The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, October 12, 1950, Page 6, Image 6

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Notice is hereby given that
on November 6th, 1950, that be
ing the first Monday in Novem
ber, there will be a public auc
tion of all lands and town lots
in Holt County, Nebraska, on
which taxes are delinquent for
the year 1949 or prior years.
That at said sale so much of the
tracts of land or town lots will
be sold as may be necessary to
pay all delinquent taxes, accru
ing interest and costs thereon
to date of sale. That said sale
shall continue from day to day
until all tracts and town lots
have been offered.
Following is a complete list of
all tracts and town lots on which
the taxes are delinquent for one
year or more.
The amount of the 1949 delin
quent tax follows each descrip
tion but does not include back
taxes, interest or costs.
County Treasurer
Antelope Precinct
Township 29, Range 10
Description Sec. Tax
Wtfc _4
N% & SEy4 ___5
NEy4 ._ 6 $104.56
NWy4, SVt . 6 52.06
SH 10 93.08
SW>4 12 23.50
W1* _13 67.00
All .......... 14
NV4, SEy4 _ 15 288.60
NEy4 . 20 19.44
‘ NWy4 20 19.44
SEy4 _ 22 23.52
SWy« 23 33.30
NEy4 _27 137.76
SWV4 23 39.44
NEV4 _ 31 39.44
wy«swy4 _ 31 19.90
NWy4 . 33 39.44
Atkinson Precinct
Township 30, Range 14
Description Sec. Tax
_1 $ 53.24
SftNtt, SMs _ 1 164.84
_3 126.04
NEy4 _ 13 38.58
SKVi „. 13 44.60
NEy4 . _14 61.32
NW% 14 87.42
NWy4 _15 91.54
SEy4 - 24 54.32
EH, NWy4 _ 26 148.70
SEft 27 64.78
Pt. swy4swy4 28 20.70
Pt. swy4swy4 28 22.38
Pt. SEy4SWy4 _. 29 6.58
pt. swy4swy4 ... 29 4.24
Pt. SEy4SWy4 29 17.87
Pt. SEy4SWy4 ._ 29 2.25
Pt. SEy4SEVi 29 39.04
Block 3 of Duffy
Addn. 32 9.68
Pt. No. 16 33 22.38
Pt. No. 16 . .... 33 34.10
No. 17 33 24.26
No. 19 _ 33 22.14
No. 20 _ 33 31.54
No. 35 _ 33 91.44
Pt. No. 34 33 41.86
NEy4 35 49.80
swy4, WViSEy* 35 108.46
Township 31, Range 14
Description Sec. Tax
NVi.. 19 93.48
NEy4 _ 22 59.02
NEy4 23 49.28
NWy4 _ 30 46.06
NEy4, swy4 31 115.16
Township 30, Range 15
Eti . 11 96.14
SEy4 __— 23
NEy4 ..... 26 62.74
Pt. SEy4SWy4 . 24 .74
Pt. NViNEVi, Pt.
NEy4NWy4 25 3.02
•swy4 ... 35 19.67
Township 31, Range 15
NV4Swy4. sEy4swy4 23
NEy4NWy4 26 56.36
NEy4 .... 26 46.80
JUl . 34 147.16
Atkinson City
Lot Blk. Tax
E 60 ft. 2, All 3 2 $ 17.84
5-6 2 10.74
8-SV49. 2 56.82
8-9 5 56.50
8x35 ft. of East Side 4
S 25 ft. 4, All 5 — 8 4.28
10-11 8 59.08
15 _ ___ 8 22.34
17 8 8.50
8-9 9 25.99
4_ 10 5.64
Pt. 11 E24ft. 12_10 44.08
15-16, S 9 7/10 ft. 17 .10 95.80
1_11 28.24
25 ft. 9. 10-11 _ 11 38.18
NhUt'i 2nd Addition
4_ E 13.02
4-5_ I 16.94
8-9_I 1288
