1 - ' on account of bad weather, or any other unavoidable cause. 14. Any article or animal on exhibition shall not be removed from the grounds until 4:00 p.m. of the last day of the Fair or will forfeit any premuim moneys won. 15. All agricultural exhibits shall be displayed with other exhibits of like kinds — corn with corn, wheat with wheat, etc. 16. In cases where no person is competing, the judges will award first, second, or no premium, as they deem best. 17. The manner of awarding premiums for best display will be by computing premiums and the one having the most will be de clared the winner . 18. Two red ribbons are equal to one blue ribbon. 19. The age of the animal shall be counted from the last day of the month in which it was born. 20. All stock must be owned by the exhibitor at least 30 days prior to date af entry. 21. Any article or animal fraudently entered or shown, that wins a premium, if satisfactory proof is shown the Board of Direct ors, the premium shall not be paid. 22. Ail exhibits must be Holt County products. 23. All 4-H club premiums will be paid in full. All other premi iums will be paid in full unless by avoidable cause, the re ceipts shall not be sufficient, in which case they will be pro rated and paid accordingly. 24. A blue ribbon denotes 1st premium; a red ribbon, 2nd prem ium; and a purple ribbon, sweepstakes. Superintendents will attach premium tags as soon as awards are made. 25. No animal or article not listed in the premium list will be entered for premium except as otherwise provided for. 26. All protests must be filed in writing with the Secretary dur ing the Fair, and same will be acted upon at the first meeting of the Board of Directors. 27. All articles must be entered just as you want them, for the rules will be strictly adhered to. 28. All animals must be exhibited at such time and place as the superintendent may direct. 29. The annual meeting will be the first Saturday after the 1st day of November. -- V1 SUPERINTENDENTS The Superintendents are required to take charge of all articles belonging to their department, on their arrival on the grounds and see that they are in their proper places. Superintendents must be on the grounds early in the morning of each day of the Fair to assist exhibitors in ticketing and arrang ing the articles, and shall appoint the awarding committees in the respective classes under the direction and the consent of the Board of Directors, and report them at once and not later than Tuesday to the Secretary. POLICE REGULATIONS The President shall have charge of the grounds and it shall be his duty to assign the police force, provided by the Village of Chambers, their respective duties, including gate keepers. All persons employed shall be sworn conservators of the peace, and it shall be their duty to arrest any person creating any disturbance or violating any rules of the Society. Anyone entering the grounds clandestinely shall be arrested. No intoxicating drinks shall be be sold or drunk on the grounds. Any person found intoxicated will be dealt with ac cording to law. X? - ===^s USE Unipane UNIPANE is the All-weather Propane Gas for: HEATING, COOKING, REFRIGERATION, | RANGES, WATER HEATERS FURNACES and SPACE HEATERS BOTTLES & TANKS Installed and Serviced We Give S & H Green Stamps ★ TIRES ★ BATTERIES ALWAYS USE Mobilgas and Oil m I Dankert’s SERVICE CHAMBERS, NEBRASKA I LIVESTOCK HENRY WOOD, Supeiinlendral All exhibits must be entered and on grounds by 5:00 p.m. Aug.29. 1950. LIVESTOCK AUCTION 1 EVERY MONDAY CATTLE -HOGS - HORSES __ Buyers Here Every Week for All Classes of Livestock EWING LIVESTOCK MARKET Edgar Jensen, Mgr. J^1"" ■ "■ - ' ' "■Ml . - ■ ■"■■■■■■■■ i — f/ j Farmers 0 ► / I j | STATE BANK of Ewing ★ ★ ★ Capita] Stock & Surplus $50,000 ★ ★ + OFFICERS S. W. BRION, President M. B. HUFFMAN, Vice-President L. J. SPITTLER, Vice-President M. W. RUTLEDGE, Cashier DOROTHY SOJKA, Asst. Cashier EVELYN BARTAK, For Cashier MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION _