The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 29, 1951, SECTION 2, Page 9, Image 9

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Rev. Wm. H. Cowger, pastor
Low Sunday after Easter, Ap
ril 1, 9 a.m., sermon: “God’s
Boundless Resources.”
Church school, 10 a.m.
Deanery meeting at Trinity
Episcopal church, Norfolk, for all
Guild and auxiliary members
1 beginning with holy communion
at 10 a.m., Thursday, April 12.
Start to make plans now to at
Annual council of the diocese
| of Nebraska at St. James church,
I . Fremont, Wednesday and Thurs
I Any, May 9 and 10. Guest speak
* hr will be Very Rev. Paul Rob
erts, dean of St. John’s cathedral,
Denver, Colo.
We believe that our Lord has
a job for all of us to do in help
ing to establish His kingdom on
this earth. He can only use effec
l tively those who are receptive to
" His guidance and revelation. We
gain this receptiveness through
the practice of our religion. The
commonplace task of worship
ping God every Sunday in His
church, working and praying and
giving for the support of His
■jj kingdom. With every prayer we
oiler, with every communion we
make at God’s altar—our respon
> sibility increases for discipleship,
and the greater becomes our ca
pacity to know and understand
God’s will for us.
Rev. V. R. Bell, pastor
I Church school, 10 a.m., classes
for all ages.
Sermon, 11 a.m., special music
by the choir.
Senior MYF group, 7:30 p.m.
The choir will practice Thurs
day evening.
The Missionary Circle will
meet Thursday evening with
Mrs. Neil Dawes.
The extended session of Sun
day-school is being held every
Thursday afternoon at the church
iirtaediately after school.
I The official board will meet
V Monday evening, April 2, and the
* Sunday - school workers’ confer
^ ence Wednesday evening, April 4.
< The Young Adult Fellowship
will meet Tuesday evening, Ap
ril 3.
r The district conference and
WSCS district meeting will be
held at Wayne April 9.
We should have a good dele
, *?at>on present.
- * ; invite you to our services.
v. Ralph Gerber, pastor
day-school, 10 a.m.
i a ji'chip, 11 a.m., sermon by
Dr. Leonard DeMoor, guest min
ister in the absence of your pas
tor. Doctor DeMoor is professor
of philosophy and sociology at
Hastings college and is an or
dained minister.
Miss Cecily Spaulding will be
guest soloist.
The Women’s association will
meet in the church on Thursday,
April 5, at 2:30 p.m. The pro
gram will be provided by Miss
Tatiana Mazuro, a DP student
at Hastings college, and Miss
Edith Allstadt, student violinist
of Hastings college. Hostesses for
the meeting are: Mrs. L. A. Bur
gess, Mrs. Harden Anspach, Mrs.
Mark Davis, Mrs. L. A. Carter,
* Mrs. Guy Cole and Mrs. K. C.
1 Htynt.
Rev. C. D. Ankney, pastor
Sunday-school, 10 a.m.
Divine worshp, 11 a.m.
Sunday evening the Walther
league will hold a banquet to
welcome those who are being
confirmed into the league as vot
ing members. The banquet will
be held at 6:30 p.m. The Ladies’
Aid of the congregation will
serve. After the banquet, there
will be a short business meeting.
The Sunday-school wishes to
thank J. Hoerle for building two
new tables to be used by the be
ginners and primary classes. The
tables were especially designed
by Mr. Hoerle for this use.
The junior choir will meet for
practice next Saturday at 2:30
P-m. jg
Rev Melvin Grosenbach, pastor
No service on Thursday night
of this week.
Sunday, April 1: Sunday-school
10 a.m.
Wors.hip, 11 a.m.
Praise service, 7:30 p.m.
The films entitled, “Wayward
World” and “The Boy Joe” will
be shown in the 8 o’clock service.
These films show what people
will do when God is left out of
their lives.
You are invited to attend all
our services.
METHODIST (Chambers)
Rev. L. R. Hansberry, pastor
Sunday-school, 10:30 a.m., Clair
Grimes, superintendent.
Worship, 11:30 a.m.
MYF, 7 p.m.
Reverend Hansberry left Sun
day following the morning ser
vices for Ong to visit his wife
and her parents. Mrs. Hansberry
is with her mother who has been
“seriously ill” for several weeks.
Rev. Melvin Grosenbach, pastor
Prayer meeting each Wednes
day, 8 p.m.
Sunday, April 1: Worship, 10 a.
m.; Sunday-school, 11 a.m. Young
peoples service and Bible study,
7:30 p.m.
