| LEGAL NOTICE (First pub. Dec. 14, 1950) NOTICE OF SCHOOL LAND LEASE SALE Notice is hereby given that the Board of Educational Lands and Funds, or its authorized representative, will offer for lease at public auction on the 8th day of January, 1951, at 3:00 o’clock P. M., at the office of the County Treasurer of Holt Coun ty, in O’Neill, Nebraska, the fol lowing educational lands within Holt County. Said public auction is to be open one hour. Sale will not be final until approved by thf Board of Educational Lands ami Funds. DESCRIPTION Sec. Twp. Rge. SVfe-NEy4_ 36 30 14 EMs _ 36 33 15 BOARD OF EDUCATIONAL LANDS & FUNDS Henry H. Bartling, Secretary. 32-34c ! (First pub. Dec. 14, 1950.) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney 1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS W Estate No. 3707 In the County Court of Holt tf County, Nebraska, December 7th, 1950. In the matter of the Es i ttre of Paul Schwisow, Deceased. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time limited for presenting claims a J’ gainst said estate is April 4th, 1951, and for the payment of , debts is December 7th, 1951, and ( that on January 4th, 1951, and i i on April 5th, 1951, at 10 o’clock A. M., each day, I will be at the County Court Room in said *f County to receive, examine, f hear, allow, or adjust all claims ■„ and objections duly filed. LOUIS W. REIMER, » County Judge. ■ (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 32-34c I (First pub. Dec. 21, 1950.) John R. Gallagher, Att’y. NOTICE TO CREDITORS V Estate No. 3708 t In the County Court of Holt f County, Nebraska, December if 14th, 1950. In the matter of the > Estate of Clarence C. Wrede, De v ceased. CREDITORS of said estate are hereby notified that the time f limited for presenting claims a f gainst said estate is April 11th, ‘ 1951, and for the payment of ^ debts is December 14th, 1951, and that on January 11th, 1951, end on April 12th, 1951, at 10 ; o’clock A. M., each day I will be at the County Court Room in I said county to receive, examine, ' hear, allow, or adjust all claims and objections duly filed. LOUIS W. REIMER, , County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 33-35c ! (First pub. Dec. 14, 1950.) NOTICE Notice is hereby given to all i concerned that the Board of Su- : pervisors of the County of Holt, Nebraska, will on the 4th day of \ January, 1951, hold a hearing at its j meeting room in the Courthouse at O’Neill, Nebraska, commenc- j ing at ten o’clock a. m., for tno purpose determining and fix- j ing the population of said Coun y of Holt for all county pur poses, when all persons interest- | ed may appear and present such testimony and evidence on the natter at issue as they may have. RUTH HOFFMAN. 32-34 County Clerk, j South of Stuart News Mrs. Bob Greenfield, Dianne and Danny and Mrs. Vernon Heyne and Mary Lynn were O’ Neill visitors Tuesday, December 19. Mrs. Ralph Cobb, Mrs. Joy Greenfield and Mrs. Bill Paxton attended the TPM bridge club held at the home of Mrs. Marion Davis. Minnie Haskins and Mrs. R. L. Paxton won prizes. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Winkler, Arlene and Jerry, Mr. and Mrs. Stub Kunz, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kunz and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Phillips and Suzanne, of Stockton, Calif., were Thurs day, December 21, supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Paxton and Larry. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Green field, Dianne and Danny were guests Christmas eve of her folks, Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Coker, and family. Mr. and Mrs. Darlin Lock man and Denny, of Norfolk, and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Heyne, of north of Newport, were Christ mas eve dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Heyne and children. Mr. and Mis. Bob Greenfield and children and Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Heyne and children were Christmas day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joy Greenfield. Mr. and Mrs. Vic Matousek, of North Platte, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Paxton, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cobb and Jerry Heyne were Sunday dinner and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Paxton and Larry. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kaup and children and Kenneth Ziska and Marilyn Funk, of Ewing, were Sunday dinner gue9ts of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ziska. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Deermer and family were Christmas day guests of Mrs. Theresa Deermer at Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hitchock, I Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Shald and family and Mr. and Mrs. George Hitchock, Mrs. Wright Hitchock and Herb Bitney were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Greenfield. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Greenfield wer Christmas day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cobb and fam ily. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Greenfield and Mr. Ralph Shald visited their mother, Mrs. Wright Hitch cock, in Atkinson Tuesday, De cember 19. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kaup and children, Mr. and Mi's. Don Kaup, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Schoberg, of Spencer, and Mrs. Vincent Mul len and daughter and Millie Kaup, of Omaha, were Christmas day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Kaup. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Rhodes were O’Neill visitors Monday, Decem ber 18. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Shald and son spent Sunday night Decem ber 17, at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mis. Clyde Blake near- Springview. Mr. and Mi’s. Frank Weichman, jr., and children spent Christmas day in the Leonard Olbording home. Mr. and Mrs. John Shald and boys, Mr. and Mrs. Art Olberding and family, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Shald and Johnnie, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Shald and son and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hoffman were Christmas day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hoffman. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weich man, jr., and children attended the family Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Aloys Kaup Thursday night, December 21. Santa Claus visited the children there. Mrs. joe wail Unger was an Ainsworth visitor Tuesday, De cember 19. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Shald and son spent Christinas eve in Ains worth at the home of Mi's. Shald’s grandmother, Mrs. Ethel Blake. George Shald sawed lumber last week east of Atkinson at the John Pruss place. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Moon and Van, Mr. and Mrs. John John son, of Newport, and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Boettcher and sons, of Newport, were Christmas day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moon. Delores Battenhorst, of Oma ha, and Jimmie Batenhorst, of Broken Bow, arrived home Fri day, December 22, to spend Christmas at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Batenhorst. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Goebel and children spent Christmas day with her father, Tom Berry. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wal linger and family spent Christmas day at the home of her mother, Mrs. Katie Papke. Mrs. Pearl Shriner, of New port, and Dale Shriner, of Wis ner, were Christmas day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Walling er. Mr. and Mrs. Gesald Barnes, and family were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Perry Barnes. Bardy Givens attended the cub Scout meeting in Stuart last week. Mii-s. Joe wamnger entertain ed the Monday evening bridge club, December 18. A Christmas present exchange was held. Mrs. Mary Wallinger and Mrs. Viola Goebel won prizes. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Barnes and family spent Christmas day at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Tasler. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Gilbert and fam ily, of Colorado, were also guests. Mrs. Harold Givens accompan ied the Brownies caroling Tues day night, December 19. Hei daughter Annette, was one oi the group. A Christmas party was held at the Dr. Clark home afterwards. Mr. and Mrs. Mullong, of Nor folk, Mr. and Mrs. Art Givens "■■a and family and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Ziska and family were Christmas day guests of Mr. and Mis. Harold Givens and child ren. Mrs. Gertrude Kaup spent Christmas day with her daugh ter, Mrs. J. P. Murphy, and fam ily. Mr. and Mi's. Harold Givens and family and Mr. and Mrs. Art Givens were Sunday afternoon guests of the ladies’ parents Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Pongratz near Joe Krobot has been helping pelt at the fox farm. John and Vincent Obermire spent Christmas at the home of their sister, Mrs. Joe Krobot, and family. Mary Ann Miksch went to Hastings Tuesday, December 26, to work for her sister, Mrs. Con rad Bott, who is soon going to have an operation. Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan, of Grand Island, arrived Friday and spent Christmas at the Fred Tas I ler home. Other guests Christ mas day were: Fred’s mother, Mrs. Tasler, the Ray CVarns fam ily, and Cecil Radcliff. Sylvester Kramer went to O maita Tuesday, December 19, on business. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cobb were Ainsworth visitors Friday, De cember 22. Mr. and Mi's. Lee Phillips and Suzanne were dinner and sup per guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Paxton Friday, December 22. !Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moon, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Heyne and Mary Lynn, Mrs. Ray Greenfield, Mrs. Lee Hyland, Mrs. Bill Pax ton and Suzanne Phillips attend ed the Christmas program at dis trict 58 Friday, December 22. Mrs. Donald Krotter is the teach er. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hyland and Kay spent Christmas with her mother, M.i-s. Bertha Johnson, in Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ziska and Mr. and Mrs. Art Ziska and Donnie visited Wednesday night, December 20, at the Joe Krobot home. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Phillips and Bill Paxton w'ere OTNeill visitors Friday, December 22. Mr. and Mrs. Stub Kunz and Mr .and Mrs. Billy Paxton and Larry were guests Christmas day of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wink ler. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kunz and family, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Phillips and Suz anne ani Margaret Kunz. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kaup, jr., went to O’Neill Friday, Decem ber 22, to get their daughter, Joan, of Omaha, who spent Christmas at home. Mrs. Floyd Fuller and Bob were O’Neill visitors Friday, De cember 22. Lee Hyland attended the Bas sett sale Wednesday, Deeembei 20. Stub Kunz, Bill Paxton, ami Lee Philips accompanied Joe Kunz and sons to Butte Wednes day, December 20. Mrs. Stub Kunz zattended th< Christmas program at the school taught bv her sister, Mrs. Elmei Vogel, Friday, December 22, lo cated south of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Pete Fox-sworthy | of Wyoming and Orlo Rhodes spent Christmas at the Ray Rhodes home. Mr. and Mrs. Stub Kunz and Mr. and Mrs. Lee Phillips and Suzanne were dinner guests Sun day in the E. O. Slaymaker home in Atkinson. Stub and Lee were “buddies” in the army. Clearwater Stays Among Unbeaten The Clearwater