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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 28, 1950)
WESLEYAN METHODIST (O'Neill) Rev. Melvin Grosenbach, pastor December 2b: Prayer meeting, 8 p. m. ^Jpeeember 31: Sunday-school, It) a. m.; worship, 11 a. m. Watch night service, beginning af 10 p. m. The order of the ser vice will be a singspiration, spe *ial music, praise service, com munion in the closing part of the ^rvice. January 6: Prayer conference to be with us. Morning service, 10:30; children’s meeting, 1:30 p. m.; afternoon service, 2. ' Everyone is welcome to these j services. Thought for the New Year: 1 pre s toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus. CENTER UNION (O'Neill) Rev. Melvin Grosenbach, pastor December 27: Prayer meetmg in the home of Otto Lorenz. January 31: Trayer meetmg in the nome of Fred Lorenz. T| December 31: Worship, 10 a. m.; Sunday-school, 11 a. rn.; eve ning service, 7:30. Ail are invited to attend. Ifor our meditation for the New Year: Philippians 111:13-14: Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing i do, forgetting those thn lgs which are behind, and reecmng forth unto those things which are before, 1 press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Jesus Christ. ST. PETER'S EPISCOPAL (Neligh) E. H. Cowger, lay assistant to i/Rev. E. J. Seeker, of Norfolk Prayer, 9 a. m., Sunday. Ser mon: “The Fullness of Time.” ^Church school, 10 a. m., Sun Clay. Election of vestrymen for 1951 and delegates to the annual council at Fremont in May will be held immediately after service next Sunday. Reservations for the dinner for Mi. Cowger’s ordination at | Creighton can be made through Mrs. Eddie Hladovcak any time before January 20. The date for the ordination is January 25. COMMUNITY (Stuart) Rev. Orin Graff, pastor 1 Unified services, 10 a. m., ev fery Sunday. Study classes for I everyone. I Sermon, December 3: “When Time Runs Out.” Psalms 89. SCHOOL TO RESUME , v ATKINSON — The Atkinson public school will resume class work on Tuesday, January 2, and St. Joseph’s hall on Wednesday, January 3, following the yule recess. Ivan Kaiser, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kaiser, is spending a few days with his grandpar ents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Klim ent. and uncle, Ivan, in Atkin son. __ METHODIST (O'Neill) Rev. V. R. Bell, pastor Church school, 10 a. m., classes for all ages. Worship service, 11 a. m., spe cial music. Senior MYF, 7:30 p. m. The missionary circle will meet Thursday evening (tonight) with Mrs. Dale Fetrow, Mrs. Mott as assistant hostess. Mrs. Vernon Lorenz will lead the de votionals and Mrs. Neil Dawes will give the lesson from the stu- i dy book. The Young Adult Fellowship will have a covered dish supper Tuesday evening, January 2. The choir will practice Thurs day evening. The church school workers’ conference will meet Wednesday evening, January 3. We wish you all a happy New Year! Marvin Leach, son of Mr. and Mrs. Enard Leach, a former O’ Neill resident, arrived Saturday, December 23, to spend the Christmas holidays with his un cle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Leach. Marvin is in the army and is stationed in Texas. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Marcellus and family spent Christmas with Mr. Marcellus’ parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Marcellus, of Stuart. Friday, December 21, visitors in the Dick Minton home were the August Troshynskis, of At kinson. Mr. and Mrs. John Mullen and children were dinner guests on Christmas of Mr. and Mrs. John Dvorak and family, of Atkinson. In the afternoon they visited Mrs. Mullen’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Disterhaupt. Mrs. Lizzie McKim, of Clear water, was a Christmas day guest of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle McKim and family. She is Mr. McKim’s mother. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kurtz, of Long Pine, spent Sunday and Christmas with their son, Rob ert Kurtz, and Mrs. Kurtz and children. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Krause and daughters were guests of Mr. Krause’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Krause, of Albion, on Christmas. For income tax services see: R. H. Shriner. O'Neill. * 34c Mrs. Ethel Olson, of Lincoln, came to spend the holidays with her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Walter, and family. Another daughter, Miss Marion Olson, R. N., of Iowa Ci ty, la., arrived Tuesday, Decem ber 26, to visit a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Parks were hosts to a family gathering on Sunday, December 24, for Christmas and in honor of their daughter, Anita Marie’s, first birthday anniversary. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Parks, of Sidney, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Parks, Mr. and Mrs. Merwyn Parks and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parks, sr., all of O’Neill. Miss Ruth Pribil, R. N. at St. Vincent’s hospital in Sioux City, arrived Saturday, December 23, to spend Christmas with her fa ther, John Pribil, and her sister, Mrs. George Wilson, and family. She returned to her duties at the hospital on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Putnam and boys were guests Christmas of Mrs. Putnam’s mother, Mrs. Ella Nelson, of Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Verzal and son, Jerry, of Atkinson, spent Christmas with Mrs. Verzal’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Quin. The Misses Patty and Alice Berger, of Clearwater, were weekend guests in the home of Mrs. Clara Schaffer. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Spry and family attended a family gather ing on Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Tenborg, of Emmet. Other guests were: Mrs. Katie Sterns, of O’Neill; A. L. Sterns, of Inman; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sterns and family, of Woodriver, and Mr. and Mrs. Forrest Smith and Dale Stems, all of Grand Island. Guests on Sunday and Christ mas of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Sand ers and children were Mrs. Sand ers’ mother, Mrs. Mary Apple gate, and Charles Leach, of Fre mont. For income tax services see: R, H. Shriner, O'Neill. 34c Dinner guests Christmas of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dumpert were Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Cleary, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Cleary and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clement Cleary and family and Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Schaaf and family, all of Atkin son, and Mrs. Izetta Woods and son, Richard, of Excelsior j Springs, Mo. Mr. and Mrs. Syl vester Ventiecher and children, j of Ewing, and Mr. and Mrs. C. J. : Sauser were afternoon visitors. Sgt. and Mrs. Rex Horner and daughter, Judy, of North Platte, were weekend visitors of Mrs. Horner’s father, P. V. Hickey, and other relatives. They return ed home Sunday, December 24. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Kaiser and daughter, Shirley, and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Weller and family, adl of Atkinson, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kaiser and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harden Anspach departed Wednesday for Missouri where they will spend several days. Miss Alice Scofield, a student nurse at Bryan Memorial hospi- j tal in Lincoln, arrived Saturday for a week’s visit with her moth er, Mrs. Jess Scofield. Her sister, Miss Berneice Scofield, R. N., of Omaha, was also a guest but left Christmas day. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cook receiv ed Christmas greetings by tele phone from her brother, M/Sgt. Phillip S. Simmons, of Old Or chard Beach, Me., and from their son, Robert, and family, of Om- j aha. Mrs. Esther Cole Harris and son, Guy, entertained Mrs. Alice Bridges and sons on Sunday and the following day the Harris’ went to the Bridge home for din ner. Mrs. Pearl Jacobson, of Des ! Moines, la., arrived Tuesday for a few days’ visit with her son, M. E. Jacobson, and family. For income tax services see; R. H. Shriner, O'Neill. 34c Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kaiser and family visited Christmas af ternoon with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kliment, and brother Ivan, at Atkinson. Others there were Mr. and Mrs. Ixon1 SECTION 2 — PAGES 9 TO 12 Thompson and son, of Bloom field, and Mr. and Mrs. James Dobias and family, of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Stutz and family spent Sunday and Christ mas with relatives at Petersburg. Family Gathering— A family gathering was held Christmas day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Bazelman. Guests included: Mrs. Hattie K. Fox, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver J. Gilg and Bob, of Newport; Mr. i and Mrs. Lindsey J. Fox and family, of Columbus; Mr. and Mi l. Ramon Fox, of Omaha; Mr. and Mrs. Clifford C. Fox, of Bas sett; Mr. and Mrs. Dillon Fox and Lynn Adair, of Ainsworth; J Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred L. Seger and family, of Stuart; Mr, and Mrs. Don Kaup, of Newport; Miss Amy P. Fox, of Sioux Falls, S. D., and Miss Deloris Karo, of Stuart. Former Holt Man Shot Down in Korea ATKINSON —Word has been received and confirmed that the jet plane piloted by Lt. Adair Doyle, son of Mrs. Merl Doyle and grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoohstra, of Atkin son, was shot down in enemy ter ritory in Korea. Mrs. Doyle, formerly of Atkin son, had been living with her son in Japan but expected to arrive soon at the home of her daugh ter, Mrs. Dorothy Ann Sargent, of Phoenix, Ariz. Lieutenant Doyle was a grad uate of West Point military acad emy. For income tax services see: R. H. Shriner. O'Neill. 34c T pBahneed dlUlwlVIiVlt' I i • 11 * ■ | LOHAUS MOTOR ||i | r^“ COMPANY J' ■''' ' ' '---. - 1^^ OUR RECENTLY INSTALLED Jkln OEM \ ViSUBALANCER i LOHAUS MOTOR CO. PHONE 16 O’NEILL COME WHAT MAY . . . McDonald’s is deter mined to bring you the White Sale bargains you expect. We’ve slashed prices! Many savings even greater than last year! Buy for the future I LIMITED TIME ONLY! Imagine! Virgin wool top quality extra long DONCREST BLANKETS a nr What a buy! 100% wool DON M CREST blankets in handsome solid ~ * colors. Heavy 3 Vi-pound weight in brushed nap finish. Wide rayon satin bindings. 72x90. Made to our stand ards for super value. Compare! 5% wool double 25% wool double b“"‘ 4’7 677 2 blankets in 1. Large dou- 2 fine blankets in 1. Large ble bed size in heavy qual- double bed size. 72*84 in ity block plaids. Pleasing quality block plaids. Rich colors, sateen binding. colors, rayon satin-bound. BEDSPREADS Smart waveline chenilles with bullion fringe 497 Luxury for little money! Fine, % gauge chenille tufting in wanted wavy line design. Luxuriously trimmed with heavy bullion fringe. Choice of solid colors. Save now! Sale! Wedding ring chenilles Allover wedding ring design in / / solid color, closely tufted chen ille. Extra wide and long for plenty of drape. Compare! Tested super quality type 140 DONCREST SHEETS Firm, sniootn finish; 19P0 waarl 2.97 81x108 Your sheet buv of the year! Doncrett sheets, raauo by a famous maker to McDonald’s strict standards. Finest quality cotton, over 140 threads to the square inch. Full-bleached, torn to size for wide, even hems. Stock up now and save! 72x108.2.77 " _ 42x36 pillow cases.99c PEPPERELL SHEETS MONEY-BAK SHEETS Type 128 in firm quality. a ■* Made for ua for you. Type 4/ Bleached white. Wide, even ^ 1 J| 128. Smooth finish, firm hems. Packed 2 sheets ia J weave. Full bleeched. Wide 81x99 re-usable pliofilm bag. 81x99 even hems. A top vehiet 81x108.2.67 42x36 coses.54c 81x108.2.57 42x36 ernes.81< BATH TOWELS Famous terry slight irregularsl 37* Many colors! If perfect, these fine towels would sell for much more. Big 20x40 bath size, of pre mium cotton. Slight imperfections won’t mar their wear or beauty. Flamingo, rose, blue, maize, peach, green. Save on these! 1st quality matching wash cloths.9c 1st quality double tarry towels Big, handsome bath size towels in double loop construction for double absorbency. Solid colors. |-— - -.- 1 .; :;MB2 EXTRA SPECIAL THIS WEEK! SAVE ON HOME NEEDS! ... Terry wash cloths Chicken feather g bed pillows, only 6'» 97, 12x12 firm quality in Firmly packed with star* pastels or white, colored ilized feathers. ACA border. Save on these! ticking. See these now! Foam rubber pillows Irregulars 6.77 Airfoem Mays buoyant a lifetime. Zipper tick. Compere these anywhere! Opened sack towels Sale! 3'™ Slight imperfects, 30" square. For utility, dish towels. A real value! 36' outing flannel 36" bleached White, colors muslin, soft finish yd. 27/ Yd 33/ Firm quality, atripes or Fine quality, snowy white , plain. Many home uses. Reedy lor the needle.; Buy now for the future! liable ached awlh _17c JUST WHEN YOU NEED THE*’., JUST WHEN IT'S WISE TO BUY THEM ... BIG SAVINGS ON HOME NEEDS! OCT YOURS!