Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1951)
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Sullivan and Patty and Ellen Corkle were in Norfolk Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schmit and son were weekend guests in Nenzel. They visited the former’s sister and brother, Miss Anna Schmit and William Schmit. Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Orth and son, of Lincoln, arrived Friday to spend the weekend with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. George C. Robertson. Mrs. Robertson re turned with them for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. John Schorn and Mary, of Atkinson, visited Mr. and Mrs. Richard Minton Mon day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lawrence and Mrs. Emma Lawrence were in Norfolk Friday. Mrs. Bud Schneider and two children, of Norfolk,1 arrived on Monday to visit nqpf'parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Laiigan, for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Krause and daughters went to Albion Tues ^ day to visit M. B. Krause and t other relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcel lus and Margaret Ann, of Atkin son, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Marcellus Monday. Miss Joyce Oetter spent the weekend with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Parker. Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Reynoldson and family went to Albion Sun day to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Reynoldson. Byron and Craig Foreman, of Bristow, spent Monday and Tuesday with their grandmoth; er, Mrs Claude Bates. Mrs. Marie Kolhoff, of Ewing, was a guest at the Francis Bazel man home Thursday, April 26. Mrs. Carrie Borg attended a missionary convention in Page Saturday. Mrs. William J. Froelich left Tuesday for Chicago, 111., where she met Mr. Froelich. They are planning to attend the Kentucky derby in Louisville Saturday. Mr. and Mis. Art Clark, of Burwell, spent Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Clark. i ' I f mm QUEEN AMAZING HOME APPLIANCE OP MANY USES My! What a blessing to have as many as 5 extra hours of lei sure a week! Hours saved from housework by FILTER QUEEN ...the new home appliance that deans, dusts, waxes, polishes, sprays and does dozens of other household chores. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn about one of the finest “mechanical maids” ever invented. Mail the coupon below for a beautiful, •-color metal boudoir basket plus full information about FILTER QUEEN, the bagless home sanitation system. IT’S ALL FREE! There’s no obliga ti l l % f JACOBSON'S, O'Neill I k Please deliver my free gift and J ; show me how to save time on ! J housework. I understand that I > I am under no obligation. I s ****** , s I r I , ADDRESS___ I | cmr-*tat» j } BUY FROM A SERVICING DEALER Acroes from the Golden PHONE 41S < Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Plank, of Spearfish, S. D., will arrive Sat urday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Clauson and other relatives. Mrs. Plank is Mrs. Clauson’s sister. Mrs. Eva Kurtz arrived Sun day for a month’s visit with Mr. and Mrs. Await Spangler and family and Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kurtz and family. She is from Pasadena, Calif. Mrs. Blanche O’Malley arrived Sunday to visit for several days with Mrs. Edna Coyne. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tams and children, of Inman, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Marcellus last Thursday. Mrs. Julia Oetter, of Chambers, visited at the Lester Oetter home over the weekend. John F. Pribil, Mrs. Floyd Wil son and Jimmy went to Sioux Ci ty last Thursday to visit their daughter and sister, respectively, Miss Ruth Pribil, a nurse at St. Vincent’s hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bowlby, of Omaha, arrived Saturday morn ing to visit her sister and hus band, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Re vell. Mr .and Mrs. Hugh Ray went to Sioux City Friday and return ed Saturday. Ralph H. Walker accompanied Mr. and Mrs. George M. McCar thy to Lincoln Saturday where he attended to business and vis ited relatives. They returned on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Lawrence and Virginia and Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Liedtke were in Norfolk Friday. Mr. and Mrs. William G. Kraft visited Mrs. Mabel Shobe, near Page, Friday. Ben Peterson and E. R. Peter son, of Polk, came for their moth er, Mrs. Nellie Peterson, Monday, April 23, to take her back to her home in Polk. Mrs. Peterson had spent 5 months here with her ■son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. Lowell A. John son and family were Sunday din ner guests in Chambers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wal do. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Summers took Mother Summers to the Les lie Summers farm near Page on Saturday for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tharnish, Miss Alberta Tharnish and Mrs. Paul Tharnish and family, all of Creighton, were Sunday dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Tharnish and family. Beginners’ Law Is Poitfl^d Out In all classes of school districts, the law says a child shall not be admitted to kindergarten or be ginner grade unless he or she has reached the age of 5 years or will reach such an age on or before October 15, of the current year, or the child passes a test showing that he is capable of carrying the work of this grade. This was pointed out this week by Miss Alice L. French, Holt county superintendent of public instruction. No tests will be iflven after September 30. They may be giv en any time before that date ac cording to the plans of the tester. The parents should present a birth certificate and a signed statement from the board of edu cation of the district the child will atend saying that the begin ner grade will be provided in that school and that the child will be accepted if he passes the test. “If you are interested in such a test, please contact me early in the summer, so I can make ar rangements for the test,” Miss French said. No tests are given for entrance into first grade. The child must be 6 years of age or will reach such an age on or before October 15 of the current year or has suc cessfully completed the kinder garten or beginner grade. — - - California Kin Visit McKims— Mr. and Mrs. Howard Wales and children, of Bakers Field, Calif., arrived on Friday for a week's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle C. McKim. The Wales, Mrs. McKim and two sons were guests in Omaha over the weekend at the home of Mrs. McKim’s other daughters, Mr. and Mrs. John DeGeorge, and family, and Miss Hyldred McKim. Doemingi Entertain Couples at Bridge— The Couples bridge club met Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Doeming. Mr. and Mrs. Wililam C. Artus were guests. High scores were won by Verne Reynoldson and Mrs. Artus. Mrs. Noal E. Long won the traveling prize. Parkers Are Hosts— Mr. and Mrs. Roy W. Parker entertained at a pitch party Fri day evening. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. Mark Schelkopf and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Ross. Mrs. Ruxiclca Entertains Club Winners at Jeudi club last Thursday were Mrs. Max Wanser and Mrs. Norman Gonderinger. Mrs. Melvin Ruzicka was hostess. Mrs. Harold McNally and San dra Lee, of Ainsworth, visited her mother, Mrs. Christine Wil liams, last Thursday and Friday. —--« JOHN R. GALLAGHER j AtlonMr-ai'La* First Natl Bank Bldg. 0*Nalll t Phoaa 11 | --- I EWING NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Clair Guy and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hunter, of Guide Rock, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Shain on Sunday. Mr. Quy is an army buddie of Mr. Shain’s. Joe Hunter and Clif ford Hahlbeck, of Ewing, saw sea duty together in the navy. Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Marquardt were his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Marquardt, of West Point. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mar quardt and daughter, Joan, were j also guests on Sunday at the I Marquardts’. The Past Matrons club and Star Kensington met Friday af- ■ ternoon at the R. G. Rockey j home. There was a good attend ance of members. Guests were | Mrs. Frank McNeill, of Camp Campbell, Ky., and Miss Donna Rudisil. A luncheon was served ' by Mrs. Rockey, assisted by Mrs. j Lee Woods. Mrs. Wilbur Bennett and Mrs. Frank Schmidt will en tertain the club for the next meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fleming and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wein rich and family were guests on Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Belmar, of Page. Mrs. Dora Townsend, who has been a house guest at the home of her sister and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fleming, for the past few months, has gone to Colorado and Wyoming on a combined business and pleasure trip. Keith Biddlecome, of Moline, 111., is a guest at the home of Mrs. Harriet Welke. He came to Ew ing on Thursday. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Walt er Austin and daughter, Janice, of Plain view; Mr. and Mrs. Hom er Barton and family and Mrs. Louise Beal, all of Orchard, were guests at the Waldo Davis home. Mrs. Barton, who was celebrat ing a birthday anniversary, was the honor guest for the 1 o’clock dinner. Mrs. Waldo Davis spent the forepart of the week at Orchard where she is the guest of her mother, Mrs. Louise Beal. Mrs. Arthur Kropp and Mrs. Gail Boies entertained the YM pinochle club at the Kropp home Tuesday evening, April 24. Score winners were; Mrs. Kermit Jef feries, Mrs. R. H. Shain and Mrs. Arthur Funk. Mrs. Ralph Munn was a guest. The hostesses serv ed refreshments. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bohn were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies on Wednesday, April 25. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Huffman, of Elgin, spent Sunday visiting at the home of their son, M. B. Huffman, and family. Lt. and Mrs. Frank McNeill, of Camp Campbell, Ky., arrived on Thursday to visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Rockey. Mrs. Bernice Bachelor, of Val entine, was a guest of Mrs. Fran ces Shaw on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Pat Cronin and family, of Pickstown, S. D., were guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Noffke, sr., on Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Larson were guests on Saturday at the home of Anna Kohler. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bergstrom had as their guests for a 6 o’clock dinner Sunday evening, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Fudge, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Lampert, Mr. and Mrs. Le land Welke. A good crowd gathered at the Ewing Methodist church Sunday evening for the family night par ty. A covered dish supper was served at 6:30 with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Larson and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Olson as hosts. This was followed by a social hour. At 8 o’clock the Inman Methodist church presented the Lenten dra ma, “Unveiling the Cross.” Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Eacher re turned Friday from a combined business and pleasure trip which took them into Kansas, Texas, New Mexico and Colorado. They were overnight guests of Mr. and Mrs. Dee Hutton at Tucumcari, N. M. The Huttons were very happy to see someone from their old home town. Mrs. Shirley Eacher, of Kear ney, visited relatives and friends in Ewing the past week. She was accompanied home by Joan An gus and Jerrel Dean Black, who spent the weekend with her. Nationally-Known Band Leader Dies Arthur R. Thompson died Fri day night at Butte at the home of his son, Joseph. He served from September, 1929, until last year as director of the Washington high school band at Sioux Falls, S. D. Mr. Thompson was an advo cate of fhe use of music to pro mote international good will and understanding and to that end sponsored an Internation al girls' band. Girls from the United States and Canada toured Canada under his direction last summer, and a similar tour was planned in the United States this year. He resigned at Sioux Falls to devote his full time to the inter national band program. Mr. Thompson was active in band circles on a national level and conducted a band at the re ception for the king and queen of England when they visited the New York world’s fair. He also conducted the band that played at the launching of the Battleship South Dakota. INMAN NEWS Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Alexander returned Friday evening from Omaha where they spent a few days. Gordon Sholes and Harlan Morsbach, who are employed with the telephone company, spent the weekend visiting rela tives and friends. Miss Deritha Smith, of Norfolk, spent the weekend visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mossman Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Moore also called on Mr. and Mrs. James Gallagher and Joe Gallagher Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Xom Hutton and daughter, Sue, and Miss Kay Coventry spent Saturday after noon in Neligh. The WSCS met Thursday af ternoon with Mrs. Floyd Keyes for a regular meeting. Mrs. Her bert Rouse, Mrs. Lyle Abney and Mrs. Otto Retke were hostesses. Master Loren Lorenz, of Nor folk, spent the weekend visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lorenz. Mr. and Mrs. Neal Chase, of Sheldon, la., spent the weekend visiting in the home of Joe and Bea Gallagher and with other relatives and friends. Mr. Wilhoit, of Western, spent Saturday in Inman on business. Mr. Wilhoit has accepted the su perintendent’s position in the In man school for the coming year. Mrs. Anna Smith and Ernest Trowbridge spent Sunday in Page visiting Mr, and Mrs. Char les Cronk. Mrs. Kathryn Abbenhaus left Wednesday, April 25, for Plain view where she will be employ ed. Mrs. Myrtle Youngs spent Wednesday, April 25, visiting rel atives in Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Butler and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Youngs and children spent Thursday evening at Bassett m the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rex Butler and son. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Clark en tertaiend the YM club Saturday evening. Cards furnished the eve ning’s entertainment. Mrs. Clark served a luncn at the cloee. Mrs. Myrlte Y oungs is spending a few days visiting Mr. and Mrs. Art Kropp at Ewing. Karl Keyes and Herbert Rouse spent Sunday in Norfolk visiting relatives.__ ■ NEW, LOW PHOTO FINISHING PRICES ORIGINAL ROLL All film size* smaller than 2V'*x4l/4 Developing and one DECKLE-EDGED JUMBO print eech negative 8 exposure roll- 35c 12 exposure roll_ 55c 16 exposure roll- 55c All film sixes 2Vix4y4 and larger Developing and one contact print each negative. 35c 35 mm film Developing only_35c Developing and one DECKLE-EDGED JUMBO print each negative 20 exposure roll_$1.00 . 36 exposure roll_ $1.50 Enclose cash or money order with your film. No work is ! sent out C.O.D.' O’NEILL PHOTO CO. Kodak Department D'NEILL NEBRASKA AMELIA NEWS Mrs. Stella Sparks and Lonnie spent Sunday with Mrs. Gertie Adair. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Dierking, of Chambers, spent Sunday at Harlan Dierking’s. Mr. and Mrs. Link Sageser spent Sunday at Vern Sagesers’. