The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, April 12, 1951, SECTION 2, Page 15, Image 15

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Board Proceedings
(Continued from page 14.)
Section 1. That it be and it
hereby is found and declared
that the formation and establish
ment of the ATKINSON RURAL
within the boundaries prescribed
by Section two hereof would be
in the public interest and suited
to the general fire protection pol
icy of the County as a whole.
Section 2. That the ATKINSON
DISTRICT is hereby organized
and established within the fol
lowing boundaries, to-wit:
Saratoga Precinct: Sections 31
to 35 inclusive, Twp. 33, Range
13; Sections 2 to 12 and 13 to
36 inclusive, Twp. 32, Range
13; All of Sand Creek Precinct;
The East 36 Sections of Green
Valley Precinct; All of Francis
Precinct; All of Sheridan Pre
cinct; All of Atkinson Pre
cinct; All of Pleasantview Pre
cinct; The West 36 Sections of
Fairview Precinct; The West 36
Sections of Rock Falls Pre
cicnt; The West 30 Sections of
the North half of Emmet Pre
cinct and Sections 16, 9, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 17, 18, 19, 20; West one
half of 21: and Sections 30. 29,
31, 32 in the South half of Em
met Precinct, Holt County,
' Section 3. That the County
Clerk of Holt County, be and
hereby is directed to designate a
time and place for a public meet
ing of all electors who are own
ers of any interest in real or per
sonal property assessed for taxa
tion in the district and who re
side within the boundaries
thereof, and to give notice of
such meeting as by law prescrib
Section 4. That a duly certified
copy of this resolution be filed
in the office of the County Clerk
of Holt County, Nebraska,
j 1, Alex Frickel, member of the
; Board of County Supervisors of
■ Holt County, Nebr., move the
I Board of County Supervisors of
Holt County, Nebraska, adopt the
above Resolution.
I, Andy Clark, member of the
Board of Supervisors of Holt
County, Nebraska, second the a
bove motion.
The Aye and Nay vote being
called for resulted as follows:
AYE: Frank Cronk, H. W. Hub
bard, Andy Clark, Albert Sterns,
A. M. Batenhorst, A. L. Borg, Al
ex Frickel.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Ninham
appeared before the Board pre
senting an application for an On
and Off Sale Beer License. Their
place of business is to be the
Oasis Inn located 5 miles East of
Chambers. Motion was made by
Hubbard, seconded by Borg that
the Holt County Board of Super
visors recommend to the Nebras
ka Liquor Control Commission
that an On and Off Sale Beer Li
cense be granted Mr. and Mrs. *
Ninham. Motion carried.
5:00 P. M. On motion the Board
adjourned until March 27, 1951,
at 10:00 A. M.
County Clerk
O’Neill, Nebraska
March 27, 1951
10:00 A. M.
Holt County Board of Super
visors met as per adjournment.
All members present.
Meeting called to order by the
Minutes of the meetings of
February 21, March 8 and 9, were
read and approved as read.
The Finance Committee report
ed that all fees from the various
offices for the month of Febru
ary had been remitted to the
County Treasurer as required by
Motion by Batenhorst, second
ed by Clark that the following
Salary and Expense claims be
allowed and warrants ordered
drawn on the General Fund in
payment of same.
Vivian Allendorfer, March
Salary $166.66
Alice L. French March
Salary 300.00 !
Alice L. French, Postage 19.08
William W. Griffin, March
Salary 158.34
John Grutsch, March Sal- I
ary 216.68
| J. Ed Hancock, March Sal
arv Z^I.OO
Esther Harris, March Sal
ary 166.66
Esther Harris, Postage 9.10
Ruth Hoffman, March Sal
ary 241.66
Holt County Extension
Service 341.57
Eldora Lowery, March
Salary ._. 33.75
Ira H. Moss, Salary and
Postage 267.00
Nora Mullen, March Sal
ary 135.00
] Mabel McKenna, March
Salary _ 125.00
Louis W. Reimer, Postage 6.75
Albert Sipes, March Sal
ary 150.00
Claresse Sullivan, March
Salary 166.66
Leo S. Tomjack, Mileage . 130.96
Leo S. Tomjack, Prisoners
Board & Jailors Fee_64.75
Glea Bowden, March Sal
ary 115.00
Alice L. French, Mileage 36.77
Alice L. French, Institute
and 8th Grade Fund_ 100.00
John Grutsch, Postage _ 3.00
J. Ed Hancock, Co. Treas.,
Envelopes and Postage . 218.46
LaVon Hart, March Sal
ary _ 150.00
Ruth Hoffman, Postage_ 8.47
DeLoris M. Lowery,
March Salary _ 150.00
Virginia Morrow, March
Salary _ 135.00
Ira H. Moss, Court Costs 73.80
Wilma McClure, March
Salary _ . 150.00
Louis W. Reimer, March
Salary _ 258.33
Charles Richter, March
Salary _ 200.00
Albert Sipes, Mileage_64.32
Leo S. Tomjack, March
Salary _ 183.30
Leo S. Tomjack, Postage
& Telephone _ 17.92
ohn J. Underwood, March
Salary _ 54.04
Wm. F. Wefso, March Sal
ary _ — 225.00
On motion the Board adjourn
ed until 1 o’clock.
