Mrs. Marvin Richter and John Brady took their sister, Joan, back to Doane college at Crete on Sunday, after having spent Easter vacation with their par ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Brady. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Oetter, of Chicago, 111., arrived Monday for a visit with Mrs. Cora Wilk enson. Dr. Jack Vincent, of Ft. Dodge, la., son of Mrs. Amelia Vincent, has received his commission as captain in the army. Dr. Vincent was recently notified of his call to active duty soon. Mrs. Iva Hopkins, of Sioux City, la., arrived Saturday for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Dale Perrv and Mr. and Mrs. Don ■ Hopkins. Albert Albertson, of Cedar Bluffs, spent Wednesday, March 28, in O’Neill, visiting Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Soukup. Mrs. Mary Applegate, of Om aha, and Charles Leach, of Fre mont, were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Sanders. Miss Ann Louise San ders, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Sanders, left Sunday eve |. ning with Mrs. Applegate on a V two weeks’ trip to New Mexico and Mexico. Ronald J. Ressel, SR., spent the weekend at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Res sel. He is stationed at San Diego, Calif. Allen Porter, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Porter, has enlisted in the air force. He left Friday morning for Texas, where he will receive training. F. J. Biglin went to Omaha Monday to meet Mrs. Biglin, who arrived early Tuesday fol lowing an eight-weeks’ visit in Chico, Calif., with their son, Dr. Robert F. Biglin, and wife and their children. Mrs. R. F. Biglin had been seriously illl but is re I covering “fine.” She also visited her daughter, Mrs. George Cur %fv tis, and family at Concord, Calif. Hear Report on State WSCS Meet AMELIA — The WSCS met Wednesday, March 28, with Mrs. Vem Sageser. Mrs. Emma Lindsey was lead er of devotions. Mrs. Lawrence Barnett gave a very interesting report on the meeting she attend ed at Lincoln as a delegate from the Amelia WSCS. Mrs. Earnie Johnston and Mrs. George Fullerton served lunch. Other Amelia News Mrs. Ed White, Mrs. Glenn White, Mrs. Vern Sageser and Mrs. Link Sageser attended club at Mrs. R. A. Ballagh’s on Thurs day. Mrs. Alice Prewitt and son. Dean, drove to Scottsbluff Tues day, March 27, taking her daugh ter, Mrs. Gale Fix, and children to their home there. The Pre witts returned home the early part of this week. Mrs. Mae Estes came Tuesday, March 27, from Clio, la. She is here in the interest of the estate of her brother, the late George Holcomb. Pat Kennedy left Monday for Springfield, 111., where he will visit at the home of his daugh ter, Gladys, now Mrs. Dale Moore. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coolidge were business callers in O’Neill Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Waldo and grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fried riick, at Spencer Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Fix and Leone called on Mr. and Mrs. Wm Fryrear Sunday and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker called there Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Johnston and son, Paul, and Mr. and Mrs. Earnie Johnston were supper guests at the Ray Anderson home Friday ervening. The occasion was in honor of Paul Johnston, who left Wednesday, April 4, for in duction in the armed forces. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wer ner, Dennie and Connie, of Cham bers, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wal do, Barbara and Judy, of Atkin son, and Mrs. H. Waldo’s moth er, of Boston, Mass., were Sun day dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Waldo. Ralph and Joan Adair, Cleone Doolittle and Delores and Jack Gilman took Pvt. Bob Adair to Grand Island Saturday evening where he took the train for camp Stoneman, Calif. Mr. and Mrs. Bus Enbody and - family visited at the Tommie • Doolittle home Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Barnett had ; bathroom fixtures installed in their new home last week. Sgt. Robert Leder, of Denver, < Colo., visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leder, sr., the past week. We just can't seem to keep good gas and kerosene Servels on hand. It you have one to trade, come in and see us.