The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 29, 1951, Page 3, Image 3

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    WSCS Gives $100 ,
to Church Budget
PAGE—The Women’s Society
of Christian Service met in the
Methodist church parlors Thurs
day, March 22, for their Easter
meeting with about 25 members
Mrs. Edgar Stauffer led the de
votions. Mrs. C. E. Wilcox gave a
talk on the “Schooling and Life
of Helen Keller.” Mrs. Raymond
Heiss gave a talk pertaining to
Easter. A short playlet was pre
sented by Mrs. Merwyn French
and Mrs. William Fink.
Plans were discussed for a
mother-daughter banquet to be
held in May. A committee was
appointed to nominate officers
for WSCS.
Members voted to pay $100 on
the church budget.
The remainder of the afternoon
was spent quilting and doing
needlework. Hostesses were Mrs.
Elmer Trowbridge and Mrs. Lula
Snell. An all-day quilting will be
held at the home of Mrs. Jesse
Kelly Thursday, April 9.
Other Page News
Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Stauffer
and family and Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Beelaert and family were
dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Harper.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larson and
family made a business trip to
Norfolk Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dale Asher and
sons, Jimmie and Jackie, of Fre
mont, spent the weekend visiting
at the homes of Mrs. Asher’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Snell,
and Mr. Asher’s mother, Mrs.
George Park. Other dinner guests
Sunday noon at the Snell home
were Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Cul
len and daughter, Norma, and Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Stewart. Sunday
evening Mr. and Mrs. Asher and
sons and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stew
art, Sherry and Mickie were sup
rifer guests of Mr. and Mrs. Park.
Mr. ana Mrs. u. a. stuan, ui
Cozad, who came to visit over
Easter Sunday with their two
daughters and families, Mr. and
Mrs. Dick Knapp, of Orchard,
and Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Kloppen
berg and daughter, Wynona Rae,
of O’Neill, and their sister-in-law,
Mrs. E. J. Eby, also of O’Neill,
spent Saturday evening visiting
old friends at Page. They were
evening dinner guests of Mrs.
Bertha Reed.
Mrs. Bessie Wanser, of Fre
mont, spent from Saturday until
Monday at the home of her son
in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Cronk, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. B. E. Wanser and
family, of Holly Springs, la., vis
ited over the weekend with Mrs.
Wanser’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Froelich, of O’Neill, and
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Wanser, of
College students who have
spent the Easter vacation with
their parents here are: From Om
aha—Miss Betsy Simmons, with
Mr. and Mrs. Will Simmons;
Monte Taylor, with Mr. and Mrs.
L. B. Taylor, and Maurice War
ing, with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Waring; from Lincoln — Darrell
Heiss, with Mr. and Mrs. Ray
mond Heiss; Carroll French, with
Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn French,
and Betty and Harold Tegeler,
with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tegeler;
from Wayne—Miss Genelle Park,
with Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Park and
Ronnie, and Miss LaVonne and
Melvin Albright, with Mr. and
Mrs. Gailord Albright.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bennett
and two daughters, of Sidney,
spent Wednesday and Thursday,
March 21-22, at the Lloyd Fussle
man home. Mr. Bennett is a
brother of Mrs. Fussleman.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Eby and
three sons, of O’Neill, and Mr.
and Mrs. Lorenz Nissen and
daughters were guests Sunday at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Anton
The Bid-or-Bye bridge club
met Thursday evening, March
22, with Mrs. Will Simmons. Mrs.
Kenneth Braddock, of Omaha,
and Mrs. John Lamason were
guests. Mrs. Gerald Lamason was
high score winner and Mrs. Je
rome Allen, all-cut. A luncheon
was served by the hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Park, Ge
nelle and Ronnie and Mr. and
Mrs. Neven Ickes, jr., spent Sun
day at the Bill Park home at
Mrs. A. O. Wilbur was hostess
at a family dinner Sunday. At
tending were: Mr. and Mrs. El
mer Trowbridge and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Forrest Henderson and
family, and Mr. and Mrs. Dick
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Stewart,
Mr. and Mrs. Will Neubauer and
Leo and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Stew
art and family were dinner
guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs.
