The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 12, 1950, Page 7, Image 7

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(Continued from page 6.)
90 ft. E & W by 150 ft.
N & S in SE comer 8 45 44
Pioneer Townsite Co's. Add'n.
1 to 15 Incl._1 15.94
Matthews' Addition
WM> 10 & 11 _ 2 6.86
6-7 16 37.52
12-13 16 3.44
Hazelett's Addition
4 3 1.16
5 3 30.14
9 to 16 Incl._5 7.42
All _14 86.38
I- 2-15-16_IG 28.16
II- 12-13-14_16 G.50
9-10 16 3.72
S 85 ft. 5-6-7 & 8_17 2.32
Fahy's Park Addition
1 to 6 Incl.___F 55.68
19-20 _C F 3.43
All 8-9 & EVi 10_G 64.22
Wit 10, All 11-12_G 80 70
1 to 8 Incl. _H 190.30
9-10-11 H 58.24
16 O 15.40
Township 29, Range 11
No. 19 29 33.84
No. 20, No. 22 . 29 81.56
No. 38-39-40 _29 135.80
10 rds. by 16 rds.
No. 39A 29 1.18
Holt Creek Precinct
Township 27, Range 16
Description Sec. Tax
swy4NEy4, Ny>Nwy4,
SEV4NWy4 _28
Township 27, Range 16
NEy4 _29 $ 20.62
Inman Precinct
Township 27, Range 10
Description Sec. Tax
NEy4 _7 $ 95.59
NWy4 _7 115.16
Township 28, Range 10
NEy4 _4 60.22
NE*4 _8 44.42
SVfeNWy* _ 9 17.12
Pt. SEy4 _17 1.96
Pt. SEy4NWy4 _19 7.60
pt. Nwy4SEy4
No. 12B_19 3.30
Pt. NWy4SEy4 No. 12C,
Pt. NMiSEy4 No.
13-14 19 3.98
swy4 _ 28 34.74
SEy4 _29 67.36
Pt. NWy4 _30 2.00
Blk. 9-10, Knapp’s
Add.___ 5.94
NEy4, Nwy4SEy4_31 202.68
SEy4SEy4 _31 32.90
swy4swy4 _32 11.70
Township 27, Range 11
SysSEtt _2 21.14
wyjNwy4 _3 16.00
EyjNEy4, sy*NEy4 ...4 13.02
Township 27, Range 11
SysSys _3 33.36
wys, NEy4 _5 23.34
NV4, NVfeSWtt, SEVi —6 64.92
EVfeNEy4_9 4.12
NyjNEy4 _11 14.70
swy4NEy4, SEy4Nwy4,
swy4, syjSEy4 —12 128.18
NVi, swy4 _29 26.90
NViNWy4 _32 3.92
Township 28, Range 11
WMjiNKy*, &wy*iNJB.y4,
E%NWy4, 4nno
NWy4NWy4_-1—1 49.92
swy4Nwy4 _i
NMtNEyi, SEy4NEy4,
NEy4SEV4 _2 62.06
SWV4SWy4 _2 12.54
NEy4, N^SEy4 - 3 66.44
WysNWy4 . 4 1256
NEy4) NEy4NWy4 —11 146.42
| WMs _21 34.90
Pt. NteNMsSEVi -24 2.98
WVfeWVi _27
WV^EVi, swy4 -28 69.30
SEy4NEy4 . 28 11.16
NWV4 28 19.80
NttNtt .— 23 21.58
wy8NEy4, Nwy4,
N^swy4 -34 09.70
Inman Village
Lot 31k. Tax
Pt. 5 2 $ 29.42
s4 11-12 -2 3.00
j3_14_ 2 29.04
W end Non. No. 30-15 .2 3.14
Center Non. No. 29 & E
1/3 Non. No. 28-15...2 3.14
Pt. NWy4SEy4 No. 32 .4 470
Western Townlot Co's. Add n.
SV* 2-1 3.J4
N1A 4 5 3
1 _ 7 3.14
2 : ~i—.._7 3.14
4 * ~ _: .. 7 15.68
_7 13.36
0 ? 3 H
9 ~-7 3.14
Pioneor Townsite Co.
