[CHRIST LUTHERAN (O'Neill) Rev. R. W. Olson, pastor Thursday, November 30: La dies Aid meets at the home of Mrs. Bert Barnhart, 2 p. m. Sun day-school teachers meet at the parsonage, 8 p. m. Saturday, December 2: Junior choir, 2 p. m. Christmas program practice for all children of the Sunday-school, 2:30 p. m. Confir mation instruction, 3:30 p. m. Sunday, December 3: Sunday school, 10 a. m.. Divine worship, 11:15 a. m. Wednesday, December 6: Com bined young people’s society, 7:30 p. m. In the name of the Saviour we bid you a cordial welcome to this house of God, its worship, its comfort and its peace. CHURCH OF CHRIST (O’Neill) Sunday, December 3 A. C. Utterback, pastor Bible school with classes for all ages, 10 a. m., followed by the Communion service at 11. The morning message will be “Words or Marble” by th£ minister. V The evening service at 8 o’ clock will be provided by mem bers of the congregation with the Bible message by Bennie Johr ing, devotional by Mrs. Vernon Tietsort, singing and special mu sic. A welcome is extended for both services at the little church three blocks south of the city library.—By Mrs. Donald Johr ing, secretary. IMMANUEL LUTHERAN (Atkinson) Rev. R. W. Olson, pastor I Friday, December 1: Meeting of the church council and budget committee at the parsonage, 8 p. m. Sunday, December 3: Divine worship, 9:30 a. m, Sunday ' school, 10:30 a. m. ‘Tuesday, December 5: Sunday school teachers’ meeting, 8 p. m. Wednesday, December 6: Com bined young people’s society, 8 p. m. “This is our church, come with us and make it your church.” ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN (Chambers) Rev. R. W. Olson, vacancy pastor Saturday, December 2: Confir mation instruction, 10 a. m. Sunday, December 3: Christ mas program practice for all children of the Sunday - school, 1:30 p. m. Sunday - school, 7:30 p. m. Divine worship, 8 p. rn. Visitors are welcome to all ser vices and activities of this con gregation. DANCE Summerland at Ewing Sunday, Dec. 3 Music By JIMMY CATON and His Orchestra METHODIST (O'Neill) Rev. V. R. Bell, pastor Church school, 10 a. m., classes I for everyone. Worship service, 11a. m., spe cial music by the choir. Senior MYF, 7:30 p. m. We are deeply grateful to those who “took over” while we had to be in Omaha for a few days. We thank Mrs. E. J. Eby for giving the fine talk on Sun day morning. It is heart warming to know we have so many to step in when an emergency a rises. Next Sunday morning, Decem ber 3, there will’ be reception of members and baptism. The Missionary Circle will meet tonight (Thursday) at the parsonage with Mrs. A. B. Hub bard as assisting hostess. The choir will practice Thurs day evening. The official board will meet Monday, December 4; the Young Adult Fellowship, Tuesday, De cember 5, and the workers’ con ference of the Sunday - school Wednesday, December 6. Come to Sunday - school and church next Sunday and bring a friend. ASSEMBLY OF GOD (O'Neill) Rev. Wayne Hall, pastor “Ye know that ye were not re deemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold . . . but with the precious blood of Christ.” I Peter 1:18, 19. Sunday-school, 10 a. m. Worship, 11 a. m. Young people’s service, 7:30 p. m. Worship, 8 p. m. Bible study and prayer meet ing at 8 p. m. on Wednesdays. Practice for the Christmas program will be at 2 p. m. Satur day. The program will be given Friday, December 22. A Women’s Missionary coun cil has been organized. Mrs. John Hall was elected president, and Mrs. Arnold Redlinger, secre tary - treasurer. The ladies are helping outfit a missionary cou ple who will return to their field of labor in Nicaragua. COMMUNITY (Stuart) Rev. Orin Graff, pastor Unified services, 10 a. m. Sermon Sunday, December 3: “The Good Fight of Faith.” I Timothy 6. Choir rehearsal tonight (Thursday) 7 o’clock. The visitation program called “Planned Education” was begun on Sunday afternoon. After a noon meal together at the church the men spent the afternoon calling on church families. KELLAR PRESBYTERIAN (Chambers RFD) Rev. Ralph Gerber, pastor Sunday, December 3: Worship service, 9:30 a. m., sermon by the pastor. Sunday-school, 10:30 a. m., Ray Hoffman, superintendent. PRESBYTERIAN (Dorsey) Rev. John Graham, supply pastor Sunday, December 3: Worship service, 2:30 p. m., sermon by the pastor. Sunday-school, 3:30 p. m. ^ Any Reasonable Offer TAKES 'EM! • You couldn’t possibly go wrong on a proposition like this. Come in, look them over, and any REASONABLE OFFER will satisfy us. We want to move these from our used car lot. 1948 KB-8 International Tractor With 1 0 motor, in A-l condition, ready t to go except for fifth wheel. Four tires are newly-recapped, other 2 tires are fair, engine is in perfect condition. 