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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1951)
FUTURE SUBSCRIBERS DINSLAGE — Mr. and Mrs. Wiliam Dinslage, of Elgin, a son, Brian Jacob, weighing 7 pounds, born Friday, April 20, at Our La dy of Lourdes hospital in Norfolk. Mrs. Dinslage is a daugther of Mrs. Clara Baum, of Stuart. NEWMAN — Mr. and Mrs. James Newman, of Stuart, a daughter, Joyce Leone, weighing 7 pounds 15 ounces, born Mon day, April 23, at the Stuart Com munity hospital. WORTH — Mr. and Mrs. Roy Worth, of O’Neill, a daughter, Ila Rosanne, born Saturday, April 28, at the O’Neill hospital. BRENNAN—Mr. and Mrs. Neil F. Brennan, of Auburn, Ala., a daughter, born Saturday, April 28. Mr. Brennan is a son of Mrs. F. M. Brennan, of O’Neill. DUVAL—Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Duval, of Salt Lake City, Utah, a daughter, Cynthia Jean, weigh ing 7 pounds 6 ounces, born Mon day, April 16. Mrs. Duval is the former Phyllis Jean Keating, daughter of Mrs. Opal Keating, o' Atkinson. LIEB — Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lieb, of Kearney, twins, a son, Robert, weighing 6 pounds 5 ounces, and a daughter, Frances, weighing 6 pounds, hern Wednes day, April 18. Tfe twins are great-grandchildren of Mr. and Mrs. Chris Lieb, of Atkinson. KRAMER—Mr. and Mrs. Lau rence Kramer, of Atkinson, a son, born Friday, April 27, in the Stuart Community ijpspital. Mrs. Kramer is the former Albena Dobrovolny. FERGUSON—Mr. and Mrs. Al vin Ferguson, of Lebanon, Ore., a son, Glen Lee, weighing 8 pounds 9 ounces, fc^orn Friday, April 20, at Lebanoh. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ferguson, of Lebanon, are the grandparents and Mr. and Mrs. Duran Ferguson, of Leba non, are the great-grandparents. The Ferguson families are former Lynchites. KRUMTUM — Mr. and Mrs. Carydon Krumtum, of Oklahoma City, Okla., a daughter, Connie Faye, weighing 7 Vi pounds, born Wednesday, April 25. The father is a grandson of Mrs. Alma Far rier, of Chambers, and formerly lived there. EARLY—Mr. and Mrs. James Early, of O’Neill, a daughter, Catherine Ann, weighing 7 pounds 4 ounces, bom Friday, April 27, at the O’Neill hospital. GRENIER—Mr. and Mrs. Vern Grenier, of O’Neill, a son, weigh ing 9 pounds, born Tuesday, May 1, at the O’Neill hospital. SCHINDLER — Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Schindler, of Deloit, a daughter, Karen Elizabeth, born Wednesday, April 25. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE: DeKalb seed com. See me at Page Oil Co., or phone Orchard 3930.—-Norman L. Rabe, Orchard, Nebr. 52-3c CARD OF THANKS I WISH to thank my friends and relatives for the cards, letters, and flowers they so thought fully sent me during my stay in the hospital. 52c MRH BERT HENNING FOR SALE: 1942 Ford V-8 car. See at Marvin Anderson’s gar age, O’Neill. , 52p35 Eisenhower Ridgway AND You!! Patriotic, young Americans are needed — now — to help the U. S. Army ond Air Farce win the peace. The peoce that means the preservo* tion of the American way of lifel B England—Alaska—Germany—France —Hawaii ond the Philippine* ore all outposts, that need to be staffed by alert, aggressive young men The | Army needs other specialists to back-up those at the front. Engi neers—radio and radar — electri cians—mechanics—dr iveii—commu nications and many other special ized jobs are waiting to be filled by you young men I ***** Those who are mechanically inclined will work with the finest and most ■ modern mechanized equipment. | Tanks, jeeps, half tracks, motorized artillery and observation plane, are only part of the great armada need ed to keep the Army rolling. j Toke advantage of the opportuni ties offered you by the greatest ■ • Army In the world — on Army tha( clothes you, houses you, serves the 1 best food in the world, and provider free medical and dental care as yov train and study for a future careet either in, or out of, the Army. JOIN THE «ARMY NOW! O'Neill, Nebr. Court House Annex Phone 444 or 169J SICK & INJURED ATKINSON— Mrs. Bert Hen ning was dismissed from the Lutheran hospital in Norfolk re cently. . . Mrs. William Spann underwent