* ASSEMBLY OF GOD (O'Neil]) Rev. Wayne Hall, pastor l Sunday-school, 10 a.m. L Worship, 11 a.m. Young people’s meeting, 7:30 p.m. I Evangelistic service, 3 p.m. Ladies’ prayer meeting on W’ednesdays, 2 p.m. There will be no evening pray er and Bible study May 16 on ac | count of the public school com mencement program. All boys and girls are welcome to join the VBS to be held in the Meek Community church about 18f miles north of O’Neill, begin [ fnifig May 21 through 25. School will be from 9 a.m. until 3.30 p.m. The teachers will be Rev. and Mrs. Wayne Hall and Miss Reta Anderson, of Newport. CHRIST LUTHERAN (O'Neill) (1 block north Kaiser-Fraier) Rev. R. W. Olson, pastor Saturday, May 12: All after noon will be clean-up time at the I church building and grounds. Confirmation class, 2 p.m. Adult instruction class, 3 p.m. Sunday, May 13: Congregation al I3tble class, 9 a.m. Divine wor ship, 9:30 a.m. Sunday - school, i 10:30 a.m. Visitors are welcomed always in the name of Jesus Christ, the Savior of all mankind. CHURCH OF CHRIST (O'Neill) Sixth and Grant Sts. A. C. Utterback, pastor Bible study, 10 a.m. We wel come visitors of all ages for a joyful study of the blessed word. Communion service, 11 a.m., followed by sermon. Many of the congregation will attend the singspiration at the Orchard Church of Christ at 2 p.m. Evening worship services at 8 i o’clock.—By Mrs. Donald Jolir * ing, secretary. * IMMANUEL LUTHERAN (Atldnzon) Rev. R. W. Olson, pastor Thursday, May 10: Congrega tion Bible class, 8 p.m. Senior choir practice, 8:45 p.m. Sunday, May 13: Sunday school, 10 a.m. Divine worship, 11:15 a.m. J. P. Proti vinsky, of Hastings, arrived Saturday to spend 2 weeks here. METHODIST (O'Neill) Rev. V. R. Bell, pastor Church school, 10 a.m., classes for all ages. Worship service, 11 a.m., ser mon; special music. MYF group, 7:30 p.m. The official board met Monday evening for a regular monthly meeting. The choir will practice Thurs day evening. The extended ses sion of the Sunday-school, which has been held for 10 weeks, will close the sessions with a covered dish supper for the family today (Thursday) at 6 o’clock, to be fol lowed by a program by the chil dren. The WSCS meets today (Thurs day) for the May meeting at the church with a covered dish luncheon. H. B. Burch, W. B. Gillespie, Robert Kurtz, Grant Peacock, Reverend Conrad and A. E. Bow en represented our church Sun day, April 29, at Norfolk for the district men’s meeting. We will have our special Moth, er’s day service next Sunday morning at 11 o’clock. We invite you to worship with us. ST. PETER'S EPISCOPAL (Neligh) Rev. Wm H. Cowger, pastor All roads lead to Fremont to the annual council ending today (Thursday). Rt. Rev. Howard R. Brinker, spoke at 7:30 p.m., Wed nesday. Dean Roberts, of St. John’s ca thedral, Denver, Colo., will fpeak at 6:30 p.m. today (Thursday). Whitsunday or Pentecost, May 13, 9 a.m., morning prayer and sermon: “God’s Indwelling Spir it.” Church-school, 10 a.m. Guild will meet at the home of Mrs. Freda Marwood west of Ne ligh on Wednesday, May 23. Mrs. Marwood and Mrs. Harold Kes ter are co-hostesses. COMMUNITY (Stuart) Rev. Orin Graff, pastor Unified services every Sunday, 10 a.m. Sermon Sunday, May 13: ‘'The Ministry of Motherhood.” Exodus chapter 1:7-14, 22; chapter 2:10. Choir rehearsal tonight (Thurs day), 7 o’clock. Rev. T. L. Loats, of Cook Chris tian training school, Phoenix, Ariz., spoke at the morning ser vice, May 6. A basket supper was served in the church basement at 6:30 and Reverend Loats again spoke at the evening service. Films of the church’s mission work among American Indians were featured. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN (Chambers) Rev. C. D. Ankney, pastor Sunday-school, 10 a.m.; divine worship, 11 a.m. The pastor attended the pastor al conference at Schuyler Tues day and Wednesday. Our circuit conference will be held Wednesday, May 23, at Im manuel church, Atkinson. On Short U.S. Visit— Miss Bernadette Brennan went to Lincoln Tuesday to visit her nephew, Lt. William Brennan, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Brennan, of Lincoln, former res idents o f O’Neill. Lieutenant Brennan is in the U.S. for a short visit before returning to active duty with the air force in Korea. McCarthy* Entertain Rural Carrier*— A meeting of the rural carriers and the auxiliary of Boyd and Holt counties was held at the KC hall Sunday afttemoon. About 25 members were present, and a potluck dinner was served fol lowing the business meeting. Mr. and Mrs. George M. McCarthy were hosts. Brownies Make Gifts for Mother's Day— Brownie troop I met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. F. Sullivan and worked on the gifts they plan to give their moth ers on Mother’s day. