FOR SALE FOR SALE: 4-room house with bath, northwest part of city, $4,000. Terms can be given. — R. H. (“Ray”) Shriner, O’Neill, phone 106. 40c FOR SALE: Mobil service station at Butte, Nebr.—Leander Web er, prop., Butte, Nebr. 39-41c FOR SALE: Electric water heat ers, 30- and 52-gaL, double ele ment. We install them.—Wm. Krotter Co. of O’Neill, phone 531. 40c FOR SALE: 110-volt, 1,000-watt alternating light plant, $225. One 32-volt Delco, $70.—Plain view Farm Equipment Co. 4tf FOR SALE OR TRADE: 1 com ing 2—and 1 coming 3-year old reg. Hereford bull.—O. J. Drueke, O'Neill, phone 9F5. 39-40p65 FOR SALE: 1- and 2-row Case cornpickers, new.—Wm. Krot ter Co. of O’Neill, phone 531. 40c FOR SALE: Used 3-phase motors, from Mi- to 10-horsepower; al so single phase to 5-horse for REA—Halva Electric Shop, O’ Neill. 39-42c FOR SALE: 1948 Pontiac 8 hy dramatic sedan.—Wm. Krotter Co. of O’Neill. 40c FOR SALE: Purebred Spotted boars and gilts. —Frank Beel aert, Page. 22tf FOR SALE: New 1950 model Kelvinator refrigerators and stoves, last July prices.—Mid west Furn. & Appl., West O’ Neill, phone 346-J. 40e FOR SALE: 1949 Farmall MD, perfect shape, new tractor guarantee; 1946 Farmall B; new 1951 one-ton International pickup, with combination rack; new International Vi-ton pick up; 1947 TD-9 Crawler with new bulldozer.— Keating Im plement Co., Atkinson. 39-40 FOR i.'A.RR: 32-volt Ugnt plant, gas letrigeraiois. Ineap.— Puna view rain i isquip., Piain View. o-U FOR anat. oil space heaters b" auu 10", Pieway maae. —win. Kroner Co. oi u iveni. 40c FOR orxuis: Rar cum, ury auu geeu, pi ice la ilgilt. all eieVtil ui co roau youi Uuck, level gluVci county luuu, a inlies w cat auu a uoi ui oi RanceiouU comer. . viao a lew stacka an aiia uay. — iviaunce uianam, O ivetu. o-tu FOR qivrR: Cocker spamei pups. Biouue auu uiack. tuaies, $io; leuiaies, ^>a. Call or witte — Mis. ioivk Woous, Page, puone 4u.t. aa-topua FOR uuoo insurance ot alt kiuua ace iv. it. v ivay i am ui er, puone iuo. aati bOi'uic,o£.o annual sale oi ncicioiu ouiis on reuiuaiy it. iiui^e sale titter cattle auction. — uivestock ivikt., uutte, Meat. «oc ! *” ’* r ua QAHi. i uiuucu opuucu I'uuma unati Uuats. v accaniiwU Don wars. new Diuuu line. 9 /■* nines west ui i lain view un mgnwa> ~u.—miner uum. ZiU FOR o.-vn.m a-ii. wiue Heavy weight liiiuieum, Due per iun iilii0 ll. — aiiuWcst r uill. at Appn, west unciu, pnone 3-tu-a. i*0e | FOh saat; iy-iu yum tuuor; iOia .uuaay iuraur scuan.— W in. tviuuer Cu. ui cj i^eul, 53i. 4oe I Fur iteuuccd hales un CiVtv moUhAnCfc* dee. L. G. GiCCii.t>r'i£i in&. AGV. U i-'iiune no i'usioU. FOR dAcE: 1941 O-cy. Pontiac, 2-dr. good mecnaiiicai cunui llOU, guuu uuieiwisv, locuU, heaier, visor, irauic lights.— Per cy Aiiuei son, u neiU, p.ione 300-ai. 3o-*opU9 i FOR QUICK SALE; Coal or wood Dinning range, ivory enamel, good condition, at $15. —Mis. Ceun Beckwith, Emmet. 4Up35 FOR SALE; 32 -volt Winch a. g er motor, batteries and appli ances. — Emil C. Steiling. 2 miles east 1 mile south oi Or chard 30-4Ocl2O FOR SALE: Nesco cooker, used 3 times, yours for $20.—Mid west Furn. & AppL, West O’ Neill, phone 34t>-J. 40c FOR SALE: Modern 7 - room house in northeast Atkinson, insulated, nearly new oil fur nace, basement, garage, 2 lots, 2 blocks from school.—Harvey J. Grof, Atkinson, phone 7402. 