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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1951)
12 PAGES — 2SECTIONS • || j H ;' • l i North-Nebraska’s Fastest-Growing Newspaper VOLUME 70.—NUMBER 47. O'NEILL. NEBR.. THURSDAY. MARCH 29. 1951. PRICE: 7 CENT* STATE 800 *1 Sentences for Trio Increased A - - - Roberts Bros. & Hines Appear in District Court Here The burglarizing trio of the Roberts Bros. & Hines appeared before Judge D. R. Mounts m Holt county district court Wed nesday afternoon, March 28, and drew additional punishment. The famous threesome already * had begun serving sentences m the state penitentiary and mens reformatory for burglaries m Antelope county. Sentences were pronounced as follows: Gene W. ("Red") Roberts, 25, of O’Neill, 5 years in the state penitentiary, charged only connection with the Emmet State bank burglary. Richard D. ("Slim") Roberts. 22. of O’Neill, 3 years in the men’s reformatory, charged m connection with the Emmet State 4bank, Dankert service station (Chambers) and Marcellus Imple ment company (O’Neill) burglar ies. Dale L. Hines, 20. of Inman, 3 years in the men’s reformatory, charged same as Richard. Sentences in the case of the younger Roberts and Hines will run concurrently and for all three will run concurrently with the Antelope county sen tences. ; At Neligh the elder Roberts drew 3 years, the others 2 years i each. L “Red” Roberts was not charg ' ed with the Dankert and Marcel lus jobs because he had his leg in a cast as the result of a roller skating accident. The three were captured at Clearwater early February ^ and later confessed a series ot burglaries in northcentral and northeast Nebraska. The courtroom was filled to | near-capacity for the trial. Coun ty Sheriff Leo Tomjack escorted each prisoner into the courtroom to be tried alone. A guard from the penitentiary and a guard from the reforma tory brought the prisoners to O - Neill. They were lodged in the county jail until 2 o’clock—time for the hearing — and were to have been kept overnight, return ing to Lincoln early today (Thursday). Meanwhile, The Frontier learn ed that “Red” Roberts and Hines appear to be in for further trou ble. They submitted to a lie-de tector test in Lincoln last weekend and during the lest confessed they had also brok en into and robbed the Kuehn tavern in Stanton on Novem ber 5. This may have been their first undoing. , «. i Total loot in merchandise, checks and cash was about two thousand dollars, The Frontier ‘ learned, none of which was re covered. \ Stanton county officers mdi i cate they are interested in the \ elder Roberts and Hines and may f bring charges. . _ . _ Neither implicated Richard U. (“Slim”) Roberts. Hines ^attended high school at Stanton in 1947. ' O’Neill Men Get j Reserve Orders Several reservists this week have received orders to report | fof active duty with the armed \ f°LtS'c. R. (“Bob”) Hill, Holt county soil conservationist, has been ordered to report at Ft. i Warren, Wyo., on April 2. Lieu tenant Hill, who has been at O Neill nearly three years, was an „ air force navigator with heavy * bombers during World War II, having been stationed in Eng land. He is married and has three children. . Robert (“Bob”) Eby has receiv V ed notice to report to the nay?1 station in San Francisco, Calif., on April 9. He has been m the active reserves, served during World War II. , 4 Dr. Jack Vincent, who has a practice in Ft. Dodge, la., and his brother, Dr. Keith Vincent, who (is interning at City hospital in | St. Louis, Mo., have received their orders to report for active I dUDoctor Jack is to report the first of April and Doctor Keith is & to report after his internship has ■ <j>een completed, which will be a P bout July. It • They are the sons of Mrs. * Amelia Vincent and the late J. E. .J Vincent. Runover by Machine, Man Is Uninjured Ray Fernholz, about 35, escap ed without serious injury early Wednesday in an unusual acci dent on the Frank Peters place, 17 miles southwest of ONe’ill. Fomholz, who was pitching ay off the rear of the under hung, slipped and fell. Two of the wheels ran over his legs. - The soft ground was credited with preventing a serious injury. Fernholz was taken to O’NeUl for medical attention in Biglin iros. ambulance. U OF N AWARD TO THE FRONTIER Wins