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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 14, 1950)
' W] greatest heater ;r seen! ive Pilot over 40 HOURS on allon of oil. A real •ver!^ oor-Flo” Blower ■ you an extra carpet of air across the floor. | comfort on less fuel. f > I ully Automatic | can enjoy FULLY I f>MATIC HEATING 1 ling a thermostat-con- | at nev*r forgets, never ?ats. NO work—no dirt |fire-tendiag worries. DWflRE Good lip .. Ip $s ball pur i re- I Auxiliary votes Room Memorial— Ninety members attended the (regular nveting jf Simonson unit 93 of the American Legion auriliary on Wednesday eve ning, Septeiiniber 6, at which Mrs. Don Enright, unit presi dent, presided. Mrs. James Ly ons was appointed by the presi dent to fill the vacancy as col or bearer which was left when Mrs- Robert Lawery moved from O’Neill to join her hus band at Moses Lake, Wash. Mrs. Melvin Ruzicka, a past unit president, installed the bal ance of the officers who were not present for installation at the regular meeting in August. The membership voted a $1,000 room memorial contribu tion to St. Anthony’s hospital building fund, and also voted to send a $25 contribution to the Veterans' hospital for a bingo party there. The matter of the annual ba zaar and luncheon,, which is held before Christmas, was dis cussed. Committees will soon be appointed. The president advised t h e j (membership that the date of; October 15 has been set for the Knights of Columbus banquet which the auxiliary has been asked to serve, and that clean up committees will be called! upon to put the kitchen in or der before that time. The annual district II con-' vention of the auxiliary has I been scheduled to be held in Al bion on Thursday, September 28. A number of Simonson unit members will attend. Lunch was served after the close of the business session. Clyde Streeters Wed 30 Years— Friday evening, September 8, the 4 children of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Streeter surprised their parents by coming to help them 1 celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Streeter and 2 sons, Mr. and Mrs. Gene Street er and son, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde McKenzie and 3 children and Barbara Streeter. After lunch the evening was spent playing canasta. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Streeter were also present. Twins Celebrate— On Thursday, September 7, Carolyn and Catheryn, twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Wilson, celebrated their birth J day anniversaries by having 24 ! cirls in for a picnic supper on the lawn. Each twin had her own birthday cake. Scouts Meet— All 3 troops of Brownie Scouts | met in Ford park Thursday eve I nine, September 7, for their first meeting since vacation. About 43 girls and leaders were present. They had a weiner roast and played games. Mrs. Eugene Sullivan is chairman. Guests Near Elgin— Mr. and Mrs. Howard Manson were Sunday, September 10, dinner guests of Mrs. Manson’s mother, Mrs. Sidney Anderson, west of Elgin. In the evening they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Briggs, of Bartlett. Mary Gondermger Marks Anniversary— Mary Gonderinger marked her third birthday anniversary . Monday, September 11. | She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gonderinger. Former Pastor Takes a Bride AMELIA — Rev. Duane Hut chinson, former Methodist pas tor at Chambers and Amelia, is married. He and his bride visited at the Lawrence Barnett home on Friday, September 8. Rev. and Mrs. Hutchinson were married September 3, and will hold the pastorate at Paul ine and Ayr. They will live in the parsonage at Pauline, and they will attend Hastings col lege. Other Amelia News Merry Matrons club will meet Thursday, September 21, with Mrs. Ray Anderson and Mrs. Elmer Fix as cohostess. Each member is requested to bring something for the bazaar. Mr and Mrs. Selix, of Sedro Wooley, Wash., visited at the Fred Watson home last week. Mrs. Selix is Mrs. Watson’s niece. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Adams and Donnie were in Sioux City Saturday on business. Blake Ott was an Omaha cal ler Saturday. Frank Taylor spent the early part of last week visiting his children Judy, Robbin and John, at the Ralph Rees home. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Peterson attended a reunion of his World War I buddies at Fremont, Sun day. Dennie Doolittle was guest of-honor Sunday, at a birthday anniversary party. It was his 5th birthday. The afternoon was spent playing games and his mother, Mrs. Earl Doolittle, ser ved a luncheon to all the little guests in the afternoon. Mrs. Art Doolittle and girls accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Ed gar Peterson to Fremont, Sun day and visited their daughter and sister, Mrs. Jerry Tesch, i and baby daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Kurtz and family, of Stanton, visited at the home of her father, Peter Frahm, on Sunday. Mrs. Tony Asimus returned Saturday, September 9, from a 2 weeks’ trip to California. She visited her brother, Wayne Bowers, and family at Fresno. She was accompanied from O maha by her mother. Miss Margaret Halva motor ed to O’Neill from Denver, Colo., Tuesday, September 5, to visit in the holme of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Halva, and friends. On Sunday, Miss Halva ' left for Omaha to visit with her sister, Lydia, and brother, Fred, before returning to Denver, where Miss Halva is employed at the General hospital. Mr. and Mb's. Frank Valla and Mr- and Mrs. Frank Hass and children, of St. Louis, Mo., motored to Pickstown and Lake Andes, S. D., Monday. Edgar Boyle and Allan Knight, of O'Neill, and Donald Durre, of Ewing, were feted at a dance at Summerland at Ew ing Sunday night. All 3 men are reservists and have been callled back into service. They leave Sunday night for Ft. Hood I Tex. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Anderson and Mrs- Chris Menwey, of Leadville, Colo., arrived in O’ Neill Sunday, Septemlber 10, to visit relatives for a few days. John Jardee spent Sunday, September 10 visiting his moth er, Mrs. Emma Jardee. John Jardee took his moth er, Mrs. Emima Jardee, to Bas sett to visit her brother, Dave Anderson on Sunday afternoon Mr. and Mrs. James Adams, of Lincoln, spent the weekend visiting Mrs. Adams’ parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Clements Mrs. Virgil Pinkerman and children, of Redbird, were cal lers at the home of Mr. and Mrs Lloyd Collins on Monday, Sep tember 11. Mr .and Mrs. Ned Allendor fer and Kay, and Mr. and Mrs. D. D. DeBolt and Patty, spent Sunday, September 10, in Picks town, S D. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Farrier left Sunday, September 10, for a 4-day vacation in the Black Hills. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Curran and Mr. and Mrs. Gene Hansen left Saturday, September 9, for a vacation in Minnesota. Mr. and Mrs. Vernie John son and Beverly, and Mr. and Mrs. Warren Fernau, of Butte, attended the state fair at Lin coln Wednesday, September 6. Mr. and Mrs. Art Dexter and family spent Sunday, Septem ber 10, in Sioux City. I Mrs- Deraid Couch and Leta, of Chambers, and Mrs. Gerald Rothchild and Cheryl, of At I kinson, were callers at the home ! of Mr. and Mrs. Art Dexter Thursday, September 7. Mr. and Mrs- Donald Adam son and Mrs. Owen La Prath and Chucky, of Coer d’Laine, Ida., were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Havranek on Monday evening, September 11. Mrs. John Peck and Ted, of Wynot, and Mrs. Charles Hav ranek and Dotty were Sunday callers at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Barrett. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fox, of Emmet, Charles Fox, jr., Mr. and Mrs. Elwin Rubeck went to Sioux City Sunday, Septem ber 10. to attend the stock car races. They returned home Mon day. Mr. anri Mrs. Hugh Ray and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Birmingham left Tuesday, Septemebr 5. for a fishing trip at Sarotoga, Wyo The Birminghams have return ed home, but Mr. and Mrs. Ray stopped at Cody, where they are visiting their daughter. Mr. and Mrs- John Pick and Ted, of Wynot, were weekend guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles 'Havranek. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Ellefrit, of Pueblo, Colo., were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reed Herley Wednesday, September 6. Mr. and Mrs- Wm. iNaprstek, of Creighton, visited at their sons home, Mr. and Mrs. Wil lard Naprstek, Wednesday, Sep tember 6. Mr. and Mrs- George Powers, of Brooklyn, N. Y., were cal lers at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Naprstek Wednes day, September 6 Robert Porter left Tuesday, September 12, for a weeks' va cation in Idaho. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Knight, of Altodena, Calif., were guests at the home- of Mr. and Mrs Reed Herley Tuesday, Septem ber 5. Miss Ellen Lambert and Mr. and Mrs. George Lambert, of Clearwater, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Reed Herley Thursday, September Mr. and Mrs. Howard Punge of Chicago, 111., visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Calkins Saturday, September Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Grady de parted Saturday for a 2-weeks’ trip to Denver, Colo., and Phoe nix, Ariz. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Jonas and family visited in Ainsworth Sunday, September 10, with Mrs. Jonas’ sister and family. F. A. (“Bing”) Volberding is having a 2-weeks’ vacation from ; the Council Oak store. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Dumpert left Sunday morning, September 10, for Boulder, Colo., to visit Mrs. Dumpert’s sister and family, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Roseler and daughter, Doris. Look At the BRANDS ! These At One Good Store Only! I * * * V AS FEATURED TN • SEVENTEEN • MADEMOISELLE Each slin-on in 3 ombre tone variations on 1 color theme at a time. With a jaunty matching cardigan to wear game-time ... to shed later. Both in pure wool with double looped necklines. Sizes 34 to 40. The Slip-On $3.98 The Cardigan $5.95 America's leading skirt stylists A high-buttoned fitted jack et with velvet trim on col lar and half-moon pockets ... a skirt with fake fly front. In Hockanum’s pure wool flannel. Size 7 to 15.$49.95 I Here s to comfort . . . here’s to style, with this original HARRISMOOR shag fleece! Shawl collar, 4 roomy, patch-flap pockets, full belt, wing sleeves. Can be worn with or without belt. In gold, rust, green, red and natural. Sizes 8-20 $49.95 JUNIORS A PLAID: crisply box-pleated in wine with green, brown with green. 10 to 18 _ $5.95 B HIGH RIDER: rib-hugging skirt with unpressed pleats, gray, brown, and green rayon “Pin point;” also in solid colors — black, brown, green, navy and red. Sizes 10 to 20_$5.95 I 1 I LUCKY - LADY you’ll be when you strut in this curvaceous wool jersey! Tiny tucks form a curved vestee under the new “Horse shoe” neckline. Elastic waistline in back for new bloused effect. Junior sizes 7 to 15_S16.95 The ‘ Swoose” plays clever tricks with contrasting gabardines and ribbed trim. It’s a two-piece dress with a three-piece look . . . the skirt slim and pegged, the blouse outlined in snug ribbing ---$17.95