O’Neill, Nebraska
March 27, 1951
1:00 P. M.
Holt County Board of Super
visors met as per adjournment.
All members present.
Meeting called to order by the
The applications of Allen J.
Pollock and Rudie Juracek for
On and Off Sale Beer License
were read and considered. Motion
was made by Clark, seconded by
Borg that the Holt County Board
of Supervisors recommend to the
Nebraska Liquor Control Com
mission that licenses be granted
them to sell beer outside of the
corporate limits of Ewing, Ne
braska. Motion carried.
Motion by Hubbard, seconded
claims be allowed and warrants
by Sterns, that the following
be drawn on the Road Fund
in payment of same:
A. M. Batenhorst, Road
Inspection ---$ 20.00
Axel L. Borg, Tire - 20.00
Ronald Borg, Patrol Op
erator _ 250.50
Fritz Brandt, Road work 13.60
Glen Cobb, Gas, Oil, 8c
Repairs -- — 76.01
C r a b b Service Station,
Gas, Oil, Tire Repair _ 143.13
D. A. L u b r ic a n t Co.,
Grease & Oil 76.97
Earley Oil Co., Gasoline ... 21.32
J. P. Gans, Repair work 58.69
Gerald Harding, Road
Work _ 185.00
Henderson Store, Grocer
ies _ 10.50
Edwin Hubbard, Operat
ing Motor Grader _ 34.00
Harold Huebert, Patrol
Operator 33.50
C. W. Kirkland, Road
Work 16.15
Lamason Garage, Repairs
8c Labor 8.25
Lookers, Inc., Flares...... _ 1.62
Marcellus Impl. Co., Re
pairs & Labor ... 127.22
Lyle McKim, Patrol Op
erator _ 85.50
Ora P h i 1 b r i c k, Road
Work 226.05
John Richardson, Road
Work _ 13.30
Rockey Imp., Bolts and
Washers - 44.41
Shelhamer Eqpt. Co., Gas 34.56
Thomas Slattery, Supplies 19.48
R. D. Stevens, Machine
Operating _ ...-118.75
The Thomas Co., Grease 132.76
The Thomas Co., Snow
Plow Wax_ 45.83
Emil Colfack, Work with
Tractor - — aO.OO
Fehrs Tractor & Eqpt. Co.,
Wheel & Bearings-105.37
\. M. Batenhorst, Vise— 35.19
\xel L. Borg, Road In
spection ---. 2(J.OO
Ed Brandt, Patrol Operat
or _ 57.00
Harrison Bridge, Gasoline 7.75
Continental Oil Co., Gas
oline —- 9.28
Frank Cronk, Road In
spection -45.00
D. A. Lubricant Co.,
Grease & Oil -- 64.47
Dankert Service, Gas, Oil
& Deisel Fuel - 166.17
E. H. Hagensick, Hook 1,40
Gerald Harding, Road
Work_ 30.00
Highway Eqpt. & Supply
Co., Injection Pump 247.43
Inter State Oil Co., Oil &
Grease _ 95.72
Wm. Krotter Co., Repairs
& Supplies - 46.93
Lohaus Motor Co., Repairs
& Labor 66.83
Lundquiest Chevrolet Co.,
Anti-Freeze - 48.67
Mentzer Bros., Supplies
and Repair .. 11,20
O’Neill Auto Supply, Inc.,
Repairs . --- 5.05
Platt Oil Cd., Oil 11.92
Robert Richardson, Road
Work 57.00
Servall Towel & Linen
Supply, Towels 2.00
Sioux Machinery & Sup
ply Co., Hoist 75.00
Standard Oil Co., Kero
s'’™; 48.90
I he Thomas Co., Grease 14.73
The Thomas Co., Oil 44.76
Ace Norton, Work with
Truck 15 00
Duane Beck, Work with
Tractor __ 11 25
Motion bv Borg, seconded by
Hubbard that t h e following
claim be allowed and a warrant
ordered drawn on the Pari-mu
tuel Fund in pavment of same
Holt County Agriculural
Shifty „ $490.80
Motion by Hubbard, seconded
by Clark that the following claim
be allowed and a warrant order
ed drawn on the Fair Fund in
payment of same:
Holt County Agricultural
Society $2,000.00
Motion by Frickel, seconded
by Clark that the following
claims be allowed and warrants
ordered drawn on the Road
Bridge Fund in payment of same:
Armco Drainage and.
