The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, May 03, 1951, SECTION 2, Page 9, Image 9
SECTION 2 — PAGES 9 TO 12 _ ^ffiLFRONTIER O NEILL, NEBR., THURSDAY. MAY fc Ml. PAGE 9. CENTER UNION (O'Neill) «[ Rev. Melvin Grosenbach, pastor Forty-sixth anniversary dates are May 5 and 6. May 5: 8 p.m., Leonard Lorenz will be in charge of the devotion als. Special music by the young people. Message by Rev. Walter Cole, of Glenwood, la. May 8: 110 a.m., George Hol lingshead will be in charge of the Sunday-school. Message by Rev. H. E. Udd, of Omaha, 11:15 a.m. Bring sandwiches and cake for (the noon lunch. Hot drink will be Served by the ladies of the church. Devotional, 1:30 p.m., Clarence Ernst; children’s meeting, Lor ; aine Ernst; special music; mem ! ories, Lorena Lorenz; message by Reverend Cole. Singspiration and praise ser vice, 7:30 p.m., Delbert Dick; spe cial music; message by Reverend Cole. You are invited to all of our H services. ASSEMBLY OF GOD (O'Neill) if. ( Rev. Wayne Hall, pastor rYou will be hearing more a bout our vacation Bible school to begin May 28. It extends for 2 weeks. Plan now for your chil dren to attend these happy days with us. May 6 services are as follows: Sunday-school, 10 a.m., classes for every age; worship, 11 a.m., message by the pastor; young peoples’ meeting, 7:30 p.m.; eve ning service, 8 o’clock. May 9 the ladies WMC meets at the church for prayer at 2 p.m. Regular prayer and Bible study at 8 p.m. There will be a special Sunday school representative from Springfield, Mo., speaking at the fellowship meeting May 24 at Bassett. ^CHRIST LUTHERAN (O'Neill) (1 block north Kaiser-Frazer) Rev. R. W. Olson, pastor Saturday, May 5: Confirmation instruction for children’s group, . 2 p.m. Adult instruction class, 3 pm. Sunday, May 6: Congregational Bible class, 9 a.m. Divine worship with the celebration of holy com munion, 9:30 a.m. Those that that desire to partake of the sac rament may register before the service on Sunday morning or by calling at the parsonage. Sunday-school, 10:30 a.m. Tuesday and Wednesday, May 8-9: District pastoral confer ence at Schuyler. WESLEYAN METHODIST ' (O'Neill) Rev. Melvin Grosenbach, pastor May 4, 8 p.m., singspiration. Everyone welcome. Each one bring something of interest for the service. May 6: Sunday-school, 10 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m. Evening service dismissed for the anniversary ser vice at Center Union. Our camp meeting dates are June 7-17 at O’Neill. O’NEILL is talking about • * j ACADEMY AWARD "4" 21 i«w*h *5750 CHARMAIN 17 $4250 Sn-m- 1 m—1 M’lNTOSH JEWELRY Across from the Royal — Phone 166 — ST. PETER'S EPISCOPAL (Neligh) Rev. Wm. H. Cowger, pastor Sunday after Ascension day, May 6: Prayer, 9 a.m., sermon topic: “Things Above.” Church school, 10 a.m. Next Wednesday, May 9, be ginning at 10 a.m., the annual council of the diocese will meet at St. James church, Fremont, for all auxiliary members. The regular session for the men will begin at 7:30 p.m. and will con tinue until Thursday night. There will be a special youth rally on Wednesday afternoon, beginning at 4 p.m. May fellowship day for all women of all churches at the Methodist church, Neligh, 2:30 p.m., Friday, May 4. Guild will not meet on the reg ular meeting date of May 9 be cause of the conflict with the an nual council The next regular meeting of the Guild will be at the Freda Marwood home west of Neligh on Wednesday afternoon, May 23. Mrs. Marwood and Mrs. j Harold Kester will be hostesses. METHODIST (O'Neill) Rev. V. R. Bell, pastor Church school, 10 a.m., classes for all ages. Worship, 11a. m., sermon, spe cial music by the choir. MYF group, 7:30 p.m. The official board will meet for a monthly meeting May 7 and the church school workers will meet May 9. The Young Adult Fellowship met Tuesday evening for a meeting and party. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Lorenz and Mr. and Mrs. Howard Manson were the hosts. The choir will practice Thurs day evening. The extended ses sion of the Sunday-school will be held after school on Thursday. The Dorcas Circle will meet with Mrs. Vernon Lorenz Friday afternoon. We wish to thank Mr. Dawes for the good talk he gave and for filling the pulpit so we could be gone a week. A membership class is being held for those desiring to join the church on Mother’s day. Our daily vacation Bible school will be held June 4 through 15. