The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 17, 1950, Holt County Fair Edition, SECTION 2, Page 10, Image 10

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    Reception Held For
Mr. and Mrs. Harley
AMELIA — A reception fpr
about 90 guests was held Sun
day, August 13, at the S. E
Dexter home, near Amelia, in
honor of Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Harley, of Chambers', who were
married August ti.
Mrs. Harley Is the grand
daughter of Mr and Mrs. Dex
After a program consisting of
different songs and group sing
ing of favorite hymns of the lam
ily, the bride and bridegroom
opened their gifts.
A lunch of sandwiches, pick
les, cake, ice cream and kool aid
was served.
Among the out-of-town guests
were: Mr and Mrs. Forest Ar
bogast and sons, of Meadow
Grove, Joe Turek, Mr. and Mrs.
Floyd Turek and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Cash Turek and fam
ily, all of Wood River.
Other Amelia News
Mr. and Mrs. Bower Sageser
and Sandra, o f Manhattan,
Kans., are visiting his brother,
Vern, and Mrs. Sageser, his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Link Sages
er, and her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. D. L. Fa richer, of Ains
worth, and sister, Mrs. Ciyds
Widman, of Amelia.
Mrs. Dale Smith and Donna ;
Jean returned to their home at j
Alma after visiting Mrs. Delia ;
Ernst the past week.
Mr. and Mrs Ray Andersen ,
were Osmond callers Saturday. ]
Mrs Robert Tams has been ,
enjoying a visit from her father,
Mr. Robertson, the past week. J
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Rees drove
up from Lincoln Frday to visit
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph ,
Rees, and to bring their little ,
niece, Judy Taylor, home after
she had spent several weeks vis- t
iting them. They also attended i
the rodeo at Burweli.
Mr. and Mrs. Everett Smith, ,
of North Platte, visited her sis- j
ter, Mrs. B. W. Waldo, and her
brother, John Zinkon, Friday. ]
Mr. and Mrs. Gale Fix, Shei- ■
la and Gaylen, of Scottsbluff, i
are visiting their parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Elmer Fix, and family, .
and Mrs. Alice Prewitt, and i
family. Mrs. William Thompson ,
and Marilyn, also of Scottsbluff,
accompanied them and are vis- (
iting the Gene and Vernon ,
Thompson families.
Mrs. Uertie Adair operaieu ,
the switchboard Thursday while ,
Mr. and Mrs. Leder and Ken
neth attended the rodeo.
Mrs. John Allen and family
enjoyed a visit from her brother,
Mr. Kirk, and family, of K&do
ka, S. D., last weekend. He re
ported their crops were dry mg
up for need of moisture.
Mr. and Mrs. Bill Raglanu at
tended a banquet for Carlson
Seed Corn dealers and their
wives at Neligh Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Sawyer,
of Humphrey, and Mrs. Mary
Sawyer, of Bird City, Kans.,
visited the Elmer Fix's Sunday.
Mrs. Mary Sawyer is Mrs Fix’s
mother. She stayed for a long
er visit.
Alvin Forbes and his mother,
Mrs. Carrie Forbes, of Atkinson,
visited over Saturday with Mr.
and Mrs Roy Forbes near
Mr. and Mrs. George Witheis
are having a new addition built
on their house.
Mr. and Mis. Bun Maley and
son, Richard, of Omaha, were
dinner guests Sunday of Mr. j
and Mrs. Frank Pierce. They j
visited Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Wai- <
do Saturday and attended the
rodeo. . _
J im Grimes, of Chambers,
was a Sunday dinner guisi at
Ed White’s. ^ I
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Travers
and Harold and Mrs. Voila Tra- ,
vers returned Friday from their
vacation. They visited Mr. and
Mis. Will Mulligan at Bridge
port. They reported Miss Agnes
Mulligan to be in “very poor’
health and bedfast.
Levi Clemens received word
Sunday of the accidental death
of his father at Tilden. He was
killed by a train. Mr. apd Mrs.
Clemens went to Tilden Sunday.
Funeral services were held on
Tuesday at Tilden.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnie Doernmg
and family visited Sunday in
Mallard, la.
Mr. and Mas. John Dick and
family left Tuesday ior a lew
days' vacation in the Black
Hills. Mr and Mrs. Ivan Cone
are taking care of the Dick
place. _
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Tomp
son, of Kenosha, Wise, arrived
Sunday for a week’s visit with
L. A. Simonson and other rela
tives. Mr. Simonsons’ daughter
and her husband, Mr. and Mrs.
