The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, March 29, 1951, SECTION 2, Page 11, Image 11

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    College Set Returns
To Classes—
College students returning to
school tnis week after Easter va
Kathleen Flood, Nancy Beha
and Patricia Brennan, to St.
(Mary’s college, Xavier Kans.
t Ed Campbell, W. J. Froelich,
jr., Ed McCarthy, Pat Hickey,
Tom Harty, John O’Neill, and
James Merriman, to Creighton
university, Omaha.
Nancy Froeslich and Barbara
Birmingham, to Duchesne college,
Gail Widtfeldt and Dorothy
Iler, to Briar Cliff college, Sioux
Guy Harris and James Bridges,
to Nebraska Wesleyan universi
Gordon Hiatt, Robert Bowen,
Betty Gallagher, to Nebraska
university, Lincoln.
t $5 Attendance Award
Is Posted—
A $5 attendance award will be
given to the guild best represent
ed at a general meeting of St.
Patrick’s Altar society on Thurs
day, April 5, at 8 p.m. Mrs. Ed
Thamish is chairman of St.
Monica’s guild, which will be
Affair will be held at the
Knights of Columbus clubrooms.
The society’s business meeting
will be held on Monday, April 2.
Snowbound Enxoule
I Home from Funerals—
Mr. and Mrs. Palmer C. Skul
borstad and three sons returned
home Wednesday, March 21, from
Madison, Minn., where they at
tended the funerals of Mr. Skul
borstad’s two brothers, ages 20
and 12. The former is survived
by a wife and small baby.
The Skulborstads were snow
bound for four or five days on
the way home.
Neighborly Sharing
Lesson Topic—
Betnany Ladies Aid met at the
home of Mrs. Jim Gibson Wed
nesday, March 7.
Mrs. Kenneth LaRue read the
scripture lesson. Mrs. Klabenas
read a poem concerning neigh
borly sharing. The hostess served
I a lunch and the meeting was ad
*' joumed.
Crochets Rose
DELOIT—One lady in the De
loit localtiy has an interesting
hobby: crocheting rose pillow
cases. But she has not one for
herself. She is now working on
her 70th pair. Practically every
bride in the community receives
a pair as a gift. The busy woman
is Mrs. Ralph Tomjaick.
Gerbers Go East—
Rev. and Mrs. Ralph G. Ger
ber and family departed this
week for a two-weeks’ visit with
relatives at Elkhart, Ind., and
Wooster, O. Dr. Leonard DeMoor,
of Hastings college, will fill the
* pulpit at First Presbytereian
church on Sunday, April 1, and
Rev. Ralph Chamberlain will de
liver the sermon on Sunday, Ap
ril 8 (For details consult
Vemice and Roger Beckwith,
of Columbus, wen? guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Lowell
Johnson over the Easter week
Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. Heer
mann were in Brocksburg Mon
day visiting at the home of Mrs.
Dora Doyle.
Gene Porter, son of Mr. and
Mrs. C. W. Porter, is stationed
, V at Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Hansen, of
Wayne, spent Friday in the home |
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse
Kelly. Ruth Kelly accompanied
them home where she visited un
til Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse
Kelly and Mrs. Addie Kelly
drove to Pilger Sunday where
they were dinner guests in the
John Burtwhistle home. Mrs. Ad
die Kelly stayed for several days
with her sister, Mrs. Burtwhistle.
Mr. and Mrs. Kelly went on to
Wayne where they visited at the
Cyril Hansen home and brought
their daughter, Ruth, to their
home at Page.
The Heiss relatives met at the
Merwyn French home Sunday
evening for a family get-together.
Present were Mr. and Mrs. Leon
ard Heiss and Miss Marie, Mr.
and Mrs. Ivan Heiss and four
children, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond i
Heiss and Darrell, Mrs. W. W.
Johnston and two children, Mr.
and Mrs. Donald Heiss and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
Heiss, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Heiss,
Nancy and Larry, Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Heiss, Mr. and Mrs.
Richard Asher and son, Mr. and
Mrs. Merwyn French, Carroll
and Bette.
Miss Carmen Roach, of Yank
ton college, visited over Easter
Sunday with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Melvin Roach. Tommy
Bruce and Robert Volsteadt, of
Bonesteel, S. D., spent Sunday at
the Roach home and Mrs. Paul
Hartigan was a dinner guest.
Mr. and Mrs. Verne Riege and
family, of Orchard, and Mr. and
Mrs. Lester Riege and Bonnie
were dinner guests Sunday of
Mr. and Mrs. Lorenze Riege and
Miss Phyllis Shawl, a teacher
in the Page high school, spent
the weekend at the home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. P.
Shawl, at Harrisburg.
Miss Margaret Prill, who has
employment at Wakefield, visited
over Sunday with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Prill.
Miss Alice French and Mrs.
Alton Braddock were Sioux City
visitors Monday.
Pfc. and Mrs. John Liest, of
Hastings, have spent several days
with Mrs. Liest’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Wen Parks, and family
and havfc visited other relatives.
Sterling Albright arrived home
Monday from San Diego, Calif.
He will report back at San Fran
cisco April 7 and expects to be
sent to Japan. He was met at
Norfolk by his mother, Mrs. Al
bright, and brother and sister,
Melvin and LaVonne.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Walker and
family and E. A. Walker drove to
Norfolk Sunday afternoon. They
spent the evening at the Anthony
Craig home and Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Walker joined the group
there. E. A. Walker stayed to vis
it his daughter, Mrs. Anthony
Craig, and son, Fred Walker, and
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Maurer, of
Sidney, came Monday for a few
days’ visit at the home of their
'niece and nephew, Mr. and Mrs.
j Lloyd Fussleman, and family.
Miss Joan Terrill and Lyle Par
sons, of Miltonvale, Kans., spent
the weekend at the home of Miss
Terrill’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. O.
A. Terrill. Miss Terrill is a stu
dent at MWC at Miltonvale. Oth
er dinner guests Sunday at the
Terrill home were Mrs. Celia
Terrill and Mrs. Alma Tegeler.
The Contract Bridge club met
with Mrs. John Lamason Monday
forenoon. Miss Carmen Roach
was a guest. Mrs. Melvin Smith
won high score prize and Mrs.
Carl Max traveling. The hostess
served a luncheon.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Smith
and Linda were dinner guests
Sunday at the Kenneth Smith
home at Inman.
The Page Improvement club
held a bake sale at the Farmers
Union store Saturday afternoon.
Proceeds were over $22.
Ralph Brostrom spent the
weekend at Grand Island. Mrs.
Brostrom, who had been there
for a month, returned home with
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bowen
and sons were dinner guests on
Sunday of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Dave Bowen.
Misses Betsy, Jane and Rox
ana Simmons spent the weekend
with Misses Joyce, Lorraine and
Elaine Clasy.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hansen,
Hiram Johnson and Mrs. James
Donlin went to Purdum Monday
to attend the funeral services for
Mrs. Mabel Dunn, a cousin.
Billy Maben, of Clearwater,
was an overnight guest on Satur
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
William Wulf.
Mrs. Lena Kirschmier enter
tained at a family dinner party
on Easter Sunday at her home in
north Ewing. Guests present
were Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Kirschmier and children. Mr. and
Mrs. Marion Wolzer and family,
of Pilger, and Mr. and Mrs. Ray
Neisiun and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Orval Conner, of
Norfolk, were guests at the Will
and Deemer Conner homes and
other relatives over the holiday
weekend. They returned home
Mrs. Harriet Welke and daugh
ter, Vaulda, Mr. and Mrs. R. H.
Shain and son, Richard, Mr. and
Mrs. Leland Welke and children
were dinner guests on Sunday at
the country home of Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Schmiser and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Leland Welke
and family were shopping in O’
Neill on Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Snyder
and family spent the holiday
weekend at their home in Ew
ing. They returned to Wayne on
Monday where Mr. Snyder is a
student at the Wayne State
Teachers college.
Miss Vaulda Welke, of Wayne,
spent the weekend with her
mother, Mrs. Harriet Welke.
Mr. and Mrs. Leo Spittler and
family, or Omaha, were guests of
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee
Spittler, from Friday to Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis
spent Easter Sunday with her
mother, Mrs. Louise Beal, of Or
Buddie Green, of Inman, was
a weekend guest at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. James Boies.
Mr. and Mrs. James Boies en
tertained her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Luben, of Inman,
and Mr. and Mrs. N. Clark, of O’
Neill, on Easter Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Fleming
and thei rguest, Mrs. Dora-Town
send, of Page, and Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Belmar, jr., were guests
Easter Sunday of Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Heater and Mrs. Sarah
Bonge, of Plainview.
On Tuesday, Mr. and Mrs. Hen
ry Fleming and Mrs. Dora Town
send were guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Bellmar, jr., who live on a
farm near Page. Mrs. Townsend,
who was celebrating a birthday
anniversary, was the guest of
honor for the dinner party.
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Spangler
and children spent Easter Sun
day with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Eben Grafft.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schiffbauer
and son, Thomas, Mr. and Mrs.
James Daggett, all of Madison,
visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. William Hobbs and family
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Mark Maben, of
Clearwater, were guests of Mr.
and Mrs. William Wulf on Thurs
Mrs. Nellie Komer had as her
guest on Easter Sunday Mr. and
Mrs. Lee Spittler, Richard and
Rosalie, J. B. Spittler, Mr. and
Mrs. Ray Funk and daughters,
and Mr. and Mrs. Sam Regan, of
Miss Helen Weibel, who is em
ployed in Omaha, spent the holi
day weekend with homefolks.
On March 19, Ray Funk and
his small daughter, Shirley, cel
ebrated birthday anniversaries.
In honor of the occasion, Mrs.
Funk served a dinner to the fol
lowing guests: Mrs. Nellie Kom
er, J. B. Spittler, Mr. and Mrs.
Lee Spittler and family and Mr.
and Mrs. Sam Regan.
