Write-In Move Fails; Truck OK’d (Continued from page 1.) board. He received 32 votes. Oth er candidates were Otto Terrill, with 26, and R. D. Copes, 10. Eighty-four votes were cast at Page in a peaceful school election. . J. O. Ballantyne, with 62 votes, and Otto Terrill, with 39 votes, were elected to the board. Terrill is an incumbent. Other candidates were Mrs. 11« 1^n Braddock, 38, and Neven D. Ickes, sr., 25. 2 Parties Vie At Stuart— STUART—Dale Henderson and Don Krotter were victors in the board of education race at Stuart. Henderson grabbed 69 votes, Krotter 85. The two unsuccessful candidates were Stanley Cobb, with 24 votes, and John Newman, with 67. Henderson and Krotter were incumbents. There was some interest in the village board of trustees cam paigns lietween taxpayers’ and citizens’ party candidates. The balloting went like this: For the taxpayers’ party— N. W Coats. 68 votes; J. B McGrew, 63; Ora Yarges, 34. For the citizens’ party — Mrs. Pete Jensen, 57; Edward Kunz, 59; Lloyd Otto, 63. Coats and McGrew, of the tax payers’ party, and Otto, of the citizens’ party, were the winners. There were no special issues at Stpart and all-in-all it was a qui et jdfair. Approve Atkinson Bond Proposal— ATKINSON — Voters here Tuesday approved a bond issue proposed to improve the munici pal water facilities. The 20-thou s jpd-dollar proposal was for ad djj^onal construction and main tenance and carried 129-63. Despite the bond proposal the election Tuesday was a very qui et affair. Only 192 voters trekked to'.the polls, according to an ear ly unofficial tabulation. Frank J. Brady, with 137 votes, and Albert Ijemmer, with 154, were unopposed for the board of education. Carl L. Smith, sr., with 58 votes from the First ward; Earl Cox fcfy, with 44 votes from the Sec ond. and L. P. Hayes,, with 68 votes from the Third, were un opposed in their candidacies for the city council. All had been nominated at the citizens’ cau cus. Spencer Election Quiet Proposition— SPENCER—It was a quiet elec tion Tuesday at Spencer. Floyd Iljhn and Roy Rosengren were r^plivtpd to the Spencer board o£_ village trustees. There were four other candidates. The vote count: Floyd Hahn, 150; Roy Rosengren, 110; Leon ard Kinney, 96 (he will be a new rnwnber); Harry Johnson, 61; Hainan Woidneck, 62; Harry James, 31. , C H Fisher and R. W Black were reelected to the Spencer board of education. Fisher col lected 156 votes, Black 87. Two unsuccesful candidates fbr the school board were H .L. Cork, with 69, and Charles Sad lacek, with 41. Emmet Counts l£ Ballots— EMMET—Voting was light in the village election here Tuesday, April 3. Only 14 votes were cast. Dean Perry, Mrs. Frank Fore man and Mrs. Jess Wills, mem bers of the village board of trus tees and candidatees for relec ticm. were reinstated. The women gathered 13 votes each. Perry 12. Paul Newton got two write-in votes, Clarence Farr and Mrs. Cecil McMillan one each. Ballots were counted and Vil Clerk Larry Tenborg phoned Ihe results to The Frontier by p m Coventry, Brown Victor* at Inman— INMAN-J. R. Coventry and Wilbur Brown were victors in the board of education four-way race in Tuesday's election. Cov entry collected 62 votes; Brown 49; Harvey A. Tompkins, 47; and Frelent Pribil, 42. Harry McGraw received £ write-in ballots and David Mors bach 1. The three whose names ap jpeared on the village board bal lot had clear sailing. Q. P. Col map managed 61 tallies; L. R Harry Me Lynch Election QnJy a Formality— LYNCH—Things were quiet * Lynch in Tuesday's municipi election. One man was elected t both the school board and th •own board. Winners for the village boan Ly two-year terms, were Ernes Sixta and Francis Shrunk. Winners for the school boar wtetc Ernest Sixta and Arde Darnell. The election at Lynch was sin ply a formality. Very little i tCTest was shown. Frontier for printing* Election Sidelights (Continued from page 1.) Ewing, Inman, Spencer and Chambers. The election