Ed Sterner. It honored the birth
day anniversary of Mr. and Mrs.
Sterners’ daughter, Mrs. Glen
Stewart, which is March 26.
Dinner guests Sunday at the
home of Mrs. Eva Cunningham
and Donald Cunningham were
Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Cunningham
and family, Mr. and Mrs. H. J.
Stevens, Miss Maude Martin and
E. E. Stevens.
The Royal Neighbor annual
family supper was held Wednes
day evening, a rch 21. There was
a small attendance because of
[ bad roads. About 11 families
, were represented and enjoyed
j the no-host supper. A social eve
ning was spent.
Dinner guests at the N. D.
Ickes home Saturday evening
were Mr. and Mrs. Neven Ickes,
jr., Mr. and Mrs. Soren Soren
sen, jr., and Glenda Rae, Mrs.
Robert Newberry and Paul Neu
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Park
drove to Lincoln Friday and
brought Miss Carol Stevens to
visit at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Stevens, and
family. She returned to Lincoln
Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Hansen, of
Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. Tommy
Kelly and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur
Smith and sons were dinner
guests Friday of Mr. and Mrs.
Jesse Kelly.
Easter Sunday guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Gailord Albright were:
Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Hoffman and
family, of Clearwater; Mr. and
Mrs. Robert Stevens and son, of
O’Neill, and Miss LaVonne and
Melvin Albright.
Clayton Mesner and daughter,
Eleata Rae, visited Sunday after
noon at the Soren Sorensen
Mrs. Robert Newberry, who
teaches school at Cascade, spent
from Friday until Sunday with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neven
Ickes, and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Sorensen and
family spent Sunday at Ains
worth with Mrs. Sorensen’s par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Kenne
Mrs. W. W. Johnston and chil
dren, of Stromsburg, spent from
Thursday until Monday with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Mr. and Mrs. Alva Townsend
and Gene, of Omaha, and Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Blackers and sons,
Tommy and Johnnie, of Colum
bus, visited over Easter Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Town
Miss Angie Spath, of Cham
bers, spent the weekend with
Miss Shirley Sorensen and Miss
Jane Park.
Richard Orcutt and Miss Shir
ley Sorensen, of Ainsworth, came
to Page Friday where Miss Shir
ley visited her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Soren Sorensen. Mr. Orcutt
went to Donophen Friday to visit
his parents. He was accompanied
there by Bobbie Sorensen and
they returned to Page Saturday
evening. Mr. Orcutt and Miss
Sorensen returned to Ainsworth
Sunday afternoon.
Miss Marie lieiss, of Hastings,
spent from Thursday until Sun
day at the home of her father,
Leonard Heiss, and with other
3 New Members
Join Club—
The Fagle Hustlers 4-H club
met at the home of Brenda and
Robert Beelaert on Thursday
evening, March 15, for our second
meeting of the, year. There were
14 members and 11 visitors pres
ent. We gained three new mem
bers, Merlin Held, Bette French
and Jamie Nissen.
The president, Tommy Kelly,
called the meeting to order. Our
leader handed out our material
and showed us our club charter
which now has three gold seals
on it. Wre filled out our year
books and planned our next
meeting at the home of Merlin
Held on Thursday evening, on
March 29.
After a lunch was served the
club members went out and look
ed at Robert’s and Brenda’s live
stock projects. Robert has a
breeding heifer and a baby beef
and Brenda has a sow and litter.
—By Robert Beelaert, news re
Atkinson Speech
Winner to State
ATKINSON — John Dobrovol
ny, St. Joseph’s hall orator, com
peted Thursday in the Nebraska
American Legion oratorical con
test finals held at Norfolk. Do
brovolny earlier had won laurels
at St. Joe’s elimination contest
and proeeded on to win Legion
district II honors in a contest at
He failed to place, however,
in the state contest, which was
won by Francis O. McDermott,
of Omaha, a Creighton Prep
The contest rules included
preparation and delivery of a 10
to 12-minute oration on the U. S,
constitution and a 4- to 6-min
ute extemporaneous oration on
a constitution subject drawn from
a hat.