8_ K 17.26
3-4_X 47.46
Wixon'* Addition
1 _ __. 33 19.52
2-3_ 33 25.74
4 33 4.28
8 _33 4.28
1 to 8 Incl. 34 65.30
2 ______ .35 9.04
2-3_37 8.50
7 37 29.68
Bitnev's Addition
4 _ __... 17 4.28
7 __ . 18 84.74
23 163.60
_24 79.40
N%8_ 24 4.28
2- 3 -_-25 29.14
I _30 7.08
Kimball 8t Blair's Addition
5 13 4.00
II 13 34.78
4, N4 ft. 5 -- 34 8.50
10- 11 _— 34 62.16
12_ 34 63.28
5 /__35 19.52
1 _2-3 _ 39 26.88
11- 12_39 29.35
3- 4-5 _ _40 35.34
Western Townlot Co. Addition
6 __42 17.24
7-8 _42 6.5^
W 50 ft. 4, 5-6 43 5.6t
Tuller & McNichols Addition
S 41 ft. 4 inches 1-2-3 _1 32.78
6-7 1 41.28
10- 11-12-13 . 1 97.71
15 1 5.38
16-17 2 39.02
11- 12_3 18.37
Township 30, Range 14
East 66 ft. No. 19_ 32 30.26
East 33 ft. No. 20B 32 4.28
66 ft. No. 20B ... ... 32 4.28
No. 25 32 30.26
No. 34-1 _ 32 2.86
No. 38 32 2.86
Pt. No. 44 32 37.60
No. 49 32 32.78
Pt. No. 51 . 32 3.68
Pt. No. 51_32 13.58
No. 55D1 ___ 32 2.86
No. 55D2 __32 1.72
No. 52_—-32 1.14
No. 54D _32 8.52
Pt. No. 54 32 4.28
No. C_32 31.64
Pt. NW No. 10 32 74.04
Pt. NW No. 7C-1_32 4.00
Pt. NW No, 6_ 32 2.86
Pioneer Townsiie Co. 1st Add'n
4-5-6 46 26.00
, i, 7 48 23.50
12 48 26.00
IS 48 11.62
IS 48 26.88
Collin's 2nd Addition
. - i CO *7A
Ii-J *
19-20 2 5.64
, } 3 48.60
7, W 30 ft. 6 3 32.80
Ballon's Addition
1-2-3 1 25.76
15-17-18 -1 17-84
Morningside Addition
2-3-17-18 - -1 48.36
N 8 ft. 4, S 13 ft 19 1 2.86
Chambers Precinct
Township 26, Range 12
NW‘4 20 60.65
SeV* 22 20.46
mu, .. _.26 28.24
Ft SEV* . 24 11.24
SW4 26 22.02
NE>4 28 117.OJ
Ft. NEViSEVi No. 14 30 4.02
Township 26. Range 13
3*4 2 71.82
EViNEVi, NWViNEVi 28 43.64
NW V4 20 46.24
Chambers Village
Lot Blk. Tax
12 . A $ 29.26
3 I C 35.82
11 C 34.66
Fluckey's Addition
14-15, Nondescript
No. 32 C 64.68
16 C 50.06
Baker's Addition
1-2, N 22 rods of W Vi 3 1 34.28
8 . 1 25.04
Township 26, Range 12
Pt. No. 6 19 35.06
4-5 _ 19 40.04
Nos. 5-6-7-8 20 27.72
No. 13 20 28.50
E 123 ft. No. 26 29 .78
No. 13 30 5.02
Cook's Addition
17 to 20 Incl. 1 38.14
6-7, S 10 ft. 5, 8 2 7.70
,-2-3, 7 to 12 Incl. 6 21.20
*-5-6 6 48.14
Robertson's Annex No. 2
1 1 6.16
Park Addition
j to 10 Incl. F 62.00
Perkin’s Annex
2 E .40
Cleveland Precinct
Township 32, Range 15
Description Sec. Tax
NEV4NEV4 19 31.18
SW Vi 30 36.08
Township 32, Range 16
vV4, WyjSEVi 18
,V‘^NEVi, NW Vi,
NW ViSEVi 19 71.62
WVi 25 43.14
S’* 25 41.28
)E V»SWVi, SEVi 29
1S%WWV4, ,
SEI4NWV2 32 35.50
All 31 59.90
SWV4NWV4, aoel
NEVs 35 33.54
NWV4SWV4 -. 32 5.16
Coleman Precinct
Township 32, Range 12
Description Sec. Tax
i WV4NEV4, NWI4 3 $ 66.42
Ntt, SWV4 4 92.40
NM1NWV4, SEVsNWVs 5 29.16