37-40pl25 f11 ■ ~ &. K. a. SHR1NER BM.S W.ntm “• Plate GteM Wind & Tornado. Truck fc Tractor. Personal Property Liability GENERAL INSURANCE Lireetock REAL ESTATE. LOANS. FARM SERVICE. RENTALS Automobile O'Neill — t— Phone 1M Farm Property MACHINERY FOR SALE: 1— j I John Deere 12-A combine with pickup attachment, ready to g0; i _ 4^-ft. John Deere 1 way, practically new. — R. F. Van Horn, O’Neill, Nebr. 39-40pl00 FOR SALE: 1949 Oldsmobile 98 sedan, low mileage. — James M. Corkle. 33c I HAVE cash buyers for residen- ; tial properties in O’Neill.—R. | H. (“Ray") Shriner, O’Neill, j phone 106. 39tf ! FOR SALE: Choice Cedar river 160-acre crop-livestock farm, 1 mile from town, $175 per acre. Lester W. Sehmadeke, Farmers National Co., O’Neill, Nebr. 39-40p95 FOR SALE: Available IHC No. 9 and trail mowers. New Idea and Lundell power mowers.—Plain view Farm Equipment, Plain view, Nebr. 6tf FOR SALE: Disc harrows, 10-, 15- and 18-ft, sizes. — Wm. Krotter Co. of O’Neill. 40c FOR SALE: Armstrong Quaker linoleum, 12-ft., $1.10 per ft.— Midwest Furn. & Appl., West O’Neill, phone 346-J. _ 40c Do You Want a Car that Will Start These Cold Mornings? See our selection of OK used cars elsewhere in this edition. Midwest Motor Co. Phone 100 O’Neill, Nebr. FOR BRIGGS & STRATTON service and genuine parts call at Vic Halva’s Electric Shop, O’Neill. 41tf FOR SALE: 1949 Pontiac club coupe, 6 cyl.—Wm. Krotter Co. of O’Neill. 40c FOR SALE: Service station in Ewing, Nebr., has good gallon age; grease room, modern equipment and a complete stock. Living quarters in rear. Building rented on gallonage basis. Inquire at Wood’s Ser vice, write box 338 or call 126-W, Ewing. 39-42c FOR SALE: Armstrong Quaker 9x12 heavyweight rugs, $8.95. — Midwest B’urn. & Appl., West O’Neill, phone 346-J. 40c WANTED WANTED: Several men with pickup trucks or cars to buy teed bags for northern bag company. New branch in Grand island, Nebr. High earn ings, pleasant work. Men Irom every county in Nebr. wanted. Come in person for interview at B an play Produce M.arket, i 413 West 3rd, Grand Island. 4U-42cI CUSTOM CORN SHELLING: New M-M truck muunieu shelt er, l.auo bu. hour capacity. Make arrangements lor your sneiling with K. C. Hunt, at Hunts iveciipping service, phone 289, O’Neill. WANTED TO BUY: Oats, wheal unu corn. — Corkle Hatchery, U neiii. UiX WAivi L,L>. Bapei hanging. —j Mrs. diaries Beilin, Cl inehi, j puoue jouj . iou j run BilUMBT, eilidein meenun itui uuui tugging, 0 indies vv.ue, VI leel uetfci, tall Oi Wllle jounce Eios., 1'iaiUvlew, iNcoi., puoue in oi xi. WANTED AT ONCE: Man to hauuiu lull line ox leeu ana meuicai supplies. Must nave | ear, oe avv^uaiinevi. rice liain- | mg, leui pioposiuou lor iigiit man. rur peisouai interview wine Morns nooert, Cieigmon. 33—tipioo WANTED: Responsible puity can re-uuy nisi giauc spaiet piano by assuming small moiumy payment, write—ju. C. Biupps, box 1134, enuux City, la. 4ucou HEcB WANTED: Girl to keep books, inis is steauy employ'- j mem.—Vvm. iciouer Co., oi u Nein, ptione 331. 40c HALVA’S ELECTRIC SilOB Generator & Motor winning new ana Usea Motors lor Any Job 25tX FARM & COMMERCIAL WiRiNG DON’T WIRE until you have our price. Be sale. Have your wir ing msiaiica by our skilled workmen. We have all mater ials and iixtures lor a complete job. Ail material and work guaranteed. Ten years oX REA wiling experience. Drop us a card lor tree estimate. For a neat job see us. Motor Re-winding and Repairs CONTACT Ralph Simpson LESTER ELECTRIC O’Neill. Nebr. 29tf MISCELLANEOUS L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half-block East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and tractor I repair. Acetylene welding. j YOU want most dollar return for | your live stock? Then choose as your market agent the firm that gets results. — FRANK. E. SCOTT COMMISSION CO., STOCK YARDS, SIOUX CITY, IOWA. i INCOME TAX For assistance in filing your reports, call on GEO C. ROBERTSON O’Neill, Nebr., Res. Phone 161W 33-40 I ____,___I Complete Auction Sales Service! Advertising, auctioneering, clerk- | ing . . . let us take care of the j details. Call or see ED THORIN, Chambers or KEITH ABART, O’Neill Insurance of All Kinds REA FARMSTEAD WIRING SEE US before you wire. All work guaranteed.