The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, January 25, 1951, 1 SECTION, Image 1

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___ ^ V
Polio Letters Go
to Rural People
Officials Grateful foi
Early Responses in
Plea for Funds
Three thousand letters were
mailed Wednesday to Holt coun
ty’s rural residents.
The letters are pleas for con
tributions to be used in fightinf
infantile paralysis.
Residents in the cities and
• towns in the county are being
solicited by the door-to-door
method, and much oi this so
licitation already has been
Mrs. Robert Martens, of Atkin
son, chairman of the Holt coun
ty fund - drive in behalf of tht
National foundation lor inlantih
Paralysis, Tuesday declared tnai
the lyoi campaign is “moving a
long smoothly” and that “all oi
our workers are doing their pari
in their respective communities.’
The l9ou Holt county goal wa;
l $5,000 which w'as double the 1941
figure, lhis year officials hopt
to establisn a new high to meel
the increased requirements foi
polio treatment and for research
Mrs. Merle Hickey, chairman
of the drive in the city of O’Neili
has a ^>l,bu0 quota. Almost one
half of this amount has beer
collected. Mrs. Larry Johnson is
wmer community ciiauiua
are: Mrs. Ivan Dickerson, Atkin
son; Mrs. John Mattson, Inman
Mrs. J. W. Walter, Chambers
Mrs. Blake Ott, Amelia; Mrs
Donald Krotter, Stuart; Mrs. An
ton Nissen, Page; Miss Jane Roth
erham, Ewing; Miss Helen Mar
tens, Emmet.
On Friday, the M & M caft
will sponsor a benefit coffee anc
I doughnut sale between 2 and £
p. m. Gross receipts at the coffee
and doughnut bar between those
hours will go to the polio fund
L. M. Diehlman will present a
cash door prize.
On Sunday, the American
Legion club will be the setting
for a box social and dance
with proceeds going to the
Holt chapter of the polio
All ladies bringing boxes will
be admitted free.
On Monday evening, an ama
teur contest will be staged at the
O’Neill public school auditorium.
Already entries are coming in
for the event. Fiye-rcinute per
formances will be presented by
* individuals and groups.
Similar amateur contests are
being arranged in several other
Holt communities and winners
will compete in the finals at O'
Neill on February 9.
Among group entries already
received are these 4-H clubs: Up
and-At-it, Victory Boys and
Girls (Inman), Green Valley (At
kinson), Sons of the Soil (O’
Neill), O’Neill Willing Workers,
Clover (Atkinson), Wide Awake
Bird (Inman).
On Wednesday, January 31,
the O’Neill Lions amateur bas
ketball team will tackle the
Bonesteel (S. D.) Towners in a
_ benefit game. The O’Neill Legion
1 team will face the Ewing Legion
^ in a preliminary. Game will be
played at the O’Neill gym and
all proceeds will go to the polio
Public School May
Add Another Teacher
Due to congestion of pupils
in the first, third, fourth and
fifth grade rooms at the O’Neill
public school, the board of edu
cation is contemplating addition
of another teacher on the staff.
The old gymnasium room
would be converted into a class
room to accomodate the over
The board will consider con
l tracting a teacher at the next
r meeting.
One official explained that the
congestion has been brought a
bout by an influx of new people
into the community.
Former Resident
Dies at Walthill
H. W. Sauser, 87, died Wednes
day, January 24, at Walthill.
p Funeral services will be Friday
at Cascade, la.
His wife preceded him in
death a number of years ago.
Survivors include: Son — Carl,
of Walthill; daughters — Mrs.
Claude (Helen) Marr, of Rosalie,
kand Mrs. Lettie Sauser.
’ Mr. Sauser formerly lived at
O’Neill on the farm now occu
pied by Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mc
1951 DeSoto Goes on
Display Saturday—
The 1951 DeSoto car will go
on display Saturday, January 27,
at the Lloyd Collins showrooms.
The DeSoto features the new
“oriflow” shock absorbers, ac
. cording to Mr. Collins.
STUART—State highway pa
r trolman Sunday established a
\ roadblock near Stuart and weigh
> ed trucks. Four out of 12 were
H found to be overloaded.
Frontier for printing!
J. E. Vincent . . . lingering
Large Crowd At
Vincent Funeral
First Presbyterian church was
filled Thursday, January 18,
when funeral services were held
for J. E. Vincent, 60, Western ho
tel proprietor who died Monday,
January 15, in a Ft. Dodge, la.,
Rev. Ralph Gerber officiated
at the 10:30 a. m. rites and burial
was in Prospect Hill cemetery.