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN (O'Neill) Rev. Ralph Gerber, pastor Sunday-school, 9:45 a. m., Roy Sauers, superintendent. Worship service, 11 a.m., ser mon by the pastor, music by the choir. The annual May musicale of the Women’s association will be held today (Thursday), at 8 p.m. in the church sanctuary. Arrange ments for the musicale are in charge of Mrs. Earl Ralya. Miss LaVeta Lehn will conduct the de votional period. The following are serving as hostesses for the meeting: Mrs. C. E. Lundgren, Mrs. R. H. Parker, Mrs. Winifred aBrger, Mrs. Verne Reynoldson, Miss Ruth Hoffman, Mrs. Vernon Dye and Mrs. William Artus. Family night will be observed on Thursday, May 10, with a pot luck supper. ST. PATRICK S CATHOLIC (O'Neill) Very Rev. Timothy O’Sullivan, pastor Sunday services at 8, 9 and 10:30 a.m. Holy hour, First Friday eve ning from 7 to 8 o’clock. A week’s mission opens Sunday morning, May 6, at the 8 o’clock mass and will close Sunday eve ning, May 13. It will be conduct ed by two Franciscan Fathers of the Province of the Sacred Heart, Chicago, 111. They are Rev. Mein rad Wesselman, OFM, and Rev. Michael Wernsing, OFM. The full schedule of services will be an nounced at the masses next Sun day. Non-members of the church are welcome to attend the services. COMMUNITY (Stuart) Rev. Orin Graff, pastor Unified services every Sunday, 10 a.m. On Sunday, May 6, a mission ary representative, Rev. T. J. Loats, will speak on the pro testant Christian training school for Indians at Phoenix, Ariz. Lesson May 6: “Sent Out by God.” Acts 13. The Women’s Society will meet at the church basement this af ternoon (Thursday) at 2:30 o’ clock. Hostesses will be Mrs. Mark Nelson, Mrs. Charles Moses and Mrs. Ray Greenfield. Baptism services are being planned for Mother’s day, May 13. Let the pastor know if you are interested. CHURCH OF CHRIST (O'Neill) 6th and Grant streets A. C. Utterback, pastor We welcome visitors to our weekly services. Bible study, 10 a.m. Adult class is enjoying a stimulating study of the book of Romans. Communion service at 11 a.m., followed by a gospel message. Evening evangelistic services, 8 o’clock.—By Mrs. Donald Johr ing, secretary. IMMANUEL LUTHERAN (Atkinson) Rev. R. W. Olson, pastor Thursday, May 3: Congrega tional Bible class, 8 p.m. Senior choir practice, 8:45 p.m. Sunday, May 6: Sunday-school, 10 a.m. Divine worship, 11:15 a.m. Tuesday and Wednesday, May 8-9: District pastoral confer ence at Schuyler. Fran Nagle (sealed, center). Nebraska uni versity's quarterback during the 1950 grid sea son, was besieged by youthful autograph hunt ers at the second annual all-Holt athletic ban quet here. Handing program to Fran for signa ture is Leo Bern!, of Stuart. Others (standing) are: LaVern Timmerman, of Stuart: Ivo Shald, of Stuart, and Harlen Nielsen, of Inman. Seated on Nagle's left is Francis D. Lee, of Atkinson, master-of-ceremonies, and A. P. Jaszkowiak, of O'Neill, Chamber of Commerce committee chairman. — • Photo by John McCarville. 1 50 Walther Leaguers in Spring Rally Here On Sunday, April 29, the young people of Christ Lutheran church of O’Neill, acted as hosts to the annual spring rally and banquet of zone N-6, North Nebraska Walther league. The program began with reg istration at 3:45 p.m. of 150 young people from surrounding towns: Ainsworth, Atkinson, Chambers, Clearwater, Elgin, Neligh, Os mond, Pierce, Plainview, Spen cer and Venus. The registration was followed by a business meeting at 4:30 conducted by the zone president, Leonald Warneke, of Osmond. The group was addresed by the district president, Roland Lued tke, of Omaha, who spoke on cur rent projects and affairs of Luth eran youth. Immediately following the bus iness meeting, the leaguers and 50 guests were served a banquet dinner by the members of Christ Lutheran ladies aid. During the banquet, Reverend Krueger, of Pierce, was toastmaster. Vocal se lections were rendered by John Bowen, of O’Neill, and Karen Garwood, of Atkinson. Short ad dresses were presented by: Rev. P. J. Wirth, of Orchard, who spoke on “Harmony in the Home"; Reverend