—GAMBLES. 48 51c Miss Mary Kamphaus return ed to Norfolk last weekend after a week’s visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kamphaus. Mrs. Mae Estes, Mrs. Julia White, Mrs. Lindsey and Flor ence were Sunday evening sup per guests of Mrs. Etta Ott. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Barnes and fam ily also called there during the evening. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Beliel and daughter, Lois, of Grand Island, visited over the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ragland and family. Page Church Admits 6 New Members PAGE — Communion services | wert held at the Methodist church Sundayy forenoon. The following members were taken into the church: Marilyn Lamason, Wm Sorensen, John Lamason, Wilson Lamason, Le roy Clasey and Loren Stewart. Mrs. John Lamason was ad mitted by letter. Baptismal services were held jfor the following: Vicki Nadine, daughter of Mr .and Mrs. Lloyd Fusselman; Jolene Ann, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. William Fink; James Lynn, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Sorensen; Andre Gae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Wettlaufer, Fred Eugene, son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Asher. Other Page News Mrs. Daisy Markham, of Tope ka, Kans., and Mrs. Dewey Marx, of Lincoln, came Monday, March 26, to visit their aunt, Mrs. L. Lamason. They were brought here by William Marx. On Wed nesday, March 28, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Anderson, of Hartington, brought Mrs. Anderson’s moth er, Mrs. Susan Hathaway, who also stayed to visit her sister, Mrs. L Lamason. Mrs. Marx re turned to her home at Lincoln Friday. Mrs. Markham and Mrs. Hathaway stayed until Sunday when the Andersons came here to take them to Hartington. Mrs. Markham will leave from there or Tuscumbra, Ala., where she will make her home. Mrs. Mark ham and Mrs. Marx are daught ers of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wm. (“Pat”) Murphy, who were resi dents of this community many years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Haynes spent Friday at O’Neill. They were dinner guests at the home I of their son, Lawrence Haynes, and family. George Hall, of Kalamazoo, Mich., came Sunday to spend a few days with his aunt, Mrs. Sam Coover, and to help care for i Mr. Coover. The Boy Scouts held their meeting Friday evening at the Methodisf church. Scoutmaster Carl Max and 12 members were present. They planned a paper drive, the money to be used to at tend camp week. Save your pa pers and notify some scout mem bers. Mr. and Mrs. L. Lamason, Mrs. Susie Hathaway, Mrs. Daisy Markham and Mrs. Dewey Max were dinner guests Thursday at the Melvin Lamason home. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Grass and family drove to Taylor Sunday to bring Mrs. Grass’ mother, Mrs. Anna Thompson, to her home in Page. She had spent most of the winter with her father, John Nel son, at Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Howell drove to Sioux City Saturday where Mr. Howell met with oth er depot agents of the Burling ton division. A dinner was ser ved at the Mayfair hotel. They visited with Mr. Howell’s rela tives at Sioux City and returned home late Monday evening. Sterling Albright, while spend ing the past week at his home in Page, was a dinner guest Tues day of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Stewart. On Wednesday he vis ited the Page school and ate the school lunch with friends there. Mrs. Albright and Sterling were dinner guests Thursday of Mr. and Mrs. Will Neubauer. The Page Improvement club met with Mrs. A. L. Dorr Mon day evening with 17 members present and two visitors, Mrs. Raymond Heiss and Mrs. J. I. Gray. Mrs. R. D. Copes, presi dent, had charge of the business meeting. It was voted to repair the roof