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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1950)
t FOR SALE FOR SALE: 60 purebred Hamp shire boars. Streamlined, ba con type, heavy boned, good hams, small head. Some blue ribbon winners. New popular bloodlines. Prices reasonable. —Shadylane Hampshire Farm, 3 mi. east of Creighton. 20-27c FOR SALE: 110-volt, 1,000-watt alternation light plant, $225. One 32 - volt Delco, $70. — Plainview Farm Equipment Co. 4tf FOR SALE: Purebred spotted boars and gilts.—Frank Beel aert, Page. 22tf Duroc Sale Saturday, Oct. 14, 2 p. m. WE WILL sell 50 head of big, growthy Duroc boars and gilts sired by a Son of Blue Diamond, 1949 Nebr. grand champion. Sale will be held at the farm near Spencer. F. W. Loock & Son Spencer, Nebr. 22-23c FOR SALE: Electric water heat ers, 30- and 52-gal., double el ement. We install them. — —Wm. Krotter Co. of O’Neill, phone 531. 23c FOR SALE: 1940 Ford tudor; 1949 Pontiac 6 club coupe. — Wm. Krotter Co. of OfNeill, phone 531. 23c FOR SALE: Chrome and leath er breakfast set. little used.— James M. Corkle, O’Neill. 23c FOR BRIGGS & STRATTON service and genuine parts call at Vic Halva’s Electric SI O’Neill. FOR SALE: Red cedar posts, all sizes, priced to sell. — Chas. Lawrence, O’Neill. 15-18pl9-31p335 FOR SALE: Purebred Spotted Poland China boars. Vaccinat ed both ways. New blood line. 5y« miles west of Plainview on highway 20.—Elmer Bohl. 21 tf FOR SALE: Available IHC Na 9 and trail mowers New Idea and Lundell power mowers— Plainview Farm Equipment, Plainview. Nebr. 8ti New Massey-Harris Combines Give Us Your Order NOW With Small Payment Down Massey-Harris Guarantees De livery in December, 1950, at old low price. AIL Sizes — Self-Propelled or Pull Type. 6-, 7-, 10-, 12-, 14-, 16-Ft. Sizes. 1 New 1951 Massey-Harris Self propelled Cornpicker. Outlaw Implement Company Tony Asimus, O’Neill, Nebr. Phone 373 23c FOR SALE: 1946 Chev. 2-ton truck, new engine, 2-speed transmission, 8 25 tires. $750. — Corkle Hatchery, O'Neill, phone 19. 23c FOR SALE: Disc harrows, 10-, 12-, 15- and 18-ft. sizes.—Wm. Krotter Co. of O’Neill. 23c AUTO OWNERS IF YOU WANT cheaper insur ance let me know. I can fi nance a 1946 and newer mod el automobile and write you* insurance for you I We need and appreciate your business GEO. C. ROBERTSON O'Neill, Nebr. FOR SALE: Breeding Ewes for sale — Lloyd Kyner, phone 2301 Long Pine or Cecil Schal lex, phone 3961. Long Pine, Nebr. 19-28c FOR SALE: Oil space heaters 8” and 10", Preway make. — Wm. Krotter Co. of O’Neill. 23c FOR SALE: Two 5-acre plots, ideal for building, within 8 blocks of O’Neill schools, just outside city limits- — R. H. ("Ray”) Shriner, O'Neill, phone 106 21c I HAVE cash buyers for residen tial properties in O’Neill. — R. H. (“Ray") Shriner, O’Neill, phone 106. 22-24c Cornpicker Bargains New G. I. and Farmrite The simplest & best picker sold 1-row pull type, $495.00 2-row pull type or mounted $695 00. A picker to fit any tractor. Also semi-mounted 1-rows foi Ford or Ferguson tractors. Lowest prices in U. S. A. Largest stock of G. I and Farm rite parts in Nebr. Outlaw Implement Company Phone 373 O’Neill, Nebr You Want M< for your Uve stock ship to popular FRANK F SCOTT Siuux City, Iowa -- - - - FOR SALE: 1- and 2-row Case cornpickers, new.—Wm. Krot ,er Co of O’Neill, phone 531. 23c FOR SALE: 12-fa. Winchester pump gun in good shape. See — W. M. Egger, O’Neill. 23c *- ■ FOR SALE: A gas Servel, used 3 months, at a low price at Leidy's, O’Neill. 23c I USED CARS & JEEPS ALL BARGAINS 1950 Coronet Deluxe Dodge. *948 Frazer Manhattan. : 1949 Willys S ation Wagon. 1936 Chevrolet. 1935 Chevrolet. 11946 Plymouth. 11947 Willys Jeep. 1934 Oldsmobile. Asimus Kaiser-Frazer Company New Kaisers and Henry J’s In Stock Again FOR SALE: 160-acre farm, 80 acres pasture, 70 acres hay & farm ground, 10 acres shel terbelt, 6 miles south and 4Vfe miles west of Atkinson. —Joe Mlinar, Atkinson. 