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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 12, 1950)
LEGAL NOTICES PROCLAMATION OF H GENERAL ELECTION “ Notice is hereby given that a General Election will be held in the several voting precincts of the County of Holt, State of Ne braska, on Tuesday, the sev enth day of November, 1950, dur ing the hours designated by law, for the following purposes, to wit: 1. For the election of one jjBember of Congress from the Fourth Congressional District of the State. 2. For the election of the fol lowing state officers, to-wit: One Governor I One Lieutenant Governor §• ; One Secretary of State - One Auditor of Public Ac counts tv One State Treasurer One Attorney General to fill SB full term . One Attorney Genetral to fill a vacancy g One Railway Commissioner I 3. For the election of Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. I 4. For the election of State j Superintendent of Public Instruc tion. JSf 5. For the election of one member of the Legislature for the twenty-eighth Legislative District 4 of the State. P 6. For the election of one member of Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska for Regent District No. Six. t. For the election of a Direc - tor of Consumer’s Public Power District, and other Power Dis gytricts in this County. 8. To vote upon an amend * ment of Sections 6 and 7, Article III, of the Constitution of Nebras ka, providing for changes in the Legislature. 9. To vote upon a Referendum Ordered by Petition of the peo ple on Legislative Bill No. 399, Sixty-first Session of the Legis lature of the State of Nebraska, the purpose of which is to in 1 crease the gasoline tax and the V excise tax on motor vehicle fuels l and change the allocation and distribution thereof. 10. To vote upon a Refer ' endum Ordered by Petition of the people on Legislative Bill No. | 401, Sixty-first Session of the Legislature of the State of Ne | braska, the purpose of which is to increase the registration fees of motor vehicles burning fuel subject to motor vehicle fuel tax laws and to change the alloca tion and distribution thereof. 11. For the election of the fol lowing County Officers, to-wit: One County Clerk One County Treasurer One Clerk of the District Court One County Attorney One Sheriff One Assessor One Surveyor One Supervisor from each of the First, Third, Fifth and Seventh Supervisor Dis tricts of the County One County Superintendent of Public Instruction 12. For election of the follow ing Precinct officers, to-wit: in each Precinct: One Township Clerk une Township Treasurer One Justice of the Peace At which election, the polls will open at 8:00 A. M. and remain open until 8:00 P. M. of the same day. RUTH HOFFMAN 23c County Clerk (First pub. October 5, 1950.) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Estate No. 3631 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, October 4th, 1950. In the matter of the Es tate of Marne Mellor, Deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that the administratrix of said estate has filed in this court her final report and a petition for final settlement and distribution of the residue of said estate; and that said report and petition will be heard October 25th, 1950. at 10 o’clock A. M. at the County Court Room in O'Neill, Nebraska, when all persons in terested may appear and be heard concerning said final re- j port and the distribution of said estate. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 22-?4 Mrs. Lawrence Rothchild and Mrs. Garold Rothchild and Cher yl, of Atkinson, visited at the ome of Mr. and Mrs. Art Dex ter Friday, October 6. I LEGAL NOTICE OF MEASURE t TO l)E VOTED UPON NOVEM BER 7, 1950 (BALLOT TITLE) CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENTS f PROPOSED BY It? 19 LEGISLATURE R. - I For amendment of sections 6 and 7, Article III, of the Consti tution of Nebraska, providing for either annual or biennial sessions of the Legislature, providing re strictions on business that may be I . transacted by the Legislature in ( " even-numbered years, providing for election of members of the Legislature for four-year terms, and providing for payment of compensation to members of the Legislature as may be provided by law. □ A^inst amendment of sections 6 and 7, Article III, of the Con stitution of Nebraska, providing Ifor either annual or biennial ses sions of the Legislature, providing restrictions on business that may be transacted by the Legislature in even-numbered veabs, providing for election of members of the Legislature for four-year terms, and providing for payment of com pens-tion to members of the I.egls’ature as may be provided by law. □ TEXT OF PROPOSED CO\*TI \ TUTIONAL AMENDMENTS BE IT ENACTED BY THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NE g BRASKA, Section 1. That at the gen eral election In November. 