The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, December 21, 1950, SECTION 3, Page 14, Image 14

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Mrs Ernest Sixta, of Lynch, !
surgery, ‘doing well”; Mrs. Joo
Reiser, of Spenoer, medical, con- i
dition "poor’’; ..ire Melvin John- |
son, of Bristow, medical, dismis- |
sed. ,,
Ray Alford, of Lynch, medical, I
dismissed; Mrs. Melvin Salmon. 1
of Fairfax, S. D., surgery, dis
missed; Steven Vlcan, of Mon- I
owi, accident, surgery, doing
well"; Charles Kern, of Naper,
medical, “doing weM"; Mrs. Emil |
Klasna, of Spencer, major sur- (
gery, ‘ doing well”.
Lyle Leroy Homback, of Spen
cer, i^jpendectomy, “doing well. ’ |
Mrs. Ray Kurtz, of O’Neill, med- j
cal, “satisfactory”; Leona Sued- i
beck, of Fairfax, S. D, medical, I
“satisfactory"; Mrs. Llye Fuh- |
rer, of Naper, obstetrical, “flair'’. |
Mary Wibon, of Fairfax, S. D., i
accident, “doing well”; Tommy
Soukup, of Spencer, accident,
"doing we41”; Leona lampman, \
at Anoka, medical, “improved’*; ,
Kathryn Muihair, of Lynch, med- j
ical. dismissed; Mrs Jerry Halva,
at Lyncti, medical, dismissed,
Mrs. Mrytte Pickering, of Red
bird, medical, “doing well”; Joe ,
Schmitz, of Naper, medical, dis
Mrs. John Zimmerle, of Butte,
medical, dismissed; Larry James
Woodruff, of Butte, surgery, dis
missed; Mrs Edwin Anderson,
at Bristow, surgery, dismissed;
Gail Eugene Mlady of Verdel,
medical, dianawed; Albert Lee i
Kruse, of Dorsey, medical, dis- 1
missed; Jams Mae Ellwianger, of
Butte, medical, “doing well”;
Jimmy Galer, of Verdel, surgery,
dismissed; John Bainbridge, at
Bristow, medical, “unchanged". 1
Admissions: December 13 —
Patrick Coyne, medical, condi
tion “fair." 14—Charles Vequist,
of O’Neill, medical, condition
“improved." 16—Mrs. Ralph Van
Buren, of Dorsey. 17 — Michael
Curran, of O’Neill, medical, con
dition ‘‘good’’; John Kellar, of i
Chambers, medical* condition ]
“good.” 19—Mrs. W. A. Ander
son, of O’Neill. 20 — Mrs John I ]
Miller, of Ewing.
Dismissals: December 14—Mrs.
Clyde Streeter of O’Neill; Mrs. 1
Laurence Haynes and daughter, 1
of O’Neill. 13—Mrs. Walter O’- |
Malley, of O’Neill; Mrs. John
Peter and baby girl, of O’Neill.
17 — Mrs. Gordon Block and 1
daughter, of Walnut; Mrs. Wil
liam Knox and daughter, of Ew
ing; James Boyle, of O’Neill. 18
—LeRoy Frohman, of Atkinson.
19—John Kellar, of Chambers; j1
Mrs. Ralph Van Buren and
daughter, of Dorsey.
In hospital: Mrs. Len Axtell,
of Dustin, "improving’’; Mrs. Lo
la Humerick, of Stuart, condition,
Admissions: December 11 —
Miss Elizabeth Wilcox, of Atkin
son, medical. 12 — Mrs. Law
rence Kaup, of Stuart, a baby
girl. 13—iMfrs. Gerald Papke, <it
Stuart, a baby boy; Frank Sul
fermoser. medical; Mrs. Henry |
Dobrovolny, of Atkinson, med
Dismissals: December 12—Mrs. |
Orin Graff and daughter, of At-1
kinson. 16—Miss Elizabeth Wil- I
oox, of Atkinson. 17—Mrs. Hen- |
ry Dobrovolny, of Atkinson; Mrs
Lawrence Kaup and daughter, of
Stuart. 18—Mrs. Gerald Papke
and son, of Stuart.
Penney Company Authorizes
Special Payment—
The board of directors of the
J. C. Penney company has au
thorized a special year-end pay
ment of an amount equal to two
weeks’ pay for all full-time asso
ciates who have been employed
for the full year of 1950 and pro
portionate amounts for extra and
part-time associates and those
employed less than a year.
