Tells How to Enjoy Rodeo (Editor's note: Holt county’s fair and rodeo is in progress today —Thursday— and Fri day. This prompts reproduc tion of this article): By MARK TWAIN CLEMENS A rodeo is perhaps compar able to any other sport, in that the more familiar one is with the finer points involved, the more interesting, enjoyable and thrilling the sport be comes. Familiarize yourself with the rules of the contests. These are given briefly in the rodeo program or in leaflet form at the grounds. Now match your skill against that of the judg es in the arena. In the bronc riding, for instance, the rider and the horse are each judged on a basis of 100 per cent for perfection — which neither ev er attains. A rider, according to RCA (Rodeo Cowboy association) rules must spur horse high in both shoulders first jump out of chute and continue to spur throughout the ride to satisfac tion of judges. If he spurs high In front and takes a full stroke back — with both spurs (remember that) you mark him very high. He is riding for the judges in the arena, and you may occasionally see a leg that is invisible to those judges, and you may see the spur on that leg dug deep into the cmch to help him hold on while the leg that is visible to the judges is swinging fully. At the same time he must not pull leather, nor hit the horse with his free hand; he must not lose a stir rup, and finally his object is to stay with and on the horse for the full 10 seconds until the gong sounds. It Is sometimes difficult to judge whether a man goes off before or after the gong.) For your efforts you should have seen all there was to see and enjoyed the contest more. The above principles of matching your observation a gainst the judges apply in practically all contests except the time events, such as, calf roping and bulldogging. There If you wish to enjoy rodeo— reckoning depends upon the time required to accomplish the feat. The expertness of the contestants sometimes makes his efforts look easy. Such is not the case. Consid er his years of practice, the rhythm and absolutely perfect timing that are necessary. Watch the near-perfect work of the roping horse, the exact coordination with his rider. Not only is he a horse among many, but his training takes years, and these are bred as the fastest short-distance hors es in the world. Remember that this is a sport sport and not just a show. Re member that every contestant is an expert, and highly train ed. As you learn the rules, and to judge the contests for I yourself, you will enjoy each event — and each successive rodeo — more and more. You see more, knowing what to see, and that’s half the fun. Mrs. Fletcher Back In State*— ORCHARD—Capt. A. C. Flet cher, medical corps officer, is now with the First cavalry di vision in the thick of Korean fighting. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Fletcher, of Orchard. Captain Fletcher’s wife arriv ed in the United States on Sat urday, August 26, having been evacuated in Japan. Her moth er, Mrs. F. L. Croson, of Clay Center, Kans., met her in Se attle, Wash. The life of the dental officer said she was fortunate in being able to bring back their new au tomobile. Attend Wedding— Mr. and Mrs. Scott Christian, of Omaha, were August 19-20 weekend guests of Miss Joan Burgess. Mrs, Christian is the former Polly Rickly, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rickly, who operated a variety store here until March, 1949. The Christians attended the Schaf fer-Walker wedding on August 19. STUART NEWS Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Coffman and Rex were in Iowa the past week attending the state fair at Des Moines. Kenny and Miss Beverly Kal lemeyn returned home Sunday, August 20, from Langford, S. D., where they spent the summer Mr. and Mrs. Clarence John son and Marvel Jean left on Thursday, August 24, for a vaca tion in the Ozarks. Dale Henderson and son, Jer ry, went to Crete on Sunday, August 27. Jerry will take up his second year of study at Doane college. Mr. Henderson returned on Monday. Sunday guests at the Berlin Mitchell home were: Mr. and Mrs. Claude Porter, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Porter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Art Porter, Miss Evelyn Porter, Miss Ola Porter and Wayne Slattery, all of Bassett; Mr and Mrs. Charlie Mitchell and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Porter, all of Atkinson; and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Slattery and daughter, of Middlebranch. EWING NEWS Mr. and Mrs. Earl Billings en tertained on Tuesday evening, August 22, at a 6:30 dinner par ty in honor of relatives from California. Those present were the honored guests, her broth er and sister-in-law and family, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Kimes, Joe and Nancy, who were accom panied by a married daughter Mrs. Robert Butler, and her from Bellflower, Calif.; Mr. and childen, Vicky and Susan, all Mrs. Lester Kimes, of Clear water, and Mr. and Mrs. Rob ert Dunaway and Bonnie Beth, of Ewing. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Whitlow, of Oakdale, were guests on Sun day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Spence. The WTCIJ held a district meeting at Page on Tuesday, August 22. A covered dish lunch eon was served at noon. Those atending from Ewing were, Mrs Andrew Olson, Mrs. Jessie An gus, Mrs. Ralph Eacher, Mrs. Maden Funk, Mrs. Henry Flem ing, Mrs. Frank Belmar jr., and also Mrs. Gene Ruby, of Val entine. Do not go through Ole with* out tooth. Everyone will like Ku better with dentures. — . Fisher, Dentist. 2H V- ■ ' ■ --- -■ .. . j W. F. Finley, m. d. OFFICE PHONE: 28 | First National Bank Bldg. 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Choice of 5 colors, sues 24 to 30..$3.98 property at 1 then 1 mlle I otter - then ^ ... spencer Dam I I - c - T. “vST^'3 iff* ~~ \ \3«Cfvrvt Oi \ \Fri