— CHAS. CHAM BERS, O’Neill, phone 547-J, or leave word at Gillespie's. 40tf | HUNT’S PLUMBING & HEATING Complete Bathroom Fixtures 2d door West Midwest Furn. Servioe Phone 399, O’Neill Long Term 4% Federal Lank Bank L-O-A-N-S Pre-Payment Privileges ELK.HOKN VALLEY Nat’l Farm Loan Ass’n. Lyle P. Dierks, bec.-Treas. O’Neill, Nebr, i AUTO OWNERS IF YOU WANT cheaper insurance let me know. 1 can finance a 194b and newer model automo- j bile and write your insurance j lor you! We need and appreci ate your business. GEO. C. ROBERTSON O’Neill, Nebr. ATTENTION: Mullen’s Radio Electric Service does REA and city electrical wiring. Guaran teed repair of home radios, au to radios and electrical appli ances of all kinds. We are now located in our new shop 2 blocks west and 1V2 blocks soutn of the state garage, O - Neill. A WAY TO AVOID costly field delays is to have your tractor and other equipment in A-l shape when spring rolls a round. Bring them in now for expert, economical repairs. Ex perienced mechanics lor all makes.— Marcelltis impi. Co., West O'Neill, pnone a. 40-42c GOOD FLOOR SANDER and edg er lor rent, inquire: Speits-Ray Lbr. Co., O’Neill. WHETHER you wish to Duy, rent, trade or sell, The Fron tier's classifieds will do the trick quickly and economically. 38tf CARDS OF THANKS WE WISH to thank our relatives, neighbors and other friends for the masses, flowers, cards, j and letters and other expres sions of interest and sympathy at the time of the death of our husuanu and father, John Schmidt. iYlnS. JOHN SCHMIDT AND FAMILY I 40p50 I WISH to thank all my relatives and mends lor their kindness, messages and cards during my recent illness. MKS. LAWRENCE JONAS 40p50 FOR BENT FOR RENT: 2 heated sleeping rooms with private bath and entrance. Call Ramon Bright,! first house east of the Legion hall. 38tf Om&hans Here— Mr. and Mrs. Paul Tallon and son, Michael, of Omaha, were guests at the home of her par ents, Dr. and Mrs. O. W. French, from last Thursday until Mon day. Go to Iowa— Mr. and Mrs. Dale Fetrow took Mrs. Fred Fetrow to Clarmda,, la., Sunday, where she will re main for a visit with her sister, who is ill. Has Houseguest— Miss Nancy Froelich had as her houseguest this weekend, Miss Marjorie Sinek, of Winetka, 111. Mr. and Mrs. Milton M. Krause and daughters were in Albion Sunday. OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS Holt County Board of Supervisors ^- ^ O’Neill, Nebraska January 9, 1951 10:00 A. M. Holt County Board of Super visors met on this date as provid ed by Statute for reorganization, Sterns, Cronk, Clark, Baten horst, Hubbard, Borg, and Frick el present. The meeting was called to or der by the County Clerk. The Clerk appointed Borg and Batenhorst a committee to ascer tain if the bonds of the reelected members had been filed and ap proved by the County Judge. The committee reported that bonds for these members had been approved. The first order of business was the election of a new chairman. Motion was made by Hubbard, seconded by Clark, that nomina tions for the