and ceiling of the Page theatre. They will plant a tree in the park Arbor day. They will meet in the afternoon and the grade pupils will be present and have a program. Following that there will be a weiner roast for the group. Mrs. Anton Nissen was in charge of the entertain ment for the evening. Each la dy made a flower and received patterns to make flowers. The hostess served a lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Saxon, of Sjpalding, spent Thursday eve ning with Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lamason. Mrs. Fred Naslund accompan ied Mr. and Mrs. Roy Cole, of O’Neill, and Leonard Lorenze to Glenwood, la., Saturday after noon to visit Rev. and Mrs. Wal ter Cole and family. They' return ed Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Terrill left early Monday morning for Bur I oak, Kans., to attend the funeral ervices Monday afternoon for dr. Terrill’s grandmother, Mrs. iadie Terrill, who passed away i'riday evening. C. J. Terrill was it Buroak at the time of his nother’s death. Mr. and Mrs. J M. Kennedy, )f Ainsworth, attended services it the Methodist church Sunday , forenoon. They went to the home 1 if their son-in-law and daughter, Vlr. and Mrs. Bill Sorensen, and Family where they were dinner guests. EMMET NEWS Mrs. James Foreman and sons, Byron and Craig, of Bristow, were Saturday morning visitors at the Frank Foreman home. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Miller, of Valentine, were Tuesday, March 27, visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Clar ence Farr. Mrs. Bob Fox was a Sunday dinner guest of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Newton and family. Mr. and Mrs. Vern Swick, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Swick and son, Mike, and Toby, Humphrey, all of Clinton, returned home Tues day, after a several weeks visit at the W. R. Tenborg home. Miss Maureeen Murphy was a Friday overnight guest of Holly Smith at Atkinson. iMr. and Mrs. Bill Farr, of At kinson, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Farr, and sons, of O’Neill, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Farr. Mr. and Mrs. Billy Perry and family, Fred Perry and Mr. and Mrs Ray Calkins and daughters, all of O’Neill, were Sunday, March 25, dinner guests at the Dean Perry home. Mrs. Dean Beckwith and Mrs. Jack Murphy, grade school teach A A J ers at Stuart, attended a birth day anniversary' party for K. C. Paul, Stuart superintendent, on Monday evening, March 26, at Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. “Duke” Kersen brock, of O’Neill, were Wednes day, March 28, visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cole. GAMBLES carry a corttplete line of Homeguard paint and wallpaper plus the tools to put them on. 48-51c Mrs. Alex McConnell was a Monday, March 25, visitor of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Puckett and family at Atkinson. Mrs. Paul Newton and family were Saturday visitors at the Bill Kramer home at O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kendall and Mrs. Estella Kendall, of Hastings, were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fox and sons. Going to 'Frisco— Ronald Ressel, S. R., arrived Friday to spend a week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Res sel. He has been stationed in San Diego, Calif., but will be sent to San Francisco following his fur lough. Visit Johnsons— Mr. and Mrs. Don McDermott, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Grenier and Mr. and Mrs. Leland Lieb visited at the Clyde Johnson home, north of O’Neill, Sunday. Sunday guests at the Lloyd Gallagher home were Mr. and Mrs. Eugene McDermott and Herbert Underwood. “Voice of The Frontier . . . WJAG ... 