major surgery at St. Joseph’s hospital in Omaha Tues day. She is “recovering nicely.” . . . Mrs. Orland Anson and son, Robert, and Mrs. Richard Braun went to Omaha Thursday and re turned Saturday. The ladies took Robert to a specialist, but he seems to be recovering from be ing ill all winter. . . Wayne Gay len returned home from the Stu art Community hospital Tuesday. He is slowly improving. . . Mrs. Harry Smith was taken to the Stuart hospital Tuesday. O’NEILL— Mr. and Mrs. Syl vester Zakrzewski brought “Grandpa” Wytaske home from St. Edward Sunday. , . Mrs. Al bie Washechek, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Shelhamer and Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Shellhammer went to Bry an Memorial hospital Sunday to visit Carlyle (“Curly”) Washe chek, who is a patient there. . , Miss Florence Ponton is still a patient at St. Joseph’s hospital in Omaha. . . Luella Stalcup’s condition is “good” in the Luth eran hosiptal in Norfolk. PAGE—Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stewart returned to their home in Page Wednesday, April 25, af ter spending 3 weeks in Norfolk where Mr. Stewart was a patient in Our Lady of Lourdes hospital following surgery. Although he is quite weak his condition is “sat isfactory.” . . Mrs. Emma Cana day has been on the sick list but is “improving.” CHAMBERS — Mrs. Richard Smith returned Friday, April 26, from the Immanuel Lutheran hospital in Omaha. . . Mrs. Edwin Wink returned Sunday from Ne ligh where she had been conva lescing at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Houston. INMAN — Mrs. Roy Gannon has entered an Omaha hospital where she will remain for several days to receive treatment. . . Mrs. Mick Gallagher and daughter, Janet, were on the sick list last week. . . Mrs. Anna Young; enter ed the O’Neill hospital Friday to receive treatment. DELOIT—Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Schindler’s small son recently submitted to an appendectomy in an Omaha hospital. . . Mrs. Syl vester Venteicher and daughter, Loretta Jean, came home Wed nesday, April 25, from a Norfolk hospital. EWING—Albin Thramer, who submitted to a major operation, is a patient at Our Lady of Lour des hospital in Norfolk. . . Mrs. Bertha Ruroede’s condition Is "good” in Our Lady of Lourdes hospital in Norfolk. CELIA— Mrs. William Spann is in St. Joseph’s hospital in Oma ha, not Sioux City, as reported last week. Mrs. Spann was operat ed on Wednesday, April 25, and is "doing well.” STUART—Mrs. Clement Mur phy went to Omaha on Thursday, April 26, for a medical checkup. . . . John Coufal is “good" in Our Lady of Lourdes hospital in Nor folk. LYNCH—Mrs. Josephine Bess ner, who makes her home with her daughter, Mrs. C. L. Hasel horst, is “very poor" at present. . . . Art Stewart, Lynch rural mail carrier, is on the sick list. EMMET—Bud Newton return ed to the Veterans hospital at Grand Island Monday after be coming "very ill." Sons of Soil to Name Trees — The Sons of the Soil 4-H club met April 27 at the McNulty home. All members were pre sent expect 2. We received notebooks and talked about our projects. BENEFIT BY THIS GOOD NEWS COMBINATION YOUR HOME TOWN PAPER fives you complete, dependable local new*. You need to know ell that <• going on where you live. . But you live also in e WORLD where big events ore in the making — events which can mean to much to you, to your tob, your home, your future. For constructive report* and interpre tation* of notional and interna tional new*, there is no substitute for THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR. Enioy the benefits of being best Wormed—locally, nationally. Internationally — with your local paper end The Christian Science Monitor. LISTEN Tuesday nights over ABC stations to "The Christian Science Monitor Views the News.