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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1951)
Roses Provide Atmosphere for St. Mary's Prom — Clusters of delicately tinited roses and blue, white and American beauty crepe paper streamers transformed the gym nasium at St. Mary’s academy Thursday evening, April 26, in to a proper setting for the an nual junior-senior prom. At the banquet preceding the prom, Bernard Mohr served as toastmaster. Donald Donohoe gave the address of welcome to the seniors and Jack Carney gave the senior response. James ( DeBacker presented a toast to the athletic dirfeietors; Shirley Jardine, to the faculty. Mary Agnes Boyle, Joan Cash and Mary Frances Vitt present ed an individual toast to each senior in verse. Shirley Leahy addressed the Clergy and Very Rev. Timothy O’Sullivan replied with a short talk, in which he made a formal farewell to Mr. and Mrs. Ira George, who will be leaving the school faculty. > Gather for Supper— Supper guests at the Roy E. Margritz home Sunday evening were: Mr. and Mrs. John H. Deines and Sharon, Mr. and Mrs. John Schwindt, Ronnie and Rog er, all of Royal; and Mr. and Mrs. Freddy Schwindt, jr., of Clay Center. Bonna Beth Margritz re turned to Royal with her aunt, Mrs. Deines, and will spend the week there. Ronald Ressel Heads for Far East— F/A Ronald Ressel, is on his way to Japan to pick up his ship. Ronald, who is in the navy, wrote this recently in a letter to his parents, the Harry Ressels. Donald Ressel went to Omaha Monday for his physical exami ^ nation preparatory to entering the service. —--- ■■ Visit Froelichs— Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Montgom ery, of Omaha, and Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Wanser, Michael and Col leen, of Holly Springs, la., spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Froelich. Miss Cherie Wanser, who has visited for a week with her grandpar ents, returned with her parents to Holly Springs. Return to Colorado— Mr. and Mrs. George R. Eaton, of Denver, Colo., left Monday afternoon after a weekend visit with his sister, Mrs. Helen Star lin, and niece, Mrs. Winnie Bar ^ ger. They had been to Florida and Milwaukee, Wise. SNO - CREME DRIVE INN i OPEN DAILY 12 Noon Til Midnight HOMEMADE ICE CREAM Pints _ 28c Quarts - 55c Half-Gallon_95c Gallon (Vanilla) .... 1.50 * Gallon (Flavors) _ 1.80 ■ » * IN WEST O'NEILL - Catholic Daughters Elect Officers— At the regular meeting of the Catholic Daughters Tuesday eve ning, officers were elected for the coming year as follows: Mrs. Mark Schelkopf, grand regent; Mrs. Francis Gilg, vice grand regent; Mrs. Stanley Hol ly, prophetess; Mrs. Ivan Pruss, lecturer; Miss Kathleen Warnke, historian; Mrs. A. J. O’Donnell, financial secretary; Miss Claire Hickey, treasurer; Miss Mary Jo Hynes, monitor; Mrs. Oliver Ross, sentinel; Mrs. Herman Janzing, organist. Trustees, who are elected for a Seriod of 3 years, are Mrs. E. F. ullivan and Mrs. L. A. Becker. Mrs. James Corkle was chair man of the entertainment arid lunch committee. Lindberg, Crabb Are O'Neill High Royalty — Ted Lindberg and Donna Crabb ruled Wednesday night as king and queen of the O’Neill high school junior-senior prom. Their attendants were Joan, Kallhoff, Lois Harder, Don Kloppenborg and Don Petersen. John Bowen was toastmaster at the banquet. Other speakers were Don Godel, Ted Lindberg, Don Petersen, Supt. Ira George, Barbara Bennett and Eddie Bridges. Silver stars in a blue crepe paper sky and tall palm trees brought the “Treasure Island” theme into the decorations of the Legion hall where the dance was J»eld. Sister M. Antonella in Jubilee — A solemn high mass was cele brated at St. Patrick’s' Catholic church Wednesday in honor of the silver jubilee of Sister M. Antonella, principal a t St. Mary’s academy. A program was presented by St. Mary’s high shod students Wednesday afternoon and a tea will be given today (Thursday) by the alunmni association for relatives and friends of Sister Antonella. Sister Antonella