Among relatives here from a
distance were: Dr. and Mrs. J. E.
(“Jack”) Vincent, of Ft. Dodge,
la.; Dr. and Mrs. Keith E. Vin
cent, of St. Louis, Mo.; Mrs. Her
bert Reinke, of Omaha; Mrs.
Fred Schneider, of Elkhorn; A1
Vincent, of Springfield; Russell
Vincent, of Springfield; Charles
Gatz and daughter, of Niobrara;
George Engel, of Lincoln; Mr.
and Mrs. Paul Engel, of Central
City; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Klvek, of
Richland; Dr. and Mrs. C. E.
Brewer, of Atkinson; Mr. and
Mrs. Jule Kerman, of Long Pine;
and Mrs. White, of Long Pine.
Besides his two sons—-J. E. and
Keith E., the late Mr. Vincent is
survived by his widow, the for
mer Amelia Gatz, one brother
and one sister.
ATKINSON — Forty-two rela
tives and 75 friends signed the
guest book Tuesday, January 23,
as Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bruder,
longtime Holt county residents,
celebrated their golden wedding
Observance began with a 9 o’
clock mass in St. Joseph’s Cath
olic church.
At noon a dinner was served to
42 relatives and Rev. A. A. Leh
man. Mrs. Louis Shald, Miss Bet
ty Henderson and Miss Marilyn
Ries served. The centerpiece was
a three-tier cake.
Golden corsages worn by
jubilarians were souvenirs of
Mrs. Bruder's parents' golden
wedding day in 1913.
A reception was held at the
Bruder home from 2 until 4 o’
clock. Two grandsons, Calvin
Murphy and Walter Ries, jr.,
whose birthday anniversaries fell
on the same day, helped cele
brate the occasion.
For 46 years the Bruders lived
on a farm north of Emmet. Four
years ago they moved into At
kinson. All of their five daugh
ters —Mrs. Will Murphy, of O’
Neill; Mrs. Herman Janzing, of
O’Neill; Mrs. Walter Ries, of At
kinson; Miss Bertha Bruder, of
Boulder, Colo., and Mrs. George
Shald, of Atkinson—and all of
their immediate relatives were
present except Raymond Mur
pry, of O’Neill, who is in the na
vy enroute overseas.
.. ....
Native of Scranton, Pa.;
Bedfast for Several
Patrick F. Coyne, 78, a long
time resident of the O’Neill com
munity, died early Tuesday, Jan
uary 23, in the O’Neill hospital
where he had been a patient for
live weeks.
He suffered a broken hip in a
fall in October and was confined
for several weeks in an Omaha
hospital, being transferred to O’
Neill hospital on December 18.
Funeral rites will be held at
9 a. m. today (Thursday) in St
Patrick's Catholic church with
Very Rev. T. J. O'Sullivan,
church pastor, officiating. In
terment will be in Calvary
A rosary was offered Wednes
day at 8 p. m. at Biglin Bros,
funeral home.
The late Mr. Coyne came with
his parents, the late Thomas C.
and Catherine Lowery Coyne, to
Holt county in 1879 from Penn
As a young man he farmed for
a time, later turning to concrete
masonry. He never married.
He went to Coleridge to live
last year in an old people’s home
and in the fall changed his resi
dence to St. Edward.
Survivors include: Brothers —
Hugh E. Coyne, of O’Neill, and
Martin F. Coyne, of SenaElenda,
Tex.; sisters—Mrs. W. F. (Mary)
Patten, of Burlington, Kans., and
Mrs. James (Anna) Earley, of
Pallbearers will be D. H. Mur
phy, Phil Harrington, William
Hanley, Walter O’Malley, T. J.
Donohoe and John Sullivan.
Ward to Leave
Atkinson Feb. 7
ATKINSON — Supt. John
Ward, of the Atkinson public
school, will report for active du
ty with the air force on Febru
ary 7. He is a captain in the air
force reserve.
In the air force Ward will work
with civilian personnel.
No successor had been named
until late Wednesday. However,
the board of education has been
in conference with candidates,
including Principal Howard
Dean, of the O’Neill high school.
The Atkinson high faculty this
week had another change. Wil
liam Cook, who inaugurated the
agriculture class two years ago,
has taken a veterans’ homestead
in Wyoming. His replacement is
Harry Kenyon.
Rush for License
Plates Lets Up
The traditional rush for license
plates at the beginning of a new
year has begun to taper off, ac
cording to Holt County Treasur
er J. Ed Hancock.
Until Wednesday evening, 4,300
new 1951 plates had been issued
out of aibout seven thousand
that will be sold during the
course of the year.