office of chairman be made by ballot. Hubbard was appointed Teller by the Clerk. The first ballot for nomination resulted as follows: , Stems 2 Borg 1 Hubbard 2 Cronk 2 These nominations were then voted on with the following re sults: Hubbard 4 Sterns 1 Cronk 2 Mr. Hubbard then withdrew his name as he felt he would be unable to act as Chairman of the Board this year. As neither of the others had a majority the Board voted again with these results: Sterns 2 Cronk 4 Borg 1 Mr. Borg then withdrew his name as a candidate for Chair man of the Board for 1951. Motion was then made that the rules be suspended and the Board vote by acclamation for ; Cronk as Chairman for the com- j ing year. Motion carried. The Chairman then called for | a vote and Cronk was then de clared elected unanimously as , Chairman for the year 1951. 12:00 Noon. On motion the Board adjourned until 1:00 P. M. O’Neill, Nebraska January 9, 1951 1:00 P. M. Holt County Board of Super visors met as per adjournment. All members present. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. The Chairman submitted the following list of Committees for the ensuing year: COURT HOUSE COMMITTEES FOR 1951 Court House — Clark, Borg, Frickel. Finance — Hubbard, Sterns, Batenhorst. Printing—Frickel, Clark, Hub bard. Tax—Clark, Hubbard, Sterns. Bonds—Hubbard, Sterns, Borg. Bridge — Batenhorst, Clark, Frickel. Road—Borg, Hubbard, Sterns. Settlement Co. Officers—Clark and Entire Board. Claims—Batenhorst and Entire Board. Motion was made by Baten horst, seconded by Hubbard, that the following wage scale be a dopted: WAGE SCALE 1951 Single Man ... 65c Per Hour Common Bridge Labor .. 75c Per Hour Foreman Budge Workers $1.00 Per Hour Truck Drivers, Tractor & Grader Operators 75c Per Hour Experienced Operator or Mechanic _95c Per Hour Tractor & Operator _ $1.50 Per Hour Tractor Loader_$2.50 Per Hour Exp. Drag Line Operator $1.00 Per Hour Truck and Driver $3.00 Per Hour MACHiNE RENTAL 1951 Drag Line _ $12.50 Per Hour 100 H. P. Patrol. $10.00 Per Hour 75-100 H. P. Patrol $8.00 Per Hour Cat & Scoop or Blade $12.00 Per Hour Small Cat & Scoop $9.00 Per Hour Motion was made by Baten horst, seconded by Hubbard, that the office of County Physician of Holt County be abolished. Mo tion carried. Motion by Clark, seconded by Borg, that the Frontier and Ew ing Advocate be designated to publish the Supervisors’ proceed ings for the year and the Holt County Independent be declared the official paper. Motion carried. Motion was made by Frickel, seconded by Borg, that the fol lowing Bonds be approved. Mo tion carried. Esther Harris, Deputy County Clerk, Holt County, Homer Ernst, Township Justice of Peace, Shields Precinct, Charles Green, Township Clerk, Conley Precinct, Walter Ries, Township Treas urer, Pleasant View Precinct. On motion the board adjourn ed until January 23, 1951, at 10:00 A. M. RUTH HOFFMAN, County Clerk I FRANK CRONK, Chairman -- O'Neill, Nebraska January 23, 1951 10:00 A. M. Holt County Board of Super visors met as per adjournment All members present. Meeting called to order by the Chan man. Minutes of the meet ; mgs of December 27, 1950, Jan uary 4 and January 9, 1951, were | read and approved as read. The Chairman appointed Hub bard as Highway Commissioner for the County. Hubbard in turn appointed each member of the Board of Supervisors to take [ charge of his respective District. The Chairman appointed Clark, Borg, and Stems, as the Insurance Committee for the j county. Motion was made by Frickel, seconded by Batenhorst, that