rtlflT WMTAJS.rgT]|p!^l rOR SALE FOR SALE: At auction at the A1 Fritton sale on Monday, March 19, 1 underslung on 10 - inch rubber, complete. 45p35 FOR SALE: 10 tons of good up land hay, located 2 miles southwest of Middlebranch.— Harold Blain. 44-45p60 For Reduced Rates on CAR INSURANCE See: L. G. GILLESPIE INS. AGY. O’NEILL Phone 218 NEBR. FOR SALE: Hybred Fortune seed oats. State germination test 95%. Good yield. —John Raster, Clearwater Nebr. 44-47p95 FOR SALE: 4-room house with bath, northwest part of city, $3,750. Terms can be given. — R. H. ("Ray”) Shriner, O’Neill, phone 106. 45c FOR SALE: Small house in sou:h part of town, known as Lil Hinshaw property. — R. H. Shriner, O’Neill, phone 106. FOR SALE: Purebred Spotted boars and gilts. —Frank Beel aert, Page. 22tf FOR SALE: 1948 Pontiac 8 hy dramatic sedan.—Wm. Krotter Co. of O’Neill. 44tf FOR SALE: Gladioli bulbs for sale, treated. No Sunday sales. —Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Lamb, O’Neill. 43-46p I HAVE cash buyers for residen tial properties in O’Neill.—R. H. (“Ray”) Shriner, O’Neill, phone 106. 39tf FOR SALE: Sweet clover seed.— Jim Ruther, Page. 44-45p60 FOR SALE: Purebred Spotted Poland China boars. Vaccinated both ways. New blood line. 5 Vi miles west of Plainview on highway 20.—Elmer Bohl. 21tf FOR SALE: 1949 Oldsmobile 98 sedan, low mileage. — James M. Corkle. 33c FOR SALE: Disc harrows, 10-, 15- and 18-ft. sizes. — Wm. Krotter Co. of O’Neill. 44tf USED CAR B-A-R-G-A-I-N-S 1949 Ford Fordor with radio, heater, ceiling price $1,545, our price ..._$1,395 1949 Mercury Fordor with radio, heater, ceiling price $1,805, our price _ _ ... $1,675 1948 Ford Fordor with radio, heater, ceiling price $1,170, our price .$1,050 1946 Ford Tudor with heater, ceiling price $840, our price ----$750 LOHAUS MOTOR COMPANY USED CAR DEPT. Phone 16' O’Neill FOR SALE: Brand new Kelvina tor refrigerators, $199.95 and up.—Midwest Furn. & Appl., West O’Neill, phone 346-J. 45c FOR SALE: Over 30 living room suites now on the floor We’ll allow up to $100 on your used suite.—Midwest Furn. & Appl., West O’Neill. 45c FOR GOOD insurance of all kinds see R. H. (“Ray”) Shrin er, phone 106. 39tf FOR SALE: Ear corn, old and new.—Bob Gallagher, O’Neill. 44-45p60 FOR SALE: Six-room modern house with bath, 2-room apt. upstairs with shower and stooL Oil furnace and insulated. Ga rage and small barn. Located on 4 acres.—Gene Wolfe or call 238-W, O’Neill. 43tf FOR SALE: 1949 Pontiac club coupe, 6 cyl.—Wm. Krotter Co. of O’Neill. _44tf FOR SALE: Lincoln brome grass seed.— Clarence Donohoe, O’ Neill. 45-48pl05 FOR SALE: 1940 Ford tudor; ! 1949 Mercury fordor sedan.— Wm. Krotter Co. of O’Neill, 531. 44 tf ; FOR SALE: Cottonwood lumber, 1 eommerieal Angus .bull, Skel gas refrigerator, sweet clover seed, model A Ford, 1,000-watt 32-volt Delco plant, motors, and appliances. — Harvey A. Tompkins, Inman. 45tf FOR SALE: Used Rockford ma hogany Duncan-Phyfe style ta ble with 4 new chairs, $99.00.— Midwest Furn. & Appl., West O’Neill. 45c FOR SALE. Ajax seed oats. State i tested. Adapted to light soiL— Marvin Stauffer, Page, phone 3F2. 43tf FOR SALE: At my home, 125 Everett st., bed, spring, inner spring mattress, dresser, buffet, 2-pc. living room suite and apt. size electric range.—Mrs. E. J. Eby, O’Neill, phone 437-W. 45c FOR SALE: Electric water heat ers, 30- and 52-gal., double ele ment. We install them.—Wm. Krotter Co. of O’Neill, phone 531. 44tf FOR SALE: A solid maple di nette set, drop-leaf table and 4 chairs.—Mrs. M. E. Jacobson, phone 438W, O’Neill. 45c WANTED CUSTOM CORN SHELLING: New M-M truck mounted shell er, 1,590 bu. hour capacity. Make arrangements for your shelling with K. C. Hunt, at Hunts' Recapping Service, phone 289, O’NeilL WANTED: Cattle to pasture. — Orton Young, O’Neill. 45-46c WANTED: Work for grader. Grading, maintaining, land and lawn terracing, tree and brush removal. — Harding Construc tion, O’Neill, Nebr. 42-4p450 HELP WANTED: Man and wife wanted as cook and caretaker in home for teen-age girls near Omaha. Group not more than 16 in number. Separate cottage, utilities, board free. State ex perience, references and wages desired.—Write Box B, c/o The Frontier. 