. ST. PETER'S EPISCOPAL (Neligh) Rev. Wm. H. Cowger, pastor Second Sunday after Easter, April 8, 9 a.m. Sermon: “Grace to Receive.’ Church school, Sunday, 10 a.m. Wednesday, May 2, 8:15 pm., you have the opportunity of hearing one of the world’s great est organists — Richard Elsasser. If you want to see Neligh get wonderful music, help this ven ture to the best of your ability. This is another community pro ject by the churches of Neligh. Deanery meeting at Trinity Episcopal church, Norfolk, for f all Guild and auxiliary members beginning with holy communion at 10 a.m., Thursday, April 13. Start to make plans now to at tend. There will be no Guild on April 11 so you can plan to attend at Norfolk. Annual council ol the diocese of Nebraska at St. James church, Fremont, Wednesday and Thurs day, May 9 and 10. Guest speak er will be Very Rev. Paul Rob erts, dean of St. John’s cathedral, Denver, Colo. God grant that this confused world may look unto Jesus and * by fellowship with Him through His church may find the true brotherhood out of chaos and peace and the power to bring hatred, and spiritual strength out of human frailty. The church has not failed; but we have lived fee ble lives apart from the well spring of life, our Saviour, Jesus Christ. He comes to us again this Eastertide in great triumph. Let us, like the disciples of old, be truly glad to see Him. May His words change the weakness of our lives into towers of strength. Listen, He speaks to you, my friends: “Peace be unto you.” WESLEYAN METHODIST (O'Neill) Rev. Melvin Grosenbach, pastor April 5, 8 p.m.: Victory prayer y meeting. Pray with us for the betterment of our war, crime and political situations. April 8: Sunday - school, 10 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m.; praise ser vice, 7:30 p.m.; young people’s meeting, 8 p.m.; message by the pastor, 8:30 p.m. April 18: The sound color film, “God of Creation,” 8 p.m. Marvels of astronomy and nat ural science made clear through lapse - time camera and micro scope. These remarkable scenes: Huge size and vast number of heavenly bodies . . buds blos soming in seconds . . . leaves manufacturing their food . . . caterpillar changing into butter fly! April 17: The sound color I film, “Dust or Destiny.” Marvel * ous mechanisms of the human eye, ear and heart! Unerring flight of homing pigeons! Fish laying eggs on dry land! The wonder of growing things! Amaz ing, thrilling, awe inspiring! April 19: The sound color film, “God of the Atom.” Startlingly different approach to atomic bomb problem. Featured are ex clusive photographs of equip ment used in atomic research and unusual photography showing tremendous energies packed in a tiny atom. Freewill offering will be taken for film rental. You are invited to all of our services. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN (O'Neill) Rev. Ralph Gerber, pastor Sunday, April 8: Sunday school, 10 a.m.; worship, 11 a.m. i Sermon by Rev. Ralph Cham berlain, Presbyterian Sunday school missionary for the synod of Nebraska. Your pastor will re turn to the pulpit on Sunday, Ap ril 15. Spring meet of the Niobrara Presbyterial will be held at Wayne on Monday and Tuesday, April 16 and 17. METHODIST (Chambers) Rev. L. R. Hansberry, pastor Sunday-school, 10:30 a.m., Clair Grimes, superintendent. Worship, 11:30 a.m. k There will be choir practice following MYF Sunday evening. The WSCS will meet today CThursday) at the home of Mrs. C. V. Robertson. District youth rally will be at Neligh April 8, and the district conference at Wayne April 6th. COMMUNITY (Stuart) Rev. Orin Graff, pastor Unified services every Sunday, 10 a.m. Sermon Sunday, April 8: “How God Counts Faith.”—Romans 4 I The Women’s society will meet today (Thursday) in the church basement at 2:30 p.m. Mrs. Alice Wefso, Mrs. Wilbur Moon and Mrs. Stanley Cobb will be the hostesses. Choir rehearsal tonight (Thurs day), 7 o’clock. Prayer meeting tonight (Thurs day), 8 o’clock. The session is planning evan gelistic services for two weeks beginning April 9. The services will be conducted by Miss Mar garet Hamill and Miss Eloise Ru stad. CHURCH OF CHRIST (O'Neill) A. C. Utterback, pastor Sunday, April 8: Bible school at 10 a.m., with classes for all ages. The adult class will have a guest teacher, Bro. Percy Kleeman, of Salem, Ore. After the evening service, Mr. Kleeman will show moving ! pictures. Lord’s supper, 11 a.m., follow ed by a message from God’s Holy Word. Evening service, 8 o’clock. Workers will meet several times during the week to finish the interior decorating and hang the new drapes. We welcome those without a church home to worship with us.