Recognition for ‘Pioneering Radio* in Weekly Field The Frontier was recipient of one of two journalism awards Issued during the past year by University of Nebraska school of journalism. The Frontier’s award was bas ed on “pioneering radio as a sup plement to a weekly newspap er’s news and advertising ser vices”. Since this newpaper inaugu rated its thrice-weekly schedu led radio program in Decem ber, 1948, 18 Nebraska weekly newspapers have adopted a similar practice in cooperation with various radio stations. The “Voice of The Frontier” went on the air with scheduled broadcasts on Dcember 5, 1948, by means of direct wire with ra dio station WJAG at Norfolk (780 kc., 9:45 a.m., Mondays, Wednesdays, Saturdays.) Dr. William Swindler, head of the Nebraska university journa lism department, made the pre sentation to Carroll W. (“Cal”) Stewart, editor and publisher of The Frontier, at the annual meeting of the Nebraska Press association Friday at Lincoln. Ten other Nebraska newspapers and two out-of-state newspap ers have received Nebraska uni versity awards in previous years. Receiving the other Nebraska ‘U’ award at Friday’s convention was the Nebraska City News Press, a daily paper, for “pre eminence in editorial writing”. R. F. Kennedy, publisher of the Columbus Daily Telegram, is the new president of the Nebraska Press association, succeeding Fred R. Zimmer, of Hartington, publisher of the Cedar County News. New members of the board of directors are: Reed O’Hanlon, jr., editor-publisher of the Blair Pi lot-Tribune; W. E. Buechler, <rf Ogallala, publisher of Keitn County News; and J. E. Hauge, editor-publisher of the Meadow Grove News. Stewart was reelected to the board. i The Atkinson Graphic was given an Ak-Sar-Ben award for ^community service”. Ralph J. Kelly, editor-publisher, received the plaque. Among weekly newspapers in Nebraska now using the radio supplement are: Neligh News, Dakota County Star (South Sioux City), Blair Pilot - Tribune, Cent ral City Nonpareil, Stanton Reg (Continued on page 5) 1951 ARC Drive Begins with Gusto Holt county’s 1951 American Red Cross membership and fund raising campaign got underway in earnest Monday morning— slightly behind the national schedule but with full enthus iasm and gusto. Holt countyans traditionally go over the top with their response to the ARC’S needs. Mrs. Thomas J. Sullivan, of O’ Neill, drive chairman, said that early contributions were “espe cially gratifying” and that she is confident the 1951 campaign will be a success. Holt’s quota this year is $2, 035—slightly higher than a year ago. Mrs. Sullivan explains that some of the enormous tasks fac ing the ARC this year are: Pro viding for instant use tremendous amounts of blood plasma; train ing some 20 million persons in first aid; instructing 100 thou sand women and girls to serve as nurse’s aides; teaching many more thousands home nursing skills; recruiting more than a half-million additional volunteers to aid local defense units and to serve in expanding military in stallations. “Only your support can make these vital activities possible,” Mrs. Sullivan said. Each community in Holt coun ty has a community chairman and every citizen is urgently ask ed to give to thi Red Cross this year. _ EXPECTS SEPARATION M/Sgt. John C. Watson, who reached Japan a fortnight ago after having been recalled to ac tive military duty as a reservist, expects to return to the United States immediately and be sepa rated. Sergeant Watson is a vet i eran of World War II fighting in Europe. Family Dinner at Hugh Rays— Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ray enter tained their children and their famil es at a dinnet Sunday. The guests were Mr. and Mrs. McCoy Rhodes and Vivian, of Cody, and Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Ray and Mary. Mrs. A. R. Wyant and grand son, Larry Wayne Bourne, went to Columbus Monday afternoon. DELEGATION SEES 10S IMPROVEMENT 9 - Mile Link Might Be Finished This Fall, Governor Says Grading, graveling and con struction of a 60-foot bridge on a 9-mile stretch of State Highway 108 was tentatively promised a delegation of Holt and Wheeler county representatives in confer ence Friday with Gov. Val Peter son and State Highway Engineer Fred Kleitsch at the statehouse in Lincoln. Five miles of the proposed im