The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 28, 1950, 1 SECTION, Page 8, Image 8
FUTURE SUBSCRIBERS ! i . HEAD — Mr. and Mrs. Harry Head, of Minneapolis, Minn., a daughter, Evelyn Marie, weigh ing 5 pounds 13 ounces, born Tuesday, December 12, at Min neapolis. She is the first grand child of Mr. and Mrs. George Head, of ONeill. ELDER—Mr. and Mrs. Kieth Elder, of Colorado Springs, Colo., a son, Terry, bom Friday, De cember 22, weighing 6M pounds. Kieth is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Elder, of Atkinson. SCHOCHENMAIER — Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schochenmaier, of Bonesteel, S. D., a son, Leon Ray, weighing 7 pounds 11 oun ces, born Tuesday, December 19, at Sacred Heart hospital, at Lynch. Mrs. Schochenmaier is the former Francis Mauree Kal kowski. They also have one daughter. MILACEK—Mr. and Mis. Joe Milacek, of Lynch, a daughter, born Sunday, December 12, at the Sacred Heart hospital at Lynch. PETERSEN — Mr. and Mrs. Verlen Petersen, of Bonesteel, S. ' D., a son, born Sunday, Decem ber 17, at the Sacred Heart hos pital, at Lynch. DEVALL—Mr. and Mrs. Mar tin D e V a 11, of O’Neill, a son, born Tuesday, December 19, at the Sacred Heart hospital, at Lynch. TOMLINSON — Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Tomlinson, of O’Neill, a daughter, Jacqueline Lee, weigh ing 6 pounds 4 ounces, born Sat urday, December 23, at the O' Neill hospital. LAYH—Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Layh, of O’Neill, a son, Ricky Lee, weighing 8 pounds, born Monday, December 25, at the O’ Neill hospital. OLSON—Rev. and Mrs. Rob ert Olson, of O’Neill, a son, John Robert, weighing 7 pounds 2 ounces, born Monday, December 25, at the O’Neill hospital. MEYER—Mr. and Mrs. How ard Meyer, of O'Neill, a daugh ter, Rogene Kay, born Tuesday, December 26, at the O’Neill hos pital. PERRY — Mr. and Mrs. Bill Perry, of O’Neill, twins, son, weighing 7 pounds, daughter, weighing 794 pounds, bom Wed nesday, December 27, at the O’ Neill hospital. FRY— Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fry, of Ewing, a daughter, bom Tuesday, December 18, at the Tilden hospital. RAY — Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ray, of Omaha, a daughter, born Tuesday, December 18. Mrs. Ray is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Tomjack, of Ewing. CHURCH NOTES (Other CHURCHES on Page 9.) ASSEMBLY OF GOD (O'Neill) Rev. Wayne Hall, pastor The boys’ and girls’ Christmas party is today (Thursday) at 2 p. m. in the church basement. We thank the Lord for all that has been accomplished and for the growth of our Sunday-school and church in the past year. We can say with the prophet of old “Hitherto hath the Lord helped us.” Sunday-school, 10 a. m., classes for all ages. Worship, 11 a. m. Young people’s meeting, 7:30 p. m. Worship, 8 p. m. Prayer and Bible study, Wed nesday, 8 p. m. Don’t forget the special meet ing Monday, January 8, at 8 p. m. with the former communist, Kenneth Goff, of Englewood, Colo. You wil Want to hear this for sure. Happy New Year to all! IMMANUEL LUTHERAN (Atkinson) Rev. Robert Olson, pastor Sunday, December 31: Divine service with the celebration of Holy Communion, 9:15 a. m. Sunday-school, 10:30 a. m. Tuesday, January 3: Voters’ meeting, 8 p. m. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN (O'Neill) Rev. Ralph Gerber, pastor Sunday, December 31: Sunday school, 9:45 a. m., classes for ev eryone. Worship service, 41 a. m., ser mon by the pastor, music by the choir. CHRIST LUTHERAN (O'Neill) Rev. Robert Olson, pastor Sunday, December 31: Sunday school, 10 a. m. Divine service with celebration of Holy Com munion, 11:45 a. m. Saturday, January 6: Confirm ation class, 3:30 p. m. Visitors Here— Mr. and Mrs. Tom Semlak, of Norfolk, visited her father, Tom Enright, and Miss Loretta En right. Another guest was Louis Storm, of Rapid City, S. D. -—— SICK & INJURED O’NEILL—Miss Bemeice Sco field, R. N., entered St. Cath erine’s hospital in Omaha Wed nesday, December 27, for an op eration. . . May McGowan suf fered a stroke Saturday and was removed from her home to O’ Neill hospital in a Bigiin Bros. aniDulance . . . W. H. David is in the Lutheran hospital in Norfolk, his condition is good” . . . Mrs. Harold Young was taken ill Fri day while she was ’in Lincoln visiting her children. She enter ed a hospital Tuesday. . . Lar ry Fay Robeson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fay Robeson, is in O’Neill hospital suffering an intestinal infection. ATKINSON—Lou Verzal, At kinson businessman, was taken to Our Lady of Lourdes hospital Friday afternoon, December 22, for emergency surgery. He was accompanied to Norfolk by his wife and his nephew, Joe Living ston. . . Eileen Wagman, who last week received a wound in her left eye from shot from an air n lle, was able to spend Christmas at home. Doctors believed that the shot might have to be remov ed by surgery but she was to re turn to the hospital after Christ mas. The shot worked itself out, j but the little girl went to Norfolk for a check anyway. NORTH OF STUART — The Herbert Sweet family has been ill with colds and influenza the past week. . . Miss Lucille Mit chell, teacher in district 52, dis missed school two days before the scheduled vacation due to illness. The children postponed their Christmas party until school calls after New Year’s, hoping that both teacher and pu pils absent with whooping cough would be able to be back. . . Mrs. j Charles Dobias is taking her turn with the whooping cough along with her boys, Roger and Rodney. . . Mrs. Raymond Hoff man has spent the past week in the Bassett hospital. STUART—Patty Cadwallader, age 2, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bob Cadwallader, had her leg broken Saturday. A group of children were playing near some truck side boards which were leaning against a fence. Little Patty climbed on one of the side boaids, which overbalanced and fell on her. She was taken to the Stuart Community hospital where she has her leg in a cast. LYNCH—Bristow rural route mail carrier, J. V. Fernen, is back on the sick list with a heart ail ment . . . Verda Johnson, of Bone steel, S. D., was brought to the Sacred Heart hospital Sunday, December 24, suffering with pneumonia. . . Mrs. A. L. Schind ler fell and fractured two bones in her left hand while doing chores one day last week. EWING — Mrs Perry Saiser returned from Rochester, Minn., on Wednesday, December 20. Her condition was “much im proved." EWING NEWS Mrs. Harriet Welke entertained her family at a 12 o’clock dinner on Christmas. Invited guests were: Mr. and Mrs. Leland Wel ke and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Schmiser and family, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Shain, Miss Vaulda Welke, of Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Schmidt and family, and H. R. Porter. Mr. and Mi's. Waldo Davis were overnight guests of her mother, Mrs. Louise Beal, of Or chard, on Christmas eve, and guests of Mr. and Mrs. Homer barton and family, also of Or chard, on Christmas day. Mrs. Charles Whittemore, of Polk, was a guest at the home of her son and daughter-in-law, Supt. and Mrs. Rodney Whitte more, and children on Christmas. Merton Dierks, who attends the University of Nebraska, came home Wednesday, December 20, for a two-weeks’ vacation which he will spend at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Dierks. mis. wilda Carr and children, of Holdrege, arrived in Ewing Saturday