Onie McClurg won the Atkin
son high elimination.
For the Atkinson triumph, Do
brovolny was awarded $10 by
Farley-Tushla post and received
a $25 savings bond for the dis
trict championship.
Mrs. Robert Shoemaker went
to Omaha Monday to spend a few
days with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Chris Schroeder.
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Kirkpat
rick, of Hastings, were weekend
guests at the home of her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sum
Mr. and Mrs. John Cuddy and
children left for their home in
Sioux Falls, S. D., Sunday after
having visited her parents, Mr.
andf Mrs. A. F. Stanton, since
last Thursday.
Miss Joan Brady, a student at
Doane college at Crete, returned
Friday with her sister, Mrs. Dean
Van Every, who had driven down
for her the previous Wednesday.
Miss Joan is spending her vaca
tion with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Brady.
George Ponton and family and
Mrs. A. E. Ponton, all of Elgin,
and A. E. Ponton, of Ewing, were
Easter dinner guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Tomjack and
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Becker had
as their guests Sunday and Mon
day her father, John Stevens, and
her brother and his wife, Mr. and
Mrs. Steve Stevens, all of Hart
Mr. and Mrs. Verne Reynold
son left Friday evening to attend
a wedding in Lincoln Saturday
evening. They returned Sunday.
Mrs. Mary Applegate, of Oma
ha, and Charles Leach, of Fre
| mont, were weekend guests at
, the home of her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Gene
Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Drueke and
girls, of Ainsworth, were week
end guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. A.
Mr. and Mrs. McCoy Rhodes
and daughter, Vivian, of Cody,
arrived Saturday to spend Easter
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Ray.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Goree, of
Long Pine, arrived Sunday to
visit relatives until Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Gettert
and Miss Theresa Liable were
Sunday guests at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. John Liable, of Atkinson.
Mrs. Mabel Tomlinson was a
dinner guest Monday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Tomlinson.
Out-of-town guests during the
holidays at the George VanEvery
home were Mr. and Mrs. Marvin
VanEvery and family, of Grand
Island, who arrived Saturday and
departed Monday afternoon, and
their other son and his wife, Mr.
and Mrs. Dean VanEvery, who
arrived Saturday and left Mon
day. The Dean VanEverys also
visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Lloyd Brady.
Miss Helen Kubitschek, a stu
dent at Barat college, Lake For
est, 111., arrived Thursday to
spend her Easter vacation with
her parents, Dr. and Mrs. F. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Weston D. Whit
i wer spent the weekend in Tilden
where they visited his mother,
Mrs. Mel Whitwer, who is ill in
the Tilden hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. Levi Fuller and
George went to Sioux City Mon
Chambers Choir
Presents Cantata
CHAMBERS—The choir of the
Methodist church presented an
Easter cantata at the church on
Sunday morning.
Specials were: Katheryn New
house, solo: Armenta Gleed, solo; j
Mrs. Art Walter and Mrs. C. V.
Robertson, duet; Ralph Adams,
Eugene Adams and Beryl Young,
trio; Mrs. Lee Mitchell, Joan
Daas, Myron Shavlik and Eugene
Adams, quartette; Rose Marie
Gibson, solo, accompanied by
Mrs. Lela Corcoran on the clari
net; organ and piano duet, by
Mrs. Art Walter and Mrs. Lela
Other Chambers News
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Friedrich
and family, of Spencer; Mr. and
Mrs. Sewell Johnson and family,
of Emmet; Mr. and Mrs. L. V.
Cooper, of Chambers, and Mrs. J.
J. Kasparie and Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence Horst, of Palmer, were
guests of Arnold, Marie and Erna
Zuelka Easter Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Kirkland,
of Atkinson, spent Sunday with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. A.
Walter. Other guests were: Mr.
and Mrs. Wayne Smith and fam
ily and Mr. and Mrs. Raymond
Mrs. Walter McNichols and
son, Bob, of O’Neill, spent Eas
ter Sunday with their daughter
and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Chet
Fees, jr.