Forty-sixth anniversary ser
vices May 5 and 6.
You are invited to our services.
Rev. Orin Graff, pastor
Unified services, 10 a.m.
Sermon Sunday, April 1: “The
Power of God” Romans 1.
Choir rehearsal tonight (Thurs
day) 7 o’clock.
Men’s council meeting tonight
(Thursday), 8 o’clock.
Little Sandra Lee McNally, 10- i
months-old daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Harold McNally, of Ains
worth, was baptized Sunday at
First Presbyterian church at O’- j
Neill. Mrs. McNally is the former [
i Connie Lou Williams, daughter
jof Mrs. Christine Williams.
| Harold Connors, of Sidney, ar
rived Saturday to spend the hol
idays with Mrs. Connors and two
sons, who have been visiting
her parents, the M. J. Wallaces,
for two weeks. They returned to
Sidney Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. William Turner,
of Chambers, and Mr. and Mrs.
Ralph Tomlinson, of West Point,
called on Mrs. Turner’s and Mr.
Tomlinson’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. H. W. Tomlinson, Sunday
evening. The Tomlinsons had
come up for their daughter, Cath
erine, who had been visiting Mrs.
Leone Shoemaker.
P-TA box social Friday night.
Mar. 30, 8 p.m., O'Neill public
school band room. Everybody
welcome. 47c
New Equipment for
Hospital Arrives
STUART — The new X-ray
equipment, a 100 - millampere I
general electric X-ray and flouro
scope, has been received at the
Community hospital and is part
of the health program Stuart is
offering the surrounding com
A benefit sale will be held on
April 7 to finance the purchase
of the equipment.
Other Stuart Newi
Mrs. Alvia Smith, of Bartlett,
visited with Mr. and Mrs. Art
Runnells over the Easter week
Easter Sunday guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Zink were Mr.
and Mrs. Qeorge Keidel and Dick,
Mrs. Lottie Keidel and David,
Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Slaymaker
and family, of Atkinson, and Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Zink and fam
ily, of Wewela, S. D.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Zink, Mrs.
M. M. Shattuck and girls, Mr. and
Mrs. Ervin Van Cleave and fam
ily, Mrs. Max Karo and Mrs.
Wm. Fox attended the program
and pie social given by Miss De
lores Karo and pupils in the
Sand Creek school on Tuesday
night, March 20. The school re
ceived $37 from the sale of the
Edmund Kaup, student in Nor
folk junior college, came home
on Friday to spend Easter with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Kaup, jr., and family.
Miss Phyliss Runnels spent the
Easter vacation with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Art Runnells. Phyl
iss is a student at Midland college
at Fremont.
John Obermire and Rex Coff
man, students in college, of Ag
riculture, at Lincoln, came home
on Thursday, March 22, to spend
the Easter vacation with home
Mrs. Aieaa JacKsonuoi AtKin
son, visited with Mrs. R. A. Coff
man on Wednesday, March 21.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Engler
and daughter, Deborah Ann, of
Lincoln, came on Thursday,
March 22, to visit with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. B. C. Engler.
They returned to Lincoln on Sun
Lowell Dodd and Miss Connie
Thorpe, students at Doane col
lege in Crete, came on Friday,
March 23, to visit Lowell’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Dodd.
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Dodd, of
Lincoln, spent Easter Sunday
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest Dodd. Miss Connie Thorpe,
of Crete, accompanied them
Jerry Hienuerson, student at
Doane college in Crete, is spend
ing the Easter vacation with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hen
The Boy Scouts collected 6,210
pounds of paper in their recent
paper drive. It was trucked to
Sioux City last week and sold
for $20 per ton.
(Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cobb
attended a Red Cross meeting
in O’Neill on Thursday evening,
March 22.
Mrs. C. F. Gillette, of Cham
bers, visited with her mother,
Mrs. Estella Bachman from Wed
nesday, March 21, until Friday.
Miss Lorraine Coats, Miss Don
na Krotter, Miss Nanette Cowles,
University of Nebraska students,
came home on Thursday, March
22, to spend the Easter vacation
with homefolks.
Miss Rosemary Kramer, of O’
Neill came on Saturday, March
24, to spend the weekend with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. August
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kra
mer and family, of Burbank, S.
D., came on Saturday, March 24,
to spend the weekend with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. August
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Porter,
, of Bassett, and Rudolf Mitchell
were Sunday, March 25, dinner
guests in the Berlin Mitchell
Easter dinner guests of Mr.
and Mrs. August Kramer were
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Kramer
and family, of Burbank, S. D.;
Miss Rosemary Kramer, of O’
Neill; Mr. and Mrs. John Jardee
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Jardee and family, and Mr. and
(Mrs. Eugene Kramer and family.