provement would be done in Holt county. The Holt - Wheeler delegation made the junket in behalf of the north-south road that would link 108 with State Highway 53. Holt and Wheeler will have to help finance the improve ment in order to get the state to let the contracts. Holt county’s board of super visors in session Tuesday approv ed the idea and Wheeler county officials have yet to act. Wheel er’s share may be raised by sub scription instead of drawing on the county’s road funds. Making up the delegation were seven Holt countyans: Holt Su pervisor Chairman Frank Cronk, of Page; Lyle Dierks, R. G. Rockey, John D. Walker, Joseph Knievel, Gail Boyes and M. B. Huffman, all of Ewing. Peterson and Kleitsch told the delegation, following a 90-minute conference, that if Holt and Wheeler fulfilled their part of the bargain, contracts would be let this fall. Improvement would begin at a point 7 miles south of Ewing and extend for 9 miles pre viously not regarded as a high way. Except for a correction line, the road is straight. The improvement will serve the Deloit community. Five miles of the stretch is in Holt county. Peterson promised the im provement would be made dur ing his term of office. Three of the Wheeler delega tion included county commission ers—W. A. Summers, F. C. Krun torad and E. H. Hoefener—and the county attorney, Arthur O. Auserod, who arranged the con ference. Children Choked by Smoke— O’Neill firemen were called early Saturday to a fire in the Bud Schneider apartment near the corner of Fifth and Adams streets. The Schneiders, who were not home at the time, suffered a complete loss of their furniture and the inside of the apartment was gutted by the flames. The Charles Yamall family, living in the other part of the duplex, was smoked out by the fire. Their four children discov ered the fire by waking up chok ing from the smoke. The Yarnalls removed all of the children, preventing what could have been a real catastro phe. It is not known whether insur ance covered the loss or not. The Schneiders were preparing to move to Ewing. The house is one of O’Neill’s oldest dwellings. It is owned by Mrs. J. J. FYenking, of Omaha, and Mrs. John Melvin. 13 CONFIRMED . . . Thirteen young people confirmed Easter Sunday, March 25, at St. Paul’s Lutheran church in Chambers. Left-to right, back row — Larry Lieswald. Kenneth Harley, Edward Pavel, Rev. C. D. Ankney, Clifford Walter, Ronald Haake, Roger Harley; front row—Lawrence Henderson, Sylvia Loseke, Gloria Jean Pavel. Dorothy Haake. Marilyn Walter, Vivian Harley and Robert Loseke. — O’Neill Photo Co. Orders Rescinded for 6 Selectees Six Holt county selective ser vice registrants were notified Wednesday that their names have been removed from the list of those scheduled to report for induction on Wednesday, April 4. Originally 11 men were on the order, but a reduction in the Ne braska quota enabled the Holt officials to rescind orders on six. The five who will report as scheduled are: Jerome Gallagher, of O’Neill; Elwin E. Haynes, of Page; Kenneth Ziska, of Stuart; William R. Vanderbeek, of Stu art; Paul Johnson, of Amelia. Those whose names have been withdrawn but probably will be included in the next draft quota are: Norman E. Wayman, of O’ Neill; Gerald Thompson, of At kinson; Raymond E. Hamik, of Stuart; Edwin W. Wabs, of Spen cer; Frank J. Murphy, of Stuart, and William J. Murphy, of O’ Neill. By April 4 Holt county will have furnished 55 men to the se lective service since last fall. LIFELONG HOLT WOMAN EXPIRES Mrs. Magaret Dobrovolny Buried Wednesday in Atkinson ATKINSON—A lifelong Holt county woman, Mrs. Margaret Dobrovolny, 69, was buried Wed nesday, March 28, in St. Joseph’s cemetery here following funeral rites in St. Joseph’s Catholic church. Mrs. Dobrovolny died Monday, March 26, at the Stuart Com munity hospital following a week’s illness. Rev. A. A. Lehman officiated. Pallbearers at the 10 a.m. rito were H. E. Miller, John Vinzenz, J. J. Carroll, William Morgan, C. M. Gonderinger and Alex Cleary. The late Margaret Hoffman, daughter of John and Mary Fisher Hoffman, was born at Stuart on May 10, 1881. In 1899 she married Henry Shald. They became the parents of 11 chil dren. Following Mr. Shald’s death she married Thomas Dobrovolny, who also preceded her in death. The late Mrs. Dobrovolny