Mrs. La Von Hart is working
in the office of Holt County Clerk
Ruth Hoffman.
have been going full tilt on the St. Anthony's
hospital building project. This photograph was
taken Sunday, January 21. The snow, which
fell Friday night and early Saturday, was short
lived, however, and bricklayers have been tak
ing advantage of unusually mild winter wea
ther. Photograph shows half of building. West
half has progressed to a similar degree. Win
dows have been placed in basement, which is
now virtually enclosed. When completed the
hospital will have cost in excess of 420-thou
sand-dollars.—The Frontier Photo by John H.
COON FEED ATTRACTS 320 .. . A benefit
coon feed sponsored by Simonson post 93 of the
American Legion Sunday attracted 320 persons
at $1 per plate. Coon were bagged by a commit
tee, headed by Post Commander Virgil Laur
sen. Readying the coon for the oven is H. W.
(‘•Pete ’) Heriford (in white uniform) while
Laursen. A. W. Carroll and Laurence Haynes
Wi .mama i«-■- mn-Mm it ■
look on. About to be served are Mr. and Mrs.
Gene McDermott (at left) while Mrs. John
Grutsch, Mrs. Don Enright and Mrs. A. W. Car
roll serve. Proceeds will be used to equip and
uniform a Legion firing squad. Top photo was
taken in kitchen at the M & M cafe, lower pho
to at the serving counter in the Legion club.—
Th" Frontier Photos by John H. MoCarville.
Dedicatory Rites for
New Presbyterian Organ
Sunday afternoon at 4 o’clock,
the new Wurlitzer organ will be
dedicated at First Presbyterian
church. The organ, a model 30,
was recently purchased and has
been used since the first of the
year. Mrs. John Harbottle is
church organist.
The vesper service Sunday will
include a litany of dedication,
led by Rev. Ralph Gerber, pas
tor of the church, and a concert
presented by Warren L. Berry
man, instructor of organ and pi
ano at Hastings college, Hastings.
Mr. Berryman, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Cecil Berryman, both pro
fessional piano teachers in Oma
• ha, has a master’s degree in mu
sic from the University of Min
nesota. While he was studying
at the university, he was minis
ter of music of the Calvary Luth
eran church in Minneapolis,
taugh organ during a summer
session and was organist for a
Lutheran seminary in the city.
Last year he was an instructor
at the University of West Virgin
ia. in addition to his teaching
this year, he is also organist at
the First Presbyterian church in
Mr. Berryman’s concert will
include the well-known “Sheep
May Safely Graze,” “Jesu, Joy
of Man’s Desiring,” and “Arioso,”
by Bach, and ‘The Swan,” by St.
The public is cordially invited
to attend this dedication service,
according to Reverend Gerber.
California - Like
Weather Continues
Folks in the O’Neill region are
happy with their luck with the
California - like weather has
prevailed throughout most of the
week, although on several occa
sions the weatherman appeared
to have different ideas. Nights
and mornings have been cold—
as low as 5 degrees—but daylight
temperatures have risen as high
as 55 degrees.
Snow late Friday and early
Saturday, borne by a strong
north wind, amounted to .11 of
an inch of precipitation.
Week’s summary, based on 24
hour periods ending at 6 p. m.
daily, follows:
Date Hi Lo Prec.
January 17_ 52 30
January 18_45 24
January 19_55 14
January 20 _ 32 11 <
January 21_17 5
January 22_ 32 24 .11
January 23_ 42 18
■ i- . — ■■ y
Frontier for printing! 11
Evan T. Evans Succumbs
Suddenly in Dakota
Evan T. Evans, 60, a former
resident of the Dorsey, Amelia
and Atkinson communities, was
found dead about 5:30 a. m..
Tuesday, January 23, in a Lem
mon, S. D., boarding house,
where he was residing.
Body will arrive in O’Neill
early Saturday and funeral ser- j
vices will be held at 2:30 p. m. .
that day at the Assembly of God.
church. Rev. Wayne Hall, church
pastor, will officiate and burial
will be in Prospect Hill cemetery
under direction of Biglin Bros.
The late Mr. Evans was born
at Williamsburg, la. He spent
part of his younger life at Car
roll, Nebr., coming to Holt coun
ty with his wife and daughters
in 1928.
The family initially lived in
the Dorsey community, then
spent several years in the Am
elia locality before moving to
Mr. Evans was employed for
about seven years at the Atkin
son Livestock Market.