1950, there shall be submitted to the electors of the State of Nebraska, for approval, the following amend ments to sections 6 and 7. Article III, of the Constitution of Ne braska, which are hereby pro posed by the Legislature. “Sec. 6. The Legislature shall consist of not more than fifty nor less than thirty members. The sessions of the Legislature shall be annua! or biennial as provided by law. If the sessions are held annually, in even-numbered years the Legislature shall not transact any business except to provide appropriations for the expenses of government and to confirm ap 1: pointments unless specifically re quested to do so by message of • the Governor. Sec. 7. At the general election held in November, 1952, there shall be elected such number of members of .the Legislature as may be provided by law from even-numbered districts for a [ term of two years, and such num ber of members of the Legisla ture as may be provided by law from odd-numbered districts for a term of four years. Thereafter | at each general election, success t ors of members whose terms ex pire in January following shall | be elected for a term of four years. All terms shall begin at noon on the first Tues 1 day in January next ensuing the general election at which the member was elected. Each uiem ber shall be nominated and elect ed In a nonpartisan manner and without any indication on the ballot that, he is affiliated with or endorsed by any political party or organisation. The aggregate sal aries of all the members shall be determined by the Legislature and payable in such manner and at such times as shall be provided by law. In addition to his salary, each member shall receive and be paid an amount equal to his actual expenses in traveling by the most usual route once to and returning from each regular or special session of the Legisla ture. Members of the Legislature shall receive no pay nor per quisites other than said salary and exnenses. Emnlovees of the Legislature shall receive m com pensation other than tl.elr salary or opr i,'«m " Sec 2. That the pronosed amendmen*s shall be submitted to th* electors upon a ha Pot sep arate from t^nf upon which the na.we* of candidates «’'p»ar. af*«r nublicotj-m on^e p-«h week for four weeks in at least one legal newpnpner in each county where a newspaper is published immedi ately prec~atp<* the general elec tion in 1950 The ballot for the siibmw-pnn of the pronosed amendments shall he as follows: “Proposed Constitutional Amendments ’■’o’ amendment of sections 6 and 7. Article HI. of the Consti tution of Nebraska, provldlne for either annual or biennial sessions of the Legislature, provldlne re strictions on business that mr.v be transacted by the Legislature ir oven-numbered years, providing for e'e-Mon of members of the t ’-’stitre for four-year terms, an 1 providing for myracnt of comn',nsation to members of the r fM-Ntsrc as may be provided by law. □ A-mlrst a”pndment of sections t? and 7. Article ITT. of the Con stitution of Nebraska, providing for either annual or biennial ses sions of the Legislature, providing restrictions on bus'ness that may be transacted bv the Leglr’ature In even-numbered years, providing for election of members of the Legislature for four-year terms, and providing for payment of com pensation to members of the Legislature as may be provided by law. Q ” Sec. 3. That the proposed amendments, if adopted, shall be In force and take effect immedi ately upon completion of the canvass of the votes, at which time it shall be the duty of the Governor to proclaim the amend ments adopted as a part of the Constitution of Nebraska. Approved May 28, 194!) Respectfully submitted, FRANK MARSH. Secretary of State Ticklers By George "Lady, would you believe it? Even tho price oil prices has gone up!” ATKINSON NEWS Mrs. William Fundus, of Stu art, and Mrs. Frank Hand left Saturday, October 7 to visit their mother and sister at Des Moines, la. Mrs. Eli McConnell entertained the Atkinson project club at her home Wednesday, October 11. The , lesson was on “Meat Cookery.” Miss Marylin McConnell, of O’ Neill, spent the weekend in At kinson with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eli McConnell. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Neibauer visited from Saturday until Mon day with relatives at Blue Hill. Mrs. Ed Bouska, Mrs. Joe Mlin ar, and Mrs. Fred Neibauer were O’Neill visitors last Thursday. The Dorcas Ladies Aid met in the church basement Wednesday i afternoon, October 4. The ladies are enjoying a new electric range i which they recently purchased. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Carr and Mr. and Mrs. Charley Sloan went to apringview Saturday where they attended the funeral of Mrs. Carr’s brother, Melvin D. Ballard. He died Thursday in Lincoln. Mr. and Mrs. Charley Tasler and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Winning attended the Ak-Sar-Ben in Om aha on Monday and Tuesday, October 2 and 3. They returned home Wednesday. S. L. Sloan, of Springview, is spending a few days with his son, Charlie Sloan, and family. Mr .and Mrs. Walter Crowly, of California, are in Atkinson vis iting friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. John Krotter, of 1 Spencer, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Per I lenfren, of Bonesteel, S. D., vis ited at the John Weidige home? i bund ay. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Hoppe were supper guests at the James Ku 1 hart home Friday and spent the evening playing cards. Edith P o k o r n y spent the weekend in Atkinson with her teacher, Beth Sloan. Miss Sloan teaches the Bob Clifford school. Jess Dobrovolny was in Grand Island Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Frank McDer mott, of Omaha, visited the Carl Hoppe home last Thursday eve ning and left Friday to visit friends and relatives in Stuart. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Beckwith returned from Omaha Wednes day, October 4. They took their baby daughter, Connie, to Omaha for medical treatment. Bob Black more accompanied them to Oma ha. . . T* T-* 1_!iL_I 1 I 4 lVliS. V C1UU1I UCLIWVnu u**u M.M V tie daughter, Connie, of O’Neill, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Biacknrore, Wednesday, October 4. me Golden Meadow Rebekahs ! entertained the past noble grands ] of the lodge Thursday, October 5, I at the lodge hall. After the busi ness meeting the evening was spent playing cards. Mrs. Charles Ankney and Miss Fern Slaymaker were O’Neill vis itors Tnursday, October 5. Mrs. Robert Martens, Mrs. Vern Sageser and Mrs. M. L. Sageser left Wednesday morning, October 4, with the Nebraska delegation by bus from Lincoln to Biloxi, Miss., where they will attend the national council meeting of home demonstration clubs. They will also attend the CWC convention and hear -he reports of the dele gates who were to the interna tional meetings at Copenhagen, Denmark. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Roth child went to Norfolk to see their new grandchild, Donald Dean Couch. Mrs. Vernon Rothchild ac companied them to Norfolk. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Prussa, Mr. and Mrs. William McCallister and son, Mrs. Olive Pew and son, Richard, and Mrs. Harry Fuller ton were Sunday visitors at the Edgar Jungman home. Mrs. Pew and Mrs. Fullerton are here from ! Phoenix, Ariz., visiting relatives.' I They expect to leave this week I for Phoenix. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Piussa will return with them where they will make their home I this winter. Mr. and Mrs. John Warner called at the Joe Ballon and Ber nard Rossman homes Sunday. Mrs. Harold Calkins entertain ed the ONO club Tuesday night, October 10, at the Legion hall. Mrs. Dierks Hostess— EWING—Mrs. Lyle Dierks en- j tertained the Thursday Bridge club for the first meeting of the j fall season. Mrs. W. H. Briggs was , winner of the prize for high score, Mrs. John Wunner received low, and traveling went to Mrs. R. G. i Rockey A dessert luncheon was served by the hostess. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. W. H. Briggs. Arrives from Newport— Mrs. Sophia Lashmett, of New port, arrived Saturday, October 7, to visit Mr. and Mrs. D. D. De Bolt. She is Mrs. DeBolt’s moth er. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Lange, of Atkinson, visited Mrs. Lange’s mother, Mrs. Hazel Boatman, on Thursday, October 5. PAGE NEWS The Contract Bridge club met with Mrs. Herbert Steinberg last Thursday evening. Mrs. C. E. Walker won high score prize and Mrs. John Lamason won second high. Mrs. Herbert Steinberg was hostess to the Chatter Sew club Friday afternoon with 7 members present. Mrs. Paul Hartigan was a guest. Afternoon was spent doing needlework for the hostess. Mrs. Gerald Lamason was host ess to the Bid or Bye bridge club Wednesday afternoon, October 4. Mrs. Kenneth Braddock was high score winner and Mrs. Harold Kelly won the all-cut. The Help U club met with Mrs. Rudy Cedarburg Wednesday af ternoon, October 4, with 14 mem bers present. The afternoon was spent doing needlework for the hostess. A covered dish luncheon was served. Mrs. Anna