—By Mrs. Don ald Johring, secretary. CENTER UNION (O'Neill) Rev. Melvin Grosenbach, pastor April 8: Worship, 10 a.m.; Sun day-school, 11 a.m.; young peo ple’s service and Bible study, 7 30 p.m. Prayer meeting each Wednes day, 8 p.m. Our 46th anniversary dates are May 5 and 6. You are invited to all of our services. Jim Hytrek a Soloist at Festival STUART— Jim Hytrek, senior in Stuart high school, sang a so lo, “The Long Road,” in the eve ning concert at the north-central conference choral music festival held in Valentine on Saturday, March 31. The concert was broadcast by tape recording on Sunday, April 1, from 2 to 3 p.m. over KRVN at Lexington. About 35 boys and girls from the high school music department and their director, Allen Barnes, represented Stuart at the festi val. Soloists from here were Jim Hytrek, Jim Hamik, Willis Berry, Fred Coats and Esther Gans. This was the third annual mu sic festival and was attended by 360 students from high schools in the north central Nebraska con ference. The day was spent in sectional rehearsals and the eve- , ning concert featured the massed mixed chorus, girls’ chorus, boys’ chorus, and representative num bers from the schools. PAGE NEWS Mr. and Mrs. John Jackson and family, of Lincoln, spent the weekend with Mrs. Jackson’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. N e v e n Ickes, Lionel and Dennie. Other Sunday dinner guests were Mr. and Mrs. Neven Ickes, jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen, jr., and Glenda. Mr. and Mrs. Gailord Albright, Lavonne and Sterling, of Page, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stevens and Tommy, of O^Nieill, spent Saturday ervening at the O. J. Hoffman home at Clearwater. Mrs. Soren Sorensen spent the weekend at Ainsworth with her daughter, Miss Shirley Sorensen. Richard Orcutt, Miss Sorensen, Miss Iloe Oatman and Dean Trumm brought Mrs. Sorensen home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larson and Lynn, Mrs. George Rost, Mrs. Melvin Carson and Mrs. Orville Kemper were Sioux City visitors Tuesday, March 27. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Asher were Sunday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stevens at O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Van Bearinger, of Orchard, were Sunday after noon visitors at the Melvin Roach home. ‘ '.:' • • ' ..' . . .. ::: . ... '. . ’ •' - - Carson School Has Patrons Day REDBIRD—Patrons’ day was observed in the Carson school Friuay, March 23. Those present were: Mrs. Claude Pickering, Monty and Marlene, Mrs. Robert White, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Weber, of Lynch, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Car son, Mrs. Eddie Carson, Mrs. Ho ward Slack, Mrs. Carrie Hunter, Mrs. Mary Wolfe and Miss Lizzie Carson. The patrons brought ice cream and cake which was served for lunch. Miss Maureen Weber is the teacher. Other Redbird News Mrs. Gay Hull planned a sur prise birthday party for her hus band Friday night, March 16, but due to the storm only a few were able to get there. The Lee Wells family, of Lynch, were Tuesday, March 13, supper guests in the Clifford Wells home. Robert Wells, Beryle Bessert, and Richard Truax spent Thurs day evening, March 22, with Gar ry Wilson. Several families from this com munity attended the card party at the lodge hall in Lynch Wed nesday, March 21, sponsored by the Three Links club. * Herman Schollmeyer was a Thursday, March 15, supper guest in the Frank Carsten home. Mr. and Mrs. Swede Sedivy and son were “stormed in” at the Gay Hull home over the March 24 weekend. Mrs. Lillian Baker, Barry and Joan and the Bus Greene family, of Lynch, surprised Mrs. Nick Baker Tuesday evening, March 13, on her birthday anniversary. Easter Sunday dinner guests in the Bill Conard home were: Mr. and Mrs. Howard Slack and daughters, Etta Mae Wells, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hiscocks. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Ross and the Clifford Wells family were Easter Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Billy Wells. Mr. and Mrs. Robert White, Ronnie and Sharlene were din ned guests of her parents, the Rav Wilsons, Easter Sunday. They called in the Tom White home that evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wyant and boys called in the Charley Ross home Easter Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Stewart and Douglas, of Wagner, S. D., spent the Easter holidays with her parents, the Art Bessert fam ily. _ INMAN NEWS Kenneth Coventry and sons went to Grand Island Monday evening, March 26, where they met Mrs. Coventry, who was re turning from Denver, Colo., where she had spent a few days visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clark went to Columbus Tuesday, March 27, where they met their son, rom, who is spending a few days here from the navy. Tom has just finished his boot training. The Coffee club met Tuesday, March 27, with Mrs. Jennie Cros ser for a regular meeting. Mrs. Arthur Renner and Miss Abbie Hanley were assistant hostesses. A covered dish luncheon was served at noon. The Harmony club entertained their husbands at a party Satur day evening in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGraw. Various games were played after which Mrs. McGraw served lunch. The Harmony club held a regular meeting Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Harry McGraw. After a so cial afternoon the hostess served lunch. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Butler and Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Youngs and children were visitors Sunday in Neligh. Mrs. Harold Brower ana daughters left Sunday for their home in Independence, Mo,, af ter spending several days visiting Mrs. Brower’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Butler. Mrs. Vem Wrede and son and Mrs. Clarence Wrede, of O’Neill, were Inman visitors Monday. Mrs. James Coventry and son, Bill, spent Thursday in Lynch visiting relatives. Mrs. Pete Cooper, of Orchard, spent Thursday visiting in the home of her mother, Mrs. Lottie rhompson. Harlan Morsbach and Gordon Sholes, who are employed by the telephone company, spent the weekend visiting relatives and friends. Ted Kelley, of College Park, Md., spent the weekend visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Kelley, sr. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Butterfield md children spent Thursday in Norfolk on business. The Women’s Department of he LDS church met Wednesday iftemoon, March 28, in the Man lel Crosser home. At the close of he meeting, Mrs. Crosser served unch. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Stevens pent Monday in Battle Creek usiting in the Robert Stevens md Chester Smith homes. Karl Keyes and Mr .and Mrs. Clarence Hansen and children pent Sunday in Norfolk visiting elatives. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Smith, of 3attle Creek, spent Sunday visit ng her parents, Mr. and Mrs. lari Stevens. Mr. and Mrs. John Hynes left 'uesday to visit her parents, Mr. nd Mrs. Ted Vickland, of Kan as City, Mo., for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Hart vent to Kilgore Friday to visit us father, who is ilL They re imed Monday. Mr*. Pea*e Get* Check for $2,234 CELIA— Mrs. Blanche Spann Pease, editor of The Frontier Woman department, Saturday was handed a check for $2,234 by three representatives of the Kraft Foods company. The cere mony took place at the Council : Oak store in Atkinson where Mrs. Pease bought her margarine. Mrs. Pease is a Celia farm wife. Mrs. Pease was a successful contestant in the Great Gilder sleeve’s naming-the-twins radio contest and was to have received a Ford Victoria as a prize. How ever, she took the cash in lieu of the car because the family alrea dy has a good car. Her prize was first made public W ednesday night, March 28, on a radio network. The week before her newspa per writing had captured several state prizes. EWING NEWS Mrs. Viola Maupin, of North Platte, came Sunday to spend a few weeks with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Dierks. She’ was accompanied by her son and daughter, IMerle and Myra Maup in, who continued on their way to Lincoln where Miss Maupin has employment and Merle at tends the University of Nebras ka. Dinner guests Sunday eve ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Dierks were his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Dierks, and his sister, Mrs. Viola Maupin, of North Platte. Mrs. R. B. Krachie is home after spending the past week visiting at the homes of her daughters in Omaha. O’Neill shoppers from Ewing on Saturday were Miss Ina Ben nett, Mrs. Clyde Allen and Mrs. Elmer Bergstrom. Mrs. M. Mor row accompanied them home for the weekend. She is Miss Bennett’s niece. On Friday, Mrs. Elmer Berg strom spent the day at Neligh at the home of her sister, Mrs. Francis Hoffman, and family. Mrs. Gail Boies was surprised on her birthday anniversary March 28, when self-invited guests, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Boies and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Lar son, arrived for dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies and niece, Katherine Bauer, spent Sunday at the country home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bohn. Mrs. Frank Vandersnick enter tained the Pinochle club at her home Thursday evening. Guests were Mrs. John Vandersnick, Mrs. Agnes Bartak and Mrs. John Miller. Mrs. Agnes Bartak car ried away all honors by winning high score and the honor prize. The hostess served a luncheon when the games were finished. The club will meet next time with Mrs. J. Q. Archer. Mrs. Myrtle Young, of Inman, , returned home Sunday after spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kropp and family. On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Al vin Gibson, and family in Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wolfe and family, of Inman, accomp anied by his mother, (Mrs. Wal ter Jacox, spent Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Al len and family. Mrs. Wolfe was the honored guest at the birth day dinner. Mrs. Jessie Bittner, of Plain view, was a weekend guest at the home of her sister and hus band, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Munn, and family. They took her home on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kropp and family drove to Neligh Sun- * day to visit at the home of Mr. i and Mrs. Roy Black and family. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunaway moved to Hastings over the week end where Bob has employment in a defense plant. Their daugh ter, Bonnie Beth, is the guest of i her grandparents, Mr. and (Mrs. t Earl Billings, this week. Mrs. Leland Welke and Mrs. James Boies entertained the YM club at the Welke home Tuesday evening, March 27. Pinochle was played. Score winners who re- i ceived prizes were Mrs. Gail] Boies, Mrs. Arthur Kropp and Mrs. Thos. Eacher. The door prize went to Mrs. Ray Angus. Mrs. Lyle Dierks was a guest. Refresh- i ments were enjoyed after the games. Mrs. Kitty Fry accompanied her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Fry, to McPherson, -Kans., on Thursday where she will re main for a few weeks visit with her son, Eldred Fry, and family. On Sunday, March 25, (Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Lee entertained at a family dinner. Guests were: Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sanders and children, Merle and Wanda Lee, of Omaha. On Tuesday, March 27, Caro line Bergstrom, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lester Bergstrom, cele brated her second birthday anni versary. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. San ders, and children were supper and evening guests. Mrs. O. A. Kleckner, of Clear water, was a guest at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fay Doty, on Wednesday, March 28. James Bartak, who lives south west of Ewing, was marooned in Ewing last week, due to road conditions in the country. He was a guest at the home of his grand parents, Mr. and (Mrs. Alfonso Beelaert, sr. Mrs. Thos. King and children, of Oswego, 111., were guests of her mother, Mrs. W. H. Briggs, over the Easter weekend. They returned home Tuesday, March 27. Victor Kennedy, of Ord, was an overnight guest of his grand mother, Mrs. W. H. Briggs, on Wednesday, March 28. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sturbaum moved back to their farm north of Ewing the past week after spending the winter months in Ewing. Their daughter and son in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Pol lock, and family, who own the vacated property, are now loca ted, having moved from the liv ing quarters which were in the Pollock service station. O'NEILL LOCALS Mrs. Verne Goldin, of Aber leen, S. D., is visiting her sister md her husband, Mr. and Mrs. 3eorge Head this week. M. B. Higgens was in Corree ionville, la., Tuesday and Wed lesday on business. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. DeBacker eturned Wednesday from a four lay stay in Omaha. Dr. and Mrs. C. M. Eason at tended a wedding in Omaha over the weekend. Mrs. Frank Hill, of Neligh, left Monday after visiting her ion-in-law and daughter, the )ale Buekmasters, for about a week. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Dean, of -.incoln, visited their son and iaughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Dean, and family for the weekend. Other guests were hi* aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. John Treffinger, of Colton, Cali! Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Pinkerm&ft Calif., stopped in Wednesday, March 28, to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Neil F. Clarke. He was enroute home from his wife’s funeral in Rapid City, S. D. Miss Beverly Johnson, north of O’Neill, spent the weekend with her cousin, Mary Joan Donlin. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Gokie and Helen are on a trip until about June 1. They went South and have visited New Mexico. They plan to visit Mexico, California and Oregon, too. Miss Elja McCullough was'a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Johnson over the weekend. She was a dinner guest of the How ard Mansons Sunday. SECTION 2 — PAGES 9 TO 12 • 9 EVERYTHING POINTS TO tfSHWMfe, COMING NEXT WEEK -- W. F. FINLEY, M. D. OFFICE PHONE: 28 First National Bank Bldg. O'NEILL Hartz Hybrid Corn Co. FARMERS! Buy Your Hybrid Seed Corn from “Scovie” Iowa 306 — Iowa 4297 Iowa 4249 Hartz 22 — Hartz 12 Com Borer Resistant FLATS.$9.00 Bo. ROUNDS.$7.00 Bo. WESTERN AUTO O’Neill —ASSOCIATE STORE— Agent Why spend day after day of drudgery on your place? . . . GRAVELY Power Equipment will do your jobs quicker, easier—gi''' you leisure to really ENJOY your country living! The GRAVELY Tractor is the one specify designed, all-purpose tractor for country homes, small farms—one M0W powerful 5-Horsepower GRAVELY powers 19 handy tools! Cl With the GRAVELY you jjet“* WEEDS # * A BRUSH ★ POWER TO SPARE! ... Big, 5-Horsepower GRAVELY Engine » * TWO SPEEDS FORWARD and REVERSE! ... No tugging or pulling ★ ALL GEAR DRIVE! ... No belts or chains to wear and break ★ 19 ATTACHMENTS! . . . You buy one tractor, select the tools you need for individual jobs. Spring is here! You need POWER Equip ment NOW to help you with your Spring work . . . Before you buy any small tractor, see the Powerful GRAVELY—for 28 years the world’s finest small tractor—a lifetime ready-to-plant seed bed in one operation investment in better living' /- -s WITH THE GRAVELY rotary PLOW investment in Deuer living. ■zfTlk I Try it now on your own ground at no obligation! Ask for FREE DEMONSTRATION or for a copy of “POWER vs DRUDGERY,” the FREE BOOKLET that tells how to put POWER to work for you! . CALL US TODAY! • LEIDY’S Phone 410 O’Neill REMOVE SNOW HAUL STRAY TREES BULLDOZE HALF-TON LOADS SHRUBS CULTIVATE CARDENS YOUR CARDEN .......