Official Proceedings of Holt County Board of Supervisors O’Neill, Nebraska February 21, 1951 10:00 A. M Holt County Board of Supervis ors met as per adjournment. All members present. Meeting called to order by the chairman Minutes of the meetings of February 7th and February 20th were read and approved as read. Motion by Friekel, seconded by Borg, that the following Bonds be approved: Albert Sipes, Deputy Sheriff Nick Bonenberger, Justice of Peace, Sheridan Precinct Bollie Peterson, Justice of Peace, Green Valley Precinct Joe Rocke, Justice of Peace, Atkinson Precinct Wayne Stevens, Justice of Peace, McClure Precinct LuVem VanConett, Treasurer, Antelope Precinct Kenneth Waring, Treasurer, Iowa Precinct Irwin LaRue, Treasurer, Mc John W. Nachtman, Treasurer, Clure Precinct George J. Roby, Treasurer, Conley Precinct Lake Precinct Guy Johnson, Clerk, Steel Creek Precinct Eli McConnell, Clerk, Atkin son, Precinct H. C. Walter, Clerk, Chambers, Precinct Roy Alder, Road Overseer, Steel Creek Precinct Motion by Clark, seconded by Hubbard, that the following claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Unemploy ment Relief Fund in payment of same: Biglin Brothers $150.00 Curly’s Square Deal Mar ket $10.11 Farmers Union Store $ 20.09 Holt County Treasurer _ $111.42 K, B. Market „ $ 42.00 Pfelcer & Spence - _$ 10.00 Thad E. Saunders- $ 4.20 Mrs. John Seger -$ 2.00 Union Super Market-$ 90.00 Council Oak Store -$ 12.00 Emergency Poor Fund —$ 8.00 Holt County Treasurer __$247.51 Edna Huebert -$ 15 00 McCartney Style Shop —$ 3.98 Pelcer & Spence--$ 10.00 John Seger - $ 10.00 Peter Sorensen $ 12.50 Motion by Frickel, seconded by Sterns, that the following claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the General Fund in paymet of same: A. M. Batenhorst, Salary for Febr. $ 30.00 Axel L. Borg, Salary for Febr. — —-$ 30.00 Brion & Huffman Agency, Insurance Premium $134.60 Ed T. Campbell, Bond premium _$ 88.75 Andy Clark, Mileage _ _ $12.84 Frank Cronk, Salary for Febr. $ 37.00 Frank Cronk, Mileage $ 33.00 Alex Frickel, Salary for Febr. $ 45.00 The Frontier, Printing & Supplies $ 90.82 Clair Grimes, Insurance Premiums $ 22.60 H. W. Hubbard, Mileage $ 32.22 H. W. Hubbard, Salary for Febr. $ 30.00 Austin L. Hynes, Land $315.00 Milburn & Scott Co., School District Plats $ 12.44 Moore-Noble Lumber Co., Coal $737.57 Supplies for Assessor $ 8.12 Nebraska Assoc, of Coun ty Officials, Dues $ 30.00 Omaha Printing Co., A to Z Index $ 21.85 O’Neill Photo Company, Fingerprint Camera $109.50 Geo. C. Robertson, Insur ance Premium $ 48.32 Albert Sterns, Febr. Sal ary $ 45.00 United States Check Book Co., Checks $ 30.83 A. M. Batenhorst, Mile age — . — $ 33.42 Axel L. Borg, Mileage $ 22.02 Harry S. Byrne Co., Bond Premium —$537.50 Andy Clark, Salary for Febr. $ 60.00 Consumer Public Power, Electricity - — $200.09 Coyne Hardware, Paint and Brush $ 14.00 Alex Frickel, Mileage $ 19-60 L. G. Gilespie, Insurance Premium —$ 66.75 H. W. Hubbard, Salary for Febr. $ 30.00 H. W. Hubbard, Febr. Salary $ 30.00 T. C. Lord Co., Supplies $ 48.46 Mimeograph Duplicator Co., Protective Covers $ 2.47 Moore-Noble Lumber Co., Coal for Annex _... $ 86.63 H. J. O’Connor, Insurance premium - —. $ 23.20 Redfield & Company, Rec ord Book - $111.62 Spelts . Ray Lumber Co., Paint .