Thompson enter tained the NOK club Friday af ternoon with 12 members present. Guests were Mrs. George Clasey, Mrs. Jesse Kelly and Mrs. Cyril Hansen. Afternoon was spent do ing needlework. The WSCS met Thursday after noon, October 5, at the Methodist church parlors. Mrs. Alton Brad dock led the devotions and had charge of the lesson, assisted by Mesdames J. I. Gray, C. A. Town send, Henry Miehaelson, H. S. Harper, M. G. French and C. E. Wilcox. They plan to have a birthday bank and the proceeds are to be used to buy carpet for the church aisles. Mrs. C. E. Wil cox was presented with a life membership pm that the mem bers of the Elmwood WSCS had sent her. Mrs. Edgar Stauffer, president of the WSCS at Page, presented it. Around 25 were in attendance. Hostesses were Mrs. Floyd Wertz and Mrs. Dora Townsend. The Adult Sunday-school class and their teacher, Mrs. Rachel Ickes, enjoyed a basket dinner in the church basement Sunday fol lowing the church services. There were 27 who attended. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Bolen, of Lincoln, spent from Wednesday morning, October 4, until Friday afternoon visiting Mrs. Bolen’s mother, Mrs. Hester Edmisten, and other relatives. They also vis ited their daughter, Mrs. Oliver Sazama, and family at Plainview. Miss Maude Martin spent the weekend at the Roy Waring home near Middlebranch. Melvin and LaVonne Albright and Genelle Park, of Wayne col- I lege, spent the weekend at their homes in Page. Harold Fremeyer and Henry Hennigin, of Bedford, la., came to Page Tuesday night, October 3. Mrs. Fremeyer and daughter and Mrs. Hennigin and son, who had spent the past 2 weeks here to be with their mother, who is a patient in the Stuart hospital, and to visit other relatives, re turned to Bedford with them last Thursday morning. Mrs. Charles Russell and 2 daughters spent the weekend vis iting Mr. and Mrs. Thomas VYheeldon, of Underwood, la. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Copes, of Ainsworth, spent Sunday with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Copes. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Woods and family were also din n r guests of their grandparents, Mr. and Mis. Copes. Mr. and Mrs. Alva Brobst, of Council Bluffs, la., came Friday and with old friends. Mr. Brobst phew, M. G. French, and family morning to visit the former’s ne is well-known here as for a num ber of years he was telegraph op erator at Stafford. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Carter, of Vero Beach, Fla., Rev. and Mrs. C. E. Wilcox and family, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Beelaert and family were Friday evening dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harper. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Sorensen and daughter, of Creighton, and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nissen and family and Mr. and Mrs. Junior Sorensen and daughter were din ner guests Sunday noon of Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorensen. William Sorensen and Connie were after noon visitors. They brought Shir ley Sorensen to her home after several days spent at Ainsworth. Show Attracts Large Crowd— EWING—Over 200 people were present at the Ewing high school auditorium on Friday evening to see the farm show sponsored by the Shaw Oil Co. and Pollock Ser vice station. “Voice of The Frontier . . . WJAG . . . 780 on your dial! t for natural shine natural softness | I < < i / < < < * * WKKt So discreet, still priced the same. In regular, ^P j I Junior and super Mo dess sizes. ■ mm*' ww» <_**\&f**g^ HOW $ B 0 0 T !T? DO you want a good wiring job? Thera IS a difference in wiring jobs. Why not get the best for your money? We are not new at the wiring business. We have been doing REA and commercial wiring for 12 years. We haws dependable, neat, courteous workmen that will do your job the way it should be done. No job too big or too small and no df stance too great. See us NOW for ALL your wiring needs. We have a complete slock of fixtures and appliances. Contact Ralph Simpson at the new trailer park, 4 blocks south and Vt east of New Outlaw. LESTER ELECTRIC... O’NEILL Member of National Electrical Contractors Association ■ CANASTA CANASTA PLAYING CARDS Good quality cards of durable paper stock with color back de sign. Complete with instructions ... DECK .'t:Tsn'.*2?taW CONGRESS CANASTA CARDS Gilt edged, excellent quality pa per, plastic coated lor longer wear. Varieyt ol back designs, nicely boxed and $ R 98 with instructions ... I Deck PLASTiC CANASTA TRAY A necessity in any canasta game. Holds playing and discard piles lor easy drawing . . JO/t Canasta Score Pads, 10c . ",