The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 19, 1950, Page 2, Image 2

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' Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Slaymaker
accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Char
les Ballon to Pickstown, S. D.,
Monday, October 16.
Penny Freeman entertained
her little friends with a theater
party on her 10th birthday anni
versary Saturday evening, Octo
ber 14.
Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Burgess
called at the John Warner home
Friday evening.
Roy Johns, of Bassett, was in
town on business Saturday, Octo
ber 14.
Mr. and Mrs. George Hanel, of
Denver, Colo., enroute back from
the World Series, spent October
13 and 14 at his brother’s, F. J.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Crowley,
of Los Angeles, Calif., left Satur
day, October 13, after visiting her
sister, Mrs. Joe Galligan, and
relatives at Stuart.
Superintendent and Mrs. And
erson and Mr. and Mrs. L. C.
Stolcpart, of Newport, were vis
iting in Atkinson Sunday eve
ning, October 16.
E. O. Slaymaker and Charles
Ballon were in York on business
last week. They returned home
October 13.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted Lanz and
son, Delano, of Basett, were en
route to Sioux City October 14.
They collided with another car
in South Sioux City and smash
ed in the entire front of their
Chrysler. No one was hospitaliz
ed from the accident and the on
ly shopping the Lanz family did
was to get a new car. Mrs. Lanz
is a sister of Mrs. F. J. Hanel.
Mrs. Vern Wilburn entertain
ed Phiscilla club October 12.
Hastings will hold the Rebekah
state convention. Julia Black- j
more, who is state assembly war
den, left October 17 to attend.
Mrs. Margaret Dobrovolny, who
is the elected delegate from the
Atkinson lodge, is also attending
the convention October 17, 18 and
Mrs. William Fundus and her
sister, Mrs. F. Hanel, returned
home October 10 from visiting
relatives in Des Moines, la.
Relief Corps held a convention
in Ainsworth October 14. Those
who attended from Atkinson
were: Mrs. John Mohr and Mrs.
R. Riley.
Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Dunn
were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
rick Kunz, of Stuart, Friday eve
ning, October 13.
Mr. and Mrs. John Slahetka and
son, Duane, of Newport, visited
with his sisters, Mrs. Josie Mar
mg and Stella Slahetka, October
Wesleyan Service guild met
October 16. Mrs. Tommy Dunn
entertained. Mrs. Helen Braun
sang, accompanied by Elaine
Marshfield. Miss Helen Martens
conducted the lesson.
Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Maring
and daughter, Mary Ann, and
Mrs. Frances Moore attended the
, air show in O’Neill Sunday.
Mrs. E. A. Bouska and daugh
ter, Maryann, and Joan Seger
were in Omaha over the week
end. , _
. Mr and Mrs. Carl Tarr, of Los
Angeles, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. Les
Mahar, of Kansas City, Mo.; Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Kohl, of Neligh,
and Mrs. R. A. Cossart, of Tilden,
were Sunday, October 15, guests
of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Radke.
Mrs. Ned Shaw and daughters,
Linda and Judy, of Bassett, spent
the weekend at the G. E. Morgan
and Harvey Shaw homes.
Mrs. Emma Castile is now em
ployed at the school where Mar
jorie Genung resigned.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Beebe and
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fatzler, of
Prophetstown, 111., were in Atkin
son on business October 16.
L. R. Carr, of Springview, spent
the weekend with his daughter,
Mrs. Charles Sloan, and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Slaymak
er returned October 16 from a
two-weeks’ visit with relatives in
Omaha. Their nieces, Mrs. Virgin
ia Gaughenbaugh, of Omaha, and
daughter, Peggy, and Mrs. Avis
Hickerson, and son, Tommy, of
Valley, returned home with them.
Mrs. Charles Hamilton and
Merle Hamilton and Mrs. Virgil
Swan, of Springview, were dinner
guests at the Charles Sloan home'.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Castner met
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clar
ence Castner, of Madison, October
15 and spent the day visiting
Beth Sloan and Phyllis Tilkie,
of Stuart, were in Norfolk Octo
ber 14.
Mrs. Gertrude Davis, who has
been a guest at the home of her
son and daughter-in-law, Mr.
and Mrs. Waldo Davis, for the
past week, returned to her home
at Neligh Monday.
Mrs. Art Sanders and Mrs. Car
oline Sanders spent Sunday at
Tilden visiting at the home of
Mrs. Bernice Harlan and family.
Miss Fern Pruden, accompanied
by her mother, Mrs. J. L. Pruden,
drove to Coleridge on Saturday
to attend a meeting for home
I making instructors.
Mrs. Fred Schindler, who has
been a guest at the home of hei
sister, Mrs. Millie Bollwitt, the
past week, returned to her home
■ in Elgin on Sunday.
Mrs. Lewis Hienz and son, Ed
ward, and Mrs. Raymond Litch
enberg and family, of Spalding
were guests of Otto Lorenz and
Jennie Brown last Thursday.
Mrs. George DeBilzan, Mrs,
Ray Angus and daughter, Joan,
Mrs. Pat Lampert, Mrs. Warren
i Phipps and Mrs. Herbert Kirsch
mier attended the Horace Heidt’s
radio show at Norfolk last Thurs
day evening. The program was
j popular with many Ewing folks.
[ The ladies report it was a “won
I derful show.” Pictures were tak
en of the contestants to be used
in television at a later date.
