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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1950)
^ Ruth Lindberg a i September Bride On Saturday, September 9, at 2:30 p. m., Miss Ruth lone Lind berg, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lindberg. of O’Neill, be came the bride of Ray Alvin Worth, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. E- Worth, of O Neill. Rev. J. M. Cummings officiated at the As sembly of God parsonage at Aurora The bride chose a gray 2 piece suit with red and black accessories and a red rose cor sage. Mrs. Benny Wetzler, mat ron-of-honor, chose a gray 2 piece suit with red and black pucessories. She also wore a red rose corsage. The bridegroom , and his best man, Mr. Benny Wetzler, wore blue-gray suits with red ties. They wore white carnation boutonnieres. Those attending the wedding were the bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lindberg and De. maris, of O’Neill; the bride grooms parents, Mr. and Mrs. C- E. Worth, and Junior and Vic toria, of O’Neill; sister and brother-in-law of the bride, Mr. and Mrs. Roger Rosenkrans and family, of O'Neill; sisters and (brothert-dn-laws of the bride groom, Mr. and Mrs. Daniel /Page and Barbara, of O’Neill; and Mr. and Mrs- Adolf Wetz ler and Mary Jeane and La Wayne, of Lead, S. D. Miss Ann Martin a Church Bride Miss Ann Martin, daughter of Mrs. William Martin, of O’Neill, became the bride of Earl D. Rumbaugh, son of Mrs. Daisy Rumbaugh, of West Des Moines, I Ia-« at an 11 o’clock ceremony l Saturday, September 9, at St. E Patrick’s Catholic church. The double - ring ceremony was performed by Rev. A. A. r Onak. (' The bride wore a suit of navy ^)iue with matching velvet hat and red accessories. She wore a corsage of red and white roses. Mrs. Edward Martin, brides maid, wore a grey pin stripe suit and a corsage of red roses. Edward Martin was bestman. Both he and the bridegroom wore business suits with white carnation boutonnieres. A wedding dinner was held in the blue room of the M & M cafe after which the couple left on a short wedding trip. Rural Youth Enjoys Stunt Night— Many of the members of the O’Neill Rural Youth entertain ed the group with stunts, skits and musical numbers at a meet ing Friday evening. , The Omaha Chamber o f r Commerce is sponsoring a spe cial Rural Youth day the latter part of October. Tours, banquets and square dancing will be included in the day’s entertainment. Several members plan to attend. The regular October meeting will include “Parents’ Night.” Special entertainment is being planned. A jambordfe sponsored by the Rural Youth group will be held in Atkinson at the Knights of Columbus hall Tuesday evening, September 26. everyone is welcome to at 'und. Academy Tour Planned— The first of a series of meet ings scheduled for the school year of 1950-’51 will be held at St. Mary’s academy gymnasium on Monday, September 18, at 7:30 p. m. There will be a tour of the academy bulding which will show the many new improve ments made during the past summer. There will also be a short business meeting, musical numbers and refreshments. To Hear Book Review At Guest Tea— The O’Neill Women’s club will meet Wednesday afternoon, September 20, at 2:30 at the home of Mrs. James W. Rooney. This meeting will be a guest tea and each member is asked to bring a guest. Mrs. Henry Cannenburg, of i Bassett, will present a book re view. , Donlin Twins Are 2— A birthday anniversary party was given for Cheryl Lue and Carroll Sue, twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. James Donlin, at the home of Mrs. Hans Siefken. Ten guests and their moth ers were present. A lunch was served and the little girls re ceived several gifts. Brownies Elect— New Officers— Brownie Scout troop held its first meeting of the new term of school on Tuesday. vVe elected new officers: Leo ^ i a Nyles, secretary; Karen Hart ranft, treasurer; Sharen Marcel lus. scribe. We started work on our lamp shades. Regina Vitt is a new member.