had been residing in Atkinson during late years. Survivors include: Daughters —Mrs. Ralph (Dorothy) Leonard, of Grass Creek, Wyo.; Mrs. Law rence (Agnes) Murphy, of Alli ance; Mrs. Leonard (Evelyn; Jungman, of Atkinson; Mrs. John (Mary) Baum, of Rockville; sons —Henry Shald, of Lander, Wyo.; Ferdinand Shald, of Gordon; Ralph Shald, of Stuart; step-sons —Bruce and John Shald, both of Stuart; step-daughters — Mrs. J. Brown, of Bassett, and Mrs. Her man (Lucy) Batenhorst, of Cas per Wyo.; brothers—John Hoff man, of Stuart; James and Thom as Hoffman, of Nebraska City; George Hoffman, of Martin, S. D. Two daughters, Sister M. (Margaret) Edgar and Mrs. Je rome (Nora) Krueger, and two sons, Gary Shald and Paul Shald, preceded her in death. All of the sons and daughters were present at the funeral. Gordon Woman, 75, Dies Following Crash flH ^ fTW^Zr ~\ i - -V,.MMs. •& The eastbound car in which Mrs. Minnie Lefler. 75. of Gordon, was fatally injured Monday night was totally demolished. The driver. Walter Lefler. 59. was critically injured. Another occupant. Miss Ruth Lefler, 49, escaped unhurt. (Story at righl.)Staff Pnoto. Withdraws from School Board Race I There were several important developments during the week relating to the Tuesday, April 3, municipal election in O ’Neill. A petition in behalf of Larry Johnson, power company em ployee, was filed with City Clerk O. D. French at 10 p.m. on Fri day; March 23—two hours before the deadline. The petition wou!d | have placed Johnson’s name on | the ballot as a candidate for the O’Neill board of education. By Tuesday. Johnson i n writing had asked to withdraw from the race. Lohaus is the only candidate for filling of a two-year vacancy on the j board. i The vacancy was created by I the resignation of George Shoe maker, who has moved from the district. A development was taking shape Wednesday when Lowell Culver was being boosted for the board as a write-in candidate. F. N. Cronin and Ira H. Moss, incumbent board of education members, are unopposed for re election for three-year terms. M. J. ("Max") Golden and A. E. ("Archie") Bowen are First ward candidates for the city council post. The incum bent, A. W. Carroll, declined to be a candidate for reelec lion. There is no race in the Second ward where Marvin Johnson is the only candidate. J. L. McCar ville, sr., incumbent, is not seek ing reelection. In the Third ward the incum bent, Norbert Uhl, will be oppos ed by W. B. Gillespie. Gillespie’s petition was filed late Wednes day, March 21, after last week’s issue of The Frontier had gone to press. O’Neill voters will have an op portunity to vote “for” or "a gainst” a 15-thousand-dollar bond issue in connection with a pro posed new, modern fire truck for the city. Voting will be done at the us ual places: First ward — Holt county courthouse; Second — A. Marcel!us garage; Third — city hall. Liquor by Drink to Be Tested— EWING — Voters here next Tuesday will have an opportuni ty to vote "for” or "against” li quor by the drink. Ewing now has package liquor on sale. Candidates for the Ewing board of education are: J. L. Pru den, R. G. Rockey, Lionel Gun ter and Edgar Jensen. Pruden is an incumbent and William Spence, another incum bent, is not a candidate for re election. Two positions on the school board will be filled. Village board candidates in clude W. E. Davis, J. D. Walker, Julien Sojka, Richard Shain, R. G. Rockey and Jack Brenneman. Davis and Walker are incum bents. Davis, Walker, Sojka and Shain will compete for two 2 year - terms and Rockey and Brenneman will compete for a 1 year term to fill a vacancy. Board Chairman Wants to Quit— PAGE—E. J. Bild, 75-year-old chairman of the Page village board, expects this year’s munici Eal election to be a quiet affair, ut he sincerely hopes he is de feated and he can quit. “Let these younger fellows run the town,” Mr. Bild says. board candidates are Bud, Gerald Lamason, Antone Nissen, Harry Harper and Otto Terrill. Two will be elected for 2-year terms. Bild, Lamason and Nis sen are incumbents. Family Leaves for Africa Interior i ATKINSON—Mr. and Mrs. Er nest Green and their four chil dren, Eldon, David, Roger and Patricia Ruth, sailed from New York City Thursday, March 22, for Leopoldville, Africa. Mrs. Green is well-known in this community, having graduat ed from Atkinson high school She is the former Hallie Houts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Houts, of Atkinson. The Greens are being sent as missionaries to Africa by the Berean missions. They expect to be gone 5 years. The place at Which they will serve is several days’ journey in to the interior. They will travel part of the way by car and the remainder by boat. HOLDS ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the O’ Neill Production Credit associa tion was held Wednesday at the American Legion auditorium. Robert L. Cheshire, treasurer of the Omaha Production Credit corporation, was principal speak er. Coroner's Inquest Will Be Held Here Today A 75-year-old Gordon woman, Mrs. Minnie Lefler, died in an ambulance late Monday follow ing an automobile crash 3% miTfes west of Emmet on U.S. Highway 20. She became the first high way fatality in Holt county in 1951. Last previous fatal high way accident occurred on May 30. 1950. The aged Lefler woman was a front seat occupant in a 1949 five - passenger car driven by Walter Lefler, 59, also of Gordon, a nephew of the deceased. Anoth er occupant, Miss Ruth Lefler, 49, also of Gordon, a sister of the driver and a niece of the woman who was fatally hurt, escaped from the wreckage with minor cuts and bruises and suffered on ly from shock. The eastbound Lefler machine plunged into the rear of a parked truck, according to Patrolman Frank Dineen, of O’Neill, who investigated. The truck, owned by Ross Transfer, of Omaha, driven by Harry Green, 31, of Valentine. The Ross truck had stopped, Dineen said, to aid a Buckingham Transfer truck which had devel oped mechanical trouble. Details of the accident will be brought out at a coroner’s inquest scheduled at 10 a.m. today (Thursday) at the courthouse. An earlier inquest was scheduled late Tuesday but could not be conducted because key witnesses were lacking. The truck that figured in the accident was a White tractor. The accident occurred about 9:30 p.m. L. F. Burgess. Emmet farmer, summoned the Seger ambulance from Atkinson and notified the state safety patroL Burgess had been helping the Buckingham trucker repair a damaged fan. When the ambulance arrived ull three occupants had been re moved from the wreckage. The injured two were on seat cush ions beside the wreckage. Impact of the passenger car » gainst the parked truck caused the car to bounce back about 20 feet and off the side of the road. The machine was badly demol ished. Mrs. Lefler, who died before the ambulance reached O’Neill, is reported to have suffered » skull fracture, lacerations around the head, a broken arm, a brok en leg and a crushed chest Walter Lefler suffered a punc tured lung. His condition until early Wednesday was listed as “fair” at O’Neill hospital. H» breathing was being aided arti ficially. Wednesday attendants said he had shown "improve ment.” The three Leflers were enratt v to Omaha where the aged women, had an appointment with an qyfe specialist for an operation. The deceased woman’s hus band died several years ago. She had no children. Survivors In clude several nieces, nephews^ sisters- and brothers-in-law. 'TOw body was taken to Seger mortu ary at Atkinson and was to have been forwarded from Atkinson to Gordon early today (Thurs day). John G. Bauer, 75, of Ewmz, died in a Norfolk hospital fol lowing a Memorial day accident last year—the last fatal accident prior to the Lefler death. The driver of the truck was not held by Holt authorities. County Attorney William W. Griffin said there appears to be j some controversy over the place ; ment of flares around the truck. Members of the coroner’s jury impaneled Tuesday were Henry Schacht, Pete Laursen, Charles Richter, James Mullen, John Grutsch and Frank Froelich. The jury was taken to Atkinson to view the body. Amanda Green, 86, Burial in Atkinson • . ATKINSON — Mrs. Amanda Green, 86, who had been a res ident of the Amelia and Atkinam communities for many years, died at 6:30 p.m., Friday, March 23, at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Grace Chambers, at Mead ow Grove. Funeral services were held on Monday, March 26, at the Seger funeral chapel and burial was in Wood Lawn cemetery. Rev. Asa Wood officiated. Mrs. Green went to Meadow Grove last fall to reside with her daughter.