R. E Goree, of Long Pine, spent
the weekend here.
Miss Jean Frohman, R- N.,
I returned to her home at San
Jose, Calif., after spending the
past 2 weeks visiting her moth
er. Mrs. Evelyn Frohman.
Patsy Roberts, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Roberts re
i turned from spending a week
at Girl Scout camp at Cedar
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Butoph
l of Minneapolis, Mann, were met
in Mitchell, S. D , by their grand
son LeRoy Hoffman. They will
visit relatives here this week.
Mis6 Margaret Rohrs spent
the weekend at Roy Peterson's
hocne in Neligh.
Joan Burt, of Bassett, was an
overnight guest at the J i m
Humpal home, Tuesday, August
Katherine Steffie, of Bassett,
was an overnight guest of the
Fred Braun’s Tuesday, August
Mrs. Lilah Snyder has mov
ed into an apartment in town.
She is employed at the Ellen
wood cleaners.
Mr and Mrs Tabor Kelly
and children, of Chicago, 111.,
are visiting at the Ralph Kelly
and Loyd McDowell homes.
Mr. and Mrs. Milton Andresw :
md daguhter, left for a tour of J
ihe Black Hills, S. D., Tuesday,!
\ugust 111.
Mr and Mrs Joe Mlinar wen- ,
linner and theatre guests of
Hr. and Mrs. Ed Mlinar Wed
lesday evening, August 9, at J
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Davis
md Mr. and Mrs. Clarence
Irennaman attended the Bur
veli rodeo, Tuesday, August 10.
Louis Hayes came Sunday,
August 13, to visit the Fred i
Jayes family.
Mr and Mrs. Len Ullrich
vere guests of Orville Hitch
ocks Sunday evening.
Helen Hamik, of Stuart, spent
he week with her aunt ,Mrs
Varren Mott.
Mr. and Mrs. Jess Dobrovolny
vere guests of the John Micks,
Sunday evening.
Dr. and Mrs. Jack Shaw, of
Jncoln, visited his parents, Mr.
md Mrs. Harvey Shaw, this
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dicker
ion and children are visiting
heir parents, the Ivan Dicker
on and Frost families this week.
Robert Rohrs spent Wednes
lay and Thursday with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Rohrs,
lobert is attending the eum
ner session at the University
>f Nebraska.
Bernice Grothe, who is am
ending Wayne State college,
visited her parents the Wm.
[Jrothe's over the weekend.
Miss Leona Kramer is em
aloyed at the Frank Prussa'
Mre. Alvin Alton was a guest
it Paul Roths Friday. August !
11. Dale Jarvis, of Grant, ar
-ived Sunday, August 13, to vis
t with relative*.
Don Bair, of Bradshaw, stop- ;
ped at the Elven White home
an business Saturday, Augusf
Dr. and Mrs F. J. Mancuso,
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. McKay and
Mr and Mrs. Don Carroll re
turned Saturday. August 12.
from a weeks trip through the
Black Hills. Little Frankie Man
cuso stayed with his grandpar
ents in Omaha and McKay’s
sons. Mike and Mark, spent the
week with their grandparents,
at Greenwood.
Mr. and Mrs. Gene Ryan, of
Elkton, S. D.. came Friday for
an extended visit at the Frank
Dobrovolny home.
Bonnie Dickau will teach in
her home district, the Wm
Gretehman school.
Geraldine Hanel will open
her school at Hammond in Rock
Mrs. Lorraine Carr Freauf
plans to teach the Clar
ence Gilg school. Her husband
Albert is employed at the
Kretehman ranch.
Mre. Albert James and sons.
Hugh and Jesse were in Oma
ha on business over the week
After the morning church ser
vice August 20, there will be a
fellowship dinner at the Baptist
church at Chambers. Bring a
basket lunch, enough for your
own family. All members and
friends are invited to attend. A
memorial booklet prepared in
memory of Jennie C. Adams, is
to be presented to lal present at
that time.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Gustason,
of Omaha, visited relatives on
Tuesday, August 8.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hill and
family, of Orchard. visited the
O. A. Kilpatricks’ Sunday. ,
Saturday guests from Hamp
ton, la., at the home *f Mr. and
Mrs. C. M. McGlasson were Mr.
and Mrs. Charles E. King.