All Penney associates except
management staff members,
whose earnings are determined
largely by the company’s long
standing plan, shared in the pay
ment. It was made on December
15 at each associate’s December
15 pay rate.
G. C. DeBacker, manager of
the J. C. Penney company store,
said that more than 50,000 Pen
ney associates throughout the
United States would participate
in the payment, including 12 of
the O’Neill store.
South of Stuart Newa
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Heyne
ind Mary Lynn were O’Neill vis
,tors Thursday, December 14.
Mrs. Joy Greenfield entertain
ed the Thursday afternoon
jridge club at her home Decem
aer 14. Minnie Haskins won the
arize. Mrs. Bill Paxton was a
Mrs. Wilbur Moon entertained
;he Wednesday bridge club at 1
her horn? Wednesday, Decern- i
jer 13. A Christmas lunch was
terved after which an exchange j
>f presents was held. Mrs. Walter J
Smith, jr., and Mrs. Vernon
Heyne won prizes.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Paxton and
Larry visited in the Murel Mc
Clure home in O’Neill Thursday
evening, December 14.
Charley Ostler went to Norfolk i
Saturday where he will spend
;he Christmas holiday with his
laughter, Mrs. Wayne Wilcoxn,
md family. He has been remod- j
ding the home of his sister, Mrs. 1
^alph Cobb.
Mr and Mrs Fred Moon, Don- :
lie and Alda, Mrs. Harrison Ho- j<
rey and Mrs. Joy Greenfield j
vent to Hatun, Colo., Friday, I
December 15, where they will «
fisit Joe Moon and family. i
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Paxton were
D'Neill visitors Friday, Decern- j 1
>er 15. I <
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kunz and
amily were Sunday supper >
?uests of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Pax- J
on and Larry. I
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cobb were
Mkinson visitors Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Keller and 1
amily, Mr. and Mrs. Allan <
Chestnut and Mary and Mr. and
Mrs. Norman Boettcher and boys i
vere Sunday dinner and supper
{uests of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur
Moon and Von.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Murphy and
'amily. Miss Mary Murphy, of !
Moorcraft, Wyo., and Mr. and
Mrs. Clement Murphy and boys
vere Friday evening guests of
VIr. and Mrs. Sylvester Kramer.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wallinger
vere O’Neill visitors Thursday,
December 14.
Mrs. Grace Wallinger visited
ler son, Joe, and family Sunday,
December 17.
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Vlach and
baby, of Atkinson, were Sunday
evening visitors in the Ralph
Cobb home.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Tasler went
to Spencer Tuesday, December
19, to attend the funeral of Mr.
raster’s aunt, Mrs. Joe Reiser, of
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Krobot and
Betty were Tuesday evening, De
:ember 12, guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Ziska.
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Warden,
d Springview, visited Wednes
iay, December 13, in the Roy
Rhodes home. Mrs. Warden is
Mrs. Rhodes’ niece.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Murphy
md family were guests Sunday
■vening of Mr. and Mrs. Eddie
A. M. Batenhorst returned
lome from Omaha Friday, De
ember 15.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Greger
md family were Sunday visitors
n the John Miksch home.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Krobot were
\insworth visitors Monday, De
ember 18.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Murphy and
amily were dinner guests Sun
iay, December 17, in the Ber
lard Kaup home at Newport.
Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Ulrich, of
Cearney, spent Saturday night
tt the A. M. Batenhorst home.
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Goebel
md childrden were Sunday din
ler guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rollo
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Greenfield,
vere Sunday dinner guests of
dr. and Mrs. Ralph Shald and
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Straka
md family visited Sunday at the
i.avern McKenna home at Wag
ner, S. D. In the afternoon La
^ern, an employee at the Ft.
Randall dam, took them through
:he project.
Mr. and Mrs. George Shald and
Johnnie visited Sunday after
noon in the Herman Kramer
Jimmy Batenhorst spent the
weekend at the home of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Baten
Mr. and Mrs. George Wedige
and children, of Atkinson, viisted
the Robert Batenhorst family on
Gene Batenhorst went to Oma
ha Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ziska
and Marvin visited at the Walt
er Kaup home Thursday evening,
December 14.
Mr. and Mrs. Stub Kunz were
Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Dvorak at Atkinson.