to spend the holiday vacation at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. H. Dierks. Mrs. James L. Pruden, Mrs. Charles Chappell and Miss Ina ! Bennett attended the Christmas | style show and tea held at the Neligh high school auditorium on Friday, December 15. Seventy five of Miss Fern Pruden’s stu dents modeled garments. The Fu ture Homemakers of America al so presented a program. Mrs. Charles Chappell, Miss Ina Bennett and Mis. J. L. Pru den accompanied Miss Fern Pru den to Lincoln on Saturday. Miss Bennett called on her sister, Mrs. Ruth Waples, who is a patient in a hospital. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Pruden and Mrs. Clara Tucker drove to Chamberlain, S. D., on Friday for a visit at the P. B. Cooper home. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Billings en tertained their daughter and son in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dunaway, and Bonnie Beth at 6 o'clock dinner Sunday. On Christmas, Mr. and Mrs. Leland Weike were hosts to the members of Mrs. Welke’s family at a 6 o’clock buffet dinner in their recreation room. Turkey was served with all the trim mings. A beautiful Christmas tree, loaded heavily with gifts, was the center of attraction. Guests present were her father, R. H. Jefferies: her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jay Hixson, and family, of Long Pine; her brother and sister-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Jef feries, and children, of Ewing. | LYNCH NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kerech, jr., of Spencer, visited at the Lloyd Mills home one day this week. Dictrict 35, northwest of Lynch, with Mrs. Wayne Taylor as tea cher, held a Christmas program Thursday, December 21. After the program, Santa Claus made his annual visit and sandwiches, pie and coffee were sold. Martin DeVall, of O’Neill, spent Wednesday, December 20, visit ing relatives in Lynch. Clara Vlcan, of Lynch, spent the holidays at the Thomas Vl can home. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Kocian and family, of Spencer, spent Christmas day at Thomas Vlean’s. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kalkow ski and Larry, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Kalkowski and family attended the Christmas program at dis trict 37 in Knox county. Mr. and Mis. Wallace Court ney and Eugene spent Christmas day at the Vac Koscan home in Anoka. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Leadetke and family and Mr. and Mrs. Jer ry Sixta spent Saturday evening December 24, at the Wallace Courtney home. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kellar and family, of Spencer, visited at Guy Kellar’s one day last week. A layette shower was endered Mrs. Dean Oberle, of Dorsey, at the Lois Harris home Monday, December 18. Mrs. Oberle receiv ed many gifts. The hostesses ser ved a lunch at the close of the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Burbach, of Wynot, and Herman Schoch enmaier and Carol Ann, of Bone steel, S. D, spent Sunday, De cember 24, at the Albert Kal kowski home. On December 25 Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schchen maier and Carol Ann, of Bone steel, S. D., and Dale Barta were dinner guests there. Returns to Scottsbluff— The John McCarthy family, of Scottsbluff, returned Wednesday after having spent Christmas at the George McCarthy home and the Norman Gonderinger home. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Rummels, of Scottsbluff, visited her par ents, the Robert Schultzs, for Christmas. HOSPITAL NOTES SACKED HEART (Lynch) Mrs. Ernest Sixta, of Lynch, surgery, ‘up and about”; Mrs. Emil Klasna, of Spencer, surg ery, “doing well”. Lyle Leroy Hornback, of Spencer, emergen cy appendectomy, “satisfactory”; Mrs. Kay Kurtz, of O’Neill, medi cal case, “satisfactory”; Leona Sudbeck, of Fairfax, S. D., med ical case, dismissed; Henry Maly, of Spencer, medical case, dismis sed; Mary Wilson, of Fairfax, S. D., accident, dismissed; Tommy Soukup, of Spencer, accident, dismissed; Dennis Leo Steinback, of Verdel, appendectomy, “doing well”; Charles Siders, of O’Neill, medical case, condition “poor”; Mrs. C. E. Peppel, of Naper, min or surgery, dismissed; Mrs. Wil lard Emrne, of Naper, appendec tomy, “doing well”; Baby Donna June Hood, of Bristow, medical case, “improving.” Mrs. Don Best, of Verdel, ob stetrics, “doing well”; Eld Dreh er, of Bristow, medical case, “im proved”; Bernadette Engelhaupt, 1 of Spencer, emergency appendec tomy, “doing well”; Mrs. Cecil F'erneu, of Spencer, appendect omy, dismissed; Charles Kern, of Naper, medical case, dismis sed, Steve Ulcan, of Monown, ac cident, “doing well”; Mrs. Mel vin Salmen, of Fairfax, S. D., surgery, dismissed; Mis. Joe Reiser, of Butte, medical, dis missed; Laura Lampman, of An oka, medical case, dismissed; Mrs. Myrtle Pickering, of Red bird, medical, dismissed; John Bainbridge, of Bristow, “un changed”. O'NEILL HOSPITAL Admissions; December 22—Mrs. Joe Schollmeyer, of O’Neill, medical, condition “improved.” 23—Miss Mae McGowan, of O’ Neill, medical, condition “im proved”; Mrs. Virgil Tomlinson, of O’Neill. 25 — Mrs. Clayton Layh, of O’Neill; Mrs. Josie Crumley, of Page, medical, con dition "improved”; Mrs. Robert Olson, of O’Neill. 26 — Richard Fees, of Chambers, medical, con dition “fair”; Mrs. Howard Mey er, of O’Neill; Larry Fay Robe son, of O’Neill, medical, condi tion “improved.” 27—Mrs. Bill Perry, of O’Neill; Peggy Eppen baugh, of O’Neill, medical, condi tion “good.” Still in hospital: Pat Coyne, of O'Neill, condition “same.” Dismissals: December 22 — Mike Curran, of Amelia; Charles Vequist, of O’Neill. 23—Mrs. W. A. Anderson and daughter, of O’Neill. 24—Mrs. John Miller and daughter, of Ewing; Mrs. Joe Schollmeyer, of O’Neill COMMUNITY (Stuart) In hospital: Mrs. Lola Humer ick, of Stuart, condition “good”; Mrs. Len Axtell, of Dustin, con dition “good.” Admissions: December 18 — Mrs. Margaret Beisch, of Atkin son, medical. 19—Mrs. Ray Els bury, of Atkinson, minor surgery. 22 — Mrs. Tom Higgins, o f Brocksburg, medical. 23— Patty Cadwallader, of Stuart, accident patient. 24 — James Murphy, of Atkinson, medical. Dismissals: December 20 — Frank Solfermoser, of Atkinson, i 21—Mrs. Margaret Beisch, of At [kinson. 22—Mrs. Ray Elsbury, of Atkinson. 24—Mrs. Tom Higgins, of Brocksburg. MARRIAGE LICENSES Laurence Richard Faith and Miss Norma Bell Harmon, both [of Morrill, on December 20. Robert Merle Bowen, 23, and Victora Agnes Zakrzewski, 18, both of O’Neill, on December 23. Stuart, and ZaboauLrra %Haj Max Earl Cadwallader, 18, of 16, of Basett, on December 23. O'NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Howard Rouse were Christmas dinner guests at the home of her mother, Mrs. Carrie Borg. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Porterfield, of Wayne, arrived Sunday to spend a few days with their son in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Bartley Brennan, and son. Mr. and Mrs. James Adams re turned to their home in Lincoln after having visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clements, for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Ed ward Psotta, of Pilger, were also guests. Mrs. Mabel McKenna went to Omaha to visit her sons, Gene and Hugh, for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. John H. McCar ville and son, Michael, departed early Sunday for Ellsworth, Minn., to spend Christmas with Mrs. McCarville’s relatives. Miss Kathryn Osenbaugh, of Des