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Ivan Cone. Wednesday Afternoon Club Holds Meeting— Mrs. James W. Rooney enter tained the Wednesday afternoon ■ club at her home yesterday, May ; 9. _ Mrs. Moses > Is Hostess— Mrs. H. S. Moses entertained at her home Wednesday after m \ noon. _ -—- - I l&s GRADUATE NURSE . . . Miss Donna Whaley (above), daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd A. Whaley, of O’Neill, will gradu ate May 17 from the Clarkson hospital school of nursing at Omaha. Miss Whaley is a 1947 O’Neill high school graduate, taught the Boyle rural school a year before entering nurses’ training. Mr. and Mrs Whaley plan to attend the graduation. Charles Sloan Rites at Springview ATKINSON—Funeral services were held for Scott Sloan, father of Charles Sloan, of Atkinson, Saturday at the Community hall in Springview. Mr. Sloan lived at Atkinson with his son, Charles, and family about a year. Rev. M. R. Willis, of the Methodist church, was in charge. Friends who went to Spring view to attend the funeral were Mr. and Mrs. Charley Tasler, Mr. and Mrs. William McCallister and Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Eli McConnell, Mrs. Earl Irish, Mrs. Gerald Rothchild, Ed Hoffman, Mrs. Gene Castner, Mrs. Charles Chace, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Wer ner, and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Johnson and daughters. Other Atkinson News Mr. and Mrs. Bill Grothe and family spent Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Reis. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cone, of O’Neill, were Saturday evening visitors at Mrs. Cone’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bailey Miller. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Cone, of O’ Neill, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Reis were Sunday evening visit ors at the Mr. and Mrs. Jack Werner home. Mrs. Kenneth Lux and chil dren, Joan and Kaye, of Valen tine, were Saturday night visitors at the home of Mrs. Fannie Payne and on Sunday they accompanied Mrs. Payne and Mr. and Mrs. Lester Derickson and family to Orchard where they attended a family reunion at the M. M. Mitchell home. The ladies are daughters of M. M. Mitchell. Mrs. Lester Derickson enter tained a group in honor of her husband’s birthday anniversary Friday evening. Those present ware: Mr. and Mrs. John Derick son, of Dorsey; Gester Denckson’s parents, and Mrs. Fanny Payne and Floyd Puckett. Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Brandt had as dinner guests at their home Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ed Brandt and family, Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Schneider and family, ail of Atkinson, and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brand and family, of Doug las. Conrad Frickel was called to Laurel, Mont., Tuesday by the death of his sister-in-law, Mrs. David Frickel. He was accom panied by Mrs. LeRoy Huffman and Roger and Mr. and Mrs. Ben nett Smith, of Butte. They re turned Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Shriner went to Plainview Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gross, of Albion, were Sunday night guests at the Leigh Reynoldson home. They are Mrs. Reynoldson’s par ents. Mrs. McCoy Rhodes and daugh ter, Mrs. Hoffman, and Mrs. Tie ford, all of Cody, spent Friday in O’Neill with Mrs. Rhodes’ par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ray. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Burke and family, of Corpus Christi, Tex., arrived Sunday. Mrs. M. P. Sul livan, who had been visiting in Corpus Christi, returned to O’ Neill for about 3 weeks as guests of Mrs. M. P. Sullivan and Mrs. Laura Burke. See Western Auto seat covers before you buy. We install them. l-3c Mr. and Mrs. Edward Quinn, jr., and son, Gary, returned Wed nesday, May 2, to their home in San Diego, Calif., after visiting for 3 weeks with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin, of Winner, S. D., and Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Quinn, of O’Neill. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Ver zal, of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ralya and family, of Grand Island, spent the weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Ralya and family. Dinner guests at the Vannie B. Newman home Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Brady, sr., and Hal- 1 lie Rosenkrans, of Dorsey; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Morris and Mary Beth, of Sioux City; Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Babl and Mrs. Vivian Mag stadt and daughters. The Morris family, who are moving to San Diego, Calif., went to Ainsworth Sunday evening where they plan ned to have a short visit with Mr. and Mrs. William Schiessler. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Babl also went to Ainsworth Sunday evening and returned to O’Neill Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Strong and family, of Neligh, and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Gesiriech, of Atkin son, were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parks, sr., and Mrs. Julia Schneider. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Mounts spent Sunday in Long Pine. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orville McKim. Mabel: Meet me at the public school auditorium. Thursday, May 17. 