Mrs. Bessie Misek, who has
been the guest of her sister, Mrs.
Agnes Bartak, for the past
month, returned to her home in
Fremont on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Vance Bennett
and son and Mr. and Mrs. Adolph
Bartak and family were dinner
guests of Mrs. Agnes Bartak on
Easter Sunday.
T. S. Pruden and sons, Melvin
and Donald, of Page, were guests
of his sister and husband, Mr.
and Mrs. Benjamin Larson, on
Sunday. Melvin and Donald have
stayed the past week at the Lar
son home while attending school.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kropp
and family went to Chambers
Sunday to spend the day at the
home of her sister and husband,
Mr. and Mrs. Mick Jeffers, and
Dinner guests on Sunday at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Al
len and family were Mr. and
Mrs. John Bauer and family. Lat
er in the day, Mr. and Mrs. Vic
tor Marquardt, of Laurel, were
also callers at the Allen home.
Merton Dierks came home on
Thursday to spend the Easter va
cation at the home of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Dierks. He re
turned Tuesday to resume his
studies at the University of Ne
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Fink and
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Fink, and
sons, all of Fremont; \lr. and
Mrs. Harry Crist and family, of
California, and William J. Har
ris, of Ewing, were guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Har
ris on Easter Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies spent
Sunday at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Roy Stevens at Clearwater.
Miss Evelyn Bartak, who is
employed in Norfolk, spent the
weekend with homefolks.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pruden
and family, Mr. and Mrs. Victor
Bollwitt and family and Johnnie
Kaczor were dinner guests of
Mrs. Millie Bollwitt and family
on Easter.
Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cary and
family were 6 o’clock dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Ter
williger at Atkinson on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Benda and
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Benda, of
Platte, S. D., spent Easter Sun
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Pete Kratochvill, at Kimball,
S. D.
Mrs. Rose Davey, of Valentine,
arrived Monday evening to visit
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Harden Anspach.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Keeney, of
Norfolk; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Har
ley, of Atkinson, and Mr. and Mrs.
Verne Beckwith, of Columbus,
were dinner guests at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beckwith
on Easter Sunday
Mr. and Mrs. Don Asher and
daughter, Susan Lee, of Valen
tine, spent Easter weekend at the
homes of their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. H. E. Asher and Mr. and
Mrs. A. R. Wyant.
Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Ray and
Mary went to Ainsworth Sunday
evening to visit her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. H. F. Waite.
Frontier want ads bring results!
! I
Vp—ot down — one touch of
Magic Dial does it! Down, a
bbig, 6-qt. deepwell cooker. Up:
___ a giant, fourth surface cooking
"unit And never any need to touch it for
raising or lowering! One easy turn of the
Magic Dial does it all! Come see Magic Upt
A Datiy and all the other exclusive Gibson
features... TODAY!
bson 6,000,000 Home Appliances
in Uee throughout the World Since 1877
< O’Neill Phone 125-W
at Ewing
Sunday, April 1
Music by
And HU Orchestra
1Fir*t National Bank Bldg. J
Assures Healthier Chicks and Turkey Poults-Fewer Losses
No temperature
under 2400° F. can even
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Sani-Flor is a proved success.
Saves time, labor and money.
Fewer changes necessary^
Chicks are healthier and safer,
too, because Sani-Flor is no*
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FIREPROOF! Won’t rot, mold,
a get soggy or pack down. Won’*
Just pour Sani-Flor from the harbor vermin, rats or micej
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10 l/tate of SucceU d”M No od" “* “da"
Phone 90 C'Neill, Nebr.
B "Great Value" washes a full 7-pound *
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^k $r oth-action triple-vane agitator. 20- (
# ^b • Jj g Ion tub is double-coated. Clothes |
wi ing damp-dry through large two-inch
rollers. Motor is oil-sealed, rubber- 4
Low Down Payment mounted. Full Year Warranty. |
8-Way Wringer 3-Vane Agitator Fames Depeed-A-Pewer 4
Adjusts lo • dllf#r*nt positions. Swlshas doth** around a full Transmission Is silant and d
Has automatic locking davic*. 212° arc 60 timns a mlnut*. smooth running. Soelod la Si.
CORONADO “Super” WASHER 119.50 4
9-lb. load. Feature designed for easier washing.. {
CORONADO "Custom” WASHER o.,, *. 14495 4
Star washer with all deluxe features. Full Year Warranty. ^
Refrigerators J
• • Cu. Ft. Capacity 1
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I Your thrifty buy in a new 1951 refrigeraforl {
"Great Value" has such features as 13.21 Sq. Ft. g
9 “easy-reach" shelf space, area for 12 cartons
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^ 5 Other Models 1QQ Cfl !
| Priced As Low As. llwJU I
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I COME IN AND SEE THE COMPLETE Full Width Freezer Garden Fresh Crisper Zonemaster Control {
__ _ _ Room for 35 poundi of 10 quart capacityl Keept foods Directs flow of cold air for A
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| ALWAYS BETTER BUYS AT (jaml)lC4. O’Neill. Nebr. •