P MONOPOLIZE AT/ pcxzcul j
In the early days of the cat
j tie industry, before the adven
of the barbed wire fence, cattl<
of one rancher would stray a
cross the imaginary bounda:']
which was supposed to sepa
rate the ranches, and mingl<
with the cattle of anothe:
It was from the argument:
and wagers made among thi
cowboys of the different ranch
es of a section while on round
up together that it became <
j custom to hold an impromptv
riding and roping contest a1
the close of many roundups tc
settle the question as to which
ranch was the home of the
fastest roper of best bronc rid
These contests, while
visited principally only by the
contestants and the few ranch
es in a section, were the step
ping stones to our great ro
deos of today, for in order to
settle an argument as to best
ropers and riders of a much
larger section there was held
at Pecos, Tex., July 4, 1883, the
first riding and roping contest
where cash prizes were award
ed to the winners.
This was a big public rodeo,
but spectators were not charg
ed an admission fee. The con
test was field In the open flat
near the court house and the
prizes were $25 first and $15
Morgan Livingston, top
hand of the NA ranch won
the steer roping, and Trav
Windham, bow of the Lazy
7 was second. There was no
fenced in arena, and only
two events, steer roping and
bronc riding.
At a Fourth of July Celebra
tion, at Prescott, Ariz., in 1888.
the first rodeo or cowboy con
test in which cash prizes were
awarded to the winners and an
admission charged the spectat
or, was held. It was called a
tournament, and in addition to
races there were only two e
vents, steer roping and bronc
riding, both won by Jaun Le
North Platte lays claim to
staging a rodeo as a Fourth of
Julv Celebration, in 1883. with
CoT. Wm. F Cody, as chairman
but all records that we have
been able to dig up seem to
point out that this affair was
just a tryout of cowboys for
the Buffalo Bill Wildwest
Show, and we cannot find any
records of any prizes having
been awarded, and until other
records are brought to refute
it. Prescott, Ariz., will have
the distinction of staging the
first American (box office) ro
In 1896. a big well adver
tised rodeo was staged in
Denver. Colo-, but was not a
f inane is success, in fact
there was so much work and
expense to getting up a three
off four day contest, that
there were few of the early
ones that were financially
In 1897, Wyoming's great an
nual rodeo “Cheyenne Frontier
Days” was organized and while
it had financial difficulties in
it$ first few years it endured
and is today the oldest rodeo
in America, its slogan, “the
daddy of them all” is correct.
Up until about 25 years ago,
rodeos were staged only in op
en arenas and practically all of
them in summer, the contest
ants usually worked on ranch
es between rodeos. Now the
rodeo season extends through
out the year with more than 150
well advertised rodeos during a
season and admissions running
into the millions.
Escapes Injury
Enroute to Lynch—
LYNCH—Mr. and Mrs. Herb
ert Rossmeier returned home to
! Sidney Monday, August 7. after
l having visited the former’s fa
i ther, John Rossmeier, who was
critically ill. Late Tuesday they
received word of his death and
immediately left for Lynch. At
Ainsworth, Mrs. Rossmeier. who
was driving at the time, believes
she must have dozed off and the
i car went into the ditch. No one
was hurt, but the car was dam
aged to the extent that they
j could not continue their jour
Mrs. Rossmeier’s parents. Mr
and Mrs. C. L Haselhorst, mo
tored to Ainsworth after them
so they could attend the funer
! al.
The M. B. Marcellus family
visited Mrs. Marcellus’ sister
Mrs. Fred Filbrandt, jr.. in Lin
coln, Wednesday, August 9. t
Mrs. Fred Farror. of Monroe
is visiting at the Fred Robert
son home this week.
Johnson-Miller .
Nuptials Reac
On Sunday, August 6, at 1 o
clock m the afternoon at Chris
Lutneran cnurch m O’Neil
Miss Verna Jeanne Mmei
daughter ol Mr. and Mrs. Ewai
! Miner, of Mai, was united u
marriage to Lysle G. Johnson
r son of Mr. and' Mrs. David John
son, of Walnut.
Rev. Robert Olson solemmz
ed the double - ring ceremony
before a candle-ugnted altar
’ decorated with oouquets 0
gladiola of mixed colors.
