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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1951)
Bauld-Ott Nuptial V ows Exchanged Miss Marjorie Bauld, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Bauld, be came the bride of Alvin Ott, son of Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Ott, all of O’Neill, at a double-ring cere mony Wednesday morning, Jan uary 10, at 10 o’clock at St. Pat rick’s rectory. Rev. A. A. Onak officiated. The bride wore an aqua street length suit with brown acces sornes. She wore a corsage of pink roses. Miss Ita Bauld, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid and wore a browh suit with black acces sories and a corsage of white carnations. The bridegroom wore a blue business suit with a pink rose boutonniere. Lyle McKim, jr., was bestman and wore a brown suit with a white carnation boutonniere. A wedding dinner was held at the home of the bride’s parents, after which the couple left on a short wedding trip to North Platte. 4 Guests At Maries Meet— Four guests were present at the Martez club meeting Tuesday in which Mrs. Mabel McKenna was hostess. They were Mrs. D. C. Schaffer, Mrs. L. A. Burgess, Mrs. Guy Cole and Mrs. John Conard. Mrs. Schaffer and Mrs. Ira H. Moss were bridge winners. Miss Beckwith Is Feted— The Lowell A. Johnsons en tertained members of the young er set at a farewell party last Thursday in honor of Miss Ver nioe Beckwith, who moved to Columbus. They played games and danced. Miss Vernice receiv ed gifts from the guests. Visit Relatives in Central City— Mrs. Harden Anspach and Mrs. W. H. Harty went to Central City Friday to visit Keith Anspach and Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Kocina and children. They returned Saturday. Mrs. Kocina is the former Mary Harty. Mrs. Froelich Is Hostess— Winners at Delta Dek last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Frank Froelich were Mrs. Ed ward Campbell and Mrs. Mabel Gaitz. Mrs. McElhaney Entertains— The MM club met Wednesday, January 10, at the home of Mrs. Ted McElhaney. Winners were Mrs. A. B. Hubbard and Mrs. H. L. Lindberg, the all cut. ONO Club Gathers— The ONO club met at the borne of Mrs. Francis Hickey Monday evening, January 15. Mrs. Reynoldson Entertains— Mis. Leigh Reynoldson enter tained several ladies at a bridge party Thursday evening, Janu ary 11. Prizes were won by Mrs. Earl Hunt and Mrs. Arnie Doer ning. Club at Ruzickas— Winners of Jeudi club held last Thursday were Mrs. Max Wanser and Mrs. C. V. Sullivan. Mrs. Melvin Ruzicka was hostess. CAM Club Meets— The CAM club met at the home of Mrf Larry Bourne Fri day evening, January 12. Ashburn Helps Tilden Trip O’Neill Lions The Southern leaders in the Elkhorn valley amateur basket ball league left O’Neill Wednes day night, January 17, with win i number seven racked up against no losses. In a game played on the O’ Neill maples, the Tilden Town ers squeaked past the O’Neill Lions, 48-46. It was an exhibi tion game and did not affect the standing of the teams. The gym was packed and a high percentage of customers came to see Rirbi- Asb’-’>*n, Phillie centerfielder. They weren't disappointed. Ashburn showed them all the speed that has made him one of the fast est base runners in baseball today. turner macKDira pumpea in points for the O’Neill crew, fol lowed by Bob Matthews, former O’Neill high ace, with 10 points. Boxscore: LIONS (46) fg ft pfpts Matthew, f _ 5 0 1 10 Damkroger, f _ 3 0 4 6 Mossman, c .— 4 0 4 8 Blackbird, g .. 5 5 3 15 Donohoe, g - 13 15 Jonas, f _ 10 12 i _ Totals .19 8 14 46 TTLDEN (48) fg ft pfpts Ashburn, f - 3 6 4 12 Bryant, f_113 3 Bambert, c - 3 4 0 10 Myhre, g... 7 1 5 15 Egger, g -- 0 2 0 2 Reese, f - 10 2 2 James, f _ 2 0 14 Totals ..*—17 14 15 48 In the preliminary game, the O’Neill grade school Midgets won the rubber game in the series with the St. Mary’s Midgets 10-7. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Buckmaster went to Neligh Saturday, Janu ary 13, to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hill. Mrs. Carl Schenzel went to Norfolk Wednesday, January 10, to spend a few days visiting friends. DON’T MISS LENORA LEE And Her Accordian Opening MONDAY, JANUARY 22 at the American Legion Club... O’Neill Continuing for Two Weeks • Miss Lee has had the pleasure of working the top clubs. hotels and lounges from coast-to-coast. Drop in for a "hello" and get acquainted with this ev<er - popular enter- , tainer. i YOU WILL LIKE MISS LEE 1 Fun for all at the Leoion Club! RIVERSIDE NEWS Maryln Wallinger, of Atkin son, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Weich man. Mr. and Mrs. John Kramer and son, Larry, visited Sunday eve ning at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charley Scholz in Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kaup, si'., went to Norfolk Sunday to visit their daughter, Mrs. Laverne Wedige, and new grandson at Our L,ady of Louraes hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Wedige’s daughter, Janet, returned home wun her grandparents and will spend a week at the Kaup home. Mr. and 'Mrs. Francis Stein hauser and sons were Sunday uinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pacha. The oc , asion was in honor of the fifth birthday anniversary of Wayne Pacha, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ar ' thur Pacha. Melroy Strache visited Mar j vin Scholz Sunday. Marvin is a son of Mr. and Mrs. F 1 o r i a n j Scholz. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Engler en tertained their pinochle club at their home Friday evening. First and second prizes for the men were won by Frank Steinhauser and L. H. Steinhauser. First and second for the women went to Mrs. L. H. Steinhauser and Mrs. John Steinhauser. Mrs. Clarence Johnson received traveling prize. Late in the evening a lunch was served by the hostess. Mu', and Mrs. Everett Hale and family visited Sunday and Mon day, January 8 and 9, at the home of Mr. Hale’s mother Mrs. Mary Hale, and other relatives at Cody. Mrs. John Schmit and son, Mel vin, were Friday supper guests at the Edwin Engler home. Sunday, January 7, guests at the Thilo Possnecker home were Mr. and Mrs. Ottmar Poessneck er, Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Poess necker and Leroy, Mr, and Mrs. Oswald Goldfuss and family, of Orchard, Marlene Bazyn, of Creighton, and Mrs. Wm. Poess neCker. Donald Kramer and Laverne Morgan called at the Hough Co day home south of 0’NeiU Wed nesday evening, January 10. Mrs. Norbert Schaaf visited at the Clem Cleary home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Mlinar wvare Stuart visitors Thursday. Mrs. Mlinar stayed with her daughter, Mrs. Anton Kaup, while Mr. Mlinar attended the Finch public sale. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Engler spent Thursday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nick Simons. Mrs. Simons returned home that day from Our Lady of Lourdes hos pital in Norfolk, where she had undergone a major operation. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hale and family visited Thursday at the home of Mr. Hale’s sister, Mr. and Mrs. John Eley,_and Mr. and Mrs. El wood McClaran at Orch ard. Mr. and Mrs. Thilo Poessneck er and family were in O’Neill on business Thursday. They also vis ited at the home of Mrs. Poess necker’s uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Van Korn, south of O’ Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Heinowski called the doctor Tuesday for their little son, Leo jr., who had a cold. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Goldfuss and family called at the Thilo Poessnecker home Thursday eve ning. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Roche and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rocke, jr., were O’Neill callers Tuesday evening, January 9. Garry, little son of Mr. and Mrs. Rocke, jr., stayed with his grandmother, Mrs. Ida Becker, in Atkinson during his parents’ absence. Mr. and Mas. Ottmar Poess necker were O’Neill callers Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mlinar and daughter, Judy Ann and Nancy Lee, were dinner guests at the home of Mr. Mlinar’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Mlin ar, Sunday. “Voice of The Frontier” . . .780 on your dial. BENEFIT BY THIS GOOD NEWS COMBINATION YOUR HOME TOWN PAPER gives you complete, dependable local new*. Yo« need to know all that is going on where you live. But you live also in a WORLD where big events are in the making — events which can mean so much to you, to your |ob, your home, your future. For constructive reports and interpre tations of national end interna tional news, there is no substitute for THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR. Enjoy the benefits of being best informed—locally, nationally, internationally — with your local paper ond The Christian Science Monitor. LISTEN Tuesday nights over ABC stations to "The Christian Science Monitor Views the News." And use this coupon today for a special in- . . 0 t troductory subscription. Ip | Fund* The Christian Science Monitor One, Norway St., Boston IS,Mats., U.S.A. Please tend me en Introductory subscription to The Christian Science Monitor — 20 Issues. I enclose $1. Inamel I address) (city) tsone) I state) PB7 - i Merlin Luben Is New Noble Grand— Distinct Deputy Grand master D. A. Baker and staff, of O’Neill, installed the following officers i of Inman IOOF lodge 357 at the i regular meeting Tuesday night, January 9: Merlin Luben, noble grand; F. E. Keyes, vice-grand; E. L. Wat son, secretary; Ermand Keyes, treasurer; E. E. Clark, inside guardian; John Brunckhorst, out side guardian. I. L. Watson, right supporter to the noble grand; Donald Keyes, right supporter to the vice-grand; Clarence Hansen, chaplain; Marvin Rouse, right scene supporter; Otto Retke, left scene supporter; Herbert Niel | sen, past grand. Goes to Des Moines— Dale Buckmaster left for Des ! Moines, la., Sunday, January 14, i wrhere he will spend a few days I on business. Arrive from Long Pine— Mr. and Mrs. Roy Goree, of Long Pine, came Thursday, Jan uary 11, to visit friends and rela tives here. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Quinn spent Sunday, January 14, in Atkinson visiting Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ver zal. Complete Rebekah Lodge Installations INMAN — Mrs. Ruth Hansen, district deputy president, and staff, installed officers of Arbu tus Rebekah lodge, of Inman, on Wednesday evening, January 10. New officers are: John Brunckhorst, noble: grand; Clarence Hansen, vice-! fciand; Grace Luben, past grand; Maurine Smith, secretary; Ada Clark, treasurer. Elsie Krueger, right supporter to the noble grand; Faye Brunck horst, left supporter to the noble grand; Hazel Luben, warden; Lu cille Hutton, conductor; Marjorie Kelley, inside guardian; Jessie Smith, outside guardian; Mildred Coventry, musician; Murl Keyes, chaplain. Grace Gannon, color bearer; Ruth Hansen, right supporter to the vice grand; Gertrude Youngs, left supporter to the vice-grand. Mrs. Ruth Hansen, Rebekah district deputy president and staff, went to Chambers on F. i day evening and installed the officers of Winona Rebekah lodge or the ensuing term. The instal lation of Holt county Rebekah officers is now completed. The Chambers lodge served refresh ments at the evening’s close. Other Inman News Mr .and Mrs. Albert Hansen, of Crawford Valley, spent Sun day visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Tompkins. Mrs. George Colman, sr., en tertained the LL club at her home Wednesday afternoon, Jan uary 10. Lunch was served. The Coffee club met Thursday afternoon at the Aid parlors for a regular meeting. A covered dish luncheon was served at noon. Joe Bittner, of Hillsboro, Ore., came Tuesday, January 9, to spend several weeks visiting rel atives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Kopecky, jr., and son, Dickie, spent the weekend in Norfolk visiting M s. Kopecky’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snyder. Tom Clark, who had enlisted in the navy, left Friday morning for San Diego, Calif., where he 1 will take his boot training. Tom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. E. E. | Clark Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Caster, of Norfolk, spent Sunday visiting in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gor don Brittell. Mrs. F. E. Keyes and daughter Miss Murl, Mi's. Ruth Hansen I and Mrs. Carrie McMahan at tended a stated meeting and in stallation of officers of Symphony chapter. Order of the Eastern Star, of O’Neill, Thursday eve ning. Mrs. McMahan was install ed as associate matron and Mrs. Hansen as associate conductress for the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey A. Tomp kins and sons, Roger and Allen, visited in the home of Mrs. Tomp kins’ parents, Mr, and Mrs. C. L. Caldwell, at Utica January 8 and j 9. Mr. Tompkins also attended the meeting of the state school board association in the Corn husker hotel, and the executive committee of the town and coun try commission of the Methodist church at the Nebraska Wesley an campus. Linelle Tompkins vis ited in the home of her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Tomp kins, and the home of Lois Mors back. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tomlin son entertained at a bridge party Tuesday evening, January 9. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Tomlinson, of O’ Neill w\jre out-of-Sown guests. Mrs. Tomlinson served lunch. Dr. and Mrs. William Slusher and son, of Valentine, visited Mrs. Siusher’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. L. Watson Sunday. New Equipment Bought for Hospital \ LYNCH—In November, 1949, an iron lung (respirator) was purchased at a cost of $1,255 for the Sacred Heart hospital at Lynch by voluntary donations made by the public. The move was under the sponsorship of the American Legion posts. After the respirator was purchased, a bal ance of $1,108.45 was left in the bank and had lain idle ever since. Recently, at a meet ng of the Lynch America;! Legion post this balance of the iron lung fund was disposed of as follows: (1) Purchase of an electro cardiogram machine which makes the diagnosis of extraordi nary heart diseases. (2) A basal metabolism ma chine which deals with diagnosis regarding action of the thyroid glands. (3) The balance of the money is to apply on a new sterilizer, which was recently installed at the Sacred Heart hospital. All these machines are to be placed and used in the Sacred Heart hospital at Lynch. I TREND SOAP POWDER 2 Pkgs. — 37c FANCY ORANGE ADE 46-Oz. Can 27c AJAX CLEANSER 2 Cans 25c VETS DOG FOOD 3 Cans 27c FANCY CATSUP 12-OZ. BOTTLES 2 for..35c a — FRESH Marshmallows 1 Lb. Pkg... 25c -| I PORK J FEET .. 3 lbs. 29c | FRESH FROZEN CUDAHY SLICED ■ Ocean Lb. Ends of 2 Lbs. 1 PERCH .... 37c BACON.... 49c I Cudahy Slab A11 Meat Rjng | BACON.... 49c BOLOGNA 47c l (Half or Whole) LB* ■ CHOPS lb. 45c j RED TRIUMPH POTATOES,100 Lbs.1.29 PINK GRAPEFRUIT, 10 for 45 c LARGE BLUE GOOSE NAVE ORANGES, 2 Lbs.19c YEEOW ONIONS, 50-Lb. Bag 89c BANANAS, 2 Lbs.35c Brown or Powd. 1 SUGAR I 2 lbs..25c I Lushus (in syrup) ■ BOYSEN- I BERRIES I 2 No. 2 Cans f 55c I MA BROWN I GRAPE I JAM I 12-0z. Jar I 21c | SWIFT’S ( PEANUT $ BUTTER I Per Jar } 35c 1 I AUNT JEMIMA WOODBURY Pancake FLOOR SOAP 3i-Lb. Pkg.. 39c 4 Bars.27' ARMOUR TENDERLEAF CLEANSER 3 Cans ..... 25c “ B*«;cs _ ■ £