SWVs 8 3322
'v'.SW'i 10 58.02
NE^NEU 11 I™
W>. 15 47.50
SEV« 15 1136
1 acre in EMsSWVi,
W^SEVs 27 36.48
SK'i 28 9.80
Pt. NWV4SWV4 27 1.00
swt4 29 25 21
Township 33. Range 12
NW>4 30
Township 33. Range 13
S4N1*, SMj 24 107.70
N>2. SWt4l NV1SEV4,
SWViSEVs 25 79.56
Conley Precinct
Township 25. Range 12
NWVs 1 $ 40.94
SE>-4 10 58-12
Si2NW>4 27 12 86
Township 25. Range 13
NWVs. SVi 7 5936
N«.\ 13 21.96
S&*• **-.::: :S mu
SWV4NWW1 —. 20 8.18
WH . 29
AH 30
!N4NE%, NW>4 31 147.42
,Sl-NE>». N‘2SWV4,
SEV4SWV4, SE^ -31
SVsNWVs, SWVs - 32 7a<4
SWV4SWV4 _ 31 3.40
W4. SEV4-33 97.28
W4SWi« _34 7.70
Deloit Precinct
Township 25, Range 9
Description Sec. Tax
1 ..1 $ 37.22
Sy.NE*'*, SEV4 2 136.82
SWV4NEy4, SE^NWii,
E4SWV4 6
! N‘2SE^4t SE‘,4SEV4- 6
N4NWV4, SEV4_7
W,W<2 8 137.10
SWV4SEV4 .. 6 5.40
SEy» 8 63.54
N^NE*-4 11 49.00
SEViSW'i, SEV4 _12 109.56
NE',4 . 12 71.40
NWV4 _ 12 89.64
NWV1NWV4, except 1%
w^swy4_13 63.78
NWV4NWV4 ~.„16 33.60
EM>SE<4 -.- 17 22.92
NWV4NW«/4 _17
N'/iNEV4l NE«4NWV4 18 43.02
WijNW y4.
SEy4NWy4 _18 26.22
SWV4 . 18
NE>4NW>4 19 38.20
W^NWVi, Ny2SWy4 19 30.56
NttNEVi — 20 21J2
EVz . 24 121.68 |
NE*<4 25 74.36
NVW4 26 81.12
Pt. NEy4NEV4 27 19.62
Township 25. Range 10
■ , n 4 4 10
J72 «•» v
NEViNEVi _13 31.28
SE»/4 24 72.58
NE>/4, NEViNWy4,
SV4NWy4 _26
swy4t swy4sEy4 26
SEV4NEy4, SEV4 .27 164.40
WMiSEVi 34 17.56
Dustin Precinct
Description Sec. Tax
Township 33. Range 14
NV4NEy4, SEy4NEy4 6 $ 28.08
NEVi, NV4NWy4l
NEy4SWy4 _11 40.90
SW'4NW*4 14
syjNEy4, Nwy4, SEy4)
swi/4swy4 15 50.12
n'2nev4, SEy4NEy4,
NVaNWy4, NEV4SEy4,
SMtSEy4 . . 21
NWVi, SViNEtt,
Nwy4NEy4, swy4,
SWy4SE«/4 _ 22 197.60
NEy4 28 31.20
EViNWft, SW>/4 .... 33 67.60
Township 33, Range 15
Lot No. 6 22 2.96
sv2NEy4, Ey,SEy4l
NWViSEy, _25
Emmet Precinct
Township 28, Range 13
Description Sec. Tax
NEVi, SWV4, N>4SE>/4 2 $ 71.76
SViSWVi 5 6.94
W'/iSEVi ... 5 6.11
EViSWVi, SEy4 6 22.68
N Vi 11 95.52
swy4 _ 13
EV4SEy4 14 24.84
SW'/4SWy4 20 5.36
SViNVi, EV4SEy4 23 24.85
SViNVi, EViSEVi 23 24.85
WVi 24
WViNEVi, WVi 25 84.03
NEVi, EV2NWy4,
NEy4swy4, SEViSEy4,
NViSEy4 26 42.51
EV4NEV4 25 19.78
WVi 29 28.00
EViEVi 30
NViSEVi 31 63.54
NWy4, WViSWVi 32 23.56
swy4 31 15.12
NE',4 32 14.24
Township 29, Range 13
SV4 6 63.11
NViSEVi 7 29.08
NViSWVi 3 38.06
NEV4 20 56.56’
SEV4 27 43.84
N‘z 31 33.84
SWV4 34 30.20
NW'4 34 32.64
S'2, NEV4 35 101.82
Emmet Village
Lot Blk. Tax
Center 50 ft. 1 & 2 2 $ 1.26
North 50 ft. 1 & 2 2 1.26
South 50 ft. 3 & 4 2 1.26
North 50 ft. 3 & 4 2 1.26
Center 50 ft. 3 & 4 2 1.26
5-6-7-8 2 4.90
i 3 .84
oouth 70 ft. 5-6-7 3 2.46
North 20 ft. 5 3 11.00
South 20 ft. of N 40 ft.