Mrs. Anna McCurdy, who has
been staying with Mrs. Holloway,
returned to Grand Island Sunday
afternoon. Her daughter, Irene,
and a friend, Mary Norris, were
callers at the Neilson home.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Walter, Ar
dith and Loren and Mr. and Mrs.
Hilbert Hoge and family surpris
ed Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walter on
their 23d wedding anniversary
on Sunday evening, March 25.
Lunch furnished by the guests
was served.
Milton Grimes and a friend,
Buck Roper, of Lincoln, came
Thursday and spent Friday with
the former’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Clair Grimes. They re
turned to Lincoln Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Starr and
family, of St. Paul, came Sunday
to spend Easter with his mother,
Mrs. Nellie Starr, and to help
her celebrate her birthday anni
versary, which fell on Easter.
The Winona Rebekah lodge
369 met Friday night, March 23,
in the IOOF hall. After the meet
ing was over, the women had
lunch at the Frances cafe.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben W. Medcalf
and children, Bobby and Kathy,
of Sioux City, were weekend
guests of their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. E. H. Medcalf and Mr. and
Mrs. E. R. Carpenter. They re
turned Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Allen Miller and
children, of Clearwater, spent
Easter Sunday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Medcalf. Mr.
and Mrs. Don Medcalf and chil
dren, of Ainsworth, came Sunday
afternoon for a visit in the E. H.
Medcalf home.
Mr. and Mrs. Donald Grimes
and Bonnie, of Carr, Colo., came
Saturday, March 24, to spend
Easter with his mother, Mrs. j
Genevieve Bell, and her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter.
They spent Friday night in the
Dean Stevens home at Atkinson,
returning home Monday, March
Kathervn Newhouse came
from Lincoln where she is
a student at the state university,
to spend Easter with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Newhouse.
Mr. and IMrs. Clarence Young
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Mitchell and family were Sunday
guests in the LaVern H aerie
Mr. and Mrs. A1 Dierking drove
to Valentine Wednesday, March
21, to attend funeral services for
his son-in-law’s mother, M r s.
Mark Wilson. They returned
Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Harlan
Dierking, of Amelia, also attend
ed the funeral.
Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Cooke
and family left Sunday evening
for Mt. Judea Ark., where
they will be in missionary work.
Reverend Cooke’s brother, Ber
nard Cooke, took Mrs. Cooke and
family in his car, stopping in
Kansas City, Mo., to get his
wife and daughter, who have
visited since (March 20, with her
sister and husband. Mrs. Bernard
Cooke and daughter accompanied
her husband and brother-in-law
when they took a load of house
hold goods to Mt. Judea for the
Ralph Cooke family.
Dinner guests in the E. R. Car
penter home Easter were: Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Grimes and
Bonnie, of Carr, Colo.; Mr. and
Mrs. Dean Stevens and children,
of Atkinson; Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Medcalf and children, of Sioux
City, and Mrs. Genevieve Bell, of
Elona Shavlik, who attends
the Lincoln school of commerce,
spent Easter vacation with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. “Steve
Shavlik, and family, and sister
and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Ed
win Hubbard.
Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Rubeck
and daughter, Katheryn, of O’
Neill, spent Easter with her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Honey
Go to Iowa—
Rev. and Mrs. Wayne A. Hall
and his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
John Hall, left Monday for Es
therville, la., where they are vis
iting another son of the John
Neil Harshfield, formerly of
Atkinson and an employe of the
O’Neill Photo Co., for the past
four years, has purchased the
East End Cafe and will assume
management Sunday, April 1.
The cafe will be closed all day
| for redecoration and will be op
! en for business on Monday,
j April 2.
P-TA box social Friday night.
Mar. 30, 8 p.m.. O'Neill public
school band room. Everybody
welcome. 47c
iO'NeilL Nebraska
Complete X-Ray Equipment
Block So. of Ford Garage
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★ Effective Sunday, April 1, the East
End Cafe, located at the junctions of
Highways 20-275 and 108, at the east
outskirts of O’Neill, will be under new
★ The Cafe will be closed all day Sun
day, Alpril 1, for inventory and redec
oration, and will be open for business un
der new management on Monday, Ap
ril 2.
Your Patronage Will Be
East End Cafe
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