Subdivision of Outlots
1 9 18.06
i - a 3.14
4 1„ — 9 10.93
5_ 9 34.50
Subdivision of Oullots C
5-6 . 11 7.03
9-10-11-12-13_11 36.88
No. 23_11 10.98
8 11 3.14
16 11 3.14
Blks. 12-13-14 and Outlols 4 to
11 Incl. of Outlot B
No. 22_- 29.01 |
No. 17_ 7.81
9-10 12 7.08
Knapp's Addition
1-2-3-4 _2 7.64
1 to 8 Incl._3 15.63
5-6-7-8 4
1-2-3-4 5 16.88
7-8_5 40 02
Iowa Precinct
Township 29, Range 9
Description Sec. Tax
ESiW^SEVi _25 $ 63.54
NWVi . 5 44 16
WVfc ___6 43.56
Pt. S%SE% 12 41.18
WliNEVi, EV4NW14 ..13 28.92
Pt. SEy4SE>/4 -12 .20
All _17 78.42
NWy4 _19 66.22
N»4 24 129.60
SEV* -.-. 31 106.26
SWy4 _32 76.32
NWy4 _34 98.58
SEV4_32 95.22
NWy4 _35 108 24
S14 36 101.51
Josie Precinct
Township 25, Range 18
Description Sec. Tax
Ey> _ 7
swy4 - 8 $ 40.92
sy>Nwv4, Ny>swy4 .7 17.14
nwv4 . 8 9.02
wy.Ey>, wy>..25
sy>SEy4, swy4>
Ny>SEy4 . 26
Ny>NEy4, Ey>Nwy, 35 94.72
wyjNEy4l Ny-SEy4 34 22.40
Lake Precinct
Description Sec. Tax
Township 25, Range 10
Ey>, EyiNWVi,
syjswy4 _30
swy4 __ 32 S 72.98
wyjNwy4, NyiSwy4 30 17.58
Ny*, Ny.SEy4_31
n%ne%, Nwy4 _32 77.12
Sy>NEy4, SE»/4_32
wyz, SE>/4 33 1 96.64
NWy4 _7 36.04
Sy> _7 60.44
Wy, _ 13 67.60
NEy4 _24 13.66
E^SEy4 _14 9.70
Ey-EVi . _15 34.14
NViNEy* . 20 18.88
Sy>NEy4f SEy4 ._20 58.98
swy4 _21
NEy4 _29 78.78
Ny*NEy4 . ......23 9.92
Township 25, Range 11
S^NEtt, SEy4 _23 23.46
wyt _23 31.76
Wy,, SEy4 . 24
NWy4 _25 59.04
S% _25 20.16
Lot No. 6-9-10 & 3 ... 26 15.66
All _35 123.52
Lot No. 1 . 26 2.48
NEVi . 25 14.88
! Lot No. 2_26 1.78
EyjNEy4 _26 7.74
McClure Precinct
Township 26, Range 10
Description Sec. Tax
NEy4SW»/4 _21 $ 17.10
All _ 28
N%NE%, SEy4NEV4 .29 52.92
Paddock Precinct
Township 31. Range 11
Descriptoin Sec. Tax
NM>NEy4 _2 $ 21.46
NEy4 _3
swy4swy4 —._12 93.68
sy2 7 67.70
wvfrsw'%, SEy4swy4,
SWy4SEy4 _14 34.24
'.n’E'4 15 44.24
NEt4. NEi4NWy4 —31 88 98
NV4 .. 32 121.68
NWy4 . 33 31.90
All .. 21 188.42
S^NEy4, SEy4 _26 47.46
pt. Nviswy*.
El4SEy4 -32 23.24
Pt. N%swy4,
W>-2SE>4 32 22.88
w%swy4 -33 16.28
E% .-...35 73.96
Township 32. Range 11
NEy4 _13 15.62
e%e% ..—14 4180
sEy4swy4, s%SEy4 .20
NEV4NEV4 -29 23.32
Mi _ _23
All 24 152.22
All 25 78.82
s%NEy4, sEy4Nwy4,
N‘4SEy4 -f
--” “5
S >4 N xk, SEy4 -35 84.44
In Carney Park.O’Neill
Friday — October 15 — Kickoff 8 P. M.