—~ $ 87.23 R. H. Shriner, Bond Pre mium - $ 88.75 Albert Stems, Mileage $ 11.52 University Publishing Co., Card Holders $ 2.92 12:00 Noon. On motion the Board adjourned until 1:00 P. M. O’Neill, Nebraska February 21, 1951 1:00 P. M. Holt County Board of Super visors met as per adjournment. All members present. Meeting called to order by the chairman. Holt County Veteran’s Service Committee represented by John Grutsch and E. V. Hickok, met with the Board at this time. They gave a report of their work and an estimate of the amount of money they would need for the coming year. They also recom mended that Cleo Alderson be reappointed a member of the Holt County Service Committee as his term expires March 1, 1951. Motion by Hubbard, seconded by Batenhorst that Cleo Alderson be reappointed a member of the Holt County Service Committee for a term of five years. Motion carried. Motion by Sterns, seconded by Frickel that the following claim be allowed and a warrant be drawn on the Special Road Fund in payment of same: Inland Construction Com pany, Contract work on a Bridge $9793.56 On motion the Board adjourn ed until March 9, 1951, at 2 00 P. M. RUTH HOFFMAN Countv Clerk FRANK CRONK Chairman O’Neill, Nebraska March 8, 1951 10:00 A. M. Holt County Board of Super visors met at the call of the County Assessor. All members present. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. Countv Assessor Wefso gave a report of the Assessors meeting held at Ord on Wednesday, March 7. Wefso and the Board discussed the valuations to be placed on cattle in this countv. Motion was made bv Clark, seconded by Frickel that the fol lowing Resolution be adopted. Motion carried. RFSOT.imON BE IT RESOT,VED. bv the Countv Board of Supervisors of , XTC°untv of Hnlt- of the State of Nebraska, that for the tax year 1951, livestock in said County be valued at the following amounts Tor tax assessment purposes, viz: Pure Bred: Calves under 6 mo. $ 25 00 Yearlings fi to 18 mo. 70.00 Steers 18 to 30 mo. 95.00 Milch Cows . 130 00 Stock cattle l'osioo Bulls 190.00 Grades: Calves under 6 mo. 20 00 Yearlings 6 to 18 mo. 55.00 Steers 18 to 30 mo. 80.00 Heifers 18 to 30 mo. 70.00 Steers over 30 mo. 105.00 , Stock cattle 95.00 Milch cows . 110.00 Bulls . 155.00 The foregoing resolution intro duced March 9, 1951, by Super visor Clark who moved its adop tion. Motion seconded by Frick el. A roll call vote being taker on said motion resulted as fol lows: Aye: Frank Cronk, Albert Sterns, Andv Clark, A. M. Bat enhorst, H. W. Hubbard, Axel L. Borg, Alex Frickel. Nay: None. Whereupon the Chairman de clared such resolution duly pass ed and adopted. 5:00 P. M. On motion the Board adjourned until March 9, 1951, at 2:00 P. M. RUTH HOFFMAN Countv Clerk FRANK CRONK Chairman O’Neill, Nebraska March 9, 1951 2:00 P. M. Holt County Board of Super visors met as per adjournment. All members present. Meeting called to order by the chairman. This was the time set for the hearing for the organization of the Atkinson Rural Fire Protec tion District. A group of about 35 met met with the Board. After hearing from a number of those present, motion was made by Frickel, seconded by Clark that the following Resolu tion be adopted. Motion carried. RESOLUTION WHEREAS, on or about the 5th day of February’, 1951, there was filed in the office of the County Clerk of Holt County, Nebraska, a petition requesting the forma tion of a rural fire protection dis trict to >e known as the ATKIN — SON RURAL FIRE PROTEC TION DISTRICT, and WHEREAS, Ruth Hoffman, County Clerk of Holt County, has determined and certified that said petition and the signatures there to comply with the require ments of law in all respects and designated the 9th day of March, 1951, at 2:00 P, M. at the Holt County Courthouse as the time and place for a hearing before this body on said petition, and WHEREAS, notice of said Hearing was duly published as by law required, and WHEREAS, at the time and place so fixed this body duly met and gave opportunity to be heard to all persons residing or owning taxable property within the pro posed district respecting the for mation of said district and the location of the boundaries there of, and WHEREAS, careful * considera tion has been given to said peti tion and the evidence adduced at said Hearing: NOW THEREFORE BE IT AND IT HEREBY IS RESOLV ED: (Continued on page 15.) Scout Officials Meet New Executive Fourteen Bov Scout officials, trooD leaders and troop commit teemen from O’Neill, Chambers and Butte met the new field ex ecutive, Richard F. Miller, of Stu art, at a meeting in the Holt county courthouse Monday eve ning. Plans were discussed for the Scout finance drive to begin in O’Neill on April 23 and the Chambers drive, which starts April 24. A Sunday afternoon picnic is planned May 20 at Camp Wilder ness. A rotating flag will be used in connection with troops having best monthly membership rec ords at O’Neill and a floating tro phy will be used for the Cub packs. Several O’Neill officials plan to attend a Scouting council execu tive board meet for the Covered Wagon area to be held at Norfolk April 25. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS WD — Floyd DeLong et al to Alma Drayton 11 - 30 - 50- ex change of lands and $1- NWVi 32 29-10 WD—- Alma Drayton to Floyd DeLong & Merle DeLong 11-30 50- exchange of lands and $1 NW'/4 5-28-10 WD—Dora Hazelton to Alex F Forsythe 4-3-45 $3700- NE14 swv4- sev4nwv4- swy4NEy4 NWy4SEy4 27-32-14 WD—Alma Drayton to Alfred T Drayton 4-2-51 $1- All 32-29-10 Grantor reserves a life estate WD — June Baker to Wm L Pinkerman & wf 3-28-51 $1- SEV'4 10-30-10 WD—M I Stalons to W H Sta lons 10-1-42 $1- N%NEy4 23-25 11 WD—Ida Alfs to Louis Siebert & wf 3-30-51 $7400- WM-Wte 2 Ny>NWy4 11- Twp 30- R 13 sEv4swy4- NttSEy4- swy4SEy4 35-31-13 WD— Leeta Wiseman et al to LaVern Finley 1-8-51 $13,700 WD— Theresa Simons to Ber nard F Deermer 4-4-51 $3000- Lot NWV4 2-27-9 Sy8SWy4 35-28-9 10 Blk 22- Pioneer Townsite Co 1st Add- Stuart WD — Edward C Beed to A B & Susie Hubbard 2-20-51 $17,000 5.1 acres in SEy4SEy4 24-26-12 Lynch Seniors First to Sneak LYNCH—The Lynch high school senior class and Coach El Blackbird left by chartered bus for Omaha in the early hours Friday morning, April 6, to en joy the annual senior sneak day. Friday at 4 p.m., Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Campbell and Shirley mo tored to Omaha to join the se nior class. The main attraction of the two-day outing was the ice show. It was the first sneak day re ported to date this term. Other Lynch news Mr. and Mrs. Vince Jehorek were Creighton visitors on Tues day, April 3. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Teadtke and Sharon visited at the Allen Kos can home in Butte. Mrs. Guy Norwood was a re cent visitor at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Harold Andersen, and family at Niobrara. Mrs. Jos. Slechta, sr., visited at the Albert Tejral home on Wednesday, April 4. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Sixta vis ited at the Allan Koscan home in Butte Tuesday evening, April 3. Raelene Havranek spent the past week with her aunt, Mrs. Larie Micanek. Mrs. Elizabeth Kline, of Bris tow, attended the Altar society 1 meeting at the Raymond Hav ranek home. Mrs. John Hewitson visited at the Lawson Lightfoot home in Bristow last week. Lloyd Cranford returned to his work in Omaha Thursday, April 5, after a few days visit here at the parental Frank Cran ford home. Mrs. James Maly spent the first of last week at the Johnnie Hanzlik home in Monowi. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weeder were Crofton visitors Wednes day, April 4. The young people of the First Methodist church and Rev. Ric hard Monroe honored Susie Ei ler, Patty Moody and Calvin D. Spencer at a joint birthday anni versary party at the G. Eiler home at Monowi Wednesday, April 4, at 7:30 p.m. Games were played and lunch was served at a late hour. Miss Clara Kohler, of Fuller ton, spent Tuesday and Wednes day, April 3 and 4, with Mrs. Vince Jehorek. She also visited her parents east of Monowi. O'NEILL LOCALS Mrs. C. V. Sullivan went to Lincoln Tuesday. She will spend a week there visiting her parents, RV. and Mrs. Chris Weiseman. Mr. and Mrs. John Stahlecker and family, of Naper, visited in O’Neill Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shierk. Dr. and Mrs. J. L. Sherbahn returned Sunday after spending the week with Mrs. Gertrude McCallum in Wauneta. Alice: Meet me for dinner at the carnival-dinner at St. Mary's academy on Thursday. April 19. 