Don Nickman, ot Pleasanton,
accompanied Joe Batenhorst
home and visited until Sunday
I at the Robert Batenhorst home.
Mr. and Mrs. Stub Kunz were
Sunday supper guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Ballon.
FFA Wants Projects—
The O’Neill cnapter Future
Farmers of America held its last
meeting of the year on Tuesday,
j December 19.
Plans were made to make
money for our FFA banquet. We
i would make feed bunks, hog
troughs or anything else desired
for the cost of the materials plus
a small fee. The money will be
for our FFA banquet which will
be held in the spring. — By Ed
Tomlinson, reporter.
Mr. and Mrs. Dean Reed and
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Calkins
went to Grand Island Saturday,
December 16, to attend the
Thompson company’s annual
Christmas party. They returned
home Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Pruss and
boys and Henry Murphy, of Stu
art, went to Norfolk Saturday,
December 16.
Robert Wallace, who is attend
ing Creighton university in Om
aha, will arrive today (Thursday)
i to spend his Christmas vacatiion
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M.
J. Wallace.
Mrs. Dick Tomlinson went to
Nebraska City Tuesday, Decem
ber 19, to bring Micky home for
j Christmas vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Shelhamer
went to Sioux City Sunday, De
Icember 17, to visit Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin Shelhamer and their fa
ither, J. A. Shelhamer, who is in
I the Lutheran hospital.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hartford
were visitors at the Carl Lorenz
home Monday.
Read Letter from
Stuttgart — -
CHAMBERS — The Valley 1
Center extension club met Fri
day, December 15, at the home
of Mrs. Ray Hoffman for the an
nual Christmas party. All but
four members were present, also
several visitors.
At the business session, con
ducted by the president, Mrs.
Guais Wintermote, a letter was
read from Mrs. Paul Taggart, of
Stuttgart, Germany.
Mrs. Taggart thanked the club
for a large package of clothing
which had been sent to her to
distribute to needy families. She
spoke of drastic need for clothing
and how much it was appreciat- f
ed. Following the business meet
ing a program was enjoyed. Each
number was given by a group of
four ladies.
Lunch was served by the host
ess. The next meeting will be
with Mrs. Ed Harvey in January.
Arriving Saturday—
Mr. and Mrs. John McCarthy,
of Scottsbluff, will arrive Satur
day, December 23, to spend
Christmas with Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Gonderinger and Mr.
and Mrs. George McCarthy.
Mr. and Mrs. John McCarville
will leave Sunday for Ellsworth, t
Minn., to spend Christmas with
Mr. and Mrs. E. Egan.
I *
Beauty Routine Starts With Old-Fashioned Cleanlinesa
Jean Simmons, whose hands are important to her both as an
•stress and as a woman, bleaches them with lemon before apply
ing rich cream for smoothing them.
OLD-FASHIONED beauty tricks are often the best,
according to Jean Simmons, well-known British film
actress, who strives toward natural loveliness rather than
sophisticated glamor.
Although her beauty routines are simple ones, she
doesn’t overlook the importance of regular care. She
stresses that the basis of good looks is—first of all
cleanliness. Hair should be frequently washed, shining,
well-brushed. Faces should be thoroughly cleansed be
fore make-up is applied.
It’s important, she continues, to concern yourself with
beauty as a whole. Hands are too often neglected, she
SHE suggests this routine for keeping them always ready
for the spotlight of unexpected attention. Slice a
lenion in two and rub the cut half over your hand. This
will aid in bleaching, and in giving your hands the milky
look toward which current fashion is trending.
To make certain they are smooth as well as white, she
advises the use of a rich hand cream. Use this regularly
before retiring, and supplement its good work during the
day with a non-sticky hand lotion. Apply the lotion, after,
drying, to restore the oils that are lost when your fond*
are dipped in water.
. Our very
Mr. and Mrs.
and Family
1 'lA/t 6xt£n.cS Oun 1
|? Sta&orx^ Qneetm^ii ^
1 £ 11 j iW-Uh §
f r.vf
I. 9*t cuOAdU and
malic --a o&up u.
% Mevu> 2s
\ CltAHtmad. N ~
v IE JZI y -
O’Neill Livestock
Leigh and Verne Reynoldson, Mgrs
I Ends Saturday, December 23, 1950
Tires & Tubes and More ! j
Prices Slashed Hurry! Hurry! t ’
---.---1 I
Implements I ;