44-45c FOR PROMPT, efficient mechan ical ditch digging, 6 inches wide, 6 feet deep, call or write Bonge Bros., Plainview, Nebr., phone 111 or 21. WANTED: Paper hanging. — Mrs. Charles Beilin, O^Neill, phone 338J. 23tf WANTED TO BUY: Oats, wheat and corn. — Corkle Hatchery, O’Neill. 13tf WANTED: Married man for ranch work, separate house,— C. M. Kellar, Newport, Nebr. 44-45c ■ FOR RENT FOR RENT: Three-room base ment apartment.— Mrs. Rich ard Hovey, phone 403R, O’ Neill. 45c Mrs. Edward Kirkpatrick and son, Eddie, returned Saturday evening after spending a week at the Robert Keller home in Beem er. Mrs. Matt Hynes and children and Mrs. Margaret Reinhardt visited Mr. and Mrs. Art Spittler in Ewing. BLESS YOU MY CHILPREt^%§ -AND REMEMBER, WHEN YOU 1 6ET TO LINCOLN BE SURE ^ TO STOP AT’" '_:_l_:_mmmm_ miscellaneous GOOD FLOOR SANDER and edg er for rent. Inquire: Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co., O’Neill. WHETHER you wish to buy, rent, trade or sell, The Fron tier’s classifieds will do the trick quickly and economically. 38tf I HAVE a loan company that will make farm and ranch loans. No loan is too large for this company. They will make the small ones, too. If you need money on your farm or ranch or on city property, let me fig ure with you first. See—R. H. Parker, O’Neill, Nebr. 44tf L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half-block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor repair. Acetylene welding. YOU want most dollar return for your live stock? Then choose as your market agent the firm that gets results. — FRANK E. SCOTT COMMISSION CO., STOCK YARDS, SIOUX CITY, IOWA. 34c.tf. FOR BRIGGS & STRATTON service and genuine parts call at Vic Halva’s Electric Shop, O’Neill. 41tf I HAVE some buyers for farms and ranches. It is adviseable to sell while prices of livestock are high. Let livestock drop in price and land buyers quit buying. See—R. H. Parker, O’ Neill, Nebr. 44tf FARM”* COMMERCIAL WIRING DON’T WIRE until you have our price. Be safe. Have your wir ing installed by our skilled workmen. We have all mater ials and fixtures for a complete job. All material and work guaranteed. Ten years of REA wiring experience. Drop us a card for free estimate. For a neat job see us. Motor Re-winding and Repairs CONTACT Ralph Simpson LESTER ELECTRIC O’Neill. Nebr. 20tf Complete Auction Sales Service! Advertising, auctioneering, clerk ing ... let us take care of the details. Call or see ED THORIN, Chambers or KEITH ABART, O’Neill Insurance of All Kinds REA 'FARMSTEAD WIRING SEE US before you wire. All work guaranteed.— CHAS. CHAM BERS, O’Neill, phone 547-J, or leave word at Gillespie’s. 40tf HUNT’S PLUMBING & HEATING Complete Bathroom Fixtures 2d door West Midwest Furn. Service Phone 399, O’Neill ATTENTION: Mullen’s Radio Electric Service does REA and city electrical wiring. Guaran teed repair of home radios, au to radios and electrical appli ances of all kinds. We are now located in our new shop 2 blocks west and 1 % blocks south of the state garage, O’ Neill. 7tf HALVA’S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator & Motor Winding New and Used Motors for Any Job 25tf Long Term 4% Federal Lank Bank L-O-A-N-S Pre-Payment Privileges ELKHORN VALLEY Nat’l Farm Loan Ass’n. Lyle P. Dierks, Sec.-Treas. O’Neill, Nebr. AUTO OWNERS IF YOU WANT cheaper insurance let me know. I can finance a 1946 and newer model automo bile and write your insurance j for you! We need and appreci ate your business. GEO. C. ROBERTSON O’Neill, Nebr. LOST & FOUND LOST: In O’Neill, a 3-piece cro cheted chair set. — Mrs. Orton Young, O’Neill. 45-46c MISSING 8 HEAD of Hereford heifer year lings, branded LV or bar over V on left hip. If you know of the whereabouts of these strays please inform: LAKEVIEW RANCH CHAMBERS, NEBR. 45tf Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Hill and children went to Ainsworth on Wednesday, March 7. Mr. Hill had business there and Mrs. Hill and the children visited her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Richard son. INMAN NEWS Gordon Smith went to Grand Island Monday to take his broth er and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Claude Smith, who left from Grand Island for their home in