Keith Schaffer, of Omaha,
spent Easter Sunday with his
mother, Mrs. Alice Wefso.
Mr. and Mrs. Humrich, of Os
mond, visited on Sunday, March
25, with his mother, Mrs. Lola
Humerich, and her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Art Runnels.
Orvil Gilpen and Jim Chaney
spent the Easter weekend with
homefolks. The boys are employ
ed by the telephone company in
western Nebraska.
Mr. and Mrs. Maylon Fox
worthy, of Lusk, Wyo., spent
| Sunday, March 25, with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Rhodes.
March Squall Brings
More Snow—
DELOIT—About 6 inches of
snow fell Friday and early Sat
urday, bringing to 12 inches the
total snowfall here last week.
Saturday morning’s storm was a
Last week Deloiters were dig
ging through 5-foot snowdrifts
along the county line. Mail was
delivered last Thursday — first
time in a number of days. Mail
was again delivered Friday and
then heldup until Tuesday of
this week.
Returns from
Southern Vacation—
Dr. H. L. Bennett returned on
Friday from a five-weeks’ vaca
tion in the Southern states in
cluding Alabama, Louisiana and
VanEvery Family
Gathers at Dinner—
Mr. and Mrs. George VanEvery
entertained all their children and
their families at Easter dinner
except two daughters and their
families, who were unable to be
present because of road condi
tions. Their guests were: Mr. and
Mrs. Marvin VanEvery and fam
ily, of Grand Island; Mr. and
Mrs. Dean VanEvery, Mr. and
Mrs. La Verne VanEvery and
family and Mr .and Mrs. Levi
Fuller arid family.
Bartak Purchases
Weeder Farm
DELOIT—Stanley Bartak has
purchased the Herman Weeder
farm in this locality.
News of the purchase was
made known this week.
Other Deloit News
Mrs. Henry Remler attended a
aarty at the Leland Clark home
m Wednesday, March 21. Mr.
Reimer took Elayne on to Bart
lett via the Millerville road.
Terry Harpster celebrated his
third birthday anniversary on
Marlene Reimer spent Sunday
with Supt. and Mrs M. J. Bent
on and family, of Niobrara.
A shower is being planned for
Marjorie Clark, of Park Center,
on Friday. She is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Clark, of
Park Center.
Elayne Reimer and Don Larson
were compelled to spend the
weekend at the dormitories at
Bartlett due to the weather.
Marvin Werkmeister spent the
weekend at the Kountroud home
near the Urban school, where he
Mr. and Mrs. John Bauer, jr.,
ind famliy spent Friday evening
it the Ralph Tomjack home.
“Voice of The Frontier,” 9:45
i.m., Mon., Wed., and Sat., WJAG.
Rev. and Mrs. Luginsland and
son, Kenneth, .and Carol Burge
went to McPherson, Kans., Mon
day where they will attend a
I ministerial meeting.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Sammon
were Easter Sunday guests art
Lawrence Barnett’s.
Mr. and Mrs. Lovi Clemeps,
Clifford and Joan spent Easter
Sunday with their daughter, Mrs.
Henry Travers, and family.
Mrs. Robert Friedrich and son,
Kirk, of Omaha, visited her sis
ter, Mrs. C. F. Small, and family
this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Fryrear re
turned home Thursday evening
from Holyoke, Colo., where they
attended the funeral of Mr.
Fryrear’s brother-in-law, Henry
Struckmeyer. They also visited
their daughter and family, Mr.
and Mrs. John Cearns, in Scotts- ,
Pvt. Bob Adair is spending a
two-weeks furlough with his
mother, Mrs. Gertie Adair, and
other homefolks. He has been
stationed at Ft. Riley, Kans., but
on his return will go to a camp
in California.
Mrs. Lewine Wickham return
ed to Valentine Saturday after
spending a week visiting at the
home of her parents. Mrs. Wick
ham held a party at the home
of Mrs. Frank Backaus and also
one at the home of her mother,
Mrs. Frank Pierce.
Pat Kennedy returned home
Monday, March 19, from a visit
with his son, Morris, who lives
in Riverside, Calif. He also visit
ed other relatives in California
and Arizona.
Mr. and Mrs. George Fuller
ton and family were Monday,
evening, March 19, supjier guests
at the L. B. Barnett’s.