Metal Products Inc.,
Steel culverts_ $1353.25
Ed Brandt, Repair and
Labor on Bridge truck 7.50
Fehrs Tractor & Equip
| ment Co., Repairs- 86.71
Wheeler Lumber and
Bridge Supply Com
pany, Bridge supplies 3167.71
Motion by Stems, seconded by
Batenhorst that the following
claims be allowed and warrants
ordered drawn on the Bridge
Fund in payment of same:
A. M. Batenhorst, Bridge
Inspection _$ 15.00
Roy Cearns, Bridge work 87.55
R. O. Jarvis, Gas _ 127.60
Jerrv O’Connell, Bridge
Work 56.95
Wm. Siebert, Bridge work 94.35
Anton Weichman, Bridge
Foreman 120.00
| Axel L. Borg, Bridge In
spection 10.00
i Frank Cronk, Bridge, In
spection 5 00
i Wm. Krotter Co., Posts &
r,B°U? „ 32.64
iRov Rips, Saw Set 2 50
Standard OU Co., Oil I 23.46
i Walter W 1 n s o r, Bridge
work 73 jo
Motion bv Borg, seconded bv
Friokel that the following claims
be allowed an'* warrants ordered
drawn on the Mail Route Fund in
navment of same:
Gene Batenhorst, Work on
a « d ™ $137.75
A. B. McClure,. Helping
on Patrol ic on
Lyle McKim, Grader Op
erator 119 70
Road District No. 4, Rental
°"patr°l —- 180.00
«• P Stevens, Operating
Machine 119.70
Edwin Hubbard, Operat
ing Motor Grader 44.65
Allan F. Pollock, Gas 43.92
Richard Smith, Operating
Grader 236.10
Motion by Hubbard, seconded
by Borg that the following Bonds
be approved. Motion carried.
Lyle P. Dierks, Member Coun
ty Service Committee
R. Homer Rutherford, Justice
of Peace, Golden Precinct
Raymond Schmidt, Clerk,
Golden Precinct
Floyd H. Frahm, Treasurer,
Iowa Precinct
F. H. Fundus, Treasurer, Dust
in Precinct
James F. Conway, Road Over
seer, Shields Precinct.
5:00 P. M. On motion the Board
adjourned until 10:00 A. M.,
March 28.
County Clerk
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Earley and
daughter, of New York, left Fri
day after visiting several days at
the home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Jim Earley.
Make GAMBLES your fishing
supply headquarters for this
summer. Complete line in and on
display. 48-51e
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yantzi
and Levi Yantzi plan to go to
Sidney Friday to visit Mr. ajld
Mrs. Bill Yantzi. Miss Nancy
Yantzi, who has (been visitifig
in Sidney for three weeks, will
return to O’Neill with them.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barnes
and daughter were Sunday din
ner guests at the home of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Barnes,
of Atkinson.
I\¥7'HY spend day after day of drudgery
” on your place? . . . GRAVELY Power
Equipment will do your jobs quicker, easier "=
— give you leisure to really ENJOY your
country living!
The GRAVELY Tractor is the one specially
designed, all-purpose tractor for country
homes, small farms—one powerful 5-Horse- "ow WWH* A
power GRAVELY powers 19 handy tools! Wkds fiTS
JWith the GRAVELT you get —
...Big, 5-Horsepower GRAVELY Engine
... No tugging or pulling
... No belts or chains to wear and break
. .. You buy one tractor, select the tools
you need for individual jobs.
You need POWER Equipment NOW to help
you with your work . . . Before you buy
any small tractor, see the Powerful
GRAVELY — for 28 years the world’s finest
small tractor — a lifetime investment in
better living!
Try it now on your own ground
at no obligation! Ask for FREE
copy of “POWER vs DRUDG
I that tells how to put POWER
■ to work for you! ... CALL US
| ■ TODAY!
Your SNO-CREME Drive In
for the Season!
• A sure sign that Spring is here and that
Summer is just around the corner, the
SNO-CREME DRIVE IN has been open
ed for the season, next door to Krotters.
• Our Drive In hours are from I 2 o’clock
noon until midnight each day includ
ing Sunday.
• fHMake our Drive In your headquarters
for ice cream, Sno-Creme, sandwiches jj
and a variety of soft drinks.
West O’Neill
Once in a while, any man is entitled to let him
self go.
He’s entitled to that glow of pride that comes
from feeling like the very important person that
he really is.
He’s entitled to take practical steps to make liis
dreams coinc true.
In short, he’s entitled to own a Roadmaster, and
particularly a Roadmaster as it is custom huilt
for ’51.
For this great automobile is more than big and
roomy and distinguished in its styling.
It’s more than sweetly willing in performance,
and superbly poised in stride.
It does things to you, when you let yourself sink
deep down in the subtle softness of its cushions,
aud run a caressing hand over the fine texture of
its fabrics.
This is everything a fine car should bel
Of course, this brilliant performer is Fireball
powered. It is cushioned by coil springs on every
wheel. It provides, at no extra cost, the complete
relaxation of Dynaflow Drive. It has durable and
dependable sturdiness engineered into every
mechanical part.
But the best is yet to be told. When you check
the Roadmaster price list, you’ll find that the
car of your choice can be yours for hundredh of
dollars less than you’ll pay for others with com
parable reputation.
Come in soon and see this buy of buys ia the
fine-car field.
Equipment, acceteoriee, trim and modela are eubject to change without motto*.
- - Ww belter ■■to—bile* «r> built Baleb, will bulM Ihem -=**