Pendelton, Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Smith had spent a few days in Inman visiting his mother, Mrs. Kate Smith, and his brothers, Gordon and Clinton The Inman high school enjoy ed a dance in the assembly room Friday evening. Sponsors includ ed Mr. and Mrs. T. J- Davjs, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Smith and Darel Bright. Lunch was served. The Victory boys’ and girls’ 4-H club met at the lOOF hall Friday evening. Material for this years work was handed out at this time and following this, games and square dancing was enjoyed. There are about 35 mem bers in the club this year. On Saturday evening about 28 mem bers attended the Holt county fun night at the high school audi torium in O’Neill. All club mem bers took part in singing “The Blue Skirt Waltz,’’ as their part of the program. Several receiv ed awards at this time, includ ing Mrs. E. E. Keys and Lyle Abney, five-year silver leader pins given by Ak Sar Ben; Miss I la June Coon, a Foley fork, giv en by the Foley Food Mills, she placed 4th in foods; Jimmie Saw yer, a gold medal in gardening given by the Allis-Chalmers Mfg. Co., of Milwaukee, Wise.; Roland Hansen and Bobby Reimers, sil ver medals in dairying given by Cooper Feeds. Mrs. Lyle Ruth Jackson, of St. Paul, Minn., is spending a few days here visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Kelley. Master Loren Lorenz, of Nor folk, spent the weekend visiting his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lorenz. Loren is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Lorenz, of Norfolk. Miss Deritha Smith, of Nor folk, spent the weekend visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Smith. Rev. and Mrs. Harold Baker, of Bassett, were guests Thurs day evening at a dinner at the aid parlors sponsored by an all church group of the Inman Methodist church. Reverend Bak er later spoke at the church on the “God’s Herd Plan’” of rais ing money for the church needs and also on the building and re modeling in which the Inman church is interested. Mrs. Harold Brower and two daughters, of Independence, Mo., arrived Monday and will spend several days in the home of Mrs. Brower’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. N- Butler. Miss Audry Brunckhorst, R. N., | who has been employed at Kan sas City, Mo., is visiting her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brunck horst. The Odd Fellow lodge enter tained their wives and the Re bekah lodge and their husbands at an oyster feed and card party at the IOOF hall Tuesday eve ning, March 6. Mrs. James iM. McMahan and Mrs. Clarence Hansen went to ONeill Thursday and attended a 12 o’clock luncheon honoring Mrs. Clara Marks, of Ord, district sup ervisor of the Order of the East ern Star. The luncheon was at the home of Mrs. Harry Peter son. Mrs Marks conducted a school of instruction in the af ternoon at the O’Neill chapter room. A banquet was served at 6:30 at the Methodist church at which Mrs. Marks was also a guest. The dinner was followed by the regular chapter meeting. Mrs. F. E. Keyes and Murl at tended chapter in the evening. Choose Projects For 1951— The South Holt 4-H club met at the Charles Mahoney home Friday, March 9, to reorganize for the coming year. The follow ing officers were elected.: Karen Mahoney, president; Richard Hansen, vice-president; Charlene Mahoney, secretary treasurer; and Richard Hansen, news reporter. Eight members joined and are taking the following projects: Rosemary Mahoney, learning to cook; Charlene Mahoney, how and whys; Pauline Mahoney, lear ning to cook; Carla Hansen, stocker-feeder; Agnes Mahoney, learning to cook; Richard Han sen, stocker-feeder. Charles (Ma honey, baby beef; Karen Mahony, gardening. Recreation committeemen are Richard Hansen and Pauline Ma honey. Our leader for this year is Miss Alice Johnson and the assistant leader will be decided later. The next meeting will be held at Clyde Hansen’s on March 30. We will meet every third week. Most of the members plan to attend the fun night. Mrs. Mahoney served a nice lunch to the 4-H group and par ents.