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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 18, 1951)
Lester W. Roberts Burial At Stuart STUART — Funeral services were conducted at 1:8U p. m. on Sunday, January 14, at the Stu art Community church for Lester W. Roberts, 70, who died at his home in West Plains, Mo., on Wednesday, January 10. He had suffered from heart trouble for several years. Lester Wilson Roberts was born in Dunlap, Kans., on October 11, 1880, where he grew to man hood. On October 8, 1800, he was united in marriage to Ida Mae Gleason, of Council Grove, Kans. To this union four children were born. They made their home in Dunlap for about three years and then moved to Stuart where Mr. Roberts engaged in farming. Alter tarming at Stuart for eight years Mr. Roberts moved to Lead, S. D., where he worked for the Homestake mine for 10 years before moving to West Plains, Mo., where he bought a ranch. At West Plains he met his sec ond wife, Ella Robinson, and they were married on April 28, 1940. They have made their home at West Plains the last six years. Survivors include: Widow— Ella; daughter—Irene Fagan, of Portland, Ore.; sons — Wilson Scott, of the Philipppine Islands, and Fillmore Robert, of Igloo, S. D.; brother—Leonard, of Stuart. One daughter, Ruby, died when 1-year-old. Rev. Orin Graff, pastor of the Community church, officiated in the burial rites. Pallbearers were Clarence Johnson, Donald Krotter, O. A. Hendrickson, Fred Stracke, W. K. Smith, all of Stuart, and Elvin Coker, of O’Neill. Hear Financial Report on Bazaar— EWlNG— The Women’s Soci ety of Christian Service of the Ewing Methodist church met on Wednesday aiternoon, January 10, at the church parlors. Mrs. Henry Fleming had charge of the devotionals. The theme: ‘"What Is That in Thine Hand?” The president, Mrs. Earl Bil lings, presided at the business session. Committee gave final re ports on the bazaar and other fi nancial affairs of the society. This was followed by routme business. The lesson for the afternoon, ‘‘‘Our Responsibility Toward the Giver of All Gifts,” was also presented by Mrs. Fleming. At the close of the meeting, a luncheon was served by the host esses of the afternoon, Mrs. Wil liam £>pence and Mrs, Leland Welke. Table decorations carried out a New Year’s scheme. Bernelda Engler Enters Convent— STUART—Miss Bernelda Eng ler accompanied Miss Dorothy Bartlett to Grand Island Friday, January 12. From there she went to Lincoln to visit her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Engler. On Sunday she left Lincoln for Atchinson, K.ans., where she will enter the Convent of Mount St. Scholastica. Miss Engler is the daughter of Mr. and Mis. B. C. Engler. She graduated from Stuart high school with the class of 1949 and attended college at Yankton, S. D., last year. New Officers Are r- tsenled Gifts— The Elkhorn extension club met at the home of Mrs. Roy Lowry Tuesday, anuary 9. The lesson on "New Fabrics” was given. Regular dues and council dues were paid. Also, each member contributed 50 cents toward the polio fund. The guessing game was won by Mrs. Harry Graham. Mrs. Bob Cook presented the new officers with a small gift. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Parker Tues day, February 13. — Mrs. Flor ence Schultz, reporter. Minnesotans Here— Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Wads worth and children, of Spicer, Minn., visited with Mrs. Florence Schultz over the weekend. O’NEILL TRANSFER John Turner, Prop. ★ Daily Trips Omaha to O’Neill O’Neill to Omaha Irregular Trip* O’Neill to All Nebraska Points ★ Telephones: O'NEILL-141-J OMAHA—A. T. 0560 ★ Your Patronage Appreciated [HAVING decided to move to Chadron, Nebr., we will offer at public auction the followin g described real estate and m personal property on . . . m Friday, January 26th, 1951 { PERSONAL PROPERTY SELLING BEGINS 11 A. M. REAL ESTATE SELLING BEGINS 2 P. M. § LUNCH ON GROUNDS V Good 1,520-Acre Worth-Holt County Ranch { -John \V Pinnt ELanch - I5.ZO AcLBLCf, , 16 Ml. NAV or O’NEILL Pastures fcucn? 