high school Cardinals remained undefeated Friday night, December 22, by blasting the St. Mary’s academy Cardinals, 53-32. The game, play ed on the ONeill floor, saw Clear water unleash a withering of fense. Led by Barrett, who threaded the hoop for 20 points, the Clear water five was never in serious trouble, leading 26-10 at the half way mark. Barrett is a 20-point average performer in seven games. Against St. Mary’s he hit five of seven shots from out in the field during the short time he played in the second half. St. Mary’s scoring honors were shared by Joe Uhl and Jess Wills with nine points apiece. Barrett is a junior and early won respect of the sizeable crowd. Coach John Malloy’s team is studded with players who have one or more years competition. A large crowd of Clearwater fans followed the team to O’Neill. St. Mary’s reserves won the prelim, 20-8. Boxscore: ST. MARY’S (32) fg ft pf pts Wills 3 3 4 9 Becker 3218 Wanser . 2 0 14 Uhl 4 13 9 Donohoe 0 111 Carney 0111 Totals 12 8 11 32 CLEARWA’R (53) fg ft pfpts Thompson 2 2 16 Barrett 8 4 1 20 Nore 5 1 0 11 Prater 3 14 7 Moser 2 115 Kirchener 2 12 4 Totals 22 9 9 53 EWING NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Napier and Mrs. Daisy Miller were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Wunner on Sunday, December 17. December 16-17 weekend guests a tthe home of Mr. and Mrs. Roblcy Sisson, sr., were ; their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Sorenson, of Omaha. Mrs. John Sisson and Mrs. George Adrian were shopping in O’Neill on Saturday, December 16. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Marquardt were overninght guests at the home of his brother and sister in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mar quardt, at West Point on Sunday, December 17. They continued on their way to Omaha on Monday where Mr. Marquardt had a medical checkup. Waldo Davis transacted busi ness in Omaha on Monday and Tuesday, December 18 and 19. Mrs. Louise Beal, of Orchard, was a guest of Mrs. Davis during his absence. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Davis and family and Doris Lou Gunter, all 1 of Orchard, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Waldo Davis on Sun day, December 17. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Borden, of Omaha, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Borden, of Grand Island, Mr. and Mrs. Fern Cashatt and family, and Mrs. Lila Black, all of Bur well, attended the funeral of Mrs. Luse, the former Rose Borden, or Ewing, which was held at the Ewing Methodist church on Sun day, December 17. Mi's. Harriet Welke, and Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Shain were din ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Al —ni.rii hii• • a fonso Beelaert, sr., on Sunday, Decembtr 17. MEMBER BEAN BOWL '11' STUART — Jerry Henderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dale Hen derson, is home for the holidays. Jerry is a Doane college football letterman and played halfback on Noane’s Nebraska college con f e r e n c e championship team, which won the Bean bowl title by winning from Colorado State, 14-6. Visit Lynch— Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Allen and family went to Lynch for Christmas to visit Mr. and Mrs. Donald Allen. The Percy M. Anderson family went to Redbird for Christmas to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Anderson. f 9 50TH ANNUAL | I FIREMAN'S BALL I ' I ATKINSON, NEBR. g I I' I SUNDAY, DECEMBER 31, 1950 1 I Starting 8:00 P. M. 1 I At Crystal Ballroom g P MUSIC BY | I STARLIGHTERS I _ iii mi —————'rnirr~"—— Sell Them At Auction “The Sandhills Foremost Cattle Auction” SALE EVERY TUESDAY Due to lighter receipts from now on, we have discontinued our Special Monday Calf Auction and are combining it with our Regular Tuesday Auction. From Now on We Sell Both Cattle and Hogs on Tuesdays Hog Auction starts at 10:30 A. M. — Followed by Auction of Cattle. © Our extensive advertising system covers the entire cornbelt. Shipments this fall were made to 28 states — from New York to California and from Minnesota to Louisiana. \ • We have ample modern facilities to properly feed and care for your livestock. Expert salesmanship plus prompt and accur ate accounting together with a long established reputation for fair dealing assure you a square deal. We are proud of our repu tation.* , ✓ • For a good sale, bring or ship your livestock to the market that has the best outlet. Our charges are no more and probably less than you have been paying elsewhere. Atkinson Livestock Market Atkinson, Nebraska — Phone 3141 Our deepest thanks to our friends for their loyalty in the past/present and future* O’NEILL NATIONAL BANK — Member FDIC — » Thanks to the Greatest Public Demand any Motor Cars and Trucks Have Ever Enjoyed, the Latest Million Chevrclets have been Produced in Less Than 6 Months . . . Compared to 12 Years for the First Million I Wc join all other Chevrolet dealers in thanking our cus tomers for making possible this 25 millionth Chevrolet. For the only reason anyone makes more products is because people want more of them. We Chevrolet dealers are able to deliver more passenger cars and trucks than any other automobile dealers today because you prefer Chevrolet passenger cars and trucks over any other make. r——— So it is your overwhelming endorsement of the products and services we offer that is behind the pro duction of this 25 millionth Chevrolet less than six months after completion of the 24 millionth. We are sincerely grateful. And we believe the best way we can express our gratitude is to continue to offer you the very finest services and the very greatest values that we possibly canl -- MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CAR I LRS^HI MORE CHEVROLET TRUCKS IN USE THAN ANY OTHER MAUI Midwest Motor Co., Ltd. PHONE 100 O’NEILL _