news was phoned to The Frontier by its alert correspondents. ★ ★ ★ First unofficial complete re port received was from Village Clerk Larry Tenborg. of Em met. at 8:25 p.m. on Tuesday. I Next report came from The ! Frontier's Inman correspondent at 8:45 a.m. Mrs. John Mattson delivered the tabulated results to the Frontier office by special messenger. ★ ★ ★ A quick survey of the voting wards conducted at 8 p.m. show ed that an unofficial 1,013 ballots had been cast —believed the sec ond greatest vote-turnout in his tory. At the time the Holt county courthouse bonds were the vital issue about 1,200 votes were cast in O’Neill. But one oldtime wag suggests that "a few dead people and a few dogs" were run in that time. ★ ★ ★ Twenty votes were to be counted Wednesday at a meet ing of the city council when the ballots were to be canvass ed. ★ ★ ★ i The Frontier established an | election bureau to provide up-to the-minute election news on the O’Neill story. More than one hun dred phone calls were received between 8 p.m. and midnight, when the outcomes had been de termined. t ★ ★ ★ c The fire truck proposal got two publicity breaks during the voting. One of the old trucks was exhibited for several hours at the comer of Fourth and Douglas streets—pointing out to the most casual observer that it was no spring chicken. About 3 p.m., the truck roared through the streets to the Mrs. Edna g Hubert residence, the former 1< Minton place in West O’Neill, d There was a grass fire. g - r Diehlman, Jacobson J; Leaving O’Neill ' - j O’Neill this week lost two F prominent citizens who were C beckoned into business fields cl elsewhere. E Leaving are L. M. (“Mike”) Diehlman, manager of the Tri- F State Produce company, and M. S E. (“Jake”) Jacobson, who head- si ed Jacobson’s store for a year ti and a half. Diehlman will enter into b wholesale egg and poultry distri bution at Phoenix, Ariz., and will 5 serve Tucson and Flagstaff. He C has rented a large building there, 1 bought equipment and will staff £ his as yet unnamed firm upon I arrival. Jacobson goes to the Mont- j gomery Ward & company mail ^ order headquarters at Kansas t City, Mo., where he will hold a ^ key position. He will serve as a liaison between the Kansas j City mail order headquarters ( and other mail order stores. j Diehlman came to O’Neill Feb ruary 17, 1948, to manage Tri- 1 State. He has been in the produce J business in Texas, Iowa and Al- » abama for many years. He is - completing one year as a city ' councilman here and one year as president of the Chamber of Commerce. ' Mrs. Diehlman last year head __ . . . s i_1 _ ea me non coumy luuntuiuso i fund-raising drive. No successor has been named to manage Tri - State Produce. The Diehlmans are leaving O’ Neill today (Thursday) and will visit at Houston and Denison, Tex., before going to Phoenix. Jacobson, a World War II vet eran, came to O’Neill in March, 1949, to open an appliance store bearing the same name. He was active in Chamber of Commerce affairs, was a leader in Boy Scout activities and was an active Lions club member. Mrs. Jacobson a year ago headed the citywide infantile paralysis fund • raising cam paign. The Jacobsons and their son, Paul, departed Saturday for their new home. They will reside at 5815 Mackey st., Merriam, Kans., a suburb of Kansas City, Kans. Jacobson sold his appliance store to his brother, Vic Jacob son, who for five years has suc cessfully operated Jacobson’s ap pliance store in Norfolk. James (“Jim”) Donavan is manager of the O’Neill store. Factory trained servicemen will function for both Jacobson stores. Vic Jacobson has announc ed that all warranties and guar antees issued on merchandise by his brother will be assumed by the new management. The store features Hotpoint appliances. Matthew G. Beha. of Beha Elec tric, will continue to handle the wiring phase of the firm, which is located on Douglas street. \ CHAMBERS SCHOOL NEWS By BURL YOUNG 0 The Chambers girls’ volley e ball team is looking forward to t banquet to be given by the boys * This was promised if they wor * the Page invitational tournament Members of the senior class an “ working on their class plaj n which wrill be given in the nea future. The junior class had a party a '* the school on Tuesday evening March 27. They enjoyed it » much they are planning anothe for this week. Simplicity Steals Show in Home Decorating Dramas ____ " ■ BY EDNA MILES TLECfANT simplicity is the keynote in today’s decorating themes. Ji* There’s nothing stark or barren-looking about truly modern room settings only a clean-cut, dramatic look as the designs of furniture* and' fabric are allowed to take the spotlight instead of gew-gaws. The unfurnished-barn look that some faddish modernists achieved in the early days of functional furniture is out, too. Up to-date decorators—amateur and professional—are striving for tne warm, home-like interior of grandmother’s days—minus the clutter. If you’re dissatisfied with the old-fashioned look of your home, the first step is not the tossing out of every piece of furniture you own_as many homemakers sometimes would like to tne elimination of accessory furnishings that don’t actually add any thing to the general decorating scheme. Ranking high among these are unsuitable wedding presents, such as lamps, vases and candlesticks, which many homemakers wrongly feel they must keep on display for all of their married lives. When choosing new pieces for your home, determine in advance jusst what effect you’d like to achieve. This is particularly im portant when your furniture must be bought piece-meal—a chair this month, and a table later when the budget gets padded again. It makes no difference what period or type furniture you select, to long as you keep it consistent. Don’t mix traditional furniture with abstract sculpture, for instance. Whatever your choice, make Sure not only that the piece is pleasing to the eye, but that it will make living easier for you as Will. This is the secret of good design. '"" ’ * This handsome room spotlights the interesting design of furniture, fabric and carpet rather than knick-knacks. Legs of table (above) are curved, not only for airy grace, but to supply ample knee room for diners seated at ends. Beauty is thus combined with function. )dd Fellowship 75-Years-Old (Continued from page 1.) oard, Mr. Snyder acting as hairman for several years. Two members served as grand patriarchs of the grand encampment. They were the late H. M. Uttley. who served from 1893 to 1894, and L. G. Gillespie, who served from 1939 to 1940. Guy A. Spencer, of York, rand secretary of the Nebraska >dge, was present for Wednes iy night’s festivities. Numerous nests were present from the hambers, Page and Inman lodg 3. Also present was J. T. Fletch r, of Orchard, grand treasurer nd a longtime neighbor of No. 7. The musical portion of the rogram included a vocal solo by jhn Bowen, piano solos by Miss hyllis Seger and Mrs. Samuel rasmick, and a review of the iapter*s history by Treasurer onald Loy. current omcers are: tuner oss, noble - grand; Walter chmohr, vice-grand; Clay John >n, jr., secretary and Mr. Loy, easurer. Present members of the lodge, esides the officers, are: Frank G. Martin, Owen R. leredith, Whalen D. Price, L. G. lillespie, W. P. Curtis, Frank D. [arnish, Leon M. Sargent, John . Shmeler, A. E. Bowen, C. C. tergstrom, John Davidson, Ira [. Moss, George E. Bowen, Ar tiur Rouse, L. A. Carter, Elmer l. Bowen, Ben Way man, Roy dayman, Donald Bowen, John !. Watson, Orville Peterson, Charles E. Jones, Herman Kling ?r, Charles W. Switzer, J. Ed lancock, George Robertson, Lee )sborn, John Berger, Melvin Dingier, Carl Asimus, Levi B. ’uller, Theodore W. Strong, Em net Crabb, Marvin Johnson, D. C Baker, John Davis, Lowell ohnson, Paul Shierk, G. E. >mith, Donald McKamy, Dor ance Crabb, Dean Burge, Earl •’ox, Albert Klingler, N. O. Mc Crary, Francis Hershiser, James Sullivan, Tony Asimus, Samuel Jrasmick, George Hansen, El mer DeVall. P-TA to Witness safety Films— The Parent-Teachers associa tion will meet in the O’Neill pub lic band room Monday, April 9, at 8p.m. for the last meeting of this school term. There will be installation of the new officers. Sergeant Brt, of the state safe ty patrol, will show three safety films. Sergeant Brt is from the Norfolk patrol office. Frontier for printing! 