I Adm.: Adults, 50c, Children 25c
Township 30, Range 13
Description Sec. Tax
NEV4NEV4 _9 13.36
S4NWy4, SWVi,
NEVi _15 87.00
SMt _—27
NV4, SWVi _34 321.00
Rock Falls Precinct
Description Sec. Tax
Township 31, Range 12
SWVi . 1 $ 30.24
SEV4NEV4, EVfcSEVi .11
SM>NW»4. SWVi,
SWV4SEVi —. 12 88.58
NE'4NWV4 12 6.72
Township 31, Range 13
SW Vi . 18 25.36
NW Vi 20 35.90
NW Vi NEVi, NW>i 28 26.26
Sand Creek Precinct
Description Sec. Tax
Township 31, Range 14
SEVi, EM-NEVi . 3 $ 33.02
NWV4 .17 29.60
NEVi SEVi 5 17.18
Saratoga Precinct
Description Sec. Tax
Township 32. Range 13
WViNEEi 4 $ 14.80
1 A in NEV4 cor. of
NWV4NWV4 27 .18
Township 33, Range 13
E't'NE1^ 26 19.32
NViSWy4NWy4 26 3.14
NEViSEVi . .- 26 12.88
SViSWVi ...26 10.86
SViSEV4 26 10.72
$V6 28 35.42
NEy4, NE‘/4NWy4
SMiNWy4> SVi _31
All 32 111.00
All 33 51.82
W^NW'4, SVi .- 34 77.32
WMiSWy4 35 8.76
Scott Precinct
Description Sec. Tax
Township 31, Range 10
All .-.3 $ 62.29
All .. 10 48.79
SEy4 _7 46.54
All _15 50.92
SEy4SEy4 _17 6.40
NEy4 _ 19
NEV4NEy4, SViNEy4-20 65.30
SVi _21 57.60
All _ 22
SWy4 . —..23 131.90
N%, SEy4 . - 23
swy4swy4 .24 90.76
sviSEVi, sEy4swy4.24 19.34
SViNEVi, NViSEy4 .24 28.44
swy4 __ 31 30.76
Township 32, Range 10
1 A off end SViNEVi ~7 .58
Pt. WViSWy4 -12 .58
Lot 1-2-3-4, SWy4, Pt.
NEy4sEy4, ini ao
1 NWV4SEy4 -10 101.40
S»iSEy4 .- 10 40.96
Lot No. 4, NEViSEVi,
SM>SWV4 -11
Lot 1, swy4Nwy4 —12
SViNEtt, EViSEy4 13 150.24
NWy4, NViSWy, 14 74.78
Township 32. Range 10
sEy4sEy4 -H
EMjSEy4SWy4 .15 27.42
NViNEy4 .. 15 25.60
SViNEy4, NViSE’/4 15 44.06
Ey.NEy4,Nwy4swy4 21 12.78
c u, 18 57.Zo
NWy4 —. 19 32.22
SEy4SEy4 ..20 2.17
swv4swy4> w%NEy4,
nwv4, EViswy4,
wviSEy*. nf D_
SE»/4SEy4 -21 51.98
EV4, EViEViWVi .22 61.35
NEv4NEy4, sy>NEy4,
NEy4SEy4 . 23 42.60
NWy4NEy4, EViNWVi,
NEy-iSWVi, Nwy4SEy4
WViSWy4 — . 23 48.79
wy>NWy4 __27
NV2NEy4, SEy4NEy4 28 26.00
swy4 -27
EV2SEV4 - 28 33.02
NEV4NE‘/4 - 33 3.68
NWy4NEy4, NViNWy4,
NWy4SWy4 -34 i(U4
NWV4 .. 28 20.4»
swi/4swy4 -34 3.1Z
Shamrock Precinct
Township 27, Range 12
Description Sec. Tax
NMtN'iSE^ --2 858
NiiSEV4, SWy4SEV4 .12