49-50c Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Lohr and family, of Columbus, and Mrs. Jim Risk, of Oelwein, la., were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Saunto. Mrs. Margie Fagan, of Cham bers, is visiting Mrs. Helen Si mar. She arrived Saturday. Incomparable “Rosepoint”—most beautiful of bridal lace —etched in brilliant. American-made Cambridge Crystal for your finest table! Come in now and see our complete, moderately priced selection of charm ing serving and accessory pieces. Splendid gift* for every occasion! i wr 4 . - I j MclNTOSH JEWELRY “Where Price and Quality Meet” NOW’S THE TIME FOR CHANGES... ... if you want to revise your present listing, ; .. if you want to list other members of your household or your business firm, ... if you are going to move. To help us make the new directory as com plete, accurate and helpful as possible, please let us know about changes within the next week. Just phone or visit our business office. NORTHWESTERN BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY ' tfffa ~ - ■ -.. - ...— The Floor Furnace that SAVES SPACE! SAVES FUEL! Coleman rzrtx Shalloflow i Saves space-takes up no living room. It’s simple to install - no basement, no excavating, no costly plumb ing. And no air ducts are required! The new Shalloflow extends below floor level only 223/4" and is flood-proof to 19" below. You get solid automatic gas heating comfort without work or worry. ••Here’s Automatic Warm-Floor Comfortl" The Shalloflow pulls cool air off the floor, heats it and circulates it for whole-house warmth. Warms 4 to 5 rooms, gives complete change of air 3 to 5 times an hour. Come in and see it! ALSO AVAILABLE .n DUAL WALL MODEL Only $ 1 2 5 to h.ot adjoining room* at iama lima. ■ a week _ , 1 America’s Largest Selling Comfort coat* «o UtH, with a Floor Furnace_ LEIDY'S in O'Neill * I • 1 _' I I Penney! ,, - LUCKY m ANNIVERSARY! 60 GAUGE 15 DENIER NYLONS! ONLY SI Only for our Anniversary! Come 'n get 'em! Beautiful, sheer luxury nylons — abso lutely perfect, and in brand new shades! (Think of it!) Practical, too! You get more stitches to the inch for more wear. 812 to 11. ANNIVERSARY SPECIAL! WOMEN'S BEMBERG RAYON TRICOT BRIEFS While, pink. Size S-M-L. 3 FOR 1.44 _ . i i SPECIAL BUY! RAYON SLIPS 1.66 Beautiful! They're first qual ity mullifilamenl rayon crepe trimmed with lace or embroidery! Limited quanti ties only! Come! Pick up several today! While, pink, or blue. 32 to 40. M LOOP RUGS 18"x30". In blue, green, dus ty, gold and white. While they last— SI BED PILLOWS SANITIZED 50% duck feathers. 50% crushed turkey feathers. Size 20x26. EACH 2.98 _ * SPECIAL FEATURE MISSES’ JEANS! . ONLY 1.88 Lucky you! Well-cut blue denims with all the extras — ■ for so little! They're SanfoT ized*! They have three pock ets, orange stitching, and a side ripper! Wear? On and on and on! 10 to 18. , .. 7 to 14_$1.55 BLUE CHAMBRAY WORK SHIRTS 1.17 Penney's own full cut Sanfor ized* work shirts. Lined col lar style with strongly stitch ed main seams, flap pockets and non-rip sleeve facings. 1 Sizes 14 Vi to 17. _ •Maximum Residual Shrink age 1%. SPECIAL BUY! MEN’S JEANS 1.88 Sanforized* denim in button front style with yoke back and snap fastener at waist band. Copper riveted front and hip pockets. Sizes 30 to •Shrinkage will not exceed 1%. __/ i