in Chambers. Mrs. Snodgrass is a
sister of R. K. Platt and Mrs.
Griffith is a niece.
Guests in the L. V. Cooper
home for Sunday dinner were
Mr. and Mrs. Sewell Johnson and
family, of Emmet; Mr. and Mrs.
C. E. Tibbets and Mrs. Genevieve
Bell, Arnold, Marie and Erna
Zuelka, of Chambers.
Mrs. Keith Sexton and daugh
ter, Nadine, returned Thursday
from Carlton, where they had
been visiting her parents and oth
er relatives. They were accom
panied by Mrs. Sexton’s sister,
Mrs. Wendel Pearson, and daugh
ter, Beverly Jo, who visited here
until Tuesday, May 29.
Elona Shavlik and a friend
came from Lincoln Thursday to
visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Steve Shavlik, and family. They
returned Sunday.
Mrs. Zada Russ, of O’Neill, vis
ited over Sunday with her daugh
ter and husband, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Hutton.
Mr. and Mrs. John Howe, of
Loup City, visited at the home of
Reverend and Mrs. Hansberry on
Sunday, May 27.
Myron Shavlik is employed on
a farm at Plainview.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Neilson and
Mrs. Holloway drove to Grand Is
land Sunday and came back
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Salstrand
and son, of Terlock, Calif., came
Friday to visit her mother, Mrs.
Sarah Adams, and other relatives.
George C. Smith spent several
days last week in South Dakota
on business.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Stevens,
Cherilyn and Terry, of Atkinson,
spent Sunday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter.
Dinner guests Saturday eve
ning, May 26, in the Steve Shav
lik home were Elona Shavlik
and Harvey Gish from Lincoln
and Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hub
The Youth Fellowship of the
Methodist church presented a
music festival at the church Fri
day evening. It was well attend
ed. A collection was taken which
amounted to $32. The money is
to be used to meet the pledge of
the MYF toward the church ex
penses. Lunch was served in the
basement following the program.
Mrs. E. R. Carpenter attended
a meeting of the county agricul
tural extension board in O’Neill
Monday, May 28.
Mrs. Anna Albers entertained
the following guests to dinner
on Sunday, May 27: Mrs. Louise
Crandall, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Harley and Robert, Mr. and Mrs.
John Honeywell, Mr. and Mrs.
Steve Shavlik and family, all of
Chambers; Elona Shavlik and
Harvey Gish, of Lincoln.
Mrs. Chris Stark and family, of
Ceresco, came Friday to bring
her mother, Mrs. Theo. Moss,
home. Mrs. Moss has been visit
ing since mother’s day in her
daughter’s home.
Chez-a-Mari Holds Picnic—
Members of the Chez-a-Mari
club and their husbands had a
picnic Monday evening at the
Country club.
Try Frontier want ads!
Allar Society
Meetings Planned—
St. Agnes Guild will sponsor
the regular meeting of the St.
Patrick’s Altar society on Thurs
day, June 7^at 8 part, in the KC
elubrooms. Mrs. Frank Froelich
will serve as chairman of the/
group. '
The business meeting of the
officers and guild chairmen will
be held on Monday, June 4, at 2
p.m., in the library at St. Marys.
Back from Visit—
Mr. and Mits. E. O. Hile, of Co
lumbus, brought back their
granddaughter, Christie Janou
sek, for a week’s stay with them.
She is the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. George Janousek.
— O'NEILL _ -e
Wednesday. Thursday
May 30-31
Big Double Bill
60 Thrilling Minutes inside
See 60 top stars in action! See!
Scenese from 24 great coming
screen hits! Many in technicolor!
See worldl’s largest movie studio
at work! Most unusual film ever
made for movie fans!
— also —
Mickey the way you love him'-^
Mickey Rooney, Terry Moore,
with William Demarest.
Adm. 42c, plus tax 8c. Tot. 50c
Children 10c, plus 2c tax. Tot. 12c
Friday and Saturday
June 1-2
Starring Ben Johnson, Joanne
Dru, Harry Carey, jr., and Ward
Adm. 42c plus tax 8c, Total 50c.
Children 10c, plus tax 2c.
Total 12c.
Matinee Saturday 2:30
Sunday, Monday, Tuesday
June 3-4-5
The glory story of the great
Sioux Indian uprising
Color by Technicolor
Starring Van Heflin, Yvonne
De Carlo with Preston Foster,
Jack Oakie, Tom Tully and Alex
Adm. 42c, plus tax 8c. Total 50c—
Matinee Sunday 2:30, Adm. 42c,
tax 8c. Total 50c; Children 10c,
plus tax 2c, Total 12c
Wednesday and Thursday
June 6-7
Color by Technicolor
Starring Robert Cummings, Jo
an Caulfield with Elsa Lanches
ter, Melville Cooper and intro
ducing the 12 Glamorous Petty
Adm. 42c, plus tax 8c, Tot. 50c
Children 10c, plus 2c tax. Tot. 12tf
tfe&uaeuwui a/t/etuoe
Your Wedding Portrait keeps
the beauty of the day forever
Once in a lifetime—the radiance that is
yours this day. To hold it, treasured for*
ever, entrust the making of your wedding
portrait to our skill and experience. Thai
you can be sure that this bridal beauty is
. your*—for all time. Phone for your ap>
pointment now.
Add Beauty Duties to Other Chores
^fOMEN who insist they have no spare moments for beauty
routines often discover they can find the necessary time by
combining activities.
If, at the end of a long working day, you would prefer relaxing
with a book to prettying up your hands, you may discover it isn’t
really necessary to make a choice. Do both.
There’s no need to sit idle, pouting with boredom, while you give
your cuticles your weekly treatment. Do one hand at a time,
soaking your fingertips in a bowl of oil, leaving the other free to
turn the pages of your currently favorite novel.
This is a good trick to remember when giving yourself a facial
or applying cream treatments. Instead of sitting around and count
ing minutes until the procedure is finished, you might try taking a
nap or even—if you’re really intent upon getting full value from
your time—washing the supper dishes.
Discolored elbows, too, can be whitened while you knit or read.
Slice a lemon in two and place each half in a bowl small enough to
hold it in firm position. A custard dish is excellent for this. Place
your elbows upon the lemons and let them bleach while you finish
your argyle or an exciting chapter.
* Thursday STAR Specials *
HERE THEY ARE! Each and everyone
a real moneysaving bargain for
Thursday shoppers in O’Neill. Tune in to
the “Voice of The Frontier” each Wednes
day morning at 9:4-5 for a preview of the
next day’s STAR SPECIALS. Watch
The Frontier each week for the page of
Another Big Swine Run Forecast
• The Thursday, May 31, sale promises another big swine run—
probably as big or bigger than a week ago. Included will be
about 300 pigs—tiny ones up to 160-pounders.
• We're expecting more than 2S0 head of cattle, including
calves, a few yearlings bnl mostly butcher stock.
• Whether you wish to buy or sell plan to be on hand.
Phone 19 O’Neill
Be Sure and Tune In
Wednesday Morning at 9:45
Corkle's Star Special
EVERY ATT IC has its white ele
phants. It may be a white elephant
to you but a good buy to someone
THURSDAY ONLY you can order I
a For Sale, Swap or Trade classi
fied ad in The Frontier and receive
an extra insertion without charge.
OFFER IS GOOD for transactions
made on Thursday, May 31,
only, and cash must accompany or
der for first insertion.
_ k