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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1950)
FUTURE SUBSCRIBERS LAURIDSEN — Mr. and Mrs. Hans Lauridsen, of Atkinson, a son, bom Tuesday, Ocstober 3, at the Sacred Heart hospital at Lynch. ERTZ — Mr. and Mrs. Louis Ertz, of Butte, a son, born Satur day, September 23. WILSON — Mr. and Mrs. Vere Wilson, of Norfolk, a son, weigh ing 10 pounds, born on Monday, October 2. Mr. Wilson is the only son of Mrs. Rose Wilson, of Spen cer, and Mrs. Joseph Sedivy, of Spencer, is the great-grandmoth er. EVANS —Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Evans, of Culver City, Calif., a daughter, Judith Ann, weighing 5 pounds 6 ounces, born Monday, September 19. Mrs. Evans is the former Peggy Arends, of Lynch, j COUCH—Mr. and Mrs. Darold Couch, of Chambers, a son, weighing 9 pounds 14 ounces, born Thursday, October 5, at Our Lady of Lourdes hospital in Nor folk. BELL — Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Bell, of Chambers, a daughter, Lana Aldean, weighing 7 pounds 10 ounces, born Tuesday, Septem ber 26, at tne Lutheran hospital in Norfolk. M’ELHEKON— Rev. and Mrs. L. M. MeElheron, of Chambers, a daughter, Audrey June, weigh ing 7 pounds 4 ounces, born Tues day, October 3, in the Lutheran hospital at Norfolk. BRAUER—Mr. and Mrs. Rich ard Brauer, a daughter, Patricia Ann, born Monday, September 25, at Norfolk. Mrs. Brauer is the former Charlene Dyer, of north of Stuart. The Brauers have 2 boys. ROBINSON — Mr. and Mrs. La Vern Robinson, a son, born Thursday, September 28, at the Ainsworth hospital. The same day Mrs. Robinson s twin sister gave birth to a son at a Kearney hos pital-.. AiNur.nowr'i — mr. uuu Chester Anderson, a son, weigh ing 7 Vi pounds, bom Friday, Sep tember 30, at the Barret nursing home in Atkinson. Mrs. Ander son is the former Dorothy Lee. LANGAN — Mr. and Mrs. Joe Langan, of Stuart, a daughter, Helen Catherine, weighing 6 pounds, born Wednesday, Octo ber 4, at the O’Neill hospital. BROWN — Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Brown, of Atkinson, a son, Douglas, born Thursday, Octob er 5, at the OTNeill hospital. BOURNE — Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Bourne, of Atkinson, a daughter, LaDonna Lee, weigh ing 10 pounds 4 ounces, bom Sat urday, October 7, at the O’Neill hospital. LARSON — Mr. and Mrs. Har ry Larson, of O’Neill, a daught er, Susan Elizabeth, weighing 7 pounds, born Sunday, October 8, at the O’Neill hospital. HUNT — Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hunt, of O’Neill, a son, Thomas Harold, weighing 8 pounds, born Tuesday, October 10, at the O’ Neill hospital. MCDERMOTT — Mr. and Mrs. Francis McDermott, of O’Neill, a son, Eugene Lee, weighing 8 Vi _ pounds, bom Wednesday, Octo ber 11, at the O’Neill hospital. EICKOFF — Mr. and Mrs. Don ald Eickoff, a daughter, weighing 6 pounds and 4 ounces, born Sat urday, October 7, at a Fremont hospital. Chief Petty Officer Don ald Eickoff and wife have been visiting relatives at Page and Fre mont while he has been on a sick leave. He is stationed in Massa chusetts. To Convention— Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Knepper and Robert went to Omaha Fri day, October 6, to attend the Iowa - Nebraska florist conven tion. They returned home Sun day, October 8. Mr. and Mrs Joseph Trecher and family, of Broken Bow, vis ited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George, Klein Monday, October 9. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Jones went ■ to Polk Sunday, October 8, to visit her mother, Mrs. Nellie Petersen. Shipstads and Johnson Ice Follies of 1951 at Ak-Sar-Ben Coliseum, Nov. 6 AJa Vrzanova, Czech star of Ico Follies, demonstrates perfect form in difficult split Jump. Roy and Eddie Shlpstad and Oscar Johnson were so pleased with their reception In Omaha last year they decided It was one place they must play, so Omaha Is now on the permanent itinerary of the world famous "Ice Follies.” “Ice Follies of 1951," the great new Bhow, will start the Omaha ice season when it appears at the Coliseum for seven days starting November 6th. Performances will be given each evening Monday, November 6th, through Sunday, November 12th. at 8:30. with mat inees Saturday, November 11th, and Sunday, November 12th, at 2:15. "Ice Follies” was the original ice show and this year will mark its 15th anniversary. To celebrate this event the old masters, Roy and Eddie Shlpstads and Oscar Johnson, have come up with a rec ipe for entertainment which com bines fantasy, fun, beauty and glamour. New Stars Added The dozen production numbers Include: "The Raker’s Treat,” in which all the important bakery products—bread, pies, doughnuts, cakes, gingerbread cookies and cup cakes—all come to life In giant form; "A Beautiful Rainy Day.” a beautiful fantasy complete with fairies, pixies, and leprechauns with fantastic plastic costumes in delicate shades of green: "Ballet De Splendour,” with the sheer grandeur and tradition of old France plus the grace and poised beauty of the figure-skating ballet. All the old favorites are on hand including (among many others) Betty Schalow, Mae Ross. Marilyn and Ruth Take, Phyllis and Harris Legg. Norena and Norris. Frick and FTack, and Omaha’s own skat ing stars, the Scotvold Twins. Also two new stars have been added t( the always top talent for which Ic< Follies is noted. They are AJ« Vrxanova and Riehard Dwyer. SICK & INJURED LYNCH — Mr. and Mrs. Ray mond Kayl brought their little son tc Lynch doctors on Monday, October 2. . . . Arden Darnell was in O’Neill on Monday, October 2, consulting doctors:. . . William McNulty, of Norfolk, formerly of Lynch, underwent major surgery at a Norfolk hospital Monday, October 2. He is reported “satis factory.” . . Mrs. Katie Vraspir, orf Monowi, is reported “good” at a Norfolk hospital. . . G. L. Reel, of Spencer, is "much improved” after a stroke several days ago. . . . Mr. and Mrs. A1 Stanek left for Omaha on Wednesday, Octo ber 4, to consult eye specialists in behalf of Mr. Stanek. . . Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Svatos left for Omaha Wednesday, October 4, to seek medical aid. Mr. Svatos is "very poorly” since he suffered a stroke late this summer. He still cannot talk, able to say only a very few words. . . Mrs. Nick Ba ker is “improved.” She suffered a heart attack last week. . . Mrs. Mary Fusch has beer, compelled to leave her work in O’Neill this week on account of illness. . . Margene Weeder underwent a tonsillectomy at the Sacred Heart hospital at Lynch Friday, October 6. PAGE — Mrs. Melvin Held submitted to hn appendectomy at g| . I # AJa Vrzanova, twice winner ot the world's championship, portrays the routines that made her queen of figure skating. A Czech girl, who evaded the Iron Curtain and now calls Montreal her home, she Is amazing everyone with her j speed and power and her sensa tional split Jumps. Richard Dwyer, whose parents formerly lived In North Platte, Neb., bids fair to tival Roy Ship stad in his “Man About Town” presentation. In top hat, white tie and tails, Richard Dwyer looks the perfect part when he skates out on the Ice. Comedy has not been neglected. Ice Follies returns with the great est of them all, Frick and Frack, j In their frantic antics; Les Hamll- j ton, In one of his trickiest garbs; j Ole Ericsen and John Mulvey. por traying “Ponchito," the recalci trant burro; and Dick Rasmussen j and Dill Cameron, with a side splitting skit in the “Roaring Twenties” production number. Ice Follies presents a combina tion of speed, beauty, dazzling cos tumes, marvelous lighting and ex travagant production never before equalled. It