W'iNEVi -13 34.4b
WViWVi -12 26.56
n‘1 — _19 6222
SVfeSlVy*, NMjNWVi 27 43.92
1 A in SWV4NWV4 -31 -30
S%SWV4 .- 30 13.76
N%NW% -31 1228
NEVi . 34
W^NEVi 35 65.30
Township 27, Range 13
SKtt -. ,3 872
NEVi __ 12
NEWSEW. SWSEW 12 39 8o
sew «*»
Sheridan Precinct
Township 28, Range 14
Description Sec.* Tan
52 -. 12 32.90
All Z. " . 27 84.70
NM>NE>/4. SWViNEVi 34 7.04
Township 29, Range 14
swy4 6 39.01
ME>1 7 55.80
SWVi 13 72.50
wu 16 120.36
SWy4 19 30.59
NvU ” -- 30 19.95
Township 29- Range 15
v\u . 1 52.28
NW>4 3 31.25
SW.4 3 39.38
.. 2 31.25
NW'4 10 33.49
Vv , .15 102.22
Shields Precinct
Township 30, Range 11
NWVi _4 $ 30.74
SM. ____ 5 61.46
SEti_10 32.94
SW'i 11 60.30
SWVi . 12 39.52
WM-SEVi, SEViSEl* 11 26.40
S4 13
N4, NVsSMi-24
W4 _ 25 179.84
SK', 19 27.82
E4NEV4 _ 23 26.24
NE'4 .. 25 22.32
NEMt . 28 32.77
W‘s . 28 79.14
N\V4 29 63.34
NW»4 33 66.78
S'2NE>4. N‘sSEi4 35 60.12
Township 30, Range 12
K' SW14 8 9.02
SEVi . 8 22.56
NE>.4 11 18.69
17 26.36
NW4SEV4 ... 17 13.50
SE>4 19 58.30
SWV4 19 36.32
Steelcreek Precinct
Township 31, Range 9
Description Sec. Tax
Pt. SE»4SWy4 -.2 $ .20
Pt. SWV4SEV4 - 2 .38
Pt. SWV4SEV4_ 2 .56
; Pt. SWI4SE V4 2 1.40
! Pt. SWViSEys 2 .38
Pt. SE'4NW>4 11 .38
i NMtSWtt, S52NW*4 13 35.26
S»2SWV4 _ 13
NWV4 .. 24 31.96
EVsSEVi - 15.44
NW»i . 23
Pt. SEV4 „.15 99.42
1 WVfeSWVi . 17 14.64
NW>4 20
' SEy4-- 30
! N'aNEVi, NWU 31
SWVi _ 32 179.30
NWLi _ 19 35.86
NEVi _ 20 35.86
QIa. 90 71 79
SE'/iSWVi .... 21 53.28
SWVi . 30 46.32
Township 32, Range 9
Apple Creek Village
Lot Blk. Tax
1-2 _1 .38
3 1 .38
4-5-6 _1 .38
1-2 ..2 .88
3 __ 2 .20
4-5-6 2 .56
Stuart Precinct
Township 29, Range 15
Description Sec. Tax
'NEVi . 4 $ 48.33
i SWVi 4 86.12
I SE>/4 5 66.36
SWVi _6 84.64
SE V4 . _18 79.68
Township 30, Range 15
WV4NEV4 __5 8.60
SWVi _ . 31 99.36
• Township 31, Range 15
NEVi -7 20.16
NW'i _ 18 10.60
SWVi _18 10.60
NEVi _ —19 17.84
SVi ..—...— 19 42.02
NEVi _ _20 22.86
NWVi . 28 54.46
SVi _32 73.92
EM-SEVi _ .33 18.16
Township 29. Range 16
NWVi . 1 66.04
SEY4 _ 1 87.66
NWy4 . 5
EVi _6 92.76
swy4 . 5
NEVi __ 7
NWVi . 8 143.10