Chas. Richter be appointed jan itor of the Court House, effective February 1, 1951. The Finance Committee report ed that all fees from the various offices for the month of Decern- ! ber had been remitted to the j County Treasurer as required by j law. Motion by Frickel, seconded by by Sterns, that the following i I Salary and Expense Claims be 1 allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the General Fund in I payment of same: j Vivian Allendorfer, Janu ary Salary_$166.66 Glea Bowden, January salary -$ 57.50 Alice L. French, January Salary $150.00 William W. Griffin, Jan. Salary ____r_$l 58.33 John Grutsch, Postage & Typewriter Ribbon_$ 3.75 ; J. Ea Hancock, Postage & Box Rent_$ 38.11 Esther Harris, January salary_$166.66 Lav on Hart, January Sal ary -$150.00 Rum Hoffman, Postage & Box Kent_$ 13.00 1 A. B. Hubbard, Mileage... $ 32.80 j Eldora Lowery, January salary-$ 31.40 Ira H. Moss, Clerk’s sal ary -$132.00 Wilma McClure, January Salary_2_$125.00 Louis W. Reimer, January Baiary..$258.33 Marlene M. Reimer, Jan uary Salary_$ 75.00 Albert Sipes, Mileage_$ 77.20 Mis. Albert sipes, Wash ing & Soap__$ 20.00 Claresse Sullivan, Janu ary Salary — .$100.66 Leonard A. Thomazin, Mileage-$10 .20 Leo Tomjack, January oalaiy $183.30 lomjacK, Mileage Liaims __ $ 52.98 Wm. F. Wefso, January balary $225.00 Virginia M. Bennett, Jan uary Salary . _ $115.00 Elmer R. Bowen, Jan. Sal ary $170.00 Alice L. French, Postage $ 12.U0 John Grutsch, January Baiary -$216.66 J. Ed Hancock, January Salary $125.00 I Mrs. Ed Hancock, Clerical Work $125.00 | Esther Harris, Stamps & Box Rent _ $ 8.75 Ruth Hoffman, January Salary _ $241.66 i Holt County Extension Ser vice $194.92 DeLoris M. Lowery, Jan. Salary $150.00 Ira H. Moss, Jan. Salary $225.00 Nora A. Mullen, Jan. Sal ary . $125.00 Mabel McKenna, Jan. Sal ary - $115.00 Louis W. Reimer, Post age $ 3.00 Albert Sipes, Jan. Salary $150.00 Albert Sipes, Prisoners’ Board & Jailor’s Fees $ 72.50 Leonard A. Thomazin, Office Work & Survey ing -. $ 15.60 Leo Tomjack, Postage __ $ 21.00 John J. Underwood, Jan. Salary $ 29.04 j Wm. F. Wefso, Postage & Convention Expense_$ 48.95 On motion the Board adjourn ed until 1:00 P. M. O’Neill, Nebraska January 23, 1051 1:00 P. M. Holt County Board of Super visors met as per adjournment. All members present. Meeting called to order by the Chairman. The applications and securities of the following banks were ex amined: The Tri-County Bank, Stuart, Nebraska, The First National Bank, At kinson, Nebraska, O’Neill National Bank, O’Neill, Nebraska, The First National Bank, O’ Neill, Nebraska, Emmet State Bank, Emmet, Nebraska. Motion by Stems, seconded by Clark, that these banks be ap proved as depositories for Coun ty Funds for the year 1951. Ma tion carried. Motion by Borg, seconded by Hubbard, that the following with-holding claims be allowed on the various funds as follows: General Fund _ $645.67 Bridge Fund ._$ 67.5U Adm. Expense Fund_$315.30 Hoad Fund_$259.50 Mail Route Fund_$202.00 Motion by Clark, seconded by Frickel, that the following wage increases be granted effective February 1, 1951, subject to Bridge: ClerK in Treasurer’s Office _ $150.00 Per Month Clerk in Assessor’s Office _$135.00 Per Month Clerk in County Agent’s Office — $135.00 Per Month Clerk in ounty Attorney’s Office _ $125.00 Per Month Effective April 1, 1951, Clerk in County Superintendent’s of $135.00 Per Month. Motion by Borg, seconded by Hubbard, that the following claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Bridge Fund in payment of same: Armco Drainage & Met al Products, Inc., Steel Culverts _$1848.56 Campbell Lumber Co., Supplies_:_$ 74.25 A. M. Batenhorst, Bridge inspection _._$ 25.00 Roy C e a r n s, Bridge Work ..