1946 KB-S International Tractor With 7 motor, recently overhauled, near-new rubber, ready to go except fifth wheel. 1948 Chevrolet LWB 2-Ton With deluxe cab, new high torque mo tor with only 1,000 miles, very good ; * rubber. Several Older Model Used Cars They’re mechanically okay but some of them need body work. That’s right . . . any reasonable offer takes em. Lohaus Motor Co. USED CAR LOT ' Phone 16 O’Neill WESLEYAN METHODIST (Atkinson) Asa and Edna Wood, pastors. Services for Sunday, December 3: Sunday - school, 10 a. m. Home missions will be observed at this service. | Worship, 11 a. m. j Young peoples’ and junior hour, 7 p. :n. Mrs. Mark Hendricks is supervisor for this group and they : are learning about "Child Evan j gelism”. The evangelistic message will be at 8 p. m. Tuesday, December 5, the Wom ens Missionary society will meet at the parsonage. November being self - denial week in the church the self-denial bank will be opened at this meet ing. The ladies will also pack a Christmas box to be sent to the children of the Ozark mountain district. Thursday is regular prayer ser vice night, 8 o’clock. Saturday, December 2. The girls’ activity group will meet in the afternoon at the parsonage and Mrs. Wood says, “Mothers, do not ask too many questions. Sec rets, you know”. WESLEYAN METHODIST (O'Neill) Rev. Melvin Grosenbaeh, pastor Reverend Cole was a real in spiration to our congregation in the revival meetings that closed Sunday night. The crowds were “good” and the last night of ser vice the church was filled. Prayer meeting each Tuesday night, 8 o’clock. We are studying in the book of Genesis. Saturday, December 2, the prayer conference will be held in the Free Methodist church south of Amelia. Sunday, December 3: Sunday school, 10 a. m. Worship, 11 a. m. j Sunday evening: 7:30, “Voice of the People”; 8, young people’s service; 8:30, message by the pas- i tor. You are welcome to our ser vices. ST. PETER'S EPISCOPAL (Neligh) B. H. Cowger, lay assistant to Rev. E. J. Seeker, of Norfolk Prayer Sunday, 9 a. m. Sermon topic will be; “Prepare, Make Ready.” Church school Sunday, 10 a. m. Confirmation instructions are continuing for a class to be con |firmed the latter part of January. ! Adult class—Wednesday, Decem ber 6, at the rectory, 7 p. m. Youth class— Friday, December 1, at the rectory, 4 p. m. Every one is invited. FIRST PRESBYTERIAN (O'Neill) Rev. Ralph Gerber, pastor Sunday, December 3: Sunday school, 9:45 a. m., Roy Sauers, superintendent. Worship service, 11 a. m., an them by the choir, sermon by the pastor. CENTER UNION (O'Neill) Rev. Melvin Grosenbaeh, pastor Prayer meeting each Wednes day evening, 8 o’clock. Sunday, December 3: Worship, 10 a. m.; Sunday-school, 11 a. m.; evening service, 7:30. You are welcome to attend all our services. Lions Award Prizes for Best Windows ATKINSON — Atkinson along with many other towns turned on Christmas window display lights Friday evening, November 24. Merchants and other business places did their best to rouse the feeling of Christmas in the com munity. The Lions club offered prizes for the best windows in two groups. Group A included retail stores (those who had Christmas goods to sell). Prizes in this group were awarded to Hoskinson Merc. Co; Schultz Drug Co; and the Mary Jane Shop. Group B includ ed all other business and honors were won by Frohardt Produce, Spence Market and Groff Electric. Miss Kramer, Bride-Elect Shower Honoree— ATKINSON—Miss Leona Mary Kramer was honor guest at a pre nuptial shower held in the K. C. hall at Atkinson Sunday, Novem ber 26. Mrs- Herman Gans and Mrs. Clem Cleary were the hostesses. There were over 100 guests pre sent. Miss Kramr will become the bride of Charles Kubart, also of Atkinson, today (Thursday) at 8 O’clock in St. Joseph”s Catholic church. Rev. A. A. Lehman will officiate. Leona is a daughter of Mr. and Mi's. Frank Kramer and Charles is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Kubart. Frontier for printing! WEDDING DANCE Butte Legion Ballroom • Friday, Dec. 1 • Bussey's Swing Time Band Given by Vincent Reiser and Martha Beem Dave Beck Begins Annual Tour ATKINSON—Dave Beck, who for the past few years has spent the winter months visiting his children at various places throughout the United States, departed Sunday, November 2ti, j 'on the first lap of his latest jour ney. He will visit first at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Jack (Gla dys) Baker, at Crawford. From there he will go to California where he stays with his son, ; Merrill, and family. He travels up the coast to Oregon, where he stops to see another son, Lloyd, and family. By that time