NEVi NWVi _11 35.56
Township 30, Range 16
NEVi . 1 114.78
NEVi _ 10 68.08
SEVi . 10
SWVi .—.-.-11 163.14
NEVi . 11 180.92
NWy4 .. 11 98.35
EV^NWy4 .. 12 52.33
NE»/4 13 135.00
SEVi _ 14 93.28
EM>NEy4 25 89.40
NEy4__ 33 42.96
Township 31. Range 16
WV4 __-.1 30.76
SEy4 _____1 12.44
All 2 42.90
NEy4 12 18.42
WViS*¥- —V
S'Vi -. 5 rr.TO
SWVi _ —7 54.26
WVi _13 23.18
NWVi . 18 41.50
WViNEy4, WVi, SEy4 14 26.47
SEy4 __12 11.76
NEVi . 24 18.00
All_15 35.05
SV4 . 18 88.84
NV4 _22 19.46
NVi . 25 81.00
NW»/4. —28 46.66
SWVi _28 46.92
Stuart Village
Lot Blk. Tax
I- 2 _ 1 $ 65.90
2 3 30.00
17-18 4 44.80
19-20 4 59.60
3 5 17.06
4 ___ 5 61.68
e S SQ 70
Pt. *Outiot~B ------.5 10 38
No. 135 Outlot C -5 12.82
Hallock's Addition
7 6 125.62
13 ' 6 49.50
9- 10 7 28.32
W 74 ft. 11 —T 136.74
12 7 55.58
13 7 52.38
W 75 ft. 20-21 7 27.41
5-6-7 —8 25.53
1_2 9 69.50
Subdivision of Lots 1 & 2
E 93 ft. Outlot I 15.26
Pari of Outlot N
No. 180 ft. 1 ■— L 47.24
Carberries' Addition
Pt. 12-13-14 - C 43 86
Western Town Lot Co. Addition
is* • i ss
Kimball & Blair Addition
II- 12 .17 15.24
10- 11-12 18 52.91
19 12.38
12-13 19 50.12
14-15-16-17 19 17.70
Hallock's Second Addition
3-4-5-6 9.16
1 to 8 Incl. 2 44.48
1-2-3-4 4 114.04
6-7 6 6.86
8- 9-10-11 _2_.7 85.26
1-2_10 24.83
11 .11 42.04
W 35 ft. 3-4-5 .. 12 82.54
6-7-8_13 44.48
9- 10 13 28.32
24_14 15.10
1-2-3-4 __—15 21.94
Pioneer Townsile Co's. First
I- 2 22 26.52
12 -22 26.98
1 to 6 Incl._23 16.48
II- 12 23 40.84
Pioneer Townsile Co's. 2nd
All . 26 43.28
1 to 6 Incl. .. 30 16.16
1 to 12 lncl. . . 31 25.00
5-6_ 34 24.07
Swan Precinct
Township 25, Range 15
Description Sec. Tax
N*2N>2 12 $ 11.98
NW'4SE>4 29 2.08
SW>4, SW>4SE',4 29
SE>4 30
W2NE>4. N>2NWy4,
SE»4NW»4 „ 32
NW^SE^ _. 32 45.68
SW4 31 11.52
Township 26, Range 16
S^NE^i, E>2SE','4 30 8.12
S>2NW*4, N>2SW>4 30 9.74
Verdigris Precinct
Township 28. Rang* 9
Description Sec. Tax
NW>4 6 $ 70.08
SWINE'i, W'a 12 184.68
NW>4 __ 8 94.92
WH . 13 153.90
iW'i 14 100.24
SEi4 14 112.86
S4NEV4, N'2SE'4 32 39.88
E>2, NE'4SW»4 18
NViNE‘4 19 297.88
Pt. SW'4NW>i 18 8.48
NW>4 27 63.84
