Miss Froelich an ‘Alt’ Countess Miss Nancy Catherine Froelich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William J. Froelich, was a countess in the mythical Realm of Quivera coro nation at the Ak-Sar-Bcn colis eum in Omaha Friday night. Miss Froelich is a junior at j Duchesne college in Omaha. r Miss Froelich entered the Qui- j vera court side-by-side with her I cousin, Miss Sandra Riddell, I daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Ted Rid-! dell, of Scottsbluff. Countesses’ gowns of American | beauty rose had Alencon lace bo dices decked with gold and silver j sequins in a floral motiff. Skirts with six-inch trains were of lame under four layers of net, one gold ! sequin embroidered layer sand- j wiched between three plain lay ers. They wore long white gloves of j imported French kid and drop rinestone earings. French-heeled ^opera pumps were dyed to match Tthe gowns. Miss Froelich’s parents; her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. C- E. Stout; her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Birmingham; her cousin, Edward Champbell, jr., and J. D- Cronin, all of O'Neill, were among those from here wit nessing the coronation. Miss Froelich, a St. Mary’s acad emy graduate, is an economics major at Duchesne working for her bachelor of arts degree. P-TA to Sponsor Costume Party The P-TA will stage a Hallo we’en costume party Tuesday evening, October 31, from 7 to 10 \p .m. in the O’Neill publie school auditorium for the grade school children. Prizes will be given for the best costumes in the following groups: Funniest, best animal, best couple, most beautiful, most orig inal, spookiest, best story book character, best comic strip and comic book character, best bride, best Indian, best tramp, best clown, best group, best historical character, best vegetable, best boy as girl, best girl as boy, and miscellaneous. The judges will be Rev. Ralph Gerber, Miss Elja McCullough, Mrs. J. J. Berigan, Dr. L. A. Bur gess and M. E. Jacobson. Frontier for printing! Mrs. Grenier Heads > Eikhorn Club— The Eikhorn extension met at the home of Mrs. Frank Grenier October 10, at 7:30 a. m. Mrs. Robert Cook presented the lesson on “'Meat Cookery.” The meat used in demonstration was ■served latter on in the evening for lunch The following officers were elected for the coming year: Mrs. Frank Grenier, president; Mrs. Dave Loy, vice-president; Mrs. Ray Lawrence, secretary-treasur er; Mrs. Ralph Bauman, music leader; Mrs. Robert Cook, leader A; Mrs. Elizabeth Howard, lead er B; and Mrs. Florence Schultz, news-reporter. The identity of last year’s myt tery sisters was revealed, and names were drawn for this year's mystery sisters. Mrs. Florence Schultz won the guessing game. Albert Klinger Is 80-Years-Old— Friends gathered to help Al bert Klinger celebrate his 80th birthday anniversary Sunday, Oc tober 22. The evening was spent playing pitch. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Klinger, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Grenier, Mrs. Albert Klinger, Mrs. Elizabeth Howard, Mrs. Ralph Bauman, Mrs. Flor ence Schultz, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Loy, Anna Brown, and Mr. and , Mrs. R. Parker. Due to road conditions, the par ty was held at the Dave Loy home. Earlier he was honored at a family dinner. He was born at Donaldson, la-, and came to Holt county in 1910. Prepare Booth— The Star Light extension club met Tuesday, October 24, at the home of Mrs. Wayne Harmon. Preparations were made for the booth for demonstration day to day (Thursday). Honors Mrs. Gilg— Mrs. Francis Gilg and Mrs. Dan Gilg honored Mrs. Mary Gilg Sunday evening, October 22, at a birthday anniversary party. Star Light Club Meets— A surprise shower was given for Mrs. Harmon to welcome her to her new home. Lunch was serv ed after the meeting adjourned. WJAG . . .' 780 on your dial! kl • V ATKINSON BRIDE . . . Miss Dorothy Ann Karo and Bill Le Roy Farr were united in mar riage Wednesday, October 11, in St. John’s Lutheran church in Atkinson. — O’Neill Photo Co. j ‘Love a La Carte’ Junior Play Title INMAN — The junior class of Inman high school presented a class play, “Love a La Carte", Monday evening in the school auditorium. The play was under the direction of Mi's. R. L. Gray. Those in the play were: Ila June Coon, Larry Sawyer, Shirley Brit tell, Richard Bohn, Joan Coven try, Wilda Stamp, Harlan Niel sen, Harold Nielsen, and Imogene Davis. Between act entertainment was furnished by four members of the seventh and eighth grade and the high school girls with the excep tion of the juniors. After the play members of the cast helped Joan Coventry cele brate her 16th birthday anniver sary. A birthday cakh was baked for the occasion by Mrs. Gray. Other Inman News Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Tompkins, of Kelso, Wash., left Thursday, Oc tober 19, after spending a few day3 visiting Mr- and Mi's. Leon Tomp kins. They were accompanied to Albion Thursday by Mr. and Mrs. Leon Tompkins. Dale Miller has returned to his home in California after spending a few days visiting Mr. and Mrs. Leon Tompkins. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McGraw were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller. Mrs. Eva Murten returned to her home in Blair Saturday after spending a few days visiting in the R. B. South home and with other friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. C. Kelley, sr., had as their guests Sunday, honoring their son, Ted, of Wash ington, D. C., Mr. and Mrs. Johr Gallagher and daughter, Betty Mr. and Mrs. Wm. E- Kelley, jr. and family, and Mr. and Mrs James Kelley and Neal, all of In man; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Smilej and family and Miss Kay Devel all of Norfolk. Callers in the af ternoon were Mrs. Owen Park: and Byrdie Ann, of Page, and Mr and Mrs. Harry Harte, of Inman. l Honored at Dinner— Mrs. Allen Fricke, of Creighton was guest-of- honor at a birthdaj anniversary dinner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Lowery Those present were Mrs. Pear Fricke, of Winnatoon; Roy Schull Sadie Marie Lowery and Mr. anc Mrs. Homer Lowery. Visitors Here— Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brandi anc children, of Norfolk, and Mr. anc Mrs. Jack Brandi, of Coleridge visited Mr. and Mrs. George Kleir Sunday, October 22. Mr. and Mrs. Otis Johnson ar rived Saturday, October 21, fron Lexington to visit Mr. .and Mrs Lowell Johnson. rv I Spoil Club Elects New Officers— The Scott Community project club met Tuesday evening, Octo ber 17, with Mrs- Albert Carson. New officers were elected for the new year beginning in January. They are: President — Mrs. Chas. Gifford; vice - presiden — Mrs. Flank McDonald; secretary—Mrs. Chas. Luber; treasurer — Mrs. Thomas Hiscocks; music leader— Mrs. Bill Wilson; news reporter— Miss Mary Luber, Mrs. Franklin Bell, who is moving soon to Tor rington, Wyo., was presented a gift by the club. Mrs. Albert Car son and Mrs. Bill Wilson present Part I of "Meat Cookery." Lunch was served. The next meeting will be in November at the home of Mrs. Bill Wilson. Do not go through life with* out teeth. Everyone will like you better with dentures. — Dr. Fisher. Dentist. 2ti YOU CAN SAVE MONEY !F YOU HAVE PUT OFF THE PURCHASE OF A USED CAR LOWER PRICES ARE HERE I Read about the cars de 1946 Ford, 4-door with heater, scribed in the advertise good tires, clean inside and out. scribed in this adver This car la well worth .he price d° a"„°‘ that we ask. come in and look over . _ our stock. You may find $749 just the car you want. Smmmmmmrn—mmm—m—mmmmmm 1947 Chevrolet, 4 door, recondi We can arrange terms tioned by us. With radio and heat. for you, if you wish to er- Deluxe modeL Clean ms,de purchase on time. Rea- and ou*- OK Warranty. sonable rates. $1095 ^ 1946 Oldsmobile six with hydra matic transmission. radio, heater g does t it a an dother extras, very clean car d^cri ion Qf a*Jj cars Good tires. You certainly cannot Comevin and look them go wrong here. over. $995 Sure .... We have some low cost, 1948 Chevrolet Aero 2 door, cheap cars. Sure they Heater. Radio and other extras, need some work per- In 9ood condition and priced formed on them, but where you can afford to buy it. they run when we trad ed for them, but out $1095 they go at near scrap ^ * iron prices. 1936 Chevrolet 4 door_$99 1936 Ford 2 door $99 1938 Chevrolet 2 door $79 1936 Chevrolet 2 door _$69 WWEST MOTOR CO.. LTD. Phone 100 O’Neill DR. GILDERSLEEVE. OJX OPTOMETRIST Permanent O'floee hi Hageneick Building Phone 167 O'NEILL NEBR. Evm Examined . Glaaaea Pitted I f .. ._ _ __ _I CHEF’S DELIGHT Cheese 2Lb.Pkg.S9c MAXIE COBB COFFEE lb. Jar.77c DOB FOOD 3 Cans 27c SOAP POWDER 2H.gs.35i mETABLE SOUP 3 Cans 27c __ % OIL Sardines 3 Cans 19C 11 SLICED ENDS OF • I I BflCOH 2 lb- Ptes..49c | LEAN MEATY PORK STEAK Lb LONGHORN CHEESE Lb.45c ALL MEAT RING BOLOGNA Lb.39c BIG JUICE SALE ! OLD SOUTH ORANGE JUICE I 39c S” | Case of 12 cans 4.49 LUSHUS (Juice) GRAPEFRUIT I 35c £?‘ | Case of 12 cans 3.98 OLD SOUTH I BLEND JUKE I 39c S„°" I Case of 12 cans 4.49 I Hnebr. RED TRIUMPH I 1 ( POTATOES . . 100 lbs. I»39| j I LEXINGTON CREAM FLOUR 50 Lb. Sack.... 3.19 LloBY a FRUIT COCKTAIL 2 Tall Cans 37c MMBM LUSHUS - IN SYRUP BOYSENBERRIES 2 No. 2 Cans 55c DINNER - FANCY CATSUP 2 14-0z.Bottles37c ARMOUR'S T R E E T Can.47c N U C O A OLEO Colored & Quartered 3 Lbs.$1 f PURINA PULLET - PURINA CALF - PURINA SOW & PIG CHOW = STARTENA = CHOW 13.98 CWT. ; 2.49 50-LB. BAG E 4.98 CWT. SPECIAL PRICE ON TON LOTS I