each year he thinks the South will feel pretty good, so he goes to Texas to re main for the rest of the winter with his daughter, Mrs. Frank (June) Gapen, and family. Mr. Beck has three other chil dren who have their father as a guest sometime during the year. They are Mrs. Vernon (Grethel) Whitehead, Orville, and Mrs. Owen (Inez) Hayes. These three reside in Nebraska. Other Atkinson News Mr. and Mrs. Gene Livngston went to Des Moines, la., Wednes day, November 22, to spend a few days at the home of Mr. Liv ingston’s aunt, Miss Leona Liv ingston. They returned Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Radke and son, Ron, were guests at the ! home of Mrs. Radke’s mother, Mrs. S. A. Cossairt, at Tilden ov er the Thanksgiving holiday. Mrs. Matie Weller and daugh ter, Gladys Mae, were in Nor folk the first of the week. Mrs. Nellie White, of Lincoln, is visitng at the home of her son, and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Elven White. Mary Ellen Farley came from Columbus to spend Thanksgiving with her sister, Mrs. A. G. Mil ler, and family. She expected to ! return Sunday afternoon. The children of Mrs. W. L. Schultz gathered at the home of her son, Kenneth, for their Thanksgiving dinner. Those present, besides the host, his family and his mother, were:* Mr. and Mrs. Philip Johnston, of McCook; Mr. and Mrs. Gerald ; Schultz and sons, Dick and Jack, j of Waukon, la.; Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Schultz and daughter, Rose- | mary, of McCook; and friends, j Supt. John Ward, Mrs. Ward and daughter, Doris. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Pegden and . son, Dan, of Chapman, were j 1 guests at the home of Mrs. Fern ! Livingston on Thursday, Novcm- j ber 23. Mrs. Pegden is the former Ada Livingston, sister of the late .Ira L. Livingston, who is affec tionately remembered as "Spot.” Other guests at the Livingston home that day were Mr. and Mrs. Adam Tindall. Darius Burgess visited at the home of Mrs. Frank Basta in I Schuyler Wednesday, November 22. Mrs. Basta is Darius’s grand mother. Mr. and Mrs. John Adams and ittle daughter, Marjorie Ann, of Wayne, spent Thanksgiving day at the home of Mrs. Adams’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Elder. Mr. Adams returned to Wayne Saturday but his wife and daughter remained for a longer visit. Charlnte Houts, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Houts, of At kinson, went to St. Louis, Mo., for the holidays. Miss Houts is a teacher at Lincoln this year. While in St. Louis she visited at the home of her sister and bro ther-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Green. Mr. and Mrs. Green are 1 SECTION 2—PAGES 9 TO 12 O'NEILL, NEBR.. THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1950.—PAGE 9. in St. Louis preparing for the time when they will leave for Africa as missionaries to be sent by the Berean Mission, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Friedrich and son, Kirk, of Omaha, were in Atkinson over the weekend. They visted at the Wesley and James Kirkland homes in At kinson, the C. F. Small and Lloyd Waldo homes at Amelia, and the Frank Searles home in O’Neill. Mrs. Friedrich is a daughter of Wesley Kirkland, and Mr. Friedrich is the son of Mrs. Searles. Mr. and Mi's. Charles Havranek and daughter, Dotty Lou, of O’ Neill, spent Thanksgiving holiday at the home of Mrs. Havranek’s mother, Mrs. Dorothy Barrett. Frontier tor printing. DANCE American Legion Ballroom... O’Neill “Where the Big Bands Play” LEE WILLIAMS Stepping Tone Music SUNDAY, DEC. 3 Adm.: $1 Per Person (Tax Incl.) Give real bedroom luxm signs galore! Colors for any colok scheme! CHENILLE BEDSPREADS Solid colors or multicolor stylesl Baby or jumbo chenillel What valuel I Compare anywhere I You’ll see chenille spreads everywhere! But where will you find spreads to equal these beauties at this price? Not just ordinary chenilles, mind you, but big, ample size* spreads . . . luxuriously tufted. You’ve a choice from many styles and patterns, including lush florals and overtufted monotones. You’ll find rich colors for any room. Choose now. Have yours handsomely gift-wrapped at no charge. Wonderfully warm DONCREST BLANKETS r r You’ll be proud to give, to own this truly luxury blanket. Made to McDonald’s strict standards, this blanket is 100% fine brushed wool. It’s extra heavy weight for super warmth, extra long for ample tuck-in, 72x90. The nap is soft to the touch. It’s bound with a wide 5-inch rayon satin binding. Choose from rose, aqua, yellow, geran ium, chartreuse, forest green, blue. The last word in beauty. Gift-boxed. Compare! j Kiddies! Get your FREE Christmas comic books now at McDonald’s!