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Peterson visited his uncle at St Edward Sunday. The WSCS met Wednesday, April 25, with Mrs. Blake Ott. Fifteen members were present. Mrs. Lloyd Waldo led the devo tions and Mrs. Vern Sageser pre sented the lesson. Mrs. Bob Rees and Mrs. Etta Ott prepared the luncheon. Next meeting will be with Mrs. Alvin Forbes on May 23. Mrs. Vern Sageser went to Gordon Sunday where she will be guest speaker at a women’s club meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Widman and Marcia were guests at the Harlan Dierking home Saturday evening. The occasion was the first birthday anniversary of lit tle Cynthia Jean Dierking. Lynn Prewitt, of Curtis, agri cultural student, spent the week end at home with his mother, Mrs. Alice Prewitt, and family. Miss Shirley Withers, student at Nebraska state university, spent the weekend with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. DeLance Withers, and Donnie. Miss Janice Prewitt spent the weekend with Carol and Lois Burge. Miss Rae Dee Wickham spent the weekend with Nancy Watson. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Barnett and girls enjoyed a “fish fry" at the S. C. Barnett home for Sun day dinner. Kenneth Small and Joan Hum phrey spent Sunday at C. F. Small’s. Kenneth is working at the Lemmer ranch. Mrs. Julia Warner, of North Platte, has been visiting at the home of her son, March, the past week. He took her to the Bud Warner home near Bur well Sun day where she will visit before returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schade spent Sunday at Lindseys’. Mrs. Lewlne Wickham return ed to Valentine Friday after a week's visit at home. While here she held parties at the homes of Mrs. Vern Sageser, Mrs. Will Fryrear and Mrs. Hienie Frahm. Stanley Thompson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Will Thompson, of Ger ing, received his notice to report for his physical examination in the armed forces on May 4. He has been working for Guy Blake. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Forbes and boys spent Wednesday eve ning, April 25, with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Rees and family. STUART NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dodd vis ited on Monday evening, April 23, with a friend, Scott Sloan, who is “seriously" ill in the Bas sett hospital. Shirley Johnson, Gene Hamik, Mrs. Fritz Kohle, Vita Weichman and Don Bernt were Grand Is land on Thursday, April 26. Mrs. Hattie Fox and Mrs. Wil fred Seger went to Fremont on Friday, April 20, and spent the weekend at Bellevue in the S. D. Wiggins home. Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Coffman, Mrs. Don Krotter and Miss Billy Ruther went to Lincoln Saturday, April 28. They attended the “farmers’ fair," an annual cele bration by college of agriculture students. Mr. and Mrs. Roland Dodd, of Lincoln; Mrs. Jeff Davis and Imogene, of Inman, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Sr.yder were Sunday, April 29,. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dodd. Mrs. Bill Gettman and Diane, of Norfolk, are visiting her moth er, Mrs. Jack McGrew. Mrs. Andy Hytrek, who has been working for Mrs. Oliver Gilg the past 2 weeks, returned home on Saturday, April 28. Mrs. George Keidel entertain of members of junior high girls’ and boys’ Sunday-school classes with a picnic at her home on Sat urday, April 28. Visits Spencer — Mrs. Ella Karr went to Spen cer Friday to visit her son and nis wife, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Karr. She had been at the home of her daughter and he*' husband, Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Worth, for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Yantzi and daughter, of Sidney, were week end guests at the Levi Yantzi home. Mr. Yantzi returned home and his wife and daughter re mained for a longer visit. DANCE SUMMERLAND at Ewing Sunday, May 6 Music by BUDDY BAIR and Hi* Orchettra j Now is the time to have your SEPTIC TANK PUMPED Hare it done by a local man. All work guaranteed and priced right. Phone 49 Norwood Repair EWING Coming Again to Jacobson's I HRS. VERM BOWEN, FACTORY REPRESENTATIVE She Will Be At Our Store All -Day SATURDAY, MAY 5th Demonstrating SUNBEAM APPLIANCES and Serving FREE COFFEE from a SUNBEAM ELECTRIC COFFEEMAKER GIVE MOTHER A SUNBEAM ON HER DAY I i * LABOR SAVE S Ot\ < * . ** I. (Gtitbeam ironmaster Heats quicker, stays hotter, irons faster. Hot in 30 seconds! Thumb-tip heat reg ulator in handle, cool, easy-to-set, conveniently marked for ail type fabrics. Available in two weights —lightweight 4 Ibe. or ligbterwcight, 2 ^ lbs. (Sunbeam MIXMASTER Dial your favorite recipe. Correct mixing speeds at your finger-tips. Mixes, mashes, V— whips, beats, stirs, % blends, juices, etc. V Saves time, arm work. (Sunbeam COFFEEMASTER , It’s automatid You can’t mistl Perfect coffee every time—1 cup to 8. No watching —no worry. All gem>like chromium plate. No glass bowls to break. itfuhbeum ESS TOASTER Automatic Beyond Belief! All you do is z drop in the bread. Bread lowers itself automatically. So levers to push. Toast raises itself silently, without popping or bang ing. Every slice alike—moist, dry, thick slices or thin. cSunbeam EGG COOKER Cooka eggt tb* tsmt tmry Hmt, exactly aa you like them—all automat ically. Vary aoft, medium, hard or any degree it> between. 6 egg cepedepi Sunbeam WAFFLE BAKER . Automatically* f makes 4 delicious, good-sized waffles - as one time. No confusion, waiting or delay waffle** serves 4 people with one baking.