Krueger, who spoke on ‘‘Care of Young Men in the Armed Forces”; and Rev. Donald Christiansen, who spoke on ‘‘The Meaning of the Walther League Symbol.” The pastor of Christ Lutheran church, Rev. R. W. Olson, delivered the opening and closing prayer and served as songleader for group singing. At 7:30 the young people pres ent were favored with a program. Vocal selections were presented by John Bowen and Donna Crabb, both of O’Neil!, and Kar en Garwood, of Atkinson; instru mental selections, by Elizabeth Schaffer, Ted Lindberg, Duane Booth and Eddie Bridges, all of O’Neill. Two films entitled: "In His Name" and “No Other God” were also shown. The program concluded with a vesper service at 9 conducted by Rev. Claude Ankney, of St. Pauls Luthern church, Chambers. Rev erend Ankney based his sermon on Exodus 32:26 and had as his theme: “Who Is On the Lord’s Side?” Mrs. Blaine Garwood, of Atkinson, served as pianist. Return to Council Bluffs— Robert Pitcher, o f Council Bluffs, la., spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle M. Green. Mrs. Pitcher and daughter, who had been visiting with the Greens, returned to Council Bluffs with him Sunday. I i ■ V > 4 I 4 > 4 I 4 iW ^ > 4 I 4 I 4 » 4 » 4 » 4 » 4 » 4 I 4 > 4 » 4 > 4 j Lawn Chairs ] | • Heavy Gauge Oversize Tubular Steel Frame | | • Baked Enamel Finish Is Weather-Resistant | ) • Choice of Red, Green or Yellow with White I % Get Lawn Chairs early—supplies will not last! Our 4 * Chairs are built of quality steel material, finished with F hi-baked colorful enamels that resist sun and rain! * > *iwwr» IIWI »UT« AT | L —--------------J Mrs. Borg Entertains— Rev. and Mrs. Melvin Grosen bach and daughter, Melva, Rev. and Mrs. Ferdinand Witthtihn and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cole were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Carrie Borg. Reverend and Mrs, Witthuhn have just returned from a 5-year term as mission aries in Haiti. Couples Club Meel»— Mr. and Mrs. Arnie Doerning entertained the Couples club on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. William C. Artus were guests. Mrs. Artus won high score for the ladies; Verne Reynoldson, for the men. Mrs. Noal Long won the traveling prize. Mrs. Reynoldson Is Hostess— Mrs. Verne Reynoldson was hostess at the meeting of the BPF club this week. Mrs. J. C. McCar ville, jr., was a guest and Mrs. Gene Cantlon won high score. WINS ELECTRIC IRON Mrs. LaVon Hart, of O’Neill, won a Sunbeam electric iron at Jacobson's Sunbeam appliance i demonstration held recently. 5 Years in Haiti— Rev. and Mrs. Ferdinand Witt huhn were weekend guests at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Melvin Grosenbach. Mrs. Witthuhn is Reverend Grosenbach’s sister. For 5 years the Witthuhns have been stationed at Pettite Goave, Haiti, as missionaries and they plan to return after a year in the United States. Celebrate Wedding Anniversary— Mr. and Mrs. Frank Biglin cel ebrated their wedding anniver sary Thursday evening, April 26. Mr. and Mrs. Dale French, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Early and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Zastrow were dinner guests. DRS, BROWN & FRENCH Eyes Tested—Glasess Fitted Broken Lens Replaced in 24 Hours Other Repairs While You Walt Complete X-Ray { OUR S WEEKLY T"71-*'*-* •••••• •■•••• - -r1 m ---- m \:::x:::::x::::::-:‘:i^ _ V\ xiiiir V'.'.’.'.v.N’.'.'.'X /> - -IV y V/*v f} \iV.vAv.,.vJ'.'.s'.y I # I / U | k '/v xvMvI'Xvl'I plfr .-to ^ waA / Oifcs' .> Ai \ll| fp-Css^ 1 %V1 p|v *zo** JmmsV**<gk. f?i» is ■TiAfv~Tw />*v< 1 IL AC / . /ii| Ps, -*f .p «V <fj Jgif yx:xxx>w_A av JRyx&C pip**3? ^Sli IIP «-ash uc htX_5*1pP ^f| I ’Wh.d. j /§ P^2 f«r 10c—X ^ &9C ill li»»—._/yfa* IwfLv 7>’ fi*Tf ■k. >——4. f® $1 I ■• •••■•••••• e • ^ Tir %• >i>JV ■.* •.•.,.,.,.,.W ^B^B a aaa a B ■•.•.V.VaV# . — mm aaaaaaaaaaaaaa a ^B Ilf P a. / Me«« a-e .l ^Itilf III:/ tV1 / *£«*• Ty^ >|l!::l:l# Ji:!?| ^ / Afk-» SUMMER \:x:J I lOiSx-xV .^flrtxfrxV Sv OO /:! pSBSS^fr V|:/ ^K*a,»*a*a*a"a*a***a*a*a*a^m*aT^ Vi'il^^k. .^K\*.‘.*.‘.m ^g»tt<*t,|tt*a,a*,,,,,*,,,*/|^P ^^■pya^a^aJa^a^aB m/XvX’X'a'XVaB^ A a'a’a'a'l'a'a'iB B> ••••••••• a _^P —A ^AP ^P .*. ... # a a a ^^P ■••••...a. 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