Is truly a show for the whole family. Early Orders by Mall Urged Prices are; Rinkslde and box seats $3.60, Reserved seats $2.40 and $1.20. All prices include fed eral tax. Tickets may be ordered by mall now and It Is urged that requests be placed early, as last year many were disappointed. Address orders to Omaha Coliseum Corp., Box 6, Elmwood Station, Omaha, Neb., and enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope and check or money order made payable to the Omaha Coliseum Corp. Be sure to state clearly the number and price of tickets wanted and the date ot i performance desired. It is advls . able that a first and second choice of performance be given. the Plainview hospital last Thurs day. Her condition is “good.” . . . H. L. Banta received word his son, Gary, of Atlantic, la., had submitted to an appendectomy last week. .♦. P. E. Nissen has been staying at Stuart since last Thurs day to be near Mrs. Nissen, who is in the Stuart hospital. Her con dition “remains about the same.” . . . Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Stauffer took his mother to Omaha Friday to have glasses fitted. Mrs. Stauf fer had been receiving treatment for her eyes there. EWING — Mrs. Bertha Tal madge, who has been suffering from an attack of flu, has been confined to her bed at the Mary Gokie apartments. . . E b b e n Grafft, who suffered a heart at tack some time ago, is now able to be up part time . . . Mrs. Don Payder and daughter, Theresa Marie, were able to be released from a norfolk hospital on Wed nesday, September 28, and are guests at the home of her moth er, Mrs. Bertha Urban, in Ewing. ATKINSON—Frank Kazda is reported "improving" at his home, but is still in bed part of the time. . . John and Judy With ers, children of Mr. and Mrs. Cap Withers, returned from the Stu art hospital Wednesday, October 4, and are at the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hoyt. CHAMBERS —Mrs. L. M. Mc Elheron and baby daughter re turned from the Norfolk hospital Sunday. . . . Mrs. Donald Grimes was a patient in the O'Neill hos pital a few days last week. O’NEILL — Laveme Jurgens meier submitted to minor surgery early Tuesday in O’Neill hospital. . . . H. W. Tomlinson has been confined to his home the past week. INMAN—Otto Retke returned Friday from St. Joseph’s Mercy hospital in Sioux City. He had been a patient there for 2V4 weeks having submitted to major sur gery. CELIA—Lawrence Smith was "quite sick" a few days last week. Neighbors assisted with the chores. INMAN NEWS Floyd Renner, of Erwood, Ind., came Monday to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Art Renner. He was accompanied by Charles Renner, brother of Art Renner, who will also visit here for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph B. Whit sel, and son, Larry, were Sunday evening guests in the home of Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Alexander The Whitsel’s were enroute to their home in Ainsworth from Lincoln where they had been vis iting. O'NEILL HOSPITAL Admissions: October 4 — Mrs. Joe Langan, of Stuart; Melvin Michaels, of O’Neill, medical, con dition “good.” 5 — Mrs. Robert Brown, of Atkinson. 6— Mrs. Don ald Grimes, of Chambers, medi cal, condition “improved.” 7 — Mrs. Charles Bourne, of Atkin son. 8 — Mrs. Harry Larsen, of O’Neill. 9 — La Verne Jurgens meier, of O'Neill, tonsils and ad enoids,. condition “good.” 10 — Mrs. Earl Hunt, of O’Neill. 11 — Mrs. Francis McDermott, of O’ Neill. Dismissals: October 5 — Mrs. Marvin Miller and son, of O’Neill. 8—Mrs. Roy Parker, of O'Neill. 10—Mr$. Rbert Brown and son, of Attfinson; La Vern Jurgens meier, of O’Neill. 