8 p.m. The school band and chorus are presenting a won derful concert and you'll espe cially enjoy the mixed chorus in the operetta "Dizzy Baton." Ic50 Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wales, James and Mary returned Friday to their home in Bakersfield, Cal if., after spending a week in O’ Neill with Mr. and Mrs. Lyle C. McKim. Mrs. Bernard Matthews, of Lin coln, is spending the week in O’ Neill visiting relatives, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Streeter, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Streeter and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McKenzie. She will return to Lincoln Sunday, May 13. Rev. G. M. Hubby, of Wayne, and William Hubby, of Neligh, came last Thursday to be here on SECTION 2 — PAGES 9 TO 12 business for about a week. They are staying with their mother, Mrs. Carrie Borg. Modern dance Friday. May 11th, Swing King Orchestra, Plain view Roller Rink. Ic50 Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Jaszkowiak plan to move into their new home at the end of this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Grady will move into the Parker apartmeht to be vacated by the Jaszkowaks. Mrs. Levi Yantzi and Nancy and Mrs. Robert Yantzi and Gene went to Sioux City Mon day. Mrs. Anna W. McCartney at tended the wedding of a cousin in Randolph Sunday. She returned Sunday. Mrs. Paul Kelly and son, Tom, visited with Mr. and Mrs. John H. McCarville, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McCarville, sr., and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. McCarville, jr. Mr. and Mrs. Will Clifton and Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Clifton and family, all fo Orchard, spent Sun day in O’Neill with Mr. and Mrs. Ted McElhaney. Mrs. W. E. McQuistan, of Bris tow, spent last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. McGiasson. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. McQuistan, of Spencer, were also guests of the McGlassons on Sunday. Claude Cole, of Wayne state teachers college, spent the week end with his father, Charles Cole, of Star. He also visited in O’Neill at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Tharnish. Mabel: Meet me at the public school auditorium. Thursday. May 17, 8 p.m. The school band and chorus are presenting a won derful concert and you'll espe cially enjoy the mixed chorus in the operetta "Dizzy Baton." Ic50 Mrs. Guy Cole, Miss Jeannie Cole, and Miss Helen Winchel.1 spent the weekend in Lincoln and Seward. Mrs. Carrie Borg and daughter attended the homecoming at Un ion Center Sunday. Mrs. Edward M Gallagher and Mrs. Frank Froelich were in Lin coln Saturday. bos btto dtsfjtolt^ by fbt Ntfittol Softly Cttodl •t Notitool Softly Mtolh l/ CHECK YOUR CAR , }/ CHECK ACCIDENT! at your I V FORD DEALER'S • It makes sense to keep your Ford in safe driving condition. And whenever R needa safety service, k alto makes sense to put Ha aafe cart in skilled Ford hands. For these expert, knowing hands uaa Special Ford Equip ment ... they use Ford-approved Methods.. < end they can caR on a ready supply of Genuine Ferd Farts. Now, during Safety Month, Is the time to drop in for our safety special. May Softly Chtck-tp for Fork I 1. Chock brakes 2. Chock steering 3. Check headlights t 4. Check rear and slop lights f. Check tires 6. Check windshield wipers 7. Check muffler 3. Check all glace 9. Check horn i 10. Check rear vision mirror i There's no place like { “HOME" for FORD SERVICI j LOHAUS MOTOR CO | Phone 16 — O Neill j ANNOUNCING j Another Beauty Contest! ! i ir The O’Neill Lions club again is sponsoring a beauty contest under same rules as last year. Winner will re ceive a $25 defense bond and an all-expense trip to the state contest to be held in Kearney. Second and third prizes also will be awarded. Apply to A. E. Bowen for entry blanks. CONTEST DATE: MAY 21 L-1 k GRAVELY Tractor offer; 207ools to Save You V/orkf Now . . . more time to enjoy your home — with less work! With the dependable Gravely Tractor, POWER does every lawn, garden and field job! The Gravely is economical, con venient — a lifetime investment in better living. All-Gear drive, power re verse. Field tested — 30 years. Only Gravely does so many jobs so well! "Power vs. Drudgery” tells you how to put POWER to work for you! Write for it today! For Free Demon stratlon PHONE 410 [LEIDY’S in O’Neill DANCE SUMMERLAND at Ewing Sunday, May 13 Music by WNAX Bohemian Band ■ n ■■■■■■— FOR MOTHER'S DAY...AND EVERY DAY.. .fashion wise Mothers choose Crisp new colors in exclusive washable fabrics. Mother will love the tall, slender look, the proportioned fit, (which means she’ll need little or no alterations.) AS SEEN IN GOOD HOUSEKEEPING a. Dainty printed voile ... washes like Mother's favorite hankie and just as pretty too! Blue, Rose, Green and Brown. Sizes 144 to 224. b. For Mother’s Day and on through v summer... the slim-minded shirtwaist of Narco rayon sheer. Green, Navy, Black and Brown. Sizes 144 to 224. C. Chevrons add new dash to a fresh Dan River 'Wrinkl-Shed” tissue sheer... flattering understatement for summer living. Navy, Brown and Black. Sizes 144 to 224. d. Lettuce-crisp Dan River "Wrin! !-Shed" tissue gingham, is checked and double cnecked for appeal! Grey, Brown, Rose and Green. Sizes 144 to 22 i. J n4