780 on your dial! St. Theresa's Unit Meets— Mrs. James Gallagher and Mrs. C. V. Sullivan were hostesses at a meeting of the St. Theresa Al tar Society Thursday afternoon at the C. V. Sullivan home. Couples Club in Session— The Couples club met Sunday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Verne Reynoldson. Prize winners were Mr. and Mrs. Leigh Reynoldson and Arnie Doming. DR. J. L. SHERBAHN CHIROPRACTOR O'Neill. Nebraska Complete X-Ray Equipment V, Block So. of Ford Garage i ► ^ —~ — • Chemically Treated Swab • Reversible, Flexible Head • Quality Made Throughout Fluffy cotton swab on a flexible coil spring adjusts to comers and furniture for a thorough job. When shook, vibrations of spring make dust removal easier. A value! ! I ! I < m»* ( tipcii polwtod ban Jr riiMfiat M4 ■* ( Doeghy-type e**0"** "lody Helen” red el Stlf-pollshlng floor truHt dirt fro* wall- polish for a rich lustre wax. Dries quickly and paper qeiddy, easily. oa wood surfaces. leaves a high lustre. ALWAYS B ITT IB 1UYS AT GcUtitCel A d» A A «h d* A dlk A A 4* A d IN FARM WELDERS theflLLMflHgJ Hrc welder GIVES YOU MORE EOR YOUR MONEY • IS WELDING HEATS < 15-1 HO amp*) for welding anything from sheet metal, such as fenders, to heavy steel and east Iron • EASY STRIKING ARC ON ALL HEATS —the right voltage for eaeh heal ^ • POWERFUL CUTTING TAP built In for rutting heavier material fast- ^ er and cheaper Will punch a hole In 111" shafting and will cut 2" Heel • HANDY SOLDERING TAP anyone can uae without extra equipment You can solder a hole In a milk backet In less than It seconds • DESIGNED FOR USE ON RURAL POW ER LINES with a 1 KVA transformer. • HAS CAPACITOR FOR POWER FAC TOR CORRECTION • EASILY MOVED AROUND BY ONE MAN. Compact—takes up very little space. • NO MOVING PARTS TO WEAR OUT OR GIVE TROUBLE. Ruggedly constructed —built to last • UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED FOR TWO YEARS and covered by the Allmand It Year Protection Plan. You can easily learn to use the Allmand welder Let It do your welding, cutting, soldering, and and hard surfacing It la available either with or without the Twin Carbon Arc Torch which doee brazing of sheet metal and cast Iron heating for trending or shap ing and many other lobs. Avoid costly repair bills, needlaas trips to town, and loss of valu able time by putting the Allmand welder to work on your- farm. in fhe Alimand Welder Before foe Ivy EDGAR STAUFFER — Page, Nebr. — ★ Thursday STAR Specials * HERE THEY ARE! Each and everyone a real moneysaving bargain for Thursday shoppers in O’Neill. Tune in to the “Voice of The Frontier’’ each Wednes day morning at 9:45 for a preview of the next day’s STAR SPECIALS. Watch The Frontier each week for the page of Thursday Only STAR SPECIALS 1 1 50 Dairy Calves Today’s Feature • A feature of the sale today (Thursday) will be SO head of ex cellent Wisconsin dairy calves—Holstein*—coming from a top-quality herd. There will be a good run of yearlings and calves, several consignments of good black cow*, and total cattle receipts will be in the neighborhood of 400. • About 800 hogs are expected with a break in tho weather. Both hogs and cattle markets were down Monday/ Tuesday held steady. Today's market is expected to be stronger. O’NEILL LIVESTOCK MARKET LEIGH 8t VEHNE REYNOLDSON. Managers PHONE 2 _°'NEILL _ KNIGHT name Phone 125 O’Neill ★ THURSDAY STAR SPECIAL ★ USED MAYTAG GAS RANGE Original Price $269.95 ★ This range is only 3 years old ... it 8 guaranteed good as new. . . features an automatic shut-off. ★ We’ll install it FREE and furnish the the first bottle of gas FREE to the lucky buyer. Thursday Only $139.95 I p / . _ A _ McCARVILLES CLOTHING: SHOES for the Entire Family * THURSDAY STAR SPECIAL * Just Received... Special Purchase SUPER BIG & TUF OVERALLS BUY YOUR correct waist and in-seam size . . . graduated patterns to fit all builds correctly ... 8 - os. sanforised Overalls . . . perfect satisfaction .. . blue high-backs only. SIZES 30 to 46 2.79 —_A LOHAUS MOTOR CO. Phone 16 O’Neill, Nebr. * THUKSDAV STAR SPECIAL * 1949 MEMORY FORDOR With Radio & Heater Directional Signals Low Mileage Especially Clean Sheridan Blue Finish Thursday Only.SI .525 (Ceiling Price $1,795) CORKLE HATCHERY WAREHOUSE Near Burlington Tracks, O’Neill — ★ THURSDAY STAR SPECIALS ★ Save Money! Off the Car! NITROGEN FERTILIZER ' Per Ton.._.$82.00 41% SOYBEAN MEAL Per Ton..$89.00 45-Bu. Butler Steel— HOG FEEDERS Each- $112.50 _ __ _ ^ - -