The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, August 10, 1950, Page 4, Image 4

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Got. Lt. Got. Sec. St. Aud. Trees. At.-Gen. R. R. Com. Cong. Clk. Trs. Holt Sheriff Atty. Asr. No. 1 No. 3 No. 5 No. 7
|:l|fafs-as 3 "
8 3 2- 1 . .
1 | * ¥
1. Stuart _
2. Atkinson 3 _
3. Grattan
4. Antelope -
5. Paddock
6. O'Neill 2_
7. Verdigris
8. Atkinson Pr. _
9. Atkinson 1 _
10. Pleasantview
11. Atkinson 2 _„
12. O’Neill 1 _
13. Willowdale_
14. Shamrock_
15. Emmet_
16. Shields _
17. O’Neill 3_
18. Inman_
19. Deloit __
20. Chambers_
21. Green Valley _
22. Swan_
23. Coleman_
24. Sandcreek -
25. McClure —.—
26. Sheridan
27. Saratoga .
28. Rock Falls_
29. Wyoming
30. Golden
31. Holt Creek
32. Ewing _
33. Fairview -
34. Conley
35. Scott_
36. Dustin __
37. Steel Creek_
38. Iowa_
39. Cleveland_
40. Francis .
41. Lake--—
42. Josie
12 15 7 19 3 26
_ 24 23 7 13 2 37
... 15 9 3 21 1 17
1 1 1
_ 2 6 3 2 3
_ 36 30 8 26 1 50
_ 17 14 3 14 1 25
_ 9 2 3 8 11
_ 11 3 3 8 16
3 1 2
.8514 10
_ 36 32 11 26 3 48
. 3 2 1 10 9
. ill 3
. 4 3 2 4 1
. 8 4 9 11 7
_ 39 21 9 35 2 47
. 23 19 6 11 27
. 5 9 3 2 8
. 5 3 3 2 8
1 11 2
2 1 1
1 3 0 2
2 2 2
2 1 2
9 7 3 9 9
2 2 12 4
6 2 2 4
4 3 2 2
112 4 13
2 11 4
31 12 10 15 2 32
3 3 13 6 7
2 1
3 2 2 6 5
3 1 3
12 1 3
1 2 1
4 3 12 4
1 1
8 1 9
344 245 105 277 16 454
_ I
11 5 1 46 25 8 32 35 33 ~ 22
6 14 3 70 46 14 62 57 59 34
2 22 2 48 32 11 41 41 40 26
1 2 2 2 2 2 2
1 2 1 10 6 1 7 5 5 5
4 26 8 90 68 13 80 74 81 54
2 4 3 43 31 3 36 29 32 24
5 3 3 20 14 5 19 19 21 11
1 4 2 23 16 1 19 19 17 14
25 421 5233
1 1 3 15 11 2 14 15 14 7
7 21 8 103 66 17 87 81 88 52
2 1 14 9 4 14 10 13 7
1 6 3 1 4 4 3 3
371 11 45 9 10 95
4 6 3 21 11 5 17 20 19 10
10 20 9 98 67 17 79 74 79 48
3 12 9 54 35 10 45 45 44 31
3 4 2 11 8 2 10 7 10 5
3 2 2 15 13 1 13 11 14 5
1 3 1 2 2 2 2
1 3 2 12 1
1 1 4 3 1 4 4 3 3
1 4 3 3 2 1 2
1 3 3 3 3 3
5 11 2 26 17 5 21 20 19 17
1 6 3 1 5 5 4 4
1 2 3 10 8 1 9 9 10 3
32942 6773
212953 18 883
4 3 4 4 4 4
15 9 7 62 48 10 56 48 47 27
1 3 14 9 1 10 10 10 4
1 2 2 2 2 2 1
22 12 71 9896
1 5 3 4 3 3 *2
1 3 2 3 2 3 2
1 2 2 3 3 3 1
4 943 8654
1 11111
1 10 9 1 10 9 9 2
99 196 85 905 605 153 776 718 740 459
. I
1 ; 1
11 4 29 36 44
15 7 53 57 61
11 6 37 53 50
2 2 2
2 1 4 8 11
18 12 68 88 101
4 10 31 42 38
7 2 16 20* 20
1 4 16 21 21
1 3 6 10
5 4 11 15 16
18 15 70 89 99
3 4 7 13 16
4 16
1 4 8 22 12
5 1 17 92 24
27 17 74 65 95
7 10 39 65 47
4 4 10 12 14
3 5 12 13 12
2 2 3
1 13 2
13 4 4
2 1 2
3 2 12
4 2 19 23 26
14 5 3
4 3 8 10 10
1 2 7 9 7
3 2 8 7 8
4 4 3
11 19 47 50 50
6 1 10 11 10
12 2 2
1 1 8 12 12
1 13 4
2 3 2 1
2 13 3 3
2 2 6 6 7
5 3 10 8 9
186 152 787
’ I
5 9 21 10 44 38 12~