5-6-7 _ 3 5.32
8 8-10 3 7.32
11-12-13-14 3 8.12
9 8 .66
1-2-3-11-12-13 9 20.52
Lyon's Addition v
5 A .84
i-2, S 32 ft. 3 C 2.46
No. 3B, No. 4B 13.44
N 38 feet lot 4 C 1.26
S 34 ft. 5 C 1.26
No. 3A, No. 4A 1.26
No. 3C, No. 4C . . 17.50
,s | of D 2.06
1 to 10 Incl. _ F 6.12
3 to 8 incl. .~G 2.58
9-10 G
, 1 to 12 Incl. H 6.72
• 1 to 6 Incl.--1 3.70
13-4-5 J 2.46
No. 5, No. 6 _ .. 1.64
, No. 7A . - 3.08
1 No. 7 2.46
25x100 ft. Nondescript
No. 1 S 23-T29-R 13 13.82
Ewing Precinct
Township 26, Range 9
Description Sec. Tax
Pt. SW V4SWV4 No. 8,
No. 9 2 5.32
Pt. SWtiSW^ 2 20.26
Pt. NWUSWh No. 12 2 27.70
Roll's Addition
Township 26, Range 9
NWhNWh _3 29.84
Pt. EV2NWV4 No. 5,
No. 6, No. 7 - 3 45.24
Pt. SEI4NWI4 No. 15 3 .60
Pt. NE»4NWl4 No. 2 3 2.68
Pt. NF.v4NW14 No. 3 3 17.60
Pt. NEViNWVi No. 4
Pt. NEl4N\V‘4 No. 31 3 1.10
S W14 NW t4 3 31.92
Pt. SE*^ No. 28 3 2.68
Pt. Nl>iSEki No. 24 3 5.32
i SWfcNEy*, SV4NWU 4 38.34
6 acres in SWV4SWV4 4 2.68
SMjNWVi, SWV4_5 38.34
isE^. NW^NEfc,
S4NEV4 5 60.68
N'-aSE^, SEI4SEU -6 19.20
NEV4 __8 46.86
iNis^NWy^, S4NWU 8 65.52
S4. 8
I All __ _ 9 356.44
Pt. NEV4NWV4_11 27.20
NEV4SEV4_11 30.38!