23-24p60 FOR SALE: Gas bathroom heat er, $4.95 at Leidy’s, O’Neill. PEP CLUB bake sale Saturday, October 14, at Ralya’s IGA store. Starting at 10 a. m. 23p35 FOR SALE: Just received ship ment of 6.70x15, 7.10x15 and 6.00x16 B. F. Goodrich tubeless tires.—Wm. Krotter Co. of O’ Neill, phone 531. 23c FOR SALE: 2 - bedroom fully modern home in O’Neill, a real good buy, immediate posses sion. —R. H. (“Ray”) Shriner, O’Neill, phone 106. 22-24c FOR SALE: Used gas stove, full size, $35 at Leidy’s, O’Neill. 23c FOR SALE: Good improved farm in northern Holt county, con sisting of 229 acres, 100 acres under cultivation, 27 acres alf alfa, balance pasture. Part can be irrigated, with pump on farm. Must be sold soon. — George C. Robertson, O’Neill. 23-25c Beilin’s Gardens OFFERS the following for sale: Navy beans, cabbage, potatoes, onions, squash, individual and hubbard. Order now. —Phone 338-J. 18tf FOR SALE: 1947 Chevrolet Style master. Inquire Consumers of fice days or call 409J evenings. —Don Kellner, O’Neill. 23p35 FOR SALE: Purbred Hereford boars, papers furnished. — Art Brinkman, O’Neill, phone 162-J 23-24p65 FOR SALE: Swift’s Mineral, 100 pounds $3.25 at Leidy’s, O’Neill. 23c FOR SALE: Heavy duty under slung, heavy beams and axles, good rubber, new 14x18 bed, complete with cable.— Gerald Connor, 8 miles north 5 east, Atkinson. 23-25p85 FOR SALE: Well-improved 320 acre farm located 4 miles south west of Inman, about 40 acres hayland, 12 acres alfalfa, bal ance farm and pasture; 9-room house, 30x48 barn, 20x90 cattle sned, hogshed, granary, new chicken house, 3 wells, 2 n*w windmills, double garage; 1 mil* from school; REA and mail route to place.—Otto Ret k-', Inman. 23-25pl50 FOR SALE: Jamesway hen’s nests at Leidy’s, O’Neill. 23c FOR SALE: Oil heated hen ca terers at Leidy’s, O’Neill. 23c 23c FOR GOOD insurance of all kinds see R. H. (“Ray”) Shrin er, O’Neill, phone 106. 22-24c FOR SALE: 9-room house in good O’Neill residential dis trict, 2 to baths, beautiful home, one of the better homes j - in city, 8 lots.—R. H. (“Ray") Shriner, O’Neill, phone 106. 22-24e FOR SALE: Good used Woods Bros, cornpicker. ready to go, reasonable.—Augie Thiele, 13 miles south and 3 to east of Ewing. 23-24p65 FOR SALE: Modern, new 4 room house, outside city lim its, Danceland corner, includes 5to acres ground, electricity, mail, telephone. Ideal for de velopment. —Glea H. Wade, ’ O’Neill 22c FOR SALE: To settle estate, good 320-acre improved farm, located 20 miles* east 5 miles north of O'Neill 120 acres un der cultivation, 30 gores alf lafa. balance pasture — La vaine Hines, at the farm. 22-23pl 00 >st Possible Dollars lh» dependable, capable, long COMMISSION CO, Stock Yanis. 23tf w MISCELLANEOUS I HAVE EASTERN MONEY to loan on FARMS, RANCHES, and CITY PROPERTY. Let me figure with you on a loan. — R. H Parker. O’NeilL Itf L. Guthmiller REPAIR SHOP Half-black East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in aU kinds of automobile, truck and trac tor repair Acetylene weld ing GOOD FLOOR SAJTOER and edger for rent Inquire: Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co., O’NeilL CUSTOM CORN SHELLING: New M-M truck mounted sheller, 1,500 bu. hour capac ity. Make arrangements for you rebelling with K. C. Hunt, at Hunt’s Recapping Service, phone 289, O’NeilL Complete Auction Sales Service! Advertising, auctioneering, clerking ... let us take care of the details. Cadi or see ED THORIN, Chambers or KEITH ABART, O’Neill Insurance of All Kinds FARM & COMMERCIAL WIRING Don’t wire until you have our price. Be safe. Have your wiring installed by our skilled workmen. We have all materials and fixtures for a complete job. All ma terial and work guaranteed, len years of REA wiring experience. Drop us a card for free estimate. For a neat job see us. Motor Re-winding and Repairs CONTACT Ralph Simpson LESTER ELECTRIC O’Neill, Nebr. 29tf FOR PROMPT, efficient mech anical ditch digging, 6 inches wide, 6 feet deep, cal] or write Bonge Bros., Plainview, Nebr., phone 111 on 21. I HAVE buyers for farms and ranches. If your farm or ranch is for sale, let me find a buyer for it. — R. H. Par ker, O’Neill. Itf Long Term 4% Federal Land Bank L-O-A-N-S Pre-Payment Privileges ELKHORN VALLEY Natl Farm Loan Ass’n. Lyit P LMerks, Sec.