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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (March 22, 1951)
TRY — _ ^„'1 «u«r»MgTdW.iuCyy\ TOR SALE FOR SALE: Use peat moss on your house plants. Holds mois ture. Get it at Leidys. 46c FOR SALE: Purbred Yorkshire fail tx>ars, 3 miles west on 27o, 1 norm, to east 6c south of Clearwater.—James Vvieganu, Clearwater, Reor. 40-opJ.UU FOn sare; See this high grade spinet siyied piano, oacruice wniie in Vais vicinity, used snort tune, write; e. C. Phipps, nux not, Sioux City, la. toe fur Reduced Rates on Cam irsurarCe See; L. G. LILLEspiE INS. AGY. uauau puone 2i» rear. FOR SALE: 300 bushels high graae orome grass seed, 100 ios. or more 2oc per lb. in small quantities, 3Vc per lb.—Lowell jonnson, U’Reiii. 46-46c FOR SALE: Used kerosene and gas remgerators, recondition ed and guaranteed, unbelieva ble low prices.—Jacobson's O' Neill, phone 415. 46c FOR SALE: Hybred Fortune seed oats. State germination test 03%. Good yield. —John Kaater, Clearwater Nebr. 44-47ptfo FOR SALE: Good stock, farm tor sale, located 4 miles east, lVa souui ot Ewing.—Mrs. Anna Koehler, owner, Ewing, Nebr 46-40C11O FOR SALE: 4-room house with bath, northwest part of city, $3,7 00. Terms can be given. — it. it. ritay") Shriner, O’Neill, phone luo. 40c FOR SALE: Small house in souJi part ot town, known as Lil ilinshaw property. — R. H. Shriner, O’Neill, phone 106. FOR SALE: hi inch Growing Chick Feeders, 70 cents at Lei dys- 46c FOR SALE: Furebred spoiled boars and gilts. —Frank tieel aert, Fage. 22tf FOR SALE: 4-room house, prac tically new. Terms can be ar ranged.—See R. H. Shriner, O’ Neill, phone 106. FOR SALE: Sani Floor Chick Litter at Leidy’s. 46c FOR SALE: 10 registered Angus bulls, 12 to 18 months.—Harry Ressel, O’Neill. 4«-47c FOR SALE: 1047 Frazer, A-l motor, good body, excellent tires, only a few miles on this motor, priced to sell. Also a wood-wheel, wide tire, wagon, lair.—Inquire Claude’s Bar, O’ Neill. 4Stf FOR SALE Used coal-wood range $7 at Leidys, O’Neill. 46c FOR SALE: 1938 Pontiac 2-door sedan. — Inquire Shelhamcr Foods. 45-46p60 FOR SALE: Gladioli bulbs for sale, treated. No Sunday sales. —Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Lamb, O’Neill. 43-46p FOR SALE: Purebred Sotted Poland China boars. Vaccinated both ways. New blood line. miles west of Plain view on highway 20.—Elmer BohL 21tf FOR SALK: Heat lamps and re flectors. —Jacobson’s, O’Neill, phone 415. 46c I HAVE cash buyers for residen tial properties in O’Neill.—R H. (“Ray”) Shriner, O’Neill, phone 106. 39tf FOR SALE: Magic Chef stoves are easiest to clean.—At Lei dys. 46c House 1 railers and Supplies TRAILETTE, Pacemaker, Stew art and Mobile, modern metal exteriors. Terms up to 42 months at 6 percent. Block’s 1 railer Sales 1312 So. 3rd St. Norfolk, Nebr. 46-47-50-51C FOR SALE: Brand new Kelvina tor refrigerators, $199.95 and up.—Midwest Fum. & Appl., West O’Neill, phone 346-J. 46c FOR SALE: Vigoro and Bone (Meal for lawns at Leidys. 46c FOR SALE: Over 36 living room suites now on the floor We’ll allow up to $100 on your used suite.—Midwest Furn. & Appl., West O’Neill. 46c FOR GOOD insurance of all kinds see R. H. ("Ray”) Shrin er, phone 106. 39tf FOR SALE: Salsbury’s Chlordone will kill potato battle, chinch bug, com ear worms, cabbage worm and lots of others- Get it at Leidy’s, O’Neill. 46c FOR SALE: Six-room modern house with bath, 2-room apt. upstairs with shower and stooL Oil furnace and insulated. Ga rage and small bam. Located on 4 acres.—Gene Wolfe or call 238-W, O’Neill. 43tf CHEX-IT will cut livestock shrink in two. Feed it before selling. Get Chex-It at Leidys. 46c FOR SALE: Lincoln brome grass seed.— Clarence Donohoe, O’ Neill. 45-48pl05 FOR SALE: Cottonwood lumber, 1 commercial Angus bull, Skel gas refrigerator, sweet clover seed, model A Ford, 1,000-watt 32-volt Delco plant, motors, and appliances. — Harvey A. Tompkins, Inman. 45tf FOR SALE: Magic Chef makes the best gas-wood combina tion. See it at Leidys. 