S^SEV4 _ 16 35.42
NEV4__17 25.58
nw>4, N!aSWi4,
SEy4SWV4 __17 25.86
SEtt .. 17 25.58
E12NWV4 . 21 17.08
; W'jNWH, SWk _21 74.84
jE&EVi _ 28 23.60
swy4NEy4, nw>4,
NWV4SEV4_28 46.26
NEV4NEV4 __ 36 4.92
Township 26. Range 10
N'/iSWV*. WVaSE‘4 2 17.32
E^aSEVi _ 2 9.00
sv2sw«/4, swy4sEy4 h 9.90
i 15
WVaNWi/4, SE%NE%,' '
E^SEy4 _22 33.70
NVa _ 27 21.44
NWysNEVi, WVa — 23 29.70
Ewing Village
L.OIS tJiK. liUl
9-10-11. 2 $ ‘13.02
7-8 4 111.48
6 ..5 112.18
1 8___5 89.44
14 _5 140.38
NMs of West 60 ft 17 5 20.04
IW^EVi 11-12-13_6 65.33
14-15-16 ... 6 7-28
17 _6 2.44
18 _6 2.44
23-24 6 28.92
N 100 ft. 1_8 79.14
2 _8 30.98
1 9 65.33
2 9 29 64
West 20 ft. 8_ 9 30.98
15 9 33.74
Kimball & Blair's Addition
8 _10 23.26
0 _11 3.46
3- 4__w_.12 55.04
5-6 12 34.40
NVfc 10-11-12_12 6.62
Pioneer Townsite Co. Addition
4- 5-6_15 58.50
SVi 2, All 3_16 50.10
1 _17 58.50
4- 5-6_19 27.52
7 _19 27.52
5 10 ft. 5, All 6 & 7 .-22 41.28
12_24 9.48
6 ___26 3.46
Subdivision of Outlots A & B,
Blks. 28 to 33
1-2-3 28 27.52
I- 2_30 5.54
3 _30 2.78
4 _30 278
5- 6_30 30.30
II- 12 ___30 5.54
8-9_ 32 25.81
7-8 33 20.64
9 33 3.46
Township 26, Range 9
Pt. No. 12_ 2 63.00
Lot 1 of Outlot B-2 61.92
Lot 5 of Outlot B _ _2 3.46
This Part of Ewing Village
Being in Golden Twp.
Township 27, Range 9
SVfc No. 6 _34 64.02
No. 8_34 49.56
Township 26, Range 9
No. 3 _.2 68.80
No. 5_2 16.6*
Pt. No. 10 2 2.G4
Pt. No. 17, No. 18,
Pt. 20-21_ 3 43.72
No. 24 — . _3 15.16
No. 28 3 75.68
No. 21, Lot B, Lot 4,
Blk B . _ 6.88
Fairview Precinct
Township 27, Range 14
Description Sec. Tax
SWV4 _26
SE»2 21 $ 38.12
SVsNEV*. SE>4 35 42.00
Francis Precinct
Township 27, flange 15
SEy4SEV4 14
SWy4SW'/4 13 $ 8.68
NEy4, EVaNWVi, S%23 57.02
Golden Precinct
Township 27, Range 9
Description Sec. Tax I
SE% 1 $ 76.20
NEV4 4 5040
N'nNW, 4 12.24!
NEy4 5 40.28 i
NW% .... 5 19.91
SWV4 5 28.58
SEV4 5 28.58
S'-NEV-i 7 13.85
sev4swv4, syaSEy4 7 77.13
EVi 8 50.10
WMt 8 50.10
W‘jNW',4, W>iiSWy4 9 16.78
NEy4SW‘4 7 11.04
SEy4 6 65.91
N4SEV4. SW*-4SWy4 7 12.36
NEV4 . ... 10 26.68
SEV4 ..n 93.64
NW-tNWi4, S^NWy4,
SWt4 13 109.22
NWL4SWl4 _17 29.84
N4NEi4. SEViNE^,
NEt4SE'4 18 51.88
NEVi . 23 68.42
swy4 . 27
sy*sy* . .28 68.08
Township 27. Range 9
EMjSWi-i . 29 18.36
SEV4 _ 29 15.12
NEy» _32 8.82
E4NWV4 _32 6.58
NWy 33 8.42
NE>4 33 38.76
MW >4 34 85.70
Pt. N‘2SE>4SEi4 34 13.88
Pt. SW'4SE>, No. 6 34 3.76
Pt. SW‘4SW>4
No. 8 & 9 _35 21.28
Township 27, Range 10
Pt. NE'jSWVi, W%SWy4,
SEV4SWy4 11 47.08