-Treas. O’Neill, Nebr. NOTICE No hunting or trespassing on any of my ranches without my permission. D. C. SCHAFFER, O'Neill 22-23pl.00 REA FARMSTEAD WIRING SEE US before you wire, all work guaranteed. — CHAS. CHAMBERS. O’Neill, phone 247-R, or leave word at Gil lespies. 40tf ATTENTION: Mullen’s Radio Electric Service does REA and city electrical wiring. Guaranteed repair of home radios, auto radios and elec trical appliances of all kinds. We are now lo. ated in our new shop 2 blocks west and lVfc blocks south of the state garage, O’Neill. 7tf HALVA’S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator & Motor Winding New and Used Motors for Any Job 25tf WM.’S BIKE SHOP blocks north of Ford Gar age, O’Neill. Buy, sell and re pair. Have parts for bikes, whizzer motors, scooters, skates, household appliances, etc. 52tl HUNT’S PLUMBING St HEATING Complete Bathroom Fixtures 2d door West Midwest Fum Service Phone 399: O’Neill For Reduced Rates on CAR INSURANCE See: L. G GILLESPIE INS. AGY. O’NEILL Phone 218 NEBR. CHAMBERS NEWS Mrs. Henry Wood returned Tuesday, October 3, from Boise Ida., where she had 6pent J weeks with her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Emer son, Smock, and baby daughtei Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wer ; ner and children spent Sunda> with hi6 parents, Mr and Mrs Henry Werner, at Emmet. Mr and Mrs. L. W Taggari left Friday for Mitchell anc Scottsbluff for a short vacatior and to visit friends and rela tives Mrs. Taggart’s brother Elmer Warner is taking care a: he place They returned Mon day. Mr and Mrs. Dean V. Stev ens and children, of Atkinsoi and Mr. and Mrs Donalc Grimes and Bonnie, of Cham hers, were Sunday guests m thi E K Carpenter hone. WANTED WANTED: Modern house to rent in O’Neill.—Vivian New man Magstadt, Boyden, la. 22-23c WANTED BY BUY: Oats, wheat and corn.—Corkle Hatchery, O’Neill. lail 4 WANTED: Work for Motor , Grader. All kinds of road and ditch work. Private owned machine. — Gerald Harding, O’Neill, phone 386-W. 22-25pl.20 WANTED: Married man for year - t around ranch work. Inquire personally- — Claude Keller, Newport. 23-24p65 WANTED: Paper hanging. — Mrs. Charles Beilin, O’Neill, phone 338J. 23tf CARDS OF THANKS I WISH to thank my friends for the flowers, cards, letters and other messages sent to me while I was in St. Joseph’s hospital at Sioux City for 2 Ms weeks. I want you to know they were greatly appreciated. — Otto Retke, Inman. 23p50 THANKS TO all those that re membered us with gifts and cards and personal calls on our 50th anniversary. Mr. and Mr. Albert Klingler 23p50 LOST fc FOUND LOST: Strayed from my place a month ago one horned white-faced heifer weighing about 500 pounds, branded on right hip with (7, lazy J). Please telephone 9F110 or write to Mrs. Martha L. Johr ing, O’Neill, Nebr. _20tf STRAYED: 1 whitefaee year ling heifer, branded (lazy H inverted V) on left ribs. — Stanley Jarman, Chambers. 22-23p60 FOR RENT FOR RENT: Heated sleeping rooms, close in, 3rd house north of Chev. garage, O’Neill. 