—By Richard D. Hansen, news reporter. Eastern Star Fetes District Supervisor STUART — The Eastern Star chapter held a banquet at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mark Nel son on Monday evening, March 12. Mrs. Clara Marks, of Ord, su pervisor of this district, gave a school of instruction in the after noon. Mrs. Vera Bartlett, worthy ma tron held a luncheon at her home in honor of Mrs. Marks and the officers of the local chapter. Guess Auto Names At Meeting— The Eagle Creek 4-H club met again Sunday, March 1, at the home of it’s leader, Doris Sterns. After the covered dish lunch eon, a game was played to see who could guess the names of the most cars. At the business meeting the material for the following year was distributed to each member. Two new members, Brenda and Bonna Margritz, were voted in to the club. The club decided to meet next time April 1, with Lois Ann and Harold Peterson.—By Betty Lou Curran, news reporter. Return from Lincoln— Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Johnson and Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Harmon returned Monday from Lincoln, where they visited the Johnsons’ son, Mr. and Mrs. Virgil John son, and at Table Rock, where they visited Mr. and Mrs. John Johnson, Mr. Johnson’s brother. They were gone five days. (First publication March 8, 1951) H. V. Kanouff, Att’y LEGAL NOTICE IN THE COUNTY COURT OF HOLT COUNTY, NEBRASKA In the Matter of the Estate of Henry H. Knutzen, Deceased. To All Persons Interested in said Estate, both Creditors and Heirs. You are hereby notified that on the 6th day of March, 1951, Zelpha F. Hult, petitioner, a sub sequent purchaser of the real estate hereafter described and interested as such filed her peti tion in the above matter setting forth among other things, that Henry H. Knutzen, a citizen and resident of Holt County, Nebras ka, died intestate therein on or about February 19, 1948, the own er of: One acre in Northwest corner of Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter (SWY4 SWVi) of Section Twenty-three (23), Township Sixteen (16), Range Seven (7), Saunders County, Nebraska, described as follows: Commencing at the Northwest corner of the South west Quarter of the South west Quarter (SW%SW^5i), thence east one hundred thir ty - eight (138) feet; thence south three hundred thirty (330) feet; thence west one hundred thirty - eight (138) feet, thence north three hun dred thirty (330) feet to place of beginning, consisting of one acre, more or less. That the prayer of said petition is for a decree determining that said deceased died intestate, the time of death of the decedent and the names of his heirs, the de gree of kinship and the right of descent of said real estate. The said matter is set for hearing be fore the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, on the 29th day of March, 1951, at the hour of 10 o'clock A. M., Dated March 6th, 1951. LOUIS W. REIMER, COUNTY JUDGE COUNTY COURT SEAL 44-46c THE FRONTIER Phone 51 4 ***★★★★★ ★ ★★★★****>*★★★* * Thursday STAR Specials * HERE THEY ARE! Each and everyone a real moneysaving bargain for Thursday shoppers in O’Neill. Tune in to the “Voice of The Frontier” each Wednes day morning at 9:45 for a preview of the next day’s STAR SPECIALS. Watch The Frontier each week for the page of Thursday Only STAR SPECIALS ! ! \ Market Outlook Uncertain • The outlook for our Thursday. March 15. sale is a little un certain. due primarily to the storm and road conditions. Some sales in the region scheduled earlier this week were cancelled. • With a break in the weather, receipts of both hogs and cattle should be very good. Already consigned are several lots ol brood sows and feeder pigs. O’NEILL LIVESTOCK MARKET LEIGH & VERNE REYNOLDSON. Managers PHONE 2 O'NEILL LOHAUS MOTOR CO. Phone 16 O’Neill, Nebr. ★ THURSDAY STAR SPECIAL * 2-Dow 1949 Custom FORD V-8 Equipped with radio, heater, seat cov vers . . . this car is in nothing less than perfect condition. Antifreeze furnish ed, ready for the road. Ceiling Price $1,560 THURSDAY <£+ ONLY _ MIDWEST FURN. & APPL. Phone 346-J West O’Neill * THURSDAY STAR SPECIAL * Look What’s Under Our Star Special Spotlight! A USED KEROSENE SERVEL REFRIGERATOR I|’s in good condition ... a dandy that will assure lots of trouble-free ser vice for its next owner. $150 Value Thursday Only .$75 ,