2 O’Neill Men Among Enlistees Sgt. James R. Lyons, of the ar my and air force recruiting sta tion at O’Neill, reports the fol lowing recent enlistments from the O’Neill area: For army: Donald D. Keys, of Purdum; Harold L. Duffield, of Long Pine; Leonald E. Herbol shiemer, of Bloomfield; Lyle D. Downie, of Bloomfield; William I. Cline, of Niobrara; Earl D. Robinette, of Niobrara; Dennis C. Simpson, of Niobrara. The above named men went to Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo., for fur ther processing, training and as signment. For air force; Donald J. Kayl, of Bristow; Francis K. Nelson, of Creighton; Chauncey A. Porter, of O’Neill; James M. Bennett, of Clearwater; Irving D. Dierks, of Atkinson; Rex L. Stowell, of O’ NeilL The air force men went to Lackland air force base, San An tonio, Tex., for further process ing, reassignment and training. 'First and Last' Rida for Sanalor— Footnotes: In the midst of dis cussions over getting down to work to shorten the session, Sen. Bill Hem, of Chadron, delayed the Unicameral for 18 minutes Friday while he posed for a pic ture with 13 clubwomen from his district. He asked Lt.-Gov. Char ley Warner to let him preside while the ladies were in the chamber and posed for the photo on the rostrum while his col leagues grumbled . . . Sen. Ken Diers, of Gresham, said he took two airplane rides last week: "My first and last.” He declined to accompany the other legisla tors on the flight home from Scottsbluff and grabbed a train . . . Look for a senator to demand that Governor Peterson make a vailable to all legislators the con troversial Petrow report on the state health department . . . There are more than a couple legislat ors who have their eye on the governor’s chair. Soldiers Promoted and Transferred— Pfc. Keith Anspaeh and Pfc. Robert Clements have been transferred from Shepperd air base, Wichita Falls, Tex., to Lowery air base, Denver, Colo. The boys received their private first class stripes recently. TULIPS UP! Another omen of spring: “Tu lips and hyacinths are coming up in our community,” wrote Mrs. Henry Reimer, The Frontier’s Deloit correspondent. Mrs. Rose Davey, of Valentine arrived Sunday for a visit with her sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harden Anspaeh. Mrs. Da vey and Mrs. Anspaeh were ir Norfolk Monday. O’NEILL NEWS Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Holly were her sis ter and her husband, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Liska, of Seward, and Mr. and Mrs. V. J. Krenk, of Da vid City. Mrs. J. P. Protivinsky return ed Saturday evening from Sioux Falls, S D., where she had visit ed her son-in-law and daughter, iMr. and Mrs. Claude Johnson, for three and a half months. Jense Jensen, and daughter, Marian, of Bengough, Sask., Can ada, who had been vacationing all winter in Phoenix, Ariz., vis ited Mr. and Mrs. George Han sen and Mrs. Carrie Borg Mon day and Tuesday. On the way back they also visited Dan Han sen, north of O’Neill and Dave Hansen, of Sioux Falls, S. D. They hadn’t seen each other since they were children. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Harmon moved Sunday to an apartment in the home of her mother, Mrs. Ralph Bauman. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Sawyer and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle M. Green went bowling at Ainsworth on Sunday. Rev. and Mrs. Walter Stein kamp, of Tryon, and Miss Esther Grosenbach, of Rapid City, S. D., were guests at the Rev. Melvin Grosenbach home from last Wednesday until Friday. They and the Grosenbachs attended the ministerial convention of the Wesleyan Methodist church at Atkinson. 