** And us* this coupe* today for a special in- * treductory subscription. $ The Chris Han Science Men Her One, Norway $t„ Set ton 15, Mess., USA tloose send me an Introductory subscription to The Christian Selene* Monitor — It Issues. • snsloss ft. istffeal i ™ IsMyl (sene ■ I state! Pf7 Page Club Meets — The Contract bridge club met Thursday evening with Mrs. C. E. Walker. Mrs. Herbert Steinberg held high score and Mrs. Alton Braddock low score. The hostess served a luncheon. McCarthy Elected State KC Secretary Mr. and Mrs. George M. Mc Carthy and Francis Gilg attended the Nebraska state Knights of Columbus council convention in Lincoln from Saturday until Monday. Mr. McCarthy is state secretary and Mr. Gilg was a del egate from O’Neill. Other state officers are: Cyril Shaughnessey, of St. Paul, depu ty grand knight; George Ponton, of Elgin, warden; Leo Keating, of Grand Island, chaplain; John F. Kerrigan, of Fremont, advocate; Lawrence Weldes, of Lexington, treasurer. — ___iLL i HOSPITAL NOTES SACRED HEART HOSPITAL (Lynch) Mrs. Leonard Havranek, of Lynch, medical, “doing well”; Mrs. Robert Bruner, of Spencer, accident, “doing well”; William Grutsch, of O’Neill, medical, dis missed April 26; Mrs. Bernard Inness, of Niobrara, and baby son, dismissed May 1; John Wentz, of Naper, medical, “doing well”; Theo. Halbur, of Butte, medical, “much improved”; Glad ys Ann Richter, of Spencer, med ical, may go home; Patrick Allen Holmberg, o f Butte, medical, “much improved.” J. M. Small, of Naper, medical, “doing well”; Charlie Bare, of Lynch, major surgery, “satisfac tory”; Mrs. Robert White, of Red bird, minor surgery, “doing well”; Mrs. Clayton Klasna, of Spencer, major surgery, “doing well”; Leah Jean Story, of Butte, medical, “doing well”; Larry Se ger, of Atkinson, medical, dis missed April 26; Mrs. Glen Ri hanek, of Monowi, and baby girl, dismissed April 26; Mrs. LeRoy Kilgore, of Milford, minor sur gery, dismissed April 27; Mrs. Paul Stoltenberg, of Naper, med ical, dismissed April 28. Mrs. George Prokop, of Spen cer, and baby son, dismissed Ap ril 29; Mrs. Arthur Lubken, of Niobrara, and baby girl; dismiss ed April 24; Mrs. William Boei tcher, of Fairfax, S. D., medical, dismissed April 24; Mrs. Berl Moody, of Lynch, and baby son, dismissed April 27; Mrs. George Dopheide, of Butte, medical, “do ing well”; Gary E. Fusselman, of Bristow, appendectomy, dismiss ed April 25; Mrs. Bill Hansen, of Butte, and baby girl, dismissed April 25; Mrs. Katie Blakkolb, of Naper, medical, condition “poor”; Miss Helena Mohl, of Butte, ap pendectomy, dismissed April 24; Mrs. Amelia Ohri, of Spencer, medical “somewhat improved”; John Bainbridge, “unchanged.” O'NEILL HOSPITAL Admissions: April 25—Tommy Schneider, of O’Neill, medical, condition “good.” April 2ft—Mrs. Bill Buck, of O’Neill, medical condition “good.” April 27—Mrs. Anna Young, of Inman, medical, condition “improved”; Mrs. Al bert Marsh, of O’Neill, medical, condition “improved.” April 28_ Mrs. George Smith, of Chambers, medical, condition “improved." April 29— Miss Sharon Walter, qf O'Neill, medical, condition "improved." Still in hospital — Miss Helen McNichols, of Los Angeles, Cal if., medical, condition “improv ed”; Mrs. Fred Vitt, of O’Neill, medical, condition “good.’ Dismissals April 25—Mrs. Belle Runyon, of ONeill. April 2ft— Neal Groeling, of Venus; Mrs. Herman Grothe and son, of Em met. April 27—Tommy Schneid er, of O’Neill; Mrs. Ray Timmer man and son, of O’Neill; Mrs. William Buck, of O’Neill. April 30—Mrs. Roy Worth and daugh ter, of O’Neill. May 1 — Mrs. James Early, of 0*Neill; Miss Sharon Walter, of O’Neill. May 2 —Mrs. George Smith, of Cham bers; Mrs. Albert Marsh, of O’ Neill. Country Club Roelecli Officers— The officers of the O’Neill Country club have been announc ed: They are: L. A. Burgess, pres dent; P. B. Harty, vice-president; J. B. Grady, secretary; E. M. Gallagher, treasurer. The spring smoker will be held on May 23. Fred Appleby and Lawrence Haynes are cochairmen and Dr. H. D. Gildersleeve and Marvin Miller are on the commit tee. LYNCH NEWS Mrs. Frank Brueggeman, of Bristow, and Mrs. Frank Brueg geman, sr., of Norfolk, visited Lynch friends Monday afternoon. Russell Johns is now stationed at Ft. Sheridan, 111., to begin his training. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schoch enmaier and family, of Bonesteel, S. D., spent Sunday evening, Ap ril 29, at the Albert Kalkowski home. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Farran and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Stewart and children, of Meadow Grove, spent the April 28-29 weekend with relatives here and in Holt county. The Vingo Christensen family visited at the Guy Pinkerman home Sunday. , Mrs. Charles Courtney was hostess to a number of lady friends at the home of Mrs. Han nah Streit Monday evening, Ap ril 30. A lunch was served at a late hour by Mrs. Courtney. lynch news Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hansen, of Spencer visited at the Edwin Vomacka home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Blair and Eleanor, of Spencer, visited at Don Stewarts’ Sunday. Mrs. Violet Morford, of Creigh ton, was a business visitor in Lyneh Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wurtz visit ed relatives in Spencer Sunday, April 29. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Whetham en tertained the Dale Orr family from Oregon and the Walter Whetham family from Idaho last week. Mrs. Beryl Moody and baby spent last week at the C. L. Ha selhorst home. Mrs. Wayne Taylor spent the weekend in Hartington with her husband, who was home from Ft. Riley on a 3-day leave. Mr. and Mrs. Leland Moody md family visited at the Ross neier home near Verdel Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Ducker and Darla Dee visited with Verdel relatives Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Mills re turned to their home in Riverton, Wyo., on Monday, April 23, af ter a 10-day visit with relatives here. Mrs. Minnie Milacek and sons were in Spencer Monday, April 30. The Boyd county 8th grade examinations were given in Lynch Monday, April 30, under the direction of Miss Eva Barnes, county superintendent. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mulhair vis ited at the Roy Ryan home in Norfolk Monday, April 30. Ernest Vomacka left Tuesday, May 2, for Omaha to enter the service Mrs. Elmo Barnes lo£t Tuesday, May 2, for Omaha where she will be entertained by the women’s division of the Omaha Chamber of Commerce on May '3. Mrs. Barnes, Boyd county chairman of the home demonstration clubs, the leadership recognition pro was Boyd county’s delegate to gram held there. ^HU FOR THE TOWN'S BESP FOOD BUYS _ SHOP AT _ Thw.. Fri. SHELHAMER FOODS ^ Saturday ^ 3rd, 4th, 5th ^——PROD. PHONE: 173 O'NEILL GROC. PHONES: 56. 78 _ I INTRODUCTORY *WARE °L.A.L 50LB _ . ■ O-F-F-E-8! FLOUR bag6'..:_ 3.191 ■ uifK. t ? , v ej. » Jg ^ * i ROYAL GELATIN DESSERT 4 Pfo. 25c SEEDLESS RAISINS 24-Oz. Pkg...39c OUR MOTHER'S eoeoA it. ..39c SWANSDOWN CAKE MIXES 2IV 73c FIRST PRIZE PORK & BEANS 3 No. 2Kns. 49c PLEASMOR MARSHMALLOWS lO-fo H*-1!* YELLOW CORNMEAL 3-lb. Pkg. 2Qc SUNSHINE SHREDDED WHEAT tk 17* ORANGE SLICES 2Li>s. 4» FIRST PRIZE y PEAS 4No.2Cans. .57c Cudahy’s Puritan LARGE BOLOGNA Per Lb.55c Cudahy’s PURITAN SLICED BACON Per Lb.63C LARD 2 - Lbs. Only 39c WILSON'S OLEO Per Lb. ^ 37c SQUARE DEAL PANCAKE HOUR 4-Lb. Pkg. . 3» KRAFTS CREAM CHEESE Lb 55 SHINA DISH Pkg 29c GOLDEN VALLEY SLICED PINEAPPLE 2 Ho 2 Cans «c SNOW-WHITE CAULIFLOWER Lb 17c BULK FftMHft i lb. -25c BAB-O or 0LBB8TCH2Cans_2» , GOLDEN VALLEY SLICED — PEACHES No. 2i Can27* • | I ALWAYS A GOOD HARKETFORYOiI*^ I I EGGS AAf H. HENS 4ftr B. HIDES CREAM II p PER DOZ lfVV PER LB. PER LB. T PER LB. I I LISTEN FOR MARKET QUOTATIONS Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays I I I At 9:45 A.M. Over WJAG - “Voice of The Frontier” 11 B NUTRENA - poultry - hog ■ cattle - FEEDS 11 I CHICK STARTER CRUMBLES CHICK GROWER CRUMBLES I 5% EGG CRUMBLES 20% EGG CRUMBLES 27% BALANCER 33% CONC. PIG PUSHER MEAL - NUGGETS 24% SOW & PIG FEED 32% HOG SUPPLEMENT 40%_. HOG BALANCER 16 & 32% DAIRY FEED OTHER SOYBEAN MEAL, PELLETS, CUBES, LINCOY, PELLETS, FEEDS SWEET LASSY & SWEET SOO MOLASSES PELLETS, ON HAND SALT, TANKAGE, MEAT SCRAPS, LIMESTONE, BONE _ MEAL, MINERAL. ' ** DISCOUNT ON ALL POULTRY - HOG - CATTLE FEED IN 1,000-LB. LOTS I OUR PRICE ON BABY CHICKS ONLY $12.95 Per 100 HATCHERY Place Your Orders Now If Interested In CHICKS for JUNE DELIVERY TUNE IN WJAG Sat., 9:45 A. M. . FOR SPECIAL OFFER started” chicks j j^^^URJATCHERYJ^CATE^f^ASEMENT^^UPE^WARKE^^J | j %