His wife died April 25, 1948,
after which Mr. Evans moved to
Omaha. On June 5, 1948, a
daughter, Mrs. Charles (Gene
vieve) Fairbanks, died.
About two years ago Mr. Ev
ans moved to Lemmon to work
an a building project.
On Sunday night a daughter,
Miss Helen Evans, of Omaha, '
talked with her father by tele- !
ahone. He had been ill with in
fluenza. Persons who discovered
ais body said he had been dead
'or several hours.
Survivors include: Daughters— j
Mrs. Vernon (Annelene) Strong | J
and Mrs. Leonard (Berneice) i f
Petersen, both of O’Neill; Miss j11
delen, of Omaha; son—Francis, e
>f Idaho Falls, Ida. "
_ h
Holt county’s board of super
visors convened Tuesday and V
Vednesday in routine session. 71
1 Registered Cattle Saiea
on The Frontier's
Four important auctions are on
The Frontier's sale calendar dur
ing the next four weeks — plus
several smaller sales.
Heading tne list is the John
and neona Finnt 1,520-acre land
and personal property sale to be
Held Friday, January 2b. Land is
located 14 miles north of O’Neill
and 4^> miles west.
However, both land and per
sonal property will be sold at one
location — on the U. E. Owens
ranch, 10 miles north, 4 miles
west, 1 mile south, 2 miles west
and 4 miles north, bale of per
sonal pioperty begins at 11 a. m.,
sale oi real estate starts at 2 p. m.
Cols. Ed Thorin, of Chambers,
and Verne Keynoldson, of O’
Neill, are auctioneers.
In event of serious storm
conditions, sale will be post
poned unfit Wednesday, Janu
ary 31, and announcements will
be made on the "Voice of The
frontier ' radio program.
Heading the four registered
livestock sales is the annual auc
tion oi the Holt County Aber
aeen-Angus Breeders’ association
on Tuesday, February t>, at the
0 Neiii livestock Market.
Sixty - nine registered Angus
will be sold. Annual banquet
staged by Angus breeders will be
held on eve of sale at the Amer
ican Legion club. Puohc is invit
ed. Kay Siders, of O’Neill, is sale
manager and Freeman L. Knight,
of O’Neill, is association secre
Annual spring sale of the Holt
County Hereford Breeders’ asso
ciation will be held at the O’Neill
LivestocK Market on Monday,
February 19. James W. Koo/iey,
of O’Neill, is secretary, and cata
iog inquiries should be addressed
to him.
Sixty-two head—50 bulls and
12 females — will be offered by
the Holt Hereford group.
The North - Central Nebraska
Hereford association will hold its
annual spring sale at Bassett on
Saturday, February 24. Tug Phil
lips, of Bassett, is secretary-man
ager. Forty-four head of register
ed stock will be offered.
Tuesday, March 13, is the date
selected for the spring sale of
the Niobrara Valley Hereford
Breeders’ association sale at
Butte. W. G. Sire, of Butte, is
manager. Thirty-five bulls and
four females will be listed.
On all four registered stock
sales The Frontier is handling
the advertising arrangements,
including publication of at
tractive two-color catalogs.
Judging day at Butte will be
m Monday, March 12.
On Saturday, January 27, Ed
?ar DeHart, guardian for the es
tate of William Eiaele, will sell
Household goods (including an
tique furniture), carpenter and
garden tools and a large selection
if firearms at public auction.
Consigned to the sale by C. W.
Wyant are some tavern fixtures,
including a bar. (See advertise
nent on page 3 for details.)
Gilbert Strong is ottering a
lew 5-room house at auction on
Monday, January 29 (See page
1 for details.)
Lenora Lee Heard
on ‘Voice* Program
Miss Lenora Lee, attractive
accordianist and vocalist who
is appearing nightly at the
American Legion club here,
was heard in three selections
on Wednesday’s “Voice of The
Frontier” program (WJAG,
780 k. c., 9:45 a. m.)
Miss Lee played the "Tenne
see Waltz,” “Tea for Two” and
George Hammond, popular
reporter for the “Voice,” gave
his listeners a brief recorded
descriptive of the closing mo
ments of the Atkinson - Page
basketball game played Tues
day night in the opening round
of the Holt county high school
basketball tournament. (For
details see page 4.)
The usual 15-minute “Voice”
program was extended to 25
minutes to include Miss Lee’s
offerings and the basketball
The Lions club in session Wed
esday night decided to press
ir completion of house number
lg and installation of mail box
s in order that door-to-door
tail delivery may begin in O'
“Voice of The Frontier,” Mon.,
red., Sat, 9:45 a. m., WJAG,
10 k. c.