4 MRS. EVERETT, 76, RITES SATURDAY ATKINSON—Funeral services are tentatively scheduled for i v Saturdav. April 7. at 2 p.m. in the Methodist church for Mrs. Alliefrit? Everett, 76, who died earlv Wednesday, April 4. She died suddenly, although she had been in failing health for two years. She had been “up and around.” relatives said, on Mon day and complained of illness on Tuesday. The la*e Mrs. Everett was born at Win^erset, la., on Feb ruary 8. 1875. She married Homer H^schel Fverett at Ev erareen Grove. Winterset, Ia„ on Auaust 29, 1894. The familv went to Stuart in 1906. Initially Mr. Everett was a cafe operator and after moving to Atkinson became a dog raiser. Mr. Everett died January 27, 1925. Survivors include: Sons—Har lev and Russell C., both of At kinson; grandchildren—Mrs. Ger a 1 d i n e Lindberg, of Seattle, Wash.: Russell, jr.. of Tokyo, Ja pan, and Nadine Ray, of Atkin son, children of Russell C.; Wil liam. Roland and Charles, sons of Harley. * Burial will be in Wood Lawn f cemetery with Rev. E. G. Hughes officiating. Presbyterian Men To Be Guests— ATKINSON—The men’s coun cil of the Presbyterian church here will be host to an entertain ment and lunch at the church parlors on Sunday evening. All Presbyterian men in the county are invited, according to a spokes man, E. V. Hickok. Guests speakers will be Rev. Oliver Prowett and Dr. D. S. Hart, both of Wayne. These men attended the nation al convention of Presbyterian men held recently in Chicago, 111. Entertainment will include music by vocal quartettes. EVERYTHING POINTS TO gfe^ COMING NEXT WEEK -' • ■• • '•. : •% . ’ . /JmShHBBHwW ' g R"h shriner t Wind Jr Tornado. Truck ft Tractor. Personal Properly , I LiabUity GENERAL INSURANCE Livestock > REAL ESTATE, LOANS. FARM SERVICE. RENTALS r Automobile O'Neill —Phone IOC Farm Property I • food budgets a brain teaser..' «• ’s time to save an Amena FOOD FREEZER! Mtf Oh, those food bills! Oh, thot tiresome expensive weekly shopping tripl Well, why not cut them both down? It's eosy os pie with on Amono Food Freezer! First of all, you buy your food in quantities, when prices ore lowest . . .( store them ... save them 'til needed. Not only does this save money and shopping time—it saves hours of tedious kitchen time, tool Bake a dozen pies at one time . . . prepare entire meals a week in advance . PERISHABLES BECOME IMPERISHABLES WHEN FROZEN! Everything stay* garden or oven fresh for weeks or month*; end nothing con equal freezing tor rataining vitamin content and other nutritive qualities! A food freezer it on important purchase. So why not get the best? It cottt no more . .'.V and, when you buy on Amano Food Freezes"^ you are able to select from a complete lino ' of upright or chest models in sizes from 6 to 25 cu. ft. capacities, holding from 210 to 875 pounds of food. You're getting the food freezer that's mode by pioneers in the refrigeration industry. You're getting the food freezer with the warrantees thot count —including Amono's famous five-yeor food, spoilage warranty. 'Nuff said? Come in . . .• see the Amona lin. ... get your FREE food savings chart and when-to-buy food calendar. ^ Mighty helpful! d*. £ /^LnmtW^V Here’s 11SEE LEVEL Convenience! Amana's 18 cubic foot upright freezer, holding 630 pounds of food, is ideal for the average size family. “See-Level" convenience gives you complete visibility at all times ... no bending, groping or digging for hidden packages. Horizontal freezing plates assure positive, rapid, thorough freezing — food is auto matically in direct contact with a freezing surface the instant you place it on a shelf I Remarkably, this I roomy freezer requires little more floor space than the average refrigerator I - 11 : ! I Come in and see the wonderful Amana Food Freezer Line Today I — — ★ Phone 415 Across from the Golden ★