SE'4 - 22 74.48
NW»4 28 26.84
N4SW Va 28 41.48
S^SWVi —_ 28 20.76
NEy4SEy4 . 29 26.68
swy4 _ 33 31.92
SEy4SEy4 _ 29 20.18
NEVi _ 31 22.56
S‘2NWV4) S^ _31 50.76
NEy4NEy4 _32 10.00
S^SE»/4 32 22.56
WfcSEVi _33 23.42
S>4 . 34 122.36
Township 28, Rang* 10
NEy4 _ 1 81.54
NW>4 3 55.88
sysSEy4sEy4, No. is 13
pt. s^Nwy4SEy4
No. 17 13 74.76
S‘sNWV4, SWVi 26 48.60
Page Village
Lot Blk. Tax
Township 28, Rang* 9
Nondes. Pt. NWy4SWy4
N & T . 18 $ 15.12
Nondes. Pt. NWy4SWy4
K - 55.22
Township 28, Rang* 10
Nondes. Pt. SEViSEVi
No. 14 13 37.80
Pt. SE»/4NEV4 _ 94.14
3-4 1 11.36
3-4-5_ 2 2.30
6- 7 2 14.40
8-9-10 2 24.58
11-12-13-14 2 6.84
15 2 1.52
3-4-5 _ 3 27.62
6 to 10 Incl. _. .3 62.38
I to 10 Incl. _4 52.92
So. 67 ft. 1 to 5 . .5 62.38
No. 50 ft. 1 to 5 . 5 78.64
So. 75 ft. 16 to 20 Incl. 5 166.32
16-17-18 7 82.44
So. 25 ft. 1-2-3-4 8 40.10
7- 8-9-10 _ 8 29.52
15 8 3.82
16 8 3.82
17 _8 3.82
18 _8 11.36
I- 2 . 9 152
4 to 8 Incl. 9 166 32
So. 25 ft. 9 & 10 9 29.52
No. 42 ft. 9 & 10 _9 11.36
Center 50 ft. 9 & 10 9 22.68
40x16 of 15 _ 9 15.12
25x77- 11x40 of 15-16 9 26.48
So. 25 ft. of No. 75 ft
of 11-12-13-14 _9 66 94
6- 7-8 10 11.36
M0 _ 10 41.58
II to 15 Incl. .. .10 83.16
16 to 20 Incl_10 9.46
1 13 .78
Pt. Outlot B-25xl00 16 22.68
Pt. Outlot B-25xl00 16 37 46
1 to 7 Incl. —.-17 5.32
1 to 10 Incl_18 12.10
II- 12-13 .18 2.30
14 to 20 Incl._18 5.32
7- 8 19 3.82
19-20 22 86.96
5 to 17 Incl. _li i».HO
18-19-20 _ 23 44.64
1-2-3-4 24 25.84
5- 6 24 1.52
7-8-9-10 _ 24 3.04
11 to 15 Incl. -23 3.82
16 to 20 Incl. 28 3 82
Eastside Addition
3 2 2.30
4-5 —__2 7184
1 to 10 Incl. 3 24.20
1 to 14 Incl. _ 4 41.60
14 to 18 Incl.--5 35.94
6- 7 10 26.48
Willowdale Precinct
Township 30. Range 9
Description Sec. Tax
WM> 7 $ 31.64
Stt 27 58.42
NM2NEV4, 15 80.08
NV4NEV4, SEViSE’i 19
pi,.,NWV4) S’£ 20 14^ 44
All 21
W'4NWV4, S»/i _ 22 322.96
NM* _ 27
All . 28
NEV4, NEV4NWV4 - 29
NEV4. S% _ 32 244.76
SW’4 17 20.41
SEV4SWV4 - 29 6.12
SEV4 30 34.30
W’A __-.31 24.13
WM> 33 47.78
Township 30. Range 10
NE’.j 9 51.10
SE'i 9 56.32
NE1 1 20 29.40
SU, 30 40.02
W,;» 33 51.02 !