21 7 34 12 58 52 13
16 1 31 3 40 26 21
2 111
1 10 1 8 7 5
36 3 66 8 95 81 31
4 8 19 19 30 8 44
6 11 6 17 18 4
4 4 8 6 19 10 9
2 2 2 6 6 1
5 2 8 3 16 8 8
42 6 35 7 88 85 33
2 2 1 11 13 7 11
2 4 1
2 1 4 3 11 4 7
9 1 10 6 11 15 12
47 7 45 15 22 71 42
5 30 21 12 85 34 28
10 5 3 44 2 15
3 3 13 1 13 8 13
1 2 15 3
1 12 11
1 3 2 13
301 1 ,1
1 3 « 12 1
6 8 10 4 20 21 8
3 3 4 1 4
3 1 6 9 5 5
1 1 6 2 7 8
4 4 18 18
1 3 4 3
8 6 49 9 43 19 49
3 3 3 4 10 9 3
112 2
2 2 3 5 9 11 1
1 2 14 5
4 1 3 2 2
3 3 12
3 1 3 7 7 3
1 1 1
3 5 1 8 3 6
250 886 867 250 121 587 413
I 1 » I
29 47
9 15
7 16
9 To
13 2
41 337 31 73 114
Light Vote Cast
in Holt County
(Continued from page 1.)
of the race in the unicameral
legislature was the only infor
mation available at broadcast
time. (See unicameral story
on page 1.)
The official canvas of the
election is not expected to
change the outcome of any of
the races. County Clerk Hoff
man said there were about 50
applications for absentee bal
lots, but when counted these
-will not be sufficient to change
the outcome of any of the con
Voting places in O'Neill were
in the customary places.
No Contests Except
for Supervisor—
BUTTE — Boyd county's vo
ters had little choice in the se-j
lection of county officers except
in several races for county su
There were 584 Republican
ballots cast in the 12 voting
precincts and, unofficially, 411
Democratic ballots.
Results of contest:
For Governor:
Peterson ---389
Adams ...99
Walker ..,.76
For Lieutenant-Governor:
Warner _325
For Secretary of State:
Anderson -- 97
Frank Marsh-359
For Treasurer:
Knudsen - 228
For Railway Commissioner:
Palmer.. 199
Knickrehm __ 68
For Congress (4th Dist.);
Miller 414
McNish 69
For Supervisor (1st Dist.):
Wm. R Larson_16
A J. Rihanek __ 28 j
For Supervisor (3d Dist.):
Wm. F. Wendt_ 26
B H. Kline.. 93
For Supervisor (5th Dist):
W. F Schlecker _41
R H. Breyer_25
Gus Weickum . 54
For Supervisor (7th Dist.):
Henry Klassen __10
W. W. Braithwait .. 57
Charles Havranek_ 25
For Governor:
Raecke 115
Swanson 63
Carpenter 150
For Lieutenant - Governor:
Doeek _ 176
Wofrtman ___41
Shurtleff ... .. ._ 40
Dooley _ . — 88
For Attorney - General:
Caldwell .... _127
McLaughlin — 253
For Railway Counmfessioner:
Schlater 70
Maupin 79
McReynolds 181
For Supervisor (3d Dist): *
C- L. iHaselhorst _36
Wilmar Lindholm .. 16
Wm. McQuistan (inc) 28
For Supervisor (5th Dist.):
Herman Windmeier _ 38
Joe Schmitz (write in) 40
For Supervisor (7th Dist.):
Thomas Broderson_ 94
John Ficenec__ 49
Races for Sheriff,
Assessor in Rock—
BASSETT — The sheriffs
and assessor’s pos^ in Rock
county provided interest on
both the Republican and Demo
crat ballots in Tuesday’s pri
mary election.