Pt. NEUSWI4 . 11 3.76
Pt. HEftSWft - -11 -28
Pt. NEV4SWy4 11 3.38
NE14NWV4 __14 29.32
Green Valley Precinct
Township 28. Range 15
Description Sec. Tax
W^SEVs_1 $ 02.96
Ehi _3 4620
lEt* _9
W«4_10 89.61
E4 _11
w‘2nei4, nw*4,
N^Sk _12 198.00
All_17 105.60
NW^ 22 32.16
E4NW»4 ... -26 9.06
S>4 .26 25.76
E>2 27 21.73
NW>/4 27 6.63
Township 28, Range 16
SWy4NEV4 _3 35.04
Township 29, Range 16
N^SWft . 24 27.80
Grattan Precinct
Township 28, Range 11
Description Sec. Tax
E*4NEV4 _5 $ 29.58
NMiNWy4 .. .5 38.16
NEy4 _6 45.72
Stt _ 20
SWVi. 29 35.82
NEVi _29 11.91
Sy»NEy4 _31 11.30
SEy4 _31 24.72
NT W14 ...32 11.36
1 ownship 29, Range 11
All _1 17040
SE% . 4 40.50
SE11 10
SWy4 —.11 157.62
NW^4 12 55.38
SW>4 17 56.96
Pt. SE' i 22 40.02
N 1 kSE14 No. 26 29 2.56
No. 5-6-23-24-63 ...... 29 28.16
No. 36-41-42 29 60.33
No. 59 SE*4SWy4 29 1.46
Pt. SW'4SW^ No. 53 30 17.48
Pt. SWl4SWV4
No 53A _..|0 6.12
Pt. NijNWii . 32 24.08
SEttSEK _ 33 24.54
S%SW% _34 35.80
SEftSEft 34 14.78
Township 28, Range 12
E'2 8 29.21
SWy, 8 15.24
S‘2SW'4 —12
NWi4 13 49.06
NEyjSWtt, SMsSWVi,
SEV4 _18
NEy*. N14NWy4 _19 43.00
SEi4NWy4, S14 _19
S«4 20
S>2 _21 149.32
W% 26 50.80
N%SW%, SEViSWy4 27 17.78
All . 28
N>2, SEV4_29
NEl4 .. 30 209.52
NW% 30 23.76
Township 29, Range 12
SWy4_1 109.50
.n'W‘4 2 71.28
SEl4 _7 79.04
NE% —_ 8 00.80
W4SWV4 _ 8 31.06
SEi4 _14 71.28
NEVs _17 66.00
S%NW% 17 23.20
SEk»_17 37.62
N4_18 67.86
Lots 1 to 7 Blk 6_.29 8.92
Sl2SW*4) SEV4 _23 11112
NEL4 _—35 40.62
O’Neill City
Lot Blk. Tax
N4 7 fc 8_1 $ 42.62
I- 2-3 2 13.10
No. 85 ft. 7 & 3_7 32.70
So. 85 ft. 7 & 8_7 4.30
All 9, Pt. 10 _7 18.78
7-8 ... _ 8 48.30
All 4, E‘ts 5 11 132.08
No. 45 ft. 16 11 32.96
II- 12 19 166.46
10 21 93.74
11 21 165.90
19-20 21 35.51
So 20 ft. 1-2 & 3
So. 20 ft. of W 1214
4 . 22 27.88
So. 80 ft. 1 23 31.84
9, SttWtt 10 23 88.64
So. 120 ft. 15 23 45.44
So. 24 ft. of No. 144 ft.
1-2-3 & 4 28 14.80
~ nn no r»A
O AU 6u.«/u
7 3 28 52.86
10-11 28 73 32
So. 140 ft. 12 & 13 ... 23 151.12
No. 70 ft. 9 _ 29 28.16
13 30 24.78
All 4 & 5, EVse 6 ol 32.96
So. 120 ft. 9-10-11 &
12 31 4330
All 4, E^5 .___ 33 3.54
W1* 5, All 6 _. 33 38.96
22 33 17 04
23 33 28.40
So. 21 ft. 24 33 28.40
So. 70 ft. 1 & 2 ..34 15.40
6- 7-8 34 15.94 |
cj 36 2 GO !
O'Neill & Haggerty's Addition
12 to 17 Incl. _ A 15.94
16 B 32.70
17 B 4.30
18 B 21.34
SMs 1 & 2 --C 16.22
SVi 11 _ C 12.54
14-15 F 11.36
W 10 ft. of So. 120 ft 19,
So. 120 ft 20 _H 43.47
4 I 1.74
Riggs’ Addition
W 34 ft. of E 68 ft.