Lyle Fix, who had been visit
ing his brother, Gale, at Scotts
bluff, returned home Thursday
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Forbes
and family visited at the Bob
Rees home Thursday evening,
March 20.
Misses Glenice White, student
at McPherson, Kans., Maxine
Peterson, student at Lincoln, and
Donna Rae Peterson, of Wayne,
spent the Easter vacation at their
respective homes.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray White and
Gayle, of Martin, S. D., spent
Easter with his mother, Mrs. Ju
lia White.
Mr. and Mrs. Asa Watson and
family and Mrs. Mamie Sam
mons were Easter Sunday guests
at Blake Otts’.
Duane Carson was guest-of
fionor at a birthday anniversary
>arty Thursday evening. The
pupils in his room planned the
sarty and it was held at the
school. They presented him a
jift of a belt and box of candy.
They served a lunch of ice cream
and cake.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brinkman
and son, David, of Lincoln, and
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Brinkman
and family spent Easter Sunday
at the home of August Brinkman
near Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Calkins
and Carol spent Sunday in Ains
worth visiting at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Connie Callaway.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Bowen went
to Clinton, Mo., on Tuesday,
March 27. _^_
First National Bank Bldg*
*. ■
L----------- - - ----
4 f EARL
■ I HR^Kni JV^A
« _! fcjS^jT^jjflBBHPTIHl^JBB^L Owner
9 Gerber’s
I Rice Cereal for the Baby, pkg.17c
I Gerber’s Baby Fc: Js, 3 cans.25c
I Northern Facial Tissue, 300 size box 23c
I White Shelf Paper, 50-ft. roll.25c
I IGA Fancy
Kraut, No. 2 can 13c
Flakes, reg. size, pkg. . 15c
Bisquick, large box_ 49c
IGA 7-oz. paddle jar
Salad Mustard_ 12®
IGA Fancy
Large Prunes, 1-lb. box 29®
Puffed Wheal, pkg. — 14®
Paper Lunch
Bags, pkg. of 20 for-10®
Fresh 7-oz. cello pkg.
Round Soup Crackers,. 17c
Whole Spiced
Crabapples, 1-lb. jar _ 25c
(In heavy syrup)
Swift Premium
Franks, pkg. of 5 for_ 30°
Bologna (M. Ham), lb. 49s
Premium Sliced
Dried Beef, 4-o*. pkg. 42c
Premium Braunschweiger
Chubs, each . -35c
a R. H. SHRINER nm&
Rents , Plat* Glass
Wind & Tornado. Truck & Tractor. Personal Property
Liability GENERAL INSURANCE Lireatock
Automobile O'Neill —:— Phone 106 Farm Property
Farm Buildings
4-ROOM HOUSE, with enclosed porch,
in gc:3 condition
GRANARY, 16x20-8 _
HEN HOUSE, 12x14 5-7
Located 7 miles northwest of O’Neill
on the D. Abdouch Farm.
This farm was sold without the build- j
ings. They are priced so you can afford to
move them.
P. C. D0N0H0E. Broker
thaX&eaMf totcdofc!
You have to hand it to Buick engineers.
What they’ve done to this 1951 Special
is nothing short of a minor miracle.
They’ve stepped up its style with a brand
new body, an eager new thrust-ahead look,
a gleaming new push-bar forefront that’s ar
ruggedly protective as it is stunning to see
They’ve stepped up the smartness of its in
teriors with the smartest fabric:, that ever
graced the interior of this Bui cl Series
They’ve stepped up the safety, by thv .bar..
, i I
new clarity of white-glow instrument mtrifr
ings more easily read at night.
They’ve stepped up the power to the highest
ratings in Special history—120 horsepower
with Synchro-Mesh transmission, 128 with
Dynaflow Drive.
They’ve come up with a car that’s new in
everything from the ground up—and a prios
that’s the best news of all.
So, if you’ve been toying with thoughts of
buying a lesser car—better come in and see
how easy it is to step up to this thrifty marveL
Equipment, acceaaoriee, trim and modela are eubjeet
to change without notice.
*Standard on RQADMASTKR. optional at Optra c**t on other Soriee.
Local Deliveted /Viet* lot the uew 19S1 Buick Special
* y
2-door 6-passenger 4-door 6- passenger
Deluxe Sedan Deluxe Sedan
Optional equipment, accessories, state and local taxes, If any,
additional. Prices may vary slightly in adjoining communities due
to shipping charges. All prices subject to change without notice.
Tune in HENRY J, TAYLOR, ABC Network, every Monday evening.