Only immediate families, in
eluding the grandparents of the
bridegroom and tae grandmoth
ers of the bride, were present
The brides only attendant
Mrs. Marvin Johnson, sister-in
law of the bridegroom, wore ar
aqua taffeta and net dress witi
I a corsage ol deep pink enrna
tions. Her dress was styled sim
1 liar to that of the bride.
The bride, given in marriage
by her father, wore an afternoon
dress of shell-pink satin with a
fitted bodice and full skirt. Her
slippers were shell-pink satin,
matching her dress. She also
; wore a rhinestone necklace and
■ bracelet, a gift from the bride
groom. Her corsage was of white
The bridegroom and his at
[ tendant, his brother, Marvin,
each wore grey with white car
nation boutonnieres.
The wedding march wrs play
ed by Miss Lois Miller, who
also accompanied Reverend Ol
son as he sang a solo, ‘“O Per
fect Love.”
Following the wedding, a re
ception was held at the home of
the bride's parents with 75
friends and relatives in attend
ance. In charge of the refresh
ments were Mrs. Gerald lckler,
Mrs. Floyd Hildreth, Mrs. Eimer
Juracek and Mrs. Otto Metteis.
Eileen and Joyce Miller, Cla
ry ce and Hazel Mane Johnson
served as waitresses.
Mrs. Vince Cunningham, a
sister of the bride, had charge
of the guest book. Miss Joyce
Miller was in charge of the gift
For traveling the bride wore
a wine gabardine suit with
matching accessories.
Following a 2-weeks wedding
trip through the Southwestern
states, they will make their
home on the bridegroom’s farm
in eastern Holt county.
Cleveland 4-H club met at the
Ed Weber home Saturday after
noon. Plans were made for a
group to attend achievement
day in O’Neill Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Phil
brick and daughter, of DeSmet,
S. D., came Friday evening to
spend the weekend visiting
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ora
Philbrick and Mrs. Lottie Lof
quest. They were accompanied
by Mr. Philbrick’s sister, Miss
June Philbrick, who had been
visiting them.
Mrs. Elmer Allyn, Mary Arm,
Patty and Larry and Mrs Vina
Munson called on Mrs. Russell
Hipke and boys Monday, August
Mr. and Mrs. James Allyn and
family were Sunday dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley
Slaymaker, of Atkinson. Mrs.
Allyn and Mrs. Slaymaker art
sisters. Miss Jean Allyn, who
had spent the week with her
aunt, returned home with her
parents Sunday evening.
Mrs. Leonard Chaffin and
family called on Mrs. Russell
Hipke Friday afternoon.
Mrs. Lottie Lofquest serves
on the Dustin township election
board and spent Tuesday night
with the Adams girls.
Linford Sweet repaired 23
telephone line Saturday The
line had not been working
well and out of order for sever
al days. ._,
Mrs Lou Prange returned
home Sunday evening after
spending a week at the home of
her daughter and husband
and Mrs Dervin Kipple, of U -
Neill Mr. Prange went after her
Sunday and spent the day. __
The road past the Charles Do
i bias and Tom Berry farms is
being graded this week. The
new^grade will run 2 miles to
the “Mulford hill.”
. Mr*. O. A. Hammer]*^ and
' Mrs. Leo Mlinar cnlledat the
James Deming home Wednesday
morning and took home a pic
! ing of beans. . . . „ . .
Art Prange is helping hu
brother, Lou, with his farm
* Mr and Mrs Merrill Smith
and family were Sunday e\e
ning callers at the LouPrang*
Mesdames Mclnioah
and Cronin An
Mrs. William W. McIntosh is
chairman of the Sunday fort
nightly Country Club dinner
Mrs F N. Cronin is her assist
ant. To close the season, a dance
and program have been plannee
*VTFK>6£ Focr ME T06£T ARS
you-p rtAMrr &rrrEK amp
’' Five O’Neill Boy Scouts wil
’ be advanced to Eagle Scouts a
1 a court of honor ceremony in th<
1 1 American Legion auditorium oi
> Wednesday, .August 30.
The affair will be the fin a
under Scoutmaster A. L. Me
Master, who is moving to Husk
Those to be elevated to Ea
gle rank are: Edward Tomlin
son. son of Mr. and Mrs. Dick
Tomlinson; Bill Malloy, son of
Mrs. Ruby Malloy; Paul and
Fred Fetrow, sons of Mr, and
Mrs. Paul Fetrow, and Bill
Parents and the public are in
vited to the ceremony.