22-23-24-25-26 33 1 44
W 95 ft. 19 to 24 Incl. 40 86.94
W 60 ft. 13 to 18 Incl.. 41 62.82
3-4 _.- 43 44.92
7- 8 43 34.00
E 60 ft. 17 to 22 Incl. 44 25.04
6- 7-8-9 -..45 7.40
EM: 10 to 17 Incl. —45 49.48
McCafferty's Addition
5 43 23.90
E 15 ft. 12, All 13 - 48 3.70 j
E 22 ft. 15, Pt. W Ms
23 ft. 16 _ 43 2.60
3 -49 7.42
N>2 7 & 8 49 13.42
12-13-14-15 - 49 16.35
3 50 1.42
5-6 SI 2.86
7- 8 51 25.32
10 51 23.90
9-10-11 52 4.30
12 52 1.74
Fahy's 2nd Addition
1-2-3 A 25.32
8- 9-10 A 7.42
11 _A 4.83
15 A 1.18
70 ft x 72 ft. 16
50 ft x 70 ft. 17_B 86.64
3_C 4.30
7-8 .._ C 30.72
1-2 _D 79.00
3-4 _,_D 87.74
5 to 9 Incl. _ _E 6 53
Millard's Addition
12-0 x 136 ft. 1_A 18.47
191 x 100 ft. 1_A 5.63
190 x ft. 4. ...A 42.32
5 ...____A 2 60
5-6. B 26.72
3-4_C 11.98
McCafferty's 2nd Addition
SW^4---D 14.30
1-2-3-4 ¥ 5.44
7-8 -F 1422
13-14 F 13.96
SEV4-y2 45 ft-G 1 74
N 45 ft. 14-H 2.86
1-2-3-4-J 6.86
5 -_J 18.73
McCafferty's Annex
All-_JB 22.72
NEV4-l..6 2.86
8 —-. 7 18.48
(Continued on page 7.)
Charter No. 5770 Reserve District No. 10
Report of the Condition of the
of O’Neill, in the State of Nebraska, at the close of business on
OCTOBER 4. 1950.
Published in response to call made by Comptroller of the
Currency, under Section 5211, U. S. Revised Statutes.
Cash, balances with other banks, including re
serve balance, and cash items in process of
collection - - $ 784,324.85
United States Government obligations, direct
and guaranteed - 1,878,278.95
Obligations of States and political subdivisions_ 70,787.22
Corporate stocks (including $3,000.00 stock of
Federal Reserve bank _ 3,000.00
Loans and discounts (including $785.94 overdrafts) 331,075.95
Bank premises owned $3,000.00 _ 3,000.00
Other assets_ 952.89
Total Assets ---- $ 3.071.419.86
Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships,
and corporations ___ $ 2,572,407.11
Deposits of United States Government (includ
ing postal savings___ 25,405.28
Deposits of States and political subdivisions_ 115,094.18
Deposits of banks ___ 148,189.32
Total Deposits _$2,861,095.89
Total Liabilities_ $ 2.861.095.89
Capital Stock:
Common Stock total par $50,000.00 _ $ 50,000.00
Surplus.._.. 50,000.00
Undivided profits ______ 110,323.97
Total Capital Accounts_._ 210,323.97
Total Liabilities and Capital Accounts _ $ 3,071,419.86
Assets pledged or assigned to secure liabilities
and for other purposes ___ $ 347,500.00
State of Nebraska, County of Holt, ss:
I, J. B. Grady, Cashier of the above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is true to the best of my know
ledge and belief.
J. B. GRADY, Cashier.
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 9th day of October,
ALICE E. BRIDGES, Notary Public.
(SEAL) My commission expires July 25, 1956.
Correct — ATTEST: F. N. Cxonin, E. F. Quinn, Julius D. Cronin,
Member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
(This bank carries no indebtedness of officers or stockholders)
THINK when you are ready
to market your cattle
The METHOD of marketing
cattle has changed
RANCHERS and FEEDERS from Montana to Texas, from
Ohio to California prefer buying and selling their stocker and
feeder cattle at AUCTION MARKETS.
Remember Every Year
The best purebred livestock is sold at AUCTION. Even at
The Private Treaty Markets, the best stocker and feeder
cattle are sold at AUCTION.
ALL your livestock is sold at AUCTION, by Auctioneers
with a lifetime of experience, DIRECT to grazers and feeders
from a feeding territory.
Why not consign your next shipment to
The Sandhills Foremost
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Atkinson, Nebr. - Phone 5141
Thoroughly Responsible Thoroughly Reliable