* / INMAN NEWS Miss LuElla Watson, who at tends college in Wayne, came Wednesday, November 22, to spend the Thanksgiving vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. L- Watson. Miss Deritha Smith, who attends college in Norfolk, spent the week end visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Keith McGraw and sons, John and Hugh, of Crete, spent the Thanksgiving weekend visiting Mr. McGraw’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mc Graw. * Tom Clark, who attends college in Wayne, spent the weekend vis iting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. . E. E. Clark. Thanksgiving dnner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Coventry and sons were the following: Mr. and Mrs. Jaimes Coventry and family, Mr. and Mrs. James McMahan, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Smith and family, and Mr. and Mrs. John Mattson. Dr. and Mrs. William Slusher and son, Stevie, of Valentine, came Wednesday evening, No vember 22, to spend Thanksgiv ing in the home of Mrs. Slush er’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. L. f Watson. Dr. Slusher returned to Valentine Thursday evening but Mrs. Slusher ahdCStlfevie remain ed in the Watson home for a long cr stsy« Dr. and Mrs. Charles Tompkins and family, of Omaha, spent from Thursday to Saturday visiting in the home of Dr. Tompkins’ par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Leon Tomp kins. Thanksgiving dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Tompkins were Dr. and Mrs. Charles Tompkins and family, of Omaha, and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tompkins and family, of Inman. Mr. and Mrs. A. N. Butler re turned Friday from Independence, Mo., where they had spent a few days visiting relatives. Robert Mossman left Saturday f to return to his home in Los An geles, Calif., after spending a few days visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mossman. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Clark and son, Tom, were Thanksgiving dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hutton and Vickie. Fay and John Brunckhorst and Mr. and Mrs. Max Mossman were in Osmond Sunday visiting rela tives. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Noe and family, of Waterbury, spent Sun day visiting in the home of Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Alexander. Gordon Sholes, who is employ ed at Sidney, spent the Thanks giving weekend visiting his moth er, Mrs. H°len Sholes. Mrs. Helen Sholes left Sunday for Buhl, Ida., where she will make an extended visit in the l home of Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hop kins and sons. Dr. and Mrs. Williaim Slusher and son returned to Valentine Sunday evening after attending : the funeral of Mrs. Slusher’s grandmother, Mrs. Ella Watson. De Wayne Stevens, of Bloom field, and Lawrence Stevens, of | Inman, returned Sunday evening, from Rapid City, S. D. where they had spent the holiday weekend | visiting Mr. and Mrs. V. E. Stev ens and Billy. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore drove to Omaha Saturday to look af ter business interests. They re turned home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Fay Brittell and daughters have moved from, the David property to the Stevens property in the south part of town. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Watson and daughter, LuElla, were Thanks giving guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Watson and fam ily at O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Crosser and son, Jerry, spent Saturday in Sioux City. Thanksgiving dinner guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brittell and daughter were: Mrs. | Lottie Thompson, of Inman; Mr. and Mrs. Pete Cooper and son, of Orchard; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thompson, of Norfolk, and Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Thompson and sons, of Grand Island. Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Tomlin son and son, Larry, of Lynch, were Sunday guests in the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry and family. Mrs. Lottie Thompson spent from Thursday evening to Sun day in Norfolk as a guest of her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Mick Gallagher were Thanksgiving day guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Moore and fam ily. | Atkinson Couples Celebrate Anniversaries— ATKINSON—Mr. and Mrs. Eli McConnell and Mr. and Mi's. Charley Sloan celebrated their wedding anniversaries to gether this year—like they have done each year since they discov ered their anniversaries were so close together. Mr. and Mrs. McConnell were married 21 years ago, Thursday, November 23, and Mr. and Mrs. Sloan were married 23 years ago on Friday, November 24. i Those present to help them celebrate were: Mr. and Mrs. John Warner, Mr. and Mrs. Charley Tasler, Mr. and Mrs. William Mc Callister, and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Siebert. The party was held at the Mc Connell home on Friday evening and the group played pinochle. Rural Youth Jamboree— ATKINSON—About 50 young people from the Atkinson, O'Neill and Amelia communities attend ed the jamboree at the K. C. hall Tuesday evening, November 22. Members of the O’Neill Rural Youth Group sponsored the party. The young people spent the eve ning at folk dancing and with various games. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Karr, of Spen cer, and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Worth, of Sidney, were Friday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Worth. Miss Alice Scofield, a student nurse at Bryon Memorial hospital in Lincoln, spent Thanksgiving with her mother, Mrs. Jess Sco field. Spending the Thanksgiving day at the Levi Yantzi home were Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Yantzi and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yantzi. F. E. Parkins went to Harting ton and Creighton on business Friday. Mr. and Mrs. William Beha and daughters, of Sioux Falls, S. D., visited relatives here this week. The Behas are former O’Neill residents. Mr. and Mrs. George Beaty, of Madison, visited their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam W. McIntosh, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Volberding and son were Thanksgiving guests in Norfolk at the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Volberd ing. John Berigan, a student at the University of Nebraska at Lin coln, spent Thanksgiving with his parents, the J. J. Berigans. Spending Thanksgiving in Page at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snell were Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Waller and children and Mrs. Hannah Stevens, also of Page Mrs. Stevens is Mrs. Waller’s grandmother. Mrs. Frank Froelich, Mrs. P. B. Harty, Mrs. Homer Mullen and Miss Bernadette Brennan went to Sioux City Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Fuller en tertained Mr. and Mrs. George Van Every and Mr- and Mrs. Eu gene Van Every and family for Thanksgiving. Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Wolfe spent the weekend in Arlington visiting Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Holm. Miss Marilyn Frifton, a student nurse at St. Catherine’s hospital in Omaha, was home for Thanks giving. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Ralya and daughter moved to Broken Bow. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Earl W. Ralya. District Judge and Mrs. D. R. Mounts spent Thanksgiving at Te kemah. Miss Donna Gallagher came home from Chicago, 111., to spend Thanksgiving with her parents, the Edward M. Gallaghers. Her houseguest was Dell Larson, of Chicago. Miss Betty Gallagher, her sister, was home from the University of Nebraska. Her houseguest was Miss Betsy Thompson, of Beatrice. They re- | turned Sunday. Miss Dorothy Iler, a student at Briar Cliff college in Sioux City, (spent Thanksgving with Mr. and Mrs. Sumner Downey. Paul Moseman, a student at the University of Nebraska, re turned Wednesday, November 22, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Moseman, to spend Thanksgiving at home. Mr. and Mrs. Moseman attended the fu neral in Lincoln Wednesday of Mr. Moseman’s brother, Harry. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Smith, Mrs. Joe Beckwith and children and Mrs. Lod Janousek were sight seeing at the Ft. Randall, S. D., dam on Sunday, November 26. Mrs. Mae Kellar, of Clearwa ter, arrived Monday, November 27, to visit a few days with her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mi's. Edward Kirkpatrick, and family. Saturday and Sunday, Novem ber 25 and 26, guedCs of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kurtz and children were Mr. Kurtz’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kurtz, of Long Pine. Mr. and Mrs. George Klien and children spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Brandi, of Norfolk. Dinner guests on Thanksgiving of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Lorenz and daughter were Mrs. Lorenz’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bowles; her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Byers, all of Jewell, Kans., and Mr. Lorenz’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lor enz, and Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Lorenz and son. Mr. and Mrs. Noal Long enter tained 25 relatives at Thanksgiv ing dinner. Among the guests were Mr. Long’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Long, of Blair. Mrs. Howard Manson visited from Wednesday to Sunday, No vember 22 to 26, with her moth er, Mrs. Sidney Anderson, of El gin. Mrs. Elaine Dunne and two sons, of Chicago, 111., left Sunday, November 26, after visiting for 10 days with friends in O’Neill. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Lorenz and son moved on Monday, No vember 27, to Norfolk where Mr. Lorenz is employed by Jes see Baking Co. Guests at dinner on Thanks giving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Young were: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Milne and Gerald, and David Milne, all of Creigh ton; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Foote, of Omaha, and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Young and family. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Marcellus and family were Sunday, No vember 26, dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Marcellus, of Atkinson. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Laursen and children were guests on Thanksgiving of Mrs. Laursen’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Myron El lis, of Allen. ♦ Thursday STAR Specials * HERE THEY ARE! Each and everyone a real moneysaving bargain for Thursday shoppers in O Neill. Tune in to the “Voice of The Frontier” each Wednes day morning at 9:45 for a preview of the * next day s STAR SPECIALS. Watch The Frontier each week for the page of Thursday Only STAR SPECIALS ! ! Remember, Sale Starts 12:30 P. M. 0 There was no sale Thursday. November 23, because of Thanks giving. Today's sale will begin at 12:30 p. m., beginning with hogs, and the cattle sale will follow immediately. This is our regular schedule except for October and early November when the livestock run is heav(y. • By virtue of last week's idleness we're expecting a good hog run and there'll be upwards of 600 head of cattle — mostly yearling steers with some stock cows. O’NEILL LIVESTOCK MARKET (Fo*merlv Fredrickson Livestock Comm. Co.) LEIGH & VERNE REYNOLDSON. Managers Phone 2 O Neill GONDERIRGER MOTOR CO. "Home of Dependable Transportation" HUDSON - DODGE ATKINSON PHONE 8311 ★ THURSDAY STAR SPECIAL * 1940 SUPER DELUXE FORD FORDOR With radio and heater, gleaming new blue finish, new seat covers, new radiator, good tires, tip-top motor. , \ Our Special Price $295 We have a wide selection of good used cars. Drive your car in, tell us how you will trade and drive a bargain home. / Carload of LINCOY On Track * THURSDAY STAR SPECIAL * $86 CORKLE HATCHERY Phone 19 O’Neill k—_ THURSDAY’S STAR SPECIAL EVERY ATTIC has its white ele phants. It may be a white ele phant to you but a good buy to someone else I THURSDAY ONLY you can order a For Sale, Swap or T r a d e classified ad in The Frontier and receive an extra insertion without charge. OFFER IS GOOD for transactions made on Thursday, November 30, only, and cash must accompany order for first insertion. “Voice of The Frontier . . | WJAG . . . 780 on your dial! I Pre-Christmas Sale CO ATS - SUITS SALE STARTS THURSDAY. NOV. 30TH Reduced - 1/4 153 SUITS - COATS Were 29.95 — Now_22.46 Were 34.95 — Now... 26.21 Were 39.95 — Now.. 29.96 W^re 44.95 — Now ..33.71 Were 49.95 — Now ’. 37.46 Were 54.95 — Now _ 41.21 Were 59.95 — Now_44.96 ALL Fall Hats REDUCED % DRESS SALE Reduced -1/4 ENTIRE STOCK - NOTHING RESERVED DRESSY DRESSES - STREET DRESSES By • Paul Sachs • Mary Muffet • Paula Dean • Petite Lady • Levine • Carole King • Gay Gibson • Shirley Lee • Georgiana • Nelly Don I Original Price Tag Remains — Just Decfuct % |