11 — Mrs. Joe Langan and daughter, of Stuart. LYNCH NEWS Boyd Copnty Superintendent Eva Barnes called a rural teach ers ’meeting at Butte Friday. Thus all rural school children enjoyed a 1-day vacation. Arlene Fusch now has a posi tion in a beauty salon in Morn ingside (Sioux City) having com jpleted her beauty school work. Mr. and Mrs. Tony Schinost and baby, of Butte, attended the Carsteen-Mills wedding Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kirsch, of Spencer, were in town Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dobrivosky and Mr. and Mrs. William Vesely and Denise, of Verdel, were Lynch visitors Friday. Cranberry Recipes Suggested for Week— CRANBERRY MUFFINS One cup cranberries, V2. cup sugar, 2 cups flour, 4 teaspoons baking powder, % teaspoon salt, 1 egg, beaten, 1 cup milk, 3 ta blespoons melted butter. Put cranberries through food chopper, mix with half the sugar. Sift re maining sugar with dry ingredi ents. Combine beaten egg, milk and melted butter. Add to dry in gredients. Stir only until blended. Fold in sweetened cranberries. Bake in buttered muffin pans in j hot oven of 425 F. about 25 min- j utese. Makes 12 muffins. CRANBERRY ORANGE PIE Three-fourths cup orange juice, 2 tablespoons quick cooking tapi- i oca, % teaspoon salt, 2 cups su gar, 4 cups cranberries, 1 table spoon butter, grated rind of 1 or ange, 1 9-inch baked pie shell, 5 slices peeled orange, 1 egg white, 2 tablespoons powdered sugar. Combine orange juice, tapioca | and salt in saucepan. Bring mix ture quickly to full boil over di rect heat, stirring constantly. Re move from heat, add sugar and stir to blend. Add cranberries put through food chopper, butter and orange rind and bring to boiling point once. Cool. Fill pie shell with mixture and orange slices in ring on top. Beat egg white stiff, gradually adding su gar. Top each orange slice with meringue and serve cold. Makes one 9-inch pie. j Mr. and klrs. Howard Manson spent Sunday, October 8, at El gin visiting Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Anderson. Mrs. George McCarthy and Beverly returned home from Om aha Sunday, October 1. Perrigo Visual Clinic DR. FRED M. PERRIGO DR. MAX L. MAGWIRE OPTOMETRISTS ^ Eyes Examined — Glasses Fitted Visual Training — Contact Lenses 416 NORFOLK AVE. PH WE 330 NORFOLK, NEBR. HOURS! 9 TO 5; SAT. 9 TO 1 -—---. —... I—— ■ I, ■ ————— 11 —a—— SNACK BAR SPECIAL MALTED MILKS Each.19c MOTHER’S BEJST FLOUR bT: 3.49 OVENKIST, SODA CRACKERS ™ 43c I RARE TREAT, Drip or Regular Grind I COFFEE T 73c I POTATOES AT WHOLESALE PRICE I CHECK OUR PRICE BEFORE ‘ I YOU BUY '■__ _ hheij‘ SUNSHINE GINGER s»flpsari7c Swai*<down - White - Chocolate CAKE jjjjUca. 69c CANDY ORANGE SLICES i-k;!1 41c BLUE BARREL LAUNDRY SOAP 2 Lb. Bars 25c NUTRENA DOG FOOD •KG. 63 c I CUDAHY'S 60TH ANNIVERSARY SALE FRESH FROZEN WHITING 2 lbs. 29c SLICED BACON ENDS Per Lb.21c ALL CUTS STEAK Lb 87c RARE TREAT CRUSHED PINEAPPLES* $1.09 YELLOWSTONE PUMPKIN Sf 19c RARE TREAT SALAD - , DRESSING Its 75c RARE TREAT MUSTARD Qt. 1S< ' RARE TREAT CIDER VINEGAR Qt 15c TABLE QUEEN or ACORN I SQUASH lb 6c I GREEN PASCAL I CELERY U>10c I > ■ WHITE I ONIONS 4 Uk- 2Sc | VAN CAMP PORK-BEANS. 99c 6 No. 2 Cans BUTTERNUT JELL POWDER 4 K5,19c OUR MOTHER’S COCOA 1-Lb. Cn. 39c (PUERTO RICAN I YAlS3th..~: . CRANBERRIES 19c YELLOW ONIONS 50-lb. Bg. $1.29 $6.00 ton NUTRENA $6.00 30c PER CWT. 24% PIG & SOW 30c PER CWT. discount pig p-sher discount NUTRENA POULTRY FEEDS 15% ALL MASH EGG CRUMBLES 100-Lb. Paper Bag_$4.19 20% EGG CRUMBLES 100-Lb. Paper Bag _$4.39 27% BALANCER CRUMBLES 100-Lb. Paper-$5.19 33% POULTRY CONCENTRATE We Invite You to Compare Our Market Before Selling CREAM - EGGS POULTRY ISHELHAMERI I FOODS I O’NEILL, NEBR. I I Phones 56 & 78 I H Prices Effective | if Thurs., Fri., Sat.. » ■ Oct. 12, 13, 14 | •i HOG & CATTLE FEEDS 40% HOG MEAL NUGGETS 100 Lbs. _$5.69 * CUDAHY ALL PURPOSE MINERAL 130 Lbs.__ $4.09 SOY BEAN MEAL Will be glad lo talk nrice with you sn your winter's supply. CRUSHED ROCK SALT Per 100 Lbs._ 83c 1 $ s