Mrs. Herbert Kirschmier and
children spent Sunday in O’Neill
where they were guests of her
| mother, Mrs. Lloyd Brittell.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Tuttle
and daughter, Leora, spent Sun
day at Battle Creek visiting rel
atives. ,
Mrs. John Turay, .accompanied
by her mother, Mrs. Lee Hobbs,
and grandmother, Mrs. R. C
Roudybush, were in Norfolk or
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Noffke, jr.
spent Sunday at Lake Andes, S
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Noffke, sr.
entertained the following guest!
at their home on Sunday: Mrs
Pat Cronin and sons, of Picks
town, S. D.; Mr. and Mrs. Elmei
Owen and family, of Norfolk;
Mrs. W. J. Cronin and the chil
dren of the Frank Noffke, jr.,
family, of Ewing.
On Friday evening, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Noffke, sr., and Mrs.
W. J. Cronin were supper guests
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Noffke, jr., and family.
The occasion was in honor of
Frank, sr’s., birthday anniversa
ry. Two large birthday cakes
were presented to him by his
daughter - in - law, Mrs. Frank
Noffke, jr.
A few of the Ewing folks who
attended the air show at O’Neill
on Sunday afternoon were: Mr.
and Mrs. Clyde Allen, Mr. and
Mrs. Duane Fudge, Mr. and Mrs.
Julian Sojka and son, Art Sand
ers and daughter, Bernadine, Mr.
and Mrs. Everett Ruby, Mr. and
Mrs. Waldo Davis, Mr. and Mrs.
! J. L. Pruden and his mother,
Mrs. Lee.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Allen, ac
companied by Mrs. John Bauer,
transacted business in Norfolk
on Wednesday, October 11.
Irvin Cloyd celebrated a birth
day anniversary on Sunday. In
honor of the occasion, a birthday
dinner was served with all the
trimmings by Mrs. Cloyd, assist
ed by their daughter, Beulah.
Guests present were Mr. and Mrs.
George Timmerman, of Plain
view, and Mr. and Mrs. Leslie
Brokaw and family, of Norfolk.
Mrs. Kermit Jefferies and Mrs.
Lyle Dierks drove to Norfolk on
Thursday where they spent the
O’Neill, October 16, 1950
The Frontier,
j Dear Editor:
Why is it that all three wars
| this country has been in have
been under Democrat presidents?
Take the War President Wil
son’s administration, the Demo
crats were in power.
Take the War President Roose
velt’s administration, all Demo
crats in power.
And take the present war un
der President Truman, a Demo
cratic rule.
Three Democratic presidents
and three wars. Do we have any
wars during a Republican rule?
It is true that during wars
prices go up, but not everybody
is looking for that kind of pros
When this country borrows
money by issuing bonds, which
are just promisory notes, and
borrows money on them to buy
the high priced war materials and
sends them to other countries, it
puts us in debt and takes high
taxes to pay the debt off.
Why not vote the Democrats
out of office and see if we can
get rid of these wars?
George Abdouch, of Omaha,
was here on business last week.
Sons of Soil Discuss
Completion of Books—
The Sons of th Soil 4-H club
met at the Pierson home on Fri
day, September 29. All members
were present.
Our business meeting was talk
ing of what we had done o nour
project and completing our books.
—By Charles Pierson, reporter.
Shower Held for
Club Leader—
The Up-and-At-It 4-H club
met at the home of Loris and
Patty Pierson on Friday, Septem
ber 29.
Only one member was absent.
Our project books were check
ed and given to our leader. Plans
were made for a hayride on Oc- [
tober 6.
After the meeting a shower
was given for our leader, Twila
Whaley. Mrs. Streeter and Mrs.
Pierson served lunch. — By Pat- j
ty Pierson, reporter.
Mrs. Ohmarl Is Feted—
Mrs. Arnold Redlinger enter- j
tained at a birthday anniversary i
party in honor of her mother,
Mrs. S. M. Ohmart, Wednesday,
October 11. The guests were the
ladies of the Assembly of God
Frontier for printing!
(Political Advertisement)i I’nlli i< .» 1 Ailw rtlsem.m >
O’Neill, Nebraska
A Candidate for Re-election
For a Second Term from the
t, Rock, Boyd and Keya Paha Counties
Farm owner and operator. 44 year* in Northern Holt coun
ty and a native Nebraskan.
1 have served you in the last session ot the Legislature
where I worked for reasonable economy and for home rule
k on all measures that are of a local nature.
Should vou feel my record and experience entitle me to a
second term of serv.ce for you I shall appreciate your
support November 7, 1950.
Complete X-Ray Equipment j
V, Block So. of Ford Garaqe i
O'Neill. Nebraska
1 >
Registrations Show More Than 2,000,000 Chevrolet
Trucks Now on the Road... More Than Any Other Make!
Today over 2,000,000 truck operators are
" getting the benefits of the world's most
popular engine in the world's most popular
' truck. For the last eight consecutive truck
production years, Chevrolet trucks have led
in demand and sales . . . are far ahead
this year. Come in—let us give you thdfacts.
Midwest Motor Co., Ltd.
Sunday, Oct. 22
Music By
That's what you gat on your overall food bill
whan you trade at COUNCIL OAK-NOT
savings on a few "hot" advertised prices which
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t of your purchases. COUNCIL OAK prices are
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your total grocery bilL •
LEMONS D»z-29c
ORANGES lb.11c
GARBAGE 3 Lbs.. 8c
CELERY 2 for 29c '
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ONIONS 10 Lbs. 29c
if £> 1950, Simom £ Schuster, imou
f "f just dose up like a dam «•
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/ T"^“«)ap . 29c fc«SSJ*«J /
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That home-baked flavor—plus tender
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Sausage 11