Ni-.'sW’i 1 25.64
S%NI% _ 2 15.92
NlfcSEVi . 2 26.94
NW>4 . 9 210.40
NWV4 __ . 7 57.06
SEV4 7 36.32
SWV4 8 33.66
SWI4 . 9 54.60
SWVi__ 19 84.64
SWy« _ 11 60.76
W% 13 60.76
SEti_14 28.21
N‘2 15 112.84
S‘4SEl4 15 14.34
N\V>4 23 26.92
Wtj, SEVi___18
NW'4 19 123.42
SW% 23 31.50
NE»4 24 34.72
W>2 ._... 21 72.46
25 95.48
NE>4 .-.31
\V. 32 87.00
NE>4 33 19.14
Wyoming Precinct
Township 25, Range 14
Description Sec. Tax
All 8 $ 78.22
All 9 59.68
E‘2E'2, NWViNE>4 7 27.00
NEt4NE»4. S»2NE>4 18 10.08
All _11
WVs _ 12
N4NWV4 ___13
E4E>4 _14 154.12
SEVi _12
N4NEV4 .13 24.90
EMjEMs 34 12.00
Township 26, Range 14
NW4SWV4_1 5.90
E1 ■> NE Vi . .11 13.28
NEV4 .22
SEV4NWI4 _26
SMs :_ 26 43.29
E'l-E»2 23
SWi4 24 71.18
NEV4 25 29.68
Amelia Village
Lot Blk. Tax
6-7 3 $ 9.58
1 to 10 Incl..4 .96
1 ..6 .20
4 to 9 Incl. .... 6 8.50
2-3-10-11-12-13 6 13.12
14-15 6 .34
6 to 10 Incl, __8
1 to 10 Incl... 9
1-2-3-4 ... _10 19.12
10 _12 .20
15 12 9.88
Hie Frontier Woman —
Oakdale Copy of Frontier Makes Rounds
of Town Before Returned to Owner
Hi there, all you fair, fat and
frantic people, also all the tall,
skinny and in-between.
The accent is on the cranberry
this week, October 8-14, for it is
cranberry festival time. The deep
red of cranber
ry makes a gay
color accent
for your favor
ite coffee cake
or quick loaf
bread, and the
flavor combin
ation is one
you’ll like. In
selecting cran
berries to high
light enriched
breads, look for
Blanche Spann berries that are
Pease lustrous and
Appropriate, and thrifty, cen
terpiece for October luncheon is
cranberry twist coffee cake. With
twists of sweet yeast dough
bridging the cranberry filling, it
shapes up into excellent eating.
In food value, coffee cake is al
ways in season. Its base is enrich
ed flour, providing B-vitamins,
protein and food energy for your
tamily’s good nutrition.
L-rlAINrstiKn. Y TWIST UUHi tt
Two packages yeast, compress
ed or dry, Vi cup lukewarm wa
ter, 1 cup milk, Vi cup shortening,
W cup sugar, 2 teaspoons salt, 2
eggs, beaten, 5 cups sifted enrich
ed flour (about), cranberry filling.
Soften yeast in lukewarm wa
ter. Scald milk. Add shortening,
sugar and salt. Cool to lukewarm.
Add 2 cups flour, beating well.
Add softened yeast and eggs. Mix
well. Add remaining flour to
make a soft dough. Turn out on
lightly floured board and knead
until smooth and satiny. Place in
greased bowl, cover and let rise
until doubled (about 1*6 hours).
While dough is rising, make fill
ing. When dough is light, punch
down. Divide dough into 2 equal
portions. Cover and let rest 10
minutes. Roll each portion into a
rectangular sheet about 10 inch
es long tand 15 inches wide. Cov
er half of each rectangle with
cranberry filling. Cut the other
half of each rectangle into an
even number of strips, % inch
wide, cutting to the edge of the
filling. Twist 2 adjoining strips
together, and lay twist over fill
ing. Fasten ends of twisted strips
by tucking them under edge of
coffee cake. Place on greased
baking sheets and let rise until
doubled (about 1 hour). Bake in
moderate oven (375 degrees F.)
25 to 30 minutes. Makes 2 coffee
Two cups cranberries, % cup
water, 1 cup sugar, 4 tablespoons
cornstarch, 2 teaspoons grated or
ange rind.
Cook cranberries in water until
the skins burst. Mix sugar and
cornstarch. Add to cranberries
and cook until thickened, stirring
constantly. Remove from heat.
Stir in orange rind. Cool.