is the former Rosalie! Troshynski, of Atkin son, and a (graduate of St. Ma ry’s. She entered th| order of the Sisters of St. Frdttcis 25 years ago. Future Farmers Banquet May 7 — One hundred guests are ex pected at annual Future Far mers of America banquet to be held Monday evening, May 7. James W- Rooney will be the guest speaker. IThe highlights of the evening will be the presentation of the DeKalb agricultural award to a senior ranking highest in farm ing and leadership (jpalities and the disclosure of the ^identity of the FFA queen. Th4re are 4 candidates for the honor: Char lotte McVay, freshman; Mar lene Waring, sophortiene; Clar yce Johnson, junior; and Joan Kallhoff, senior. Recent Moves in City Noted— Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lyons moved into the Larry Bourne house this week. Mr. and Mrs. Larry Bouhie and family moved Saturday to Corn ing, la., where Mr. Bourne will be employed by a newspaper. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Streeter and son moved Sunday into one of the Gallagher apartments vacat ed by the Bud Schneiders, \#ho moved to Ewing. The Streeters formerly occupied the Henshaw house in the east part of O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Watson and daughter have moved into one of the new Gillespie apart ments. r Catholic Daughters to Hold Annual Breakfast— The annual May breakfast of the Catholic Daughters will be held Sunday, May 6, at St. Ma ry’s academy, at 9 a.m. WANT ADS as low as 35c per insertion.—The Frontier. William w. Griffin ATTORNEY First National Bank Bldg. O'NEILL 1-~_4 !i i i' Attention Farmers! I $ 1 •, We need your VOLUME to continue to I pay you the HIGHEST PRICES for your PRODUCE. CREAM, NO. l-70c OR MORE EGGS, wz...40c (Subject to market change) NEW DEAL PRODUCE CO. O’Neill, Nebr. BILL MILLER, Mgr. Rural District I Closes School Term _ REDBIRD — School district 1 closed Saturday, April 28, with a nice attendance at the picnic. Mrs. Marie Brenier is the teacher. _ Other Redbird News Mr. and Mrs. Pat Osborne and Mrs. Guy Hull attended a ban quet for 4-H leaders at Atkinson Thursday. April 26, sponsored by the Lions club. Mr. and Mrs. John Pinkerman, of Lynch, called in the Virgil Pinkerman home Saturday, April 28. Ray Wilson and grandson, Bob by Joe Schollmeyer, called in the Jack Darnell home Friday eve ning, April 27. Clifford Wells was honored on his birthday Saturday eve ning, April 28, when a crowd of nearly 40 neighbors gathered for a card party and evening of vis iting. The occasion was also for his daughter, Mary Ellen, who was 7 the same day. Several dec orated birthday cakes were serv ed with the midnight luncheon. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Wells visit ed Sunday evening, April 22, in the Frank Wyant home. Miss Joy Tuch, of Lynch, was a dinner guest in the Ray Wilson home Sunday, April 22. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spinar and Alvin Spinar, of Spring Fork, Mo., spent several days the past week with friends and relatives here. The Lee Wells and Clifford Wells families spent Sunday, Ap ril 22, with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Billy Wells. Halsey Hull was surprised on his birthday anniversary Thurs day, April 26, when a crowd of heighbors gathered at the Hull .home that evening. Cards were played. Sandwiches, cake and coffee were served at midnight. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Luedtke and Alvin visited in the Leonard Coakley home near Monowi Sun day afternoon, April 22. Mrs. Henry Hull, of Vefdel, helped Mrs. Mike Hull and her mother, Mrs. Fred Truax, sr. with papering this week. Several families from Redbird attended the musical program at the Dorsey church Friday eve ning, April 27. Reverend Cham berlain, of Grand Island, showed several moving pictures of a Bi ble camp near Atkinson and scenery pictures of his trips. The Dorsey ladies aid served lunch. Mrs. Bill Wilson, Billy and Phillip, and Mrs. Robert White called in the Ray Wilson home Thursday, April 26. Dale Bessert and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Truax, sr., and Eva took Mrs. Henry Hull to her home near Verdel Friday and spent the evening visiting there. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Ross vis ited in the Frank Wyant home Friday night. Mrs. Veldon Pinkerman enter tained several little folks Satur day, April 28, honoring her daughter, Veldeen, on her 8th birthday anniversary. Games were played. Luncheon was serv ed. Veldeen received many gifts. Mrs. Fuhrer Entertains ONO— The ONO club met Tuesday evening at the P. V. Hickey home. Mrs. Sam Fuhrer was host ess. Frantler want ads do the job quickly and economically. ROYAL THEATRE — O'NEILL — Thursday, May 3 Jane Wyman and Dennis Morgan in the laughin’est lovin’ ever from Warner Bros. THE LADY TAKES A SAILOR with Eve Arden, Robert Douglas, Allyn Joslyn and Tom Tully Adm. 42c, plus tax 8c. Tot. 50c Children 10c, plus 2c tax. Tot. 12c Friday and Saturday May 4-5 The Gun that Won the West! WINCHESTER '73 Universal - International pre sents James Stewart, Shelly Win ters, Dan Duryea and Stephen McNally with Millard Mitchell, Charles Drake, John Mclntire, Will Geer and Jay C. Flippen. Adm. 42c plus tax 8c, Total 50c. Children 10c, plus tax 2c. Total 12 c. Matinee Saturday 2:30 Sunday. Monday, Tuesday May 6-7-8 Belvedere’s Here! FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE Clifton Webb, Joan Bennett, Robert Cummings, Edmund Gwenn with Joan Blondell and Gigi Perreau. Adm. 42c. plus tax 8c, Total 50c— Matinee Sunday 2:30. Adm. 42c. tax 8c. Total 50c; Children 10c, plus tax 2c. Total 12c Wednesday, Thursday May 9 - 10 Here’s the biggest, gayest, grand est college cheer in years PEGGY Starring Queen of the Rose Bowl Parade, Diana Lynn, Char les Coburn, Charlotte Green wood, Barbara Lawrence with Charles Drake, Rock Hudson and Jerome Cowan. Adm 42n, plus tax 8c, Tot 50c Children 10c, plus 2c tax; Tot 12c C-O-M-I-N-G-l WEST POINT STORY LOUISA THE MILKMAN AT WAR WITH THE ARMY Leslie Alkinson Is New Member— CHAMBERS—The Busy Bea ver 4-H club met at the home of Mary Ellen Gillettte Friday eve ning, April 13. Eight members answered roll call by naming a new vegetables we are gong to plant. A new member, Leslie Atkin son, was added to our club. A demonstration on “How to Cut Seed Potatoes” was given by Loraine Farrier. We also judged carrots. At the close of the meeting we sang songs and played games. Later Mary Ellen served refresh ments. Our next meeting will be in May at the home of Leslie Atkin son.—By Dwayne Walter, report er- _ Frontier want ads produce a mazing results! Elmer DeVall, Wife Married 15 Years— Mr. and Mrs. Walter DeVall entertained 12 couples Saturday evening, April 28, at their home honoring Mr. and Mrs. Elmer DeVall on their 15th wedding anniversary. Midnight lunch was served, highlighted by the honored cou pie cutting the decorated wed ding cake. Pictures were taken of the couple. Charlotte McVay Is Hostess— Miss Charlotte McVay was hostess to a group of high school M friends at her home, south of O- • Neill, on Saturday night. jnsWn/ v vv vvyi'^i^/? •SftVHWS ____ In Syrup, Fancy PEACHES.29c No. 2l/z Can Town House CRACKERS, lb.29c Chocolate Covered CHERRIES, lb. bx. 45c Jello Lemon PUDDINGS, 2 pkgs. 9c Sweet Heart SOAP, 4 pkg. deal 29c f CUDAHY ^ " SLICED ENDS OF ^ BACON 2 08..39c Round-Up Special PRICE GOOD ALL WEEK 6 Pkgs. Koolade.. 25c RED DIAMOND Lb. Coffee . ..79c In Syrup, Tid-Bits PINEAPPLE, 2 cns 29c 1 Cameo Gloss ■ STARCH, 2 pkgs.9c I Peter Piper Qt. I Salad DRESSING.. 49c I Otoe 3 Cans 1 Vegetable SOUP .. 29c I Pillsbury ( FLOUR, 5 lbs.47c I 10 Lbs. . 4_91c I in fear I Green Top ( I I CARROTS, 2 bu. 15c 11 I Large Seedless 10 for I 1 | GRAPEFRUIT.59c f1 I Fancy Del. 46-lb. box 1 1 I APPLES.z.1.9811 _'41 B ^k 1 ANOTHER SEMI- II > TRAILER LOAD OF If ■ CERTIFIED Blue Tag 1 ( (SEED POTATOESII ( EARLY OHJOS . 4.98 1 | ( PONTIACS_ 3.79 9: ( I W ARB AS, Red 3.98 { f 1 WARBAS, White„ 4.98 |vf I COBBLERS_2.98jl.I f S Eggs I 40c CASH or TRADE