—By Sharon Marcellus, scribe. Attends Meet— Dale Buckmaster, of O’Neill, attended the block managers’ sales meeting of Foxbilt, Inc., in Des Moines, la. , this past week. Farewells Entertain— EWING—Mr. and Mrs. E. H. ; Durre and family were dinner j guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Farewell and son, Ra ^ mon, Sunday, September 3. Frontier for printing! PAGE NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Waring i: Monday morning to take their son, Maurice, and Monte Taylor to Omaha where they i wnl a.tend Creighton univer j sky the coming year. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Heiss and Mr .and Mrs. Richard Heiss spent Thursday and Friday at j tending the state fair at Lin coln. Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Stevens and daughter ana Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stevens came from Lcadville, Colo., to visit rela tives at Page and O'Neill. El win returned to his home Sun day. His wife and daughter plan to spend a month here. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Stevens plan 10 i eturn to Colorado this week. The Help U club met with Mr.s Ora Caskey Wednesday afternoon, September 6, with 17 members present. Mrs. Ed Port er was a guest- The group tied curmurters for the hostess. A covered dish luncheon was ser ved. Their next meeting will be with Mrs. Mabel Davis. Mrs. Robert Stevens was hon ored with a shower for her baby son at the home of Mrs- Eslis Eckler, Friday afternoon. A number of gifts were received. The WSCS met at the Metho dist church panlors Thursday afternoon. Mrs. C. E. Wilcox had charge of the devotions. She gave a talk on the “Life of Marian Anderson from her first try out in the musical world at the age of 7 to the present time.” Mrs. H. S. Harper gave a pre view of the lessons the society is to study during the coming year. Afternoon was spent with needlework. Hostesses were Mrs. Lyman Park and Mrs. M. G- French. Mr. and Mrs Esmond Weber and 2 daughters, of Denver, Colo., left for itheir home Sun day after a week’s visit here. M ’s. Weber’s mother, Mrs- An* ton Nissen, accompanied them as far as Sidney where she will stay with her son. Milton Nis c' o, and family while Mrs. Nis san visits her mother, who is ill in Washington state. Mrs. Kate Beam, of Riverton, la., came Saturday to visit h-m sister, Mrs- Hester Ecknisten, and other relatives. and Mrs. Arthur Miller and son, of Chambers, spent Sunday at the N. G. Miller home Mr and Mrs. Alva Townsend and Gene, of Omaha, spent the weekend with the former’s par ents Mr. and Mrs. C. A- Town send. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Stevens j ’ "ft Wednesday morning, Sep- | tember 6, for, 111., for a few days visit ai ihe nome of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Emerson, and family. Mrs. Gailord Albright spent from Tuesday until Friday as elief telephone operator at Car roll. Jean Woods, of Lincoln, spent from Wednesday, September 6, until Sunday visiting her broth er, Dick Woods, and family, and her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Copes. Mr. and Mrs Harold Heiss and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Asher left Sunday for Minnesota where they will spend a week fishing. Mrs. Floyd Wertz entertain ed at a dinner last Thursday evening at the Mrs. Dora Tawn send home for Mr. and Mrs Ralph Phillips, of Payette, Ida. M'\ and Mrs. Phillips were pu pils of Mrs. Townsend at the Hainesville school in 1898 and 1899. ATKINSON NEWS Mrs. Henry Zahradnecek and sons, Ronnie and Jim, after vis ■ting her narents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer West, and sister, Mrs. Eli McConnell, the past week, ^turned to their home in Ccn‘+sbluff. Mrs. West accom panied them home and spent a few days visiting relatives in j 'Winning. Mr. West drove to n"ooinp and they returned Sep- j tember 8. » Mrs. George Purnell, of Seat tle, Wash., is visiting friends j ■id rela'ives here this week, uer daughter, Mrs. Farmer Wi thers, of Omaha, is also here visiting. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Maring, wtyo are now residing in May wood, drove to Omaha on bus iness and returned to Atkinson Saturday, September 9. i Mr. and Mrs. Ed Scripter, of Valentine, visited relatives here September 7. Mrs. Lela McCallister visited her father, Charles Prussa, Sat urday, September 9, at Our La dy of Lourdes hospital in Nor olk. Mrs. Wm. Fundus, of Stuart, was given a surprise party on i her birthday anniversary Fri day eveninjg, September 8. Ca nasta furnished the entertain ment Mrs. Max Karo, of Stuart, and Lloyd Stolcpart, of Newport, '"on high score Mrs. L. C. | Stolcpart and Wm. Fundus won | consolation. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Linville drove to Long Pine Thursday afternoon. September 8. Gladys Mae Weller and Ger aldine Hanel visited in Stuart September 8. Mrs- Emma McKathnie lefi for Ft. Wayne, Ind., Septem ber 7, to visit her son and daugh ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan McKathnie, and their twin daughters. Mrs- Jessie Lloyd is spend ing several weeks visiting relatives in Burke, S. D. Mrs. Lloyd is a sister of Mrs- Frank j Dobrovolny and makes h e r | home there. , Bea Brook, of Boulder, Colo., returned home September 5 af- ; ter spending a week here vis- j iting relatives. I NUPTIALS EXCHANGED... Miss Opal Elizabeth Fox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fox, and George Bosn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Si mon Bosn, both of O’Neill, were united in marriage on Monday, September 4, at St. Patrick’s Catholic church. MARRIAGE SOLEMNIZED .... Miss Ann Martin, daugh ter of Mrs. William Martin, and Earl Rumbaugh, son of Mrs. Daisy Rumbaugh, of West Des Moines, la., were married Saturday morning, September 9. Rev. A. A. Onak performed the ceremony.—O’ Neill Photo Co. -—- t WED IN O'NEILL . . . Mrs. Melba Peabody and Omer Poynts were united in mar riage Friday afternoon, Sep tember 8, at the Methodist parsonage by Rev. V. R. Bell. —O’Neill Photo Co. HOLT COUNTY EDUCATIONAL NOTES A 4-hour credit elementary science course will begin in O’ Neill on Saturday, September i 16, at 9 o’clock. T:iis course will l require 10 Saturdays. It is be- i ing given as a 4-hour course in 1 order to complete the science i requirement of 4-hours credit l for a junior elementary certifi- i cate. Miss Lula Way, of Wayne « Teachers’ college, will be the J instructor. 1 A 3-hour credit reading course i will begin on Saturday, Septem- I ber 23. Miss Rosalie Farley, of the University of Nebraska, will I teach this course. Each of these courses will be I very helpful to teachers while teaching and are required for | further certification.—By Elja \ McCullough, County Superin- , dent. \ Is 3-Years-Old— | PAGE—A birthday anniver- J sary party was held at the Ben I Asher home Friday, September 8, in honor of Roberta Ann, I who was 3-years-old. About 10 1 little guests were present. Rob- i erta received several gifts. Ice l cream, cake and candy were i served. 1 Helps Hay— EWING — Ramon Farewell i has been helping Lloyd Hoerle 1 put up hay the last 2 weeks. i Company coming? I should J say, we'll be happy to serve I them at Slat's Cafe. 19c .. DN I AUTOMOBILES TRUCKS TRACTORS EQUIPMENT FURNITURE • Central Finance Corp. C. E. Jones. Manaaer O'Neill i Nebraska / _ \ VELVEETA Cheese 2-LB. PK8..69c I*"1 1 — oil II Sardines j 5 Cans 29c 1 FANCY TUNA FISH 8-91 ™ 29c /^.i ___—. __ HEINZ 1 Ketchup f 14-OZ. BOTTLE 21c I h---« ii\wv.ivvvuoL» tnutULAlt CHIPS Pkg 21c MAXIE COBB SOFFEE lb. Jar.75 c 1 Pt. Johnson’s GLO-COAT <\Q and 0 1 Pt. Johnson’s CREAM WAX For Both r LU5HUS SWEET PICKLES Q' FRUIT COCKTAIL x NECTAR 3 Tall Cans S WIFT’S PEflSMT BUTTER If Food Prices Are High, But {f 1 Look WHAT A DOLLAR Will JSuyi {} f COLORED AND QUARTERED f I it BELR!SH QLEO 3 LES._. | ;| 1 ARMOUR’S " ” . », I I M f L K 9 CANS FOR... 9 I | IN SYRUP -LUSHUS ( K fi BOYSENBERRIES 4 No. 2 Cans fl I STURGEON BAY I | | 6HEBBIES cal, can .. — U I TOMATO SOUP 3 Cans.... 27c LUSHUS PUL PICKLES QI 19c POOL - APE 6 for 25c MU' W W 14* FANCY SALAD BRESS1N6 O' - 33c FROSTEE - BESSERT 2 Pkgs. 25c IN SYRUP P E A R $ No. 21 Can....27c U. S. NO. 1 ELBERTA PEACHES . . 3.98 bupsehrel VnT r /Mir ^hmwamammbhm■i CANTALOUPE 2 Lbs 15c II [LILY WHITE . ff FLOUR .... 3.091 FIRST CUT POSS CHOPS Lb 52c CELLO WRAPPED OCEAN PERCH u> 31c I f CUDAHY SLICED BACON LB.39c 11 &FEET 2Lk_ 19c