46c Better Used Car BARGAINS ! 1949 Pontiac ‘6’ sedan coupe; 1949 Pontiac 8-cyl. Streamliner 4-dr. sedan, hydramatic trans.; 1949 Pontiac 8-cyl. Streamliner sedan - coupe, hydramatic trans.; 1948 Pontiac 8-cyl. Tor pedo sedan-coupe, hydramatic trans.; 1949 Mercury Fordor, with overdrive; 1949 Dodge Wayfarer. All Priced Below Ceiling WM. KROTTER CO. Phone 531 West O’Neill 46c ' FOR SALE; Used Rockford ma hogany Duncan-Phyfe style ta ble with 4 new chairs, $99.00.— Midwest Fum. & Appl., West O'Neill. 46c FOR SALE; Ajax seed oats. State tested. Adapted to light soiL— Marvin Stauffer, Page, phone 3F2. 43tf FOR SALE; Used gas stove $30 at Leidys. 46c FOR SALE: Disc harrows in 10-, 18- and 21-ft. sizes. — Wm. Krotter Co. of O’Neill, phone 531. 46c FOR SALE: Used electric range, $14.95. — Jacobson’s, O’Neill, phone 415. 46c | FOR SALE: A solid maple di nette set, drop-leaf table and 4 chairs.—Mrs. M. E. Jacobson, I phone 438W, O’Neill. 46c FOR SALE: Electric water heat ers, 30- and 52-gal., double ele ment. We install them.—Wm. Krotter Co. of O’Neill, phone 531. 44tf MISCELLANEOUS GOOD FLOOR SANDER and edg er tor rent, inquire: bpelts-Kay Lbr. Co., O’Neill. WHETHER you wish to buy, rent, trade or sell, The Fron tier's classifieds will do the trick quickly and economically. 3tftf EXPERT REPAIR SERVICE on ail kinds and makes of auto mobiles, trucks and tractors; factory - trained specialists; guaranteed service. — Wm. Krotter Co. of O’Neill, pnone 531. 46tf I HAVE a loan company that will make farm and ranch loans. No loan is too large for this company. They will make the small ones, too. if you need money on your farm or ranch or on city property, let me fig ure with you first, bee—R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 44tf L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half-block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. YOU want most dollar return for your live stock? Then choose as your market agent tne firm that gets results. — FRANK. E. SCOTT COMMISSION CO., STOCK YARDS, SIOUX CITY, IOWA. 34c.tL FOR BRIGGS & STRATTON service and genuine parts call at Vic Halva's Electric Shop, O’Neill. 41tf I HAVE some buyers for farms and ranches. It is adviseable to sell while prices of livestock are high. Let livestock drop in price and land buyers quit buying. See—R. H. Parker, O’ Neill, Nebr. 44tf NOTICE EVERYONE is invited to attend a program and pie social at school district 65 Monday, March 26, at 8 p.m. MARY LOU GARTNER, 46c Teacher FARM & COMMERCIAL, WIRING DON’T WIRE until you have our price. Be sale. Have your wir ing installed by our skilled workmen. We have all mater ials and fixtures for a complete job. All material and work guaranteed. Ten years of REA wiring experience. Drop us a card for free estimate. For a neat job see us. Motor Re-winding and Repairs CONTACT Ralph Simpson LESTER ELECTRIC O’Neill, Nebr. 29tf , Complete Auction Sales Service! Advertising, auctioneering, clerk- i ing . . . let us take care of the I details. Call or see ED THORIN, Chambers or KEITH ABART, O’Neill Insurance of All Kinds REA FARMSTEAD WIRING ~ SEE US before you wire. All work guaranteed.— CHAS. CHAM BERS, O’Neill, phone 547-J, or leave word at Gillespie’s. 40tf ; HUN T ’ S PLUMBING & HEATING Complete Bathroom Fixtures 2d door West Midwest Furn. j Service Phone 399, O’Neill ATTENTION: Mullen’s Radio Electric Service does REA and city electrical wiling. Guaran teed repair of home radios, au to radios and electrical appli ances of all kinds. We are now located in our new shop 2 blocks west and 1^4 blocks i south of the state garage, O’- I Neill. 7tt 4% Federal Lank Bank Long Term L-O-A-N-S Pre-Payment Privileges ELKHORN VALLEY Nat’l Farm Loan Ass’n. O’Neill, Nebr. Lyle P. Dierks, Sec.-Treas. HALVA’S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator & Motor Winding New and Used Motors for Any Job 25tf AUTO OWNERS IF YOU WANT cheaper insurance let me knowr. I can finance a 1946 and newer model automo bile and write your insurance for you! We need and appreci ate your business. GEO. C. ROBERTSON O’Neill, Nebr. WANT ADS as low as 35c per insertion.