In addition to advancement of
the Scouts to Eagle rank, 2 or 3
other Scouts will become Life
Scouts and there will be other
awards issued.
During the past year in which
McMaster has been Scoutmaster
the O’Neill movement has pro
gressed rapidly.
McMaster, Holt soil conserva
tionist, has been interested in
Scouting for many years. He
was an officer in the army dur
ing World War II and was in the
Baatan death march.
Rossmeier Rites
Held at Lyncl.
LYNCH— Funeral services
I for John Rossmeier, 78, of Ver
I del, who passed away Tuesday,
August 3, were held ai the Wes
leyan Methodist church in
Lvnch at 2 p. m. Friday, August
A native of Germany, he
came to America when 14 years
of age. He was married to Ber
tha Schumann in 1906. They
started housekeeping on a farm
northeast of Lynch, moving to
Norfolk in 1918. They returned
to their farm near Lynch in 1926
and for the past 9 years have
lived on a farm near Verdel.
Survivors include: Widow: 6
sons and 4 daughters—John, ;.r.,
of Pierce; Mrs. Herman Ohlman.
of Norfolk; Mrs. Gilbert Manot.
of Grand Island; Herbert, of
Sidnev; Roy, of Utica, S. D.;
Max, of Lynch; Dale, of Verdel;
Donald, of Monowi; Mrs. Leland
Moody, of Lynch, and Mrs. Lu
mir Cizek, of Spencer.
Joseph T. Peterson
Dies at Bristow
LYNCH — Funeral services
for Joseph T. Peterson, 80, were
held at the Rosedale Covenant
church north of Bristow Friday,
August 11, at 2 p. m.
Mr. Peterson and his family
lived on a farm in the Rosedale
community north of Bristow for
l many years, retiring from the
farm 15 years ago and moved
I to Bristow where he passed a
way Tuesday, August 8.
Mr. Peterson had been tn fail
. mg health for several years and
1 bedfast for several weeks.
Survivors include: Widow;
son—Marvin Peterson, of Bris
tow; granddaughter — Janice
Miss Fanny Reynokison. of
Albion, is visiting in the Rey
noldson home this week.
Other Emmet News
Mr. and Mrs W. P. Dailej
returned home Wednesday eve
i ning, August 9, after spending
} several days visiting their son
Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Dailey anc
family at North Platte.
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Kioppen
‘ borg and daughter, Wynon.
1 Rae, spent the weekend visit
1 ing Mr. and Mrs. Roger Schmid!
and family of Glen Rock, Wyo
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Fan
spent Saturday night and Sun
day morning, August 12-13 vis
1 iting at the Owen Haynes home
in Atkinson.
Miss Lenoa Winkler and Rob
ert Han us, of Omaha, spent the
I weekend visiting Miss Winkler’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wink
ler and family.
Mrs. Paul Newton and fam
ily and Mrs. Bob Fox attended
a' birthday anniversary party
given in honor of Bobby Kram
er at his home Thursday. Au
gust 10.
A birthday anniversary par
! ty was given at the Henry Klop
penborg home irr honor of Mrs.
Henry Kloppenborg, Sunday
evening, July 30. Cards and bin
go were played Those present
were; Mrs. Rose Tenborg, and
son, Francis, Mrs. Mary Lewis,
Rudy Clausson. Mr. and Mrs.
Herman Grothe and family, Mr
and Mrs. William Grothe and
family. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mc
Connell and Mrs. Agnes Gaff
ney. Later in the evening, lunch
was served.
I Mr- and Mrs. Bob Fox and
Dick and Mrs. Paul Newton,
and Melvin, Jimmie and Janet
attended a birthday anivereary
party at the Donald Luben
home at Inman given in honor
of Diane Luben. Melvin Luben
remained for a week’s visit with
i his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Luben.
Mr. and Mrs. Darrol Kendall
and Mr and Mrs. Jim Kendall,
of Hastings, spent the weekend
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Wayne
Fox and family and Mrs. Estella
Sunday evening visitors of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Patterson
were. Rev. and Mrs. Ralph Ger
ber. Timmy and Rebecka, Mr
and Mrs. Harry Clausson, and
Mr. and Mrs. Rov Sauers, all of
Miss Mardell Hagelstem ar
rived home Sunday from Lau
rel after a 7 weeks' visit with
Mr. and Mrs Roy Christison.