4 c“°^ ff^tD M l Ml. bo°TH To Sen fi’L M M *-* LOCATION OF LAND - Fourteen miles north of O'Neill, Nebr., on U. S. Highway 281, 4Va miles west to east edge of ranch (or 5 Va miles to set of buildings); or 10 miles north and 10 miles east of Atkin son, Nebr., on the new county road connecting Highways 281 and 11; or 8Va miles south of the Spencer, Nebr., hydro dam and 4Va miles west. Rebuilding of Highway 281 and comple tion of new east-west county road provides good road facilities. DESCRIPTION OF LAND - Entire ranch is fenced and cross • fenced, all fences are three-wire except one, which is woven wire. Four pastures and each is watered by springs and streams that flow into Eagle creek. About 140 acres are under cultivation. Balance —about 1,380 acres—is about equally divided for hay or pas ture. Land is rolling, lots of winter protection for livestock, soil is sandy loam and grass is hardy. This is a fine layout for a cattle raiser, and in the past has been known as the Mc Nulty Ranch. Produced very good small grain crop and good corn crop in 1950. TERMS & CONDITIONS - Real estate will be sold as a unit. Abstract showing mer chantable title will be furnished. Possession will be given om March 1, 1951. Twenty-five percent of bid payable day ®f sale; balance on delivery of deed and possession on or before March 1, 1951. Land will positively be sold to highest bidder. I LEG ALLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: All of Section 1 2, Range 1 3, Township 3 1 - 640 Acres E1/2SE!4 of Section 1, Range 1 3, Township 3 1 --- 80 Acres S]/2SW/a of Section 3, Range 1 2, Township 31 --- 80 Acres NW/4SW/4 of Section 5, Range 1 2, Township 3 1 - 40 Acres S]/2SV2 of Section 6, Range 1 2, Township 31 - 1 60 Acres NWJ4SWJ4 of Section 6, Range 12, Township 31--- 160 Acres NJ4 of Section 7, Range 1 2, Township 31 - 320 Acres NWJ4 of Section 8, Range 12, Township 31 ---- 160 Acres Total _ 1,320 Acres 40 - HEAD OF CATTLE - 40 Light Calves — Mixed Steers — Heifers 1 Cow 1—Good Saddle Horse, gentle 1—Sorrel Mare, 3-years-old, green, broke to ride. TERMS ON PERSONAL PROPERTY: CASH. I IMPROVEMENTS - Include five-room, one-floor dwelling which has year-around spring water in house. Large barn, fair condition; hog house, 14’ x 10’, with con crete floor; three granaries 3,500-bu. capacity; new two-car garage; chicken house; brooder house; telephone and share in line go with place; on mail route served by O’Neill postoffice; REA-surveyed and easements signed; about two miles from rural school. (PHOTO AT LEFT LOOKING WEST AT IMPROVEMENTS) Sale of Personal Property and Real Estate I AT ONE LOCATION I For convenience, the sale of real estate, livestock, machinery and other 91 i personal properly will take place at one location — on the U. E. OWENS B RANCH, 19 miles north of O'Neill, Nebr. (to top of hill on north side of B Eagle Creek) on U. S. Highway 281, 4 miles west, 1 mile south. 2 miles B west and 4 miles north. This is the place where Mr. and Mrs. Pinnt now B reside. B Sale of Personal Property Begins 11 A. M. I Sale of Real Estate Begins 2 P. M. B IN THE EVENT OF STORM CONDITIONS, SALE WILL BE POSTPON- I ED UNTIL WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31, 1951, AND SERIES OF RADIO B ANNOUNCEMENTS WILL BE MADE AT 9:45 A. M. ON SATURDAY, B JANUARY 27; MONDAY, JANUARY 29; WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 31, B WJAG, NORFOLK, NEBR,, 780 K. C. B Machinery, Etc. 16-Ft. Massey-Harris Disc, new. Massey - Harris 30, 1950, bought F-12 Farmall, overhauled last fall in August. Dehorning Chute, all-steel. 7-Ft. John Deere Power Mower. Many Other Articles Tools, Etc. 6-Ft. Trail Mower. 1950 GMC '/z-Ton Pickup, new 12-Ft. IHC Hay Rake, stock rack, deluxe cab, 4-speed John Deere Hay Stacker, transmission. Tractor Sweep. Hammermill, 13-In. Belt. Feed Bunker. Good Buzz Saw. GI Corn Picker, very good. 4—New Rims. 4-Section Harrow 4—8x25-20 10 - Ply Tires, new Tank Heater, tubes. 2—Iron Wheel Wagons. ABOUT 250 TONS 1950 HAY — SOME FURNITURE «