—The Frontier. WANTED WANTED: Man and wife for ranch work. Woman to pro vide board and room for one steady man and hay crew. Good wages, bonuses, meat, etc. furnished, modern house, chance for advancement. —An swer Box WB, % The Frontier. 46c95 CUSTOM CORN SHELLING: New M-M truck mounted shell er, i,o*U bu. hour capacity. Make arrangements lor your shelling with K.. C. Hunt, at Hunts Recapping Service, phone 289, O’Neili. WANTED: Cattle to pasture. — Orton Young, O’Neill. 45-46c WANTED: Work for grader. Grading, maintaining, land and lawn terracing, tree and brush removal. — Harding Construc tion, O’Neill, Nebr. 42-4p450 WANTED: Reliable single man for steady sandhill ranch job. Good pay, room and board, bonuses. —Answer Box W, c/o The Frontier. 46-65 FOR PROMPT, efficient mechan ical ditch digging, 6 inches wide, 6 feet deep, call or write Bonge Bros., Plainview, Nebr., phone 111 or 21. WANTED: Paper hanging. — Mrs. Charles Beilin, O’Neill, phone 338J. 23tf CARDS OF THANKS THANKS to all my kind friends who remembered me with cards and letters of sympathy and words of good cheer while 1 was in the hospital at Sioux City. MRS. J. B. DONOHOE 46p50 I WISH to thank my friends and relatives and also the Paddock Union church Ladies Aid for their thoughts of me while I was in Sacred Heart hospital. MRS. D. H. HANSEN WE TAKE THIS means of ex pressing our heartfelt gratitude for the cards, flowers, masses and other expressions of sym pathy in the loss of our moth er and grandmother, Mrs. Al ice Ann Minton. THE MINTON FAMILIES JAMES MATTHEWS. 46p I WISH to thank all of those who so kindly remembered me with cards and prayers during my recent misfortune. Thank you again and may God bless you all. MRS. FRED FRITTON LOST ft FOUND LOST: In O’Neill, a 3-piece cro cheted chair set — Mrs. Orton Young, O’Neill. 45-4«c MISSING 8 HEAD of Hereford heifer year lings, branded LV or bar over V on left hip. If you know of the whereabouts of these strays please inform: LAKEVIEW RANCH CHAMBERS, NEBR. 45tf Transferred East— INMAN—Sgt. First-Class Ce cil Keyes, of Inman, recently was transferred from Ft. Leonard Wood, Mo., to Indiantown Gap, Pa. Upon reaching his new post he was elevated from sergeant to sergeant first-class. A son of Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Keyes, he spent 5 years in service during World War U LYNCH NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Joe Micanek, jr., entertained four couples at 7 o’ clock dinner Friday evening, March 16. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Havranek, of Spencer, were Lynch visitors Wednesday, March 14. Mr. and Mrs. Tam Kovanda, of Riverton, Wyo., visited at the Bernard Hajek home last week Alvin Carson, Thomas Mul hair, Jay Long. Bud Stewart, Gerald Ellsasser and Barry Bak er have all been home the past week on furloughs. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Alder and family visited relatives in Holt county one day last week. EASTER DANCE SUMMERLAND at Ewing Sunday, March 25 Music by BOBBY HERMAN and His Orchestra ...- — I Assures Healthier Chicks — Fewer Losses 4 SANITARY-FIREPROOF Jutl pour Soni-Flor from lha baa and tprtaJ la a Ihkknatt af X Inchat. jfljoaAA. of Succete,' No temperature under 2400° F. can even char this amazing litter Sani-Flor is a proved success. Saves time, labor and money. | Fewer changes necessary. 