22-23c M iss Parks Feted in Pre-Nuiptial Showers PAGE — Miss Dona Parks was honored at 3 prenupitals showers last week. The first was held at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mar ian Parks, last Thursday after noon, where a nice group attend ed and she received a number of gif s. Friday evening Mrs. Neven Ickes, jr., Mrs. Paul Hartigan, Miss Dena Knight and Miss Gen elle Park were hostesses at the R. T. Parks home. A musical pro gram and games were enjoyed. She received a number of nice gifts that day also. Saturday afternoon the high school girls enjoyed their shower at the B. H. Stevens home with Misses Carol and Lorna Stevens, Jane and Ruth Parks and Audrey Braddock as hostesses. Games were enjoyed during the after noon and the honored guest re ceived a number of additional gifts Other Page News Will Watterman, Cecil and Ne oma left Sunday morning for Brancroft. Mrs. Watterman had gone to Brancroft Wednesday, Oc tober 4. Sunday afternoon they attended the wedding of Mrs. Watterman’s niece, Miss Gladys Leiton. Mr. and Mrs. Roger Bowen and family and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Edmisten and son were dinner guests of Mrs. Hester Edmisten Tuesday evening, October 3. Mr. and Mrs. Beverly Wanser and family, of Holly Springs, la., spent the weekend visiting Mr. Wanser’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Wanser at Page and Mrs. Wanser’s relatives at O’Neill. Stevie Saindon celebrated his Id birthday anniversary Saturday afternoon by having Mrs. Jerome ^llen and Rickie and Mrs. R. D. Copes, in to eat ice cream and :ake with other members of his family. The Page Pep club was organ ized October 5 with Miss Shawl as sponsor. The following officers were elected. Margie Finch, presi dent; Nancy Heiss, vice-president; Bessie Hartigan, secretary and treasurer. , Mr. and Mrs. Floyd McIntosh and 2 sons and Mrs. Nelle McIn tosh, Ray and Mryl went to Tek ameh Saturday to visit relatives. Mr. McIntosh and family return ed home Sunday. Mrs. Nelle Mc Intosh and family plan to spend a week there. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Horrocks and Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Hor rocks and family, of Tilden, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Horracks and family and Dixie Reige, of Nor folk, enjoyed a no host dinner at the Lester Reige home Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. I. O. Woods re turned home Friday night from a 3 weeks’ vacation trip. They first went to Elm Creek where they visited their son, Lonnie Wood, and family, going from there to Syracuse, Kans., to the home of there son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Richards. They then visited with Mr. Wood’s brother, Chester Wood, and wife at Jamestown, Tenn., and with his sister, Mrs. Herman Rouse, ip Kentucky. On their return home they stopped at Sioux City to vis it the home of another daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Undine, and family. Mr. ahdMrs. Otto Matschullat were Sunday dinner guests in the Henry Letterman home at Orch ard. J. S. Graves, of Naper, spent Sunday at the home of his son, Clifford Graves, and family. H. L. Banta and LaVern Van Conett visited fith Mr. Banta’s mother, Mrs. Jess Roam, at Long I^ne Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Bolen, of Lin coln, and Mrs. Hester Edmisten were last Thursday evening guest at the George Pxrk home. Mr. and Mrs. Otto Matschullat have received word their son, Dale, has been transfered from the Sears Roebuck store at Mo line, 111., to the Sears office in Chicago, 111. Mrs. Donald Heiss and daugh ter and Mrs. Warren Kennedy and daughter went to Greeley Wed nesday, October 4, to visit their parents. Rev. and Mrs. Carl Ray burn. Mr. Heiss and Mr. Kennedy spent Sunday there and brought their families home. Rosenkrans Family Move to Redbird REDBIRD — Mr- and Mrs. H. V. Rosenkrans and daughter, Dorothy, moved from their home near Dorsey Wednesday, Octob er 4, to the Pete More home at Redbird where Mr. Rosenkrans will be the new postmaster. Dorothy will continue to drive to her school at Scottville where she is teaching her second term. Other Redbird News Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Miller and W kd kJ sons were guests of Mrs. Miller’s sister, Mrs. Frank Wyant and family Sunday, October 1. Mr. and Mrs. Mrs- H. W. Tom linson, of O’Neill, called on Mr. and Mrs. Nick Baker Saturday, September 30. L Douglas Butterfield and Wal ter and Albert Lee Kruse, who ! stav with Mrs. Dale Mulhair and , attend high school in Lynch, spent the weekend with home folks. : 'f 7 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carsten, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Clem Dion, of Lynch, attended the Corn Palace festival at Mit chell. S. D., one day last Week. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Wilson cal led in the Nick Baker home Sun day, October 1. Jack Wilson called at his par ent’s home, the Ray Wilsons, last Thursday enroute to Lynch. Frank Wyant hauled cattle to Atkinson Tuesday, October 3, for Ernest Wright. Mrs. Chester Carsten called on 1 Mrs. Ray Wilson last Thursday. Floyd Kaasa and daughter, Gaylene, visited Mrs. Floyd Kaa sa at the hospital Sunday, Oc tober 1. Lyle Wills spent the weekend at Lake Andes, S. D., with Beryl Bessert. Virgil Wilson spent the week end with homefolk-s. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wyant hauled stock to O’Neill Thurs day, September 28, for Arthur Bessert. Mr. and Mrs. R. W\ Cookley. of Comstock, visited last week several days in the Elmer Luedt ke home. t Junior Wilson accompanied Mr and Mrs. Lloyd Tuch and Joy, and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tuch, of Lynch, to^ the Com Palace festi val at Mitchell, S. D., Saturday, September 30. Dorothy Rosenkrans called on Willa Schollmeyer Friday, Sep tember 29, before school. Patty Carson, of O’Neill, spent the weekend with her grand mother, Mrs. Anna Carson. Many friends and relatives at tended the wedding of Alyce Car sten and Eldon Mills at Lynch Friday, October 6, and also their wedidng dance there the same evening. —.—■-_v The servicemen's favorite hob by .. . photography. Don't leave without a camera and plenty of films. We have them in stock. — O'Neill Photo Co. 21-2Gc Mrs. Milton Krause and Nan cy are visiting Mr. Krause’s narents, Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Krause, at Albion. A A a ♦ Thursday STAR Specials ★ I ^ ; * . 'it HERE THEY ARE! Each and everyone - a real moneysaving bargain for Thursday shoppers in O Neill. Tune in to the "Voice of The Frontier" each Wednes day morning at 9:45 for a preview of the next day s STAR SPECIALS. Watch The Frontier each week for the page of Thursday Only STAR SPECIALS ! 1 1,000 Calves and 900 Other Cattle Expected • We expect between 800 and 1.000 calves and from 700 to 900 other cattle in our sale today (Thursday —date of our an nual c°'i sale. 9 The hog sale will qet underway at 10:30 a. m.. calf sale at 1 p. b., and the other cattle will be sold after the calves. • Yearling* and butchers comprise most of the 700 to 900 cat tle. the yearlings including some heifers and steers. O’NEILL LIVESTOCK MARKET <Fo-merlv Fredrickson Livestock Comm. Co.) LEIGH fe VERNE REYNOLDSON. Manager* Phone 2 O’Neill j . .mm* « NEW DEAL OIL 00. I I —In West O’Neill— FRONTIER GASOLINE I It’s Sizzling Hot | • The hottest and best gasoline you can buy anywhere is FRONTIER I GASOLINE . . . means more miles H per gallon . . . your car starts easier and quicker because FRONTIER | GASOLINE is sizzling hot! j Regular Gas 80 Octane I I Frontier Ethyl 90 Octane | CORKLE FARM STORE ( j O’Neill Phone 524 j j* THURSDAY STAR SPECIAL *| ' Used 1946 Chevrolet 1 2-TON TRUCK j $650 ! 3 * 3 • This truck is priced for quick sale 1 l ... it’s complete with box . . . has j s low mileage ... it is in excellent con- j 3 dition . . . features a good heater, good ] ! tires and a two-speed transmission. I : | f ^■g»unnMiuu:»mmnt:t:mrn»nantgagt«ntTn7T::3:rnnn:::;::~m .. ... .*.♦♦♦.. ii iimZZZZZZZZZ'J^ LOHAUS MOTOR CO. I H IPhone 16 O’Neill | ♦ THURSDAY ST® SPECIAL * I I 1947 Ford Super Deluxe 1 , i g 4-Door Sedan • Very Clean. • Ftad'o. • Healer. • New Seat Covers. • Very Good Tires. • Good Paint. prDAY $10501