$ 137.70 Frank Crank, Bridge In spection _$ 15.00 Wm. Krotter Co., Bridge Plank _$ 226.82 Wm. S i e b e r, Bridge Work _$ 80.75 Standard Oil Co., Gaso line _$ 143.67 W. L. Winsor, Bridge Work _ $ 125.25 Horner Lumber Co., Bolts and Spikes _ $ 64.45 Jerry O’Connel, Bridge Work _ $ 76.50 Thomas Slattery, Sup plies _—_$ 143.25 Anton Weichman, Bridge Foreman _ $ 174.00 Motion by Batenhorst, second ed by Borg, that tne following claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on the Road Fund in payment of same: A. M. Batenhorst, Road Inspection .. _$ 25.00 Bergstrom Oil Co., Gaso line $ 24.71 Ronald Borg, Road Work- $230.85 Charles Camel, Labor on Co. Bldg. _$ 6.00 Central Supply Co., Re pairs ----$ 62.90 C r a b b Service Station, Gas & Oil_$ 39.93 Frank Cronk, Road In spection $ 15.00 Continental Oil Co., Oil & Gas $212.13 Ewing Motor Co., Repairs & Anti-Freeze..$ 3.20 Gill Motor Co., Gas, Oil, & Tubes_$ 55.76 I Jarvis Oil Co , Diesel Fu el, Tires & Tubes . .$163.11 Wm. Krotter Co., Gas & Supplies $ 79.43 Nebr. Tractor & Eq. Co., Repairs for Grader_$152.72 Norwood Repair, Washers & Copper Line ..,$ 2.85 Bill Oxner, Working on Co. Bldg._$ 20.25 1 E. J. Shane, Truck Rental $ 51.52 R. D. Stevens, Road Work & Machine Operating $104.60 Gene Batenhorst, Road Work_$ 47.60 Axel L. Borg, Road In spection -$ 5.00 Harrison Bridge, Gas & Oil __$ 5.65 Central Supply Co., Wash er & Seal_$ 3.66 C r a b b Service Station, Gas & Oil_$138.56 Cobbs Manufacturing Co., Auto Certificate Hold ers ___$ 52.25 Continental Oil Co., Diesel Fuel _$ 87.97 Fehrs Tractor & Eq. Co., Snow Plow_$949.74 Marvin Focken, Road Dragging _$ 12.50 Inter-State Oil Co., Oil & Grease _$115.60 William Kohle, Working on Co. Bldg._$ 30.00 | Nebr. Tractor & Eq. Co., Repairs_$250.93 Nebr. Tractor & Eq. Co., Repairs & Mechanical Service_$ 98.55 Newman Oil Co., Gaso line _$106.05 Nebr. Tractor & Eq. Co., Repairs_$ 16.65 O’Neill Auto Supply Co., Inc., Tools__$ 15.00 Servall Towel & Linen Co., Towels_$ 4.00 Edgar Stauffer, Welding_$ 10.75 West Lbr. & Coal Co. Roof Cement _$ 2.40 Motioned by Clark, seconded by Hubbard, that the following claims be allowed and warrants ordered drawn on Mail Route Fund in payment of same: Richard Smith, Operating Motor Grader . $97.85 P. W. Summerer, Dragging Road . $13.50 On motion the Board adjourn ed until January 24, 1951, at 10:00 A. M. RUTH HOFFMAN, County Clerk FRANK CRONK, Chairman. Entertains Friend— Edward Campbell had as his houseguest Dick Coyne, of Youngstown, O. They are stu dents at Creighton university in Omaha. J WILLIAM W. GRIFFIN j ATTORNEY ! First National Bank Bldg, i O'NEILL -1 SPRING? Well, it won t be long, anyway, so its time to order those FARM MACHINE REPAIRS right now—this week! ★ We try to carry a complete stock of those repair parts, but it will be well to examine those machines that will soon be in the fields and see what they need. ★ Then call on us. We will help you make sure that you will be ready to go to work when spring does come. - ■ - ■ — No need to schedule work... ‘ ••• r • . ^ . ' • * • ■ if you bring ’em in now. Our expert mechanics are ready to serve you—no appointment necessary if you bring in your tractor, machinery or auto be fore the spring rush. WM. KROTTER CO. OF O’NEILL Home qf J. I. Case — M-M Implements — New Idea PONTIAC CARS Phone 531 West O’Neill