Ellen and Susan Abart of O’
Neill. spent Saturday. August
12, visiting their grandparents.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Abart.
Mr. and Mrs O. B. Stuart, of
Cozad. spent the weekend of
July 29 and 30 visiting their
daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin
Kloppenborg and daughter,
Wvnona Rae.
Mr and Mrs. Leonard Lar
son and son. Donald, of Clear
water, were Sunday. August 13,
visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Mlinar and family.
Mr and Mrs. James O’Con
nor visited Tuesday, August 8.
with Miss Mabel Perkins and
Dick Heerten. at Ainsworth
Masses Mary belle O’Connor and
Norma Lou Foreman returned
home with them after spend
ing 16 days visiting there.
Sunday visitors at the Joe
Winkler home were; Mr. and
Mrs. Charlie Winkler .of Atkin
son; George and Bdwin Nacht
man. of Amelia; Mrs Rose Ten
borg. Mrs John Tenborg. Ed
Early and Duane Pongratz
Twila and Duane Hamm, of
Osmond, are spending several
weeks visiting their grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hag
elstem and MardelL
Miss Darlene Summers, of
O’Neill, spent Friday night and
Saturday, August 11-12 with
MarybeUe O’Connor.
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hayes,
of Atkinson, and Mr. and Mrs.
Earl Farr and sons, of O’Neill,
were Sunday visitors at the
Clarence Farr home.
Mr. and Mrs. Guy Beckwith
were Sunday evening, August
13 visitors at the Leon Beck
with home
Mr. and Mrs. George Pierson
and sons, Lee and Don, of Raw
lins, Wyo.. returned home, Au-i
gust 2, after spending sometime
visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Henry Kloppenborg and
family, and brothers, Mr. and
Mrs. Ernie Kloppenborg and
Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Kloppen
borg and Wynona Rae.
Little Linda Bates stayed
from Wednesday untill Sunday
August 9-13 with her aunt and
uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Jaimes Fore
man and sons, of Bristow.
Mrs. Guy Beckwith was a
Sunday afternoon visitor at the
Wm. Schmoher home.
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Schmidt
and family, of Glen Rock, Wyo.,
spent from August 5 to 11, via- |
iting Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Klop
penborg and Wynona.
Mr. and Mrs. James Foreman
and sons, of Bristow, visited at
the Wayne Bates and Frank
Foreman homes Sunday, August
‘ 13- \
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Trap
pe and family, of Oakland,
Calif., were Thursday evening
August 10 visitors at the Jacnes
O’Connor home.
(First pub. August 17, 1950.)
John R. Gallagher, Attorney
Estate No. 3S83
In the County Court of Holt
County, Nebraska, August 10,
1950. In the matter of the Es
tates of Harmen Damero, De
ceased. t
CREDITORS of said estate
are hereby notified that the time
limited for presenting claims a
gainst said estate is December
7, 1950, and for the payment of
debts is August 10, 1951, and
that on September 7. 1950. and
on December 8, 1950, at 10 o’
clock A. M., each day, I will be
at the County Court Room in
said County to receive, exam
ine, hear, allow, or adjust ail
claims and objections duly filed.
County Judge.
Mrs. Reninger Is
Shower Honoree
CHAMBERS—A post-nuptial
shower honoring Mrs. Norrnar. *
Reninger (formerly Jeanenne
Porter), was held Friday, Au
gust 11, at the home of Mrs. Ed
A program consisting of read
ings and songs portrayed the
bride’s life. Those participating
were: Mrs. Letha Cook, Mrs.
Vernon Smith, Mrs. Wayne
Rowse, Mrs. Bernard Cooke,
Mrs. Robert Adams and Mrs.
Gerald McClenahan.
About 40 relative* and friends
were present Refreshment* of
fruit salad, cake and cool ade
were served by the ladies of the
Baptist church.
Mr. and Mrs. Ted McElhaney
and Jeannine expect to leave
for Denver. Colo., today (Thurr .
day) to visit their daughter*
Miss Marjorie, for a week s va
Handsome Waterfall uroup
Packed with value, this impreeaive mod
ern group will main you PROUD of your
bedroom. Not only is it beautiful to look
at but the quality of the exquisite ve
neers. and the care- *
ful detailing bring
out the beauty of
contrasting inlays.
We doubt 11 this
saving could be du
plicated anywhere.
Furniture and Appliance
Phone 346-J West O’Neill