1 Chicks are healthier and safer, ft too, because Sani-Flor is not ^ Just fire-resistant—it's really FIREPROOF! Won’t rot, mold, get soggy or pack down. Won't harbor vermin, rats or mice. Not affected by droppings. No dust. No odor. See us today. Leidy’s in O’Neill Mrs. Lee Feted on 84th Anniversary EWING—On Saturday March 17, Mrs. Matilda Pruden Lee cel ebrated her 84th birthday anni versary at the home of her daugh ter and son-in-iaw, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Larson. I no iotiowing guests were pre sent for an anernoon party: Mr. and ivns. trerman Zeims, Miss Jennie mown, ivir. and Mrs. Will Connor, uvirs. J. L. Pruden, Mrs. Agnes Aanak and sister, Mrs. Bessie xviiseK, of Fremont. Mrs. Lee was presented three birth day cakes, one being decorated in appropriate colors for St. Pa j trick s uay. The afternoon was spent social ly. Aefreshments of sandwiches, salad, pickles, ice cream, cake and coffee were served. A plate luncheon was taken to each of the following friends who were confmed to tneir homes; Mrs. Rose Fridley, Mrs. Clara Tuck er, Mrs. Ida beenst and Otto Lo renz. Other Ewing News Miss Arlene Ltelling, of Or chard, was a guest of ner grand mo tner, ivirs. H. Wegner, over tne weekend. Mr. anu Mrs. Sam Regan en tertained at 6 o’clock dinner on Friday evening the following guests: her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lee bpntler, Kicnard and Rosalie, J. B. apittier, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Funk and daughters. Mrs. Lester uamel and daugh ter, Carol Ann, are guests of her mother, IMrs. H. Wegner, this week. Susan Hoffman, daughter of Mr. and Mrs- M. B. Huffman, celebrated her fourth birthday anniversary on March 17. In hon or of the occassion, the follow ing guests were entertained at 6 o’clock dinner at her home, her grandmother, Mrs. Maud Brion, her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Brion and family, of Neligh. Miss Marion Harris was an ov ernight guest of Sally Christon Sunday. Mrs. Agnes Bartak and her sis ter, Mrs. Bessie Misek, of Fre mont, spent Friday visiting relt tives in Neligh. On Tuesday evening, March 13, at a stated meeting of Jephthah Chapter 85, Order of the Eastern Star, Mrs. Clara Marks, super visor of district 18, made an of ficial visit and initiatory was ex emplied. She also held an offic ers’ school of instruction in the afternoon. A 6:30 dinner was served to the members at the Stockman’s cafe. IMrs. Duane Fudge, a member of Mathews Chapter 242, of Ashland, and Miss Donna Rudisii, Palisade Chapter 318, o/ Palisade, also were pre sent- A lunch of ice cream and cake and coffee was served in the chapter room at the close of the meeting. Mrs. Marks was pre sented with a gift from the chapter. On Tuesday, March 13, the fol lowing members of the Ewing school board went to Lincoln on business pertaining to the school: L. P. Dierks, Alvin Gibson, Du ane Fudge, and Supt. R. K. Whittemore. Rev. Ronald Bert, of Nor folk and pastor of the Ewing Church of Christ, spent the week end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Gibson. He is a student at the Norfolk Bible college. Mrs. Edna Lofquest is assist ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Spangler this week. Mrs. W. H. Briggs, who has spent the winter in California, arrived home Sunday morning to find the hometown digging out from a severe snowstorm. Sally and Tommy Christon are guests of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs- Albert Larson, since the roads are blocked. Both are students of the Ewing high school. Mrs. Maud Brion is spending a few days at the home of her son, R. S. Brion, and family at Neligh. The Brions moved recent ly into their new home. Ebben Grafft, assessor for the village of Ewing, and Ewing township, began his duties on March 10. Weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs- Leslie Carywere : Mrs. Alpha McKathnie and* daughter, of Atkinson, and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Myers and family, who were enroute home from California. They stopped in Ewing because of the snowstorm and badly drifting roads. The | , Myer’s home is in South Dakota. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Cary and family and their guests, Mrs. Al pha McKathnie, and daughter, Ellen, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard My ers and family attended church services in Butte Sunday after noon. Patrice Gavin, of Omaha, came Sunday to spend her Easter va ication with her uncle and aunt IMr. and Mrs. R. G. Rockey, and family. Mr. and Mrs- Bill Hobbs went to Norfolk on Friday. Bill at tended a sale. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Brown ar rived in Ewing Monday from O maha. They live south of Ewing and due to badly drifted roads from the weekend snow storm, they were delayed in reaching their home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Tressler and family, of Ogallala, and Mrs. Merle Maupin, of North Platte, came Friday to spend the week end with the ladies’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Dierks. On Thursday evening, Mrs. Perry Saiser entertained the Pinochle club at her home. Prize winners were: Mrs. Frank Van dersnick, and Mrs. Earl Billings. Guests were Mrs. Henry Flem ing, Mrs. Earl Billings and Mrs. John Miller. Refreshments were served by the hostess. Tuesday ervemng, March 13, the YM Pinochle club was entertain ed at the home of Mrs. Thos. Eaicher with Mrs. Clyde Allen as assisting hostess. Guests were Mrs. Llye Dierks and Mrs. Ralph Munn. The score winners were: Mrs. Lyle Dierks, Mrs. Rose Bau er, Mrs. Frances Shaw and Mrs. Ray Angus. A social hour and refreshments followed the games. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunaway and Bonnie Beth were guests on Sunday at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Billings. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hoffman visited at the home of her broth er and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Gibson, and family, on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Shoe maker, of Boise, Ida., arrived Monday to spend a few days at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McKim and Mr. and Mrs. Orville McKim. Marine Pvt. Clayton Layh is now stationed In San Diego, Calif. Many from Distance Here For Minton Riles— Among the out-of-town friends and relatives here for the funer al of Mrs. Alice Ann Minton, 86, held Thursday, March 15, were: Mr- and Mrs. Patrick Minton, of Norfolk; John Minton and son, Jack, of Omaha; John (Min ton, of Homer; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Minton, of Walthill; Henry Minton, of Sioux City; P. J. Bar rett, of Greeley; Mr. and Mrs. * Pat Barrett, Mrs. Paul Waples, * Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Barrett, all of Council Bluffs, la. Mrs- Rose Lundgust and Ed ward Jensen, of Neligh; Law rence Barrett and daughter, Pa tricia, of Riverton, Wyo.; Mrs. Evelyn Meier and daughter, Lois, of Ardmore, S. D. Bess Finley, of Norfolk; Mr. and Joe Judge, Mr. and Mrs. John Schom and daughter, (Margaret, Mr. and Mrs. August Troshynski and son, Lenard, Lorene Judge, Mrs. Chris Judge and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Wilkinson, all of At-» kinson. ' George Boydston, of Boxelder, Si D., stopped here Thursday, March 15, to visit at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ressel. He was on his way to Rapid City, S. D., from Plainview. POLIO PROTECTION FREE $500 Maximum Benefit r Why don't you and your wife sit down together with pencil and paper and figure our just how things stand, in case you wouldn't be here any., more? If it comes out minus, call us to explain how you can increase your estate by making a small savings. Just ring 77 (Lynch). GUY M. KELLER Voice of the Frontier WJAG (Norfolk) 780 k.c. MONDAY - WEDNESDAY - SATURDAY - 9:45 A. M. - JOIN YOUR NEIGHBORS thrice week ly with the informal, chatty roundup 1 of all the news and shopping information direct from O’Neill . . . from studios in The Frontier building. ^'fcy»-*ye, main tdnioht! 1 DEAMi JANET IVMAT I* IT WITH HA* *OMB thh YOilHBBK. KBALaONB &BHBBKTION? BBCOBO* ANC X3V* HBAP* ABB WB'JfB- *0 FUU. OF BB-BOR I I /G> NEVER HAVE TIME FOB. AN ^L occasional evenino of construc tive discussion! NOW take the THREAT ^^^OF COMMUNISM H> frl'IL*... ) WHAT TyPEOF L .RUSSIAN,CHINESE, YUOOSLAV, IaU«X/4N OK PLATO'S, PAPPY? AS COUNT ALPKEP KOKZVBSKY SAYS •SCIENCE ANP SANITY' THE ONLY... wB^you KhOW'wwKy' Jgm TUB LEA5T BIT ^^VVOfcR/EP ABOUT THE t3 ^JYOUNOEB. OENEKATIOtllJ