Unofficial results in contests
Ticklers By George
- ■ ■■ ' ■ ■
•Wt hiding. Ho just hoard that Friday was fish day.**
For Governor:
For Lieutenant - Governor:
Warner ___, 276 ,
Swanson_ 84
For Secretary of State:
Sheehan_ 14
Anderson 40 1
For State Treasurer:
Heintze_175 I
Kmudsen 143
For Railway Commissioner:
Knickrehm . 72
Stiruthers .. 15
Zajicek .. 7
For Congreae (4th Dist.):
Miller _ 343
McNish . 28
For Sheriff:
Rov L. Johns _157
H. M. Bair_166
George A. Steffey_ 94
For Assessor:
M. Spann _238
J. E. Mabie_175
For Governor:
Morrison_24 ;
Carpenter 63
Fillman 3
For Lieutenant - Governor:
Wortman 28
Dooley „ 48
Dosek__ 71
Shurtleff 14
For Auditor of Pub. A cots:
Richardson _ 104
Dale 108
For Railway Commissioner:
McReynolds 68
Schlater 21
Maupin _ 33
For Sheriff:
Doyle W White-70
Charles E. Tallmage- 23
Matt Neimann_51
For Assessor:
George F. Luehra-68
Perry J. Everett_91
3 Vie for County
Su per intendent—
NELIGH — Three candidates
vied for the nomination fori
county superintendent in Ante
lope county.
Harry Hahlbeck, incumbent,
with 1,035 votes, outran Ralph
Fluent with 428 and Elmer Mah
ler with 354- These figures rep
resented 26 out of 27 precints
on the non-political ballots.
Gov. Val Petetson, in his home
county, easily outsped his op
ponents in the Republican bal
I loting. Peterson collected 1,076
, votes; Ernest A. Adams, 246; B.
Walker, 180.
In 26 out of 27 precincts, An
telope countyans gave Freeman
! B Decker a 446-440 lead over
; Merle Haynes for state super
| intendent.
Other results in which there
were contests:
For Sheriff:
H. C. Livingston_898
Romaine E. Peterson- 517
For Supervisor (1st Dist.):
Clarence Hanneman_ 197
Harvey A. Larson (inc) 121
For Supervisor (5th Dist.):
Cecil Anderson _111
Ralph Esfcritt — 59
For Governor:
Raecke . 163
Morrison . 82 |
Swanson _:_51
Carpenter_116 !
Fillman_ 6
In hospital: Mrs. Lola Hum
eiick, of Stuart, “fairly good.”
Admissions: August 1 — Mrs.
Robert Vlach, of Atkinson,
“good”; Mrs Bessie Gettert, of
Stuart, medical, condition
“good ": Ernest Gotschall, of At
Dismissals: August 4 — Ern
est Gotschall, of Atkinson. Au
I gust 5 — Mrs. Elmer McClurg,
of Stuart; Ben Schaffer, of Stu
art, transfered to Veterans' hos
pital, Sioux Falls. S, D. *,
I —
j Wedding Friday
At Newport—
STUART—Miss Marian Clark,
of Hastings, became the bride
of Allen Barnes, of Newport,
on Friday, August 4.
The wedding took place in the
First Presbyterian church at
Mr. and Mrs. Barne6 will re
side in Stuart where Mr Barnes
i6 a member of the high school
Miss Kathleen Flood return
ed home Friday, August 4, where
she will visit her parents, Mr
and Mrs. Ed Flood, until Sep
tember 15, when she will return
to her studies at Xavier. Kans.