Moines, la., spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Osfc? enbaugh and family. She is a ai3 ter of Mr. Osenbaugh. Their mother, Mrs. Mary Osenbaugh, who has been here for two months, returned home with her. Too Late to Classify WANTED: Avon Products Inc., needs at once mature woman living m Chambers to act as local representative to serve our regular customers. Hours arranged to suit your conven ience. Earnings from $1.50 to $3.00 per hour. Write — Mr#. Edna L. Wren, Box 114, Nor folk, Nebr. 34c NOTICE TO PARENTS There have been some inci dents where boys with air rifles have been shooting out street lights. This is to warn you that there is a city ordinance which prohibits the shooting of air ri fles or BB guns within the city limits. Violators of this ordinance will be prosecuted. CHET CALKINS, 34c Chief of Police WANTED: 2 or 3 room furnish^ ed apartment by couple, no children. Notify Frontier. 34p35 AVON Products Inc., will place qualified mature woman liv ing in Inman to serve regular established customers. Earn in your spare time. Regular need for products we offer allows for year-round income. Write —Mrs. Wren, Box 114, Norfolk, Nebr. 34c FOR SALE: Used electric stove. Cheap.—Mrs. F. J. Dishner, O’ Neill, phone 37. 34c FOR SALE: A Conn cornet in good condition. —DeloriS Far rier, phone 390LR, O’Neill. 34c MATURE woman wanted living in Chambers who needs extra income to supplement present family income. Earnings year round. Pleasant friendly con tacts. Details given without ob bligation. Write — “Mature Woman Wanted,” c/o this pa per. 34c DRS. BENNETT & COOK VETERINARIANS Pbon»s: 318. 424, 304 — O'NEILL — Announcement • We wish to announce that effective Tuesday, January 2, the Banks of O'Neill will remain open during the noon hour of each regular business day. The banking hours from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m_ will remain unchanged. • This policy of keeping the Banks open during the noon hour has been adopted fooe the convenience of our patrons. O’NEILL NATIONAL BANK — Member FDIC — t: :anksi| for all the Reservations for the BIG NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY If you like plenty of fun you will have it at.. . THE FRIENDLY CLUB SLAT’S CAFE HATS - BALLOONS - HORNS Everything to Insure an Evening of Fun and Gaiety ! P. S.: As our space is limited, we can admit on reservations only. P. P. S.: Happy New Year; I—SLATS. BEST WISHES FOR A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR / GOOD MERCHANDISE • REASONABLY PRICED - IS OUR POLICY j □ QUALITY MEATS FEATURING IN CUDAHY'S 60TH ANNIVERSARY SALE Per Lb. PORK STEAK.49c WEINERS, Lb.53c FRESH PIGS’ FEET, Lb.12c ROASTING Chickens DRESSED, DRAWN PER LB._ ___ ! QUAKER OATMEAL, 3i-Lb. Bx. 33c DIXIANA 3»/a-Lb. Bag PANCAKE FLOUR.... 41c GARDEN PARTY NAPKINS, Each.10c GOLDEN VALLEY 2 No. 2'/a Cans PUMPKIN.37c G. N. NAVY BEANS, 5-Lb. Bag.... 59c PLESMORE , 10-Os. Pkg. MARSHMALLOWS.... 18c LARGE EUREKA WALNUTS, 2 Lbs.79c To You Our Friends AND CUSTOMERS A HEARTY “THANK - YOU” For the fine support and co-operation you hav,? given us throughout this past year. □ FRESH FRUITS I AND "I VEGETABLES | YAMS, 3 Lbs.25c | TEXAS JUICE ORANGES, Lb,. 7<= EATMORE 2 Lbs. CRANBERRIES.35c - FANCY DELICIOUS Apples BUSHEL O QO BOX- 3)0>0«7 I NBTREHfl POULTRY - HOG - SftTTLE FEEDS f i OR POULTRY — FOR HOGS — FOR CATTLE— I EGG CRUMBLES PIG PUSHER 32% DAIRY SUPPLEMENT i BALANCER CRUMBLES 24% PIG & SOW SOYBEAN MEAL - PELLETS - CUBES I 33% CONCENTRATE 40% SUPPLEMENT _ MOLASSES CUBES - MINERAL SALT J EGG MARKET C||f>f IIBMPD CASH FOR YOUR I I - I D || OThLII APlJutl CREAM I 1 -I'll. foods poultry BEFORE YOU SELL p“„ ONE,LL. NEBRASKA G,oc„ HIDES 1 Phones 56, 78 Country Pickup on Poultry ——a—mammmm— _I