Cranberries belong in quick
loaf breads for fall eating. Cran
berries, orange juice and nuts all
contribute to the excellent flavor
of cranberry nut bread which is
made by the quick muffin meth
od. Because this loaf bread has a
party look, it is appropriate to
serve for the many holiday occa
sions coming up on the calendar.
Subscription Winners—
“Recipe Seeker” wins one of
our 3-months’ subscriptions this
week. Mabel Guild, of Oakdale,
also wins a prize subscription.
Hi Everyone:
I’ve been meaning to write for
some time. Always enjoy the pa
per and especially the letters to
The Frontier Woman. Being away
from home, I always look for
ward to The Frontier.
Last week we had a surprise
visit from an aunt whom we had
n’t seen for years. She came in
from Cherokee, la. My, isn’t it fun
talking about the years gone by?
So many relatives have passed on
such as grandma’s and grandpa’s
who would really have enjoyed
seeing the great-grandchildren. It
would be nice to relive some of
those davs.
When my grandparents were
living it was something to look
forward to each summer to
spend a few weeks with them.
I am sending a recipe for pep
pers which some of the readers
might enjoy. Take 6 to 8 peppers,
2 tomatoes, about 5 cloves of gar
lic, 3 tablespoons of oil. First you
put the peppers on a pie pan or
in the oven to brown good. I al
ways put them into a paper sack
to steam afterward. They are
easier to peel. Put the oil in a
frying pan, cut garlic and brown
in oil. Put in the tomatoes. After
paring peppers, remove seeds, cut
peppers into small pieces and put
in pan to fry. Salt and pepper and
If one doesn’t like garlic, 1 me
dium sized onion can be substitut
ed. These are called Italian pep
By the way, I’ve been saving
all the recipes other homemakers
send in. I tried the bread and but
ter pickles. They are really good.
This is the first time I have
canned. I hope to have my
shelves filled every winter from
now on.
Gee, this letter is longer than 1
intended it to be.
Bye now,
Miss Guild's Latter—
Oakdale. Nebr.
Dear Frontier Woman:
I enjoy your column so much
so I thought I’d write you telling
all about the traveling of The
Frontier after it comes to our
house. I spend a pleasant hour,
first with our Frontier Woman,
copying a recipe or two. Next 1
turn to Prairieland Talk. I marvel
at the pathos and humor display*
ed and I envy Mr. Saunders. He
has the ability to express himself
so beautifully.
After the paper is read, well, 1
hike myself across the street to
the r Pearle Goodspeed home
where the Mr. and Mrs. search
out the Chambers news about
their old friends. After it is re
turned, I slip across the alley to
Mable Clarks’, who turns to the
Lynch column of news to learn
about her girlhood pals.
Its next move it at the Hart
igan home where they read a
bout their friends at Inman
and O'Neill. Then Neighbor
Charlotte eagerly scans the
Pa-e news for items of her
friends there.
At last it returns to me—not
spic and span like it left. Now it
has a tendency to be “dog eared-’
with a smudge here and there,
perhaps turned inside out, a
much used Frontier. There may
be an item or two taken out,
leaving a gaping hole staring at
me. Certainly not much left of it
—but how it has enriched the
leaves of the scrapbooks, as well
as the lives of these very good
neighbors. For pleasant memories
bring out the best in us. I’m so
happy to toss this splendid paper
to my friends. For one of God’s
best blessings is in good reading.
There doesn’t seem to be any
thing left out of The Frontier ex
cept a hobby corner. Let’s boost
this addition.
Very truly yours,
Send Us a Letter—
We’re very much in need of
letters for The Frontier Woman.
Each week we give a 3-months
subscription to each of the wnt
ers of the 2 letters we use in The
Frontier Woman.
You know what? A careless pe
destrian usually gets hit in the
When the average person gets
to spouting and says of some in
justice, “Somebody ought to do
something about it,” he means
somebody else.
I see where the price of pythons
has been raised to $20 a foot.
Gosh, I’m ignorant. I never knew
pythons had feet.
A man is worth about half way
between his mother’s opinion of
him—and his mother-in-law’s.