Atkinson's Big Celebration
AUGUST 16 -17
His Piano and His Orchestra
Both Nights
Dancing Will Start at
9:00 O'CLOCK
Cily Golf Pairings
Ar© Annaunced—
Pairings in the city golf
tournament are as follows:
Championship flight; Max
Golden plays Rev. A. A. Onak;
Henry Lohaus plays Ben Grady;
A. P. Jaszkowiak plays Ed
Campbell, jr.: Red Dewitt plays
Joe McCarville.
j Second flight: Bob Woods
plays Marvin Miller; Geo. Haim
j mond plays Howard Dean; Dale
French plays Tut McKee; Duke
Kersenbrock plays Jack Eve
Third flight: Dr. Harry Gil
dersleeve plays Lawrence Hay
nes; Berl Damkroger plays John
McCarville; John Watson plays
Marvin Johnson; Ted Lindberg
plays Fred Appleby.
First Round is to be complet
ed by August 15- Watch The
Frontier for results and second
round parings.
Go Fishing—
R. H. Parker, R. M. Sauers,
and Dr. F. J. Kubitcheck went
' fishing Wednesday and Thurs
day, August 2 and 3.
Mrs. Laura Walker arrived
Sunday, August 6, to visit her
daughter, Mrs. L. A. Burgess
and Dr. Burgess.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Flith, of No
gales, Ariz., visited their aunt,
Mrs. Agnes Gaffney, over the
Mr. and Mrs. Orland Anson
and son, Robert, and Don Mills,
of Atkinson, visited Mr. amd
Mrs. Francis Murphy Sunday,
August 6. Mr. Miller also visited
his wife and baby at the O’Neill
Miss Loretta Enright left
Thursday, August 2, for Nor
folk where she visited her sis
ter, Mrs. Thomas Semlak, and
at Walthill, where she visited
Miss Euphrasia Mitchell. She
returned Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ray went
to Sioux City on business Fri
day, August 4.
Mr. and Mrs. James W. Roo
ney left Saturday for Michigan
on their vacation.
Mrs. John Harbottle and
daughter, Susan, were in Nor
folk Thursday, August 3.
* Thursday STAR Specials *
Phone 346-J West O’Neill
H --
Beautiful All-Porcelain
; ;
I 11
★ 1 Iris is a used range. It’s in perfect j
condition, just like new, and it will
go to the first-comer today for only . . .
★ ★ ★
You Arrange to Haul It Home
EVERY ATTIC has its white ele
phants. It may be a white ele
phant to you but a good buy to
someone else!
| THURSDAY ONLY you can order
a For Sale, Swap or T r a d e
I classified ad in The Frontier and
receive an extra insertion without
OFFER IS GOOD for transactions
made on Thursday, August 10,
only, and cash must accompany
order for first insertion.
• | ^yffTtTTtnf M111111
HERE THEY ARE! Each and everyone
a real moneysaving bargain for
Thursday shoppers in O’Neill. Tune in to
the ‘‘Voice of The Frontier” each Wednes
day morning at 9:45 for a preview of the
next day’s STAR SPECIALS. Watch
rhe Frontier each week for the page of
Thursday Only STAR SPECIALS ! ! f
Fair Cattle Run in Prospect
• Managers of Ihe O'Neill Livestock Market — Verne and
Leigh Reynoldson — are anticipating a pretty fair run of
catlle for today (Thursday), August 10, including some very
good quality yearling steers and heifers as well as a general
run of cattle.
• There has been plenty of demand in recent weeks for cat
tle of all kinds.
• Because so many farmers are extremely busy in the fields,
the hog run today probably will be light, consisting most
ly of sows.
(Formerly Fredrickson Livestock Comm. Co.)
r Phone 2 O’Neill 4
r .-.
I in O'Neill j
Are Having a Mid-Summer j
They’ve Found Some Real Values in !
• There’s on© Westinghouse combination coal
wood range ___ 49.95
• There's a Westinghouse four burner electric
range, in good condition _ _ 49.95
• There's a real buy on a Monarch electric
— ll'i|llll^TOc3uiiu^aaiin3Raint!iHr!iii.