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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 10, 1950)
IMOT AW wrfffp FOR SALE FOR SALE: 1949 Ford fordor. —Wm. Krotter Co., of O’Neill, phone 531. 14c FOR SALE: Vigoro in 5- 10- 25 50- and 100-lb. bags. — Wm. Krotter Co. of O’Neill, phone 531. 14c FOR BRIGGS & STRATTON service and genuine parts call at Vic Halva’s Electric Shop, O’Neill. 41 tf AUTO OWNERS IF YOU WANT cheaper insur ance let me know. I can fi nance a 1946 and newer mod el automobile and write your insurance for you! We need and appreciate your business. GEO. C. ROBERTSON O’Neill, Nebr. FOR SALE: Disc harrows, 10-, 12-, 15- and 18-ft. sizes.—Wm. Krotter Co. of O'Neill. 14c FOR SALE: 1946 V-8 truck, 16 ft. combination grain and stock rack, new motor, good tires. — Dick Tomlinson, O’ Neill. 12c FOR SALE: 10:38 and 11:38 tractor tires.—Wm. Krotter c Co. of O’Neill, phone 531, 14c I HAVE buyers for farms and ranches. If your farm or ranch is for sale, let me find a buyer for it. — R. H. Par ker, O’Neill. ltf FOR SALE: Electric water heat ers, 52-gal., double element. —Wm. Krotter Co. of O’Neill, phone 531. 14c FOR SALE: One 24-ft. auto matic hydraulic dump rake, with Farmall H or M tractor hitch.—John Sobotka, Inman, Nebr. 7tf FOR SALE: Electric fans and evaporative air conditioners. —Wm. Krotter Co. of O’Neill, FOR SALE 1947 Mercury Club coupe, A-l condition. Radio, heater, 5 good tires. Priced to sell.—Bob Summerer, Ewing. 14-15p65 FOR SALE: Oak sweep and stacker teeth, all sizes, oil treated; also Red Cedar posts, all sizes. — Chas. Lawrence, O’Neill. 5-18p325 FOR SALE: Store fixtures, at Melvins Stone or phone 135-W O’Neill. 12c FOR SALE: 640 acres, 12 miles northeast of O’Neill, fair set of improvements; 350 acres in pasture, 80 acres of hay, 150 acres going back to grass. Price: $25 per acre, » $5,000 cash will handle and will carry balance. — R H. ("Ray”) Shriner, O’Neill, ph. 106. 14c FOR SALE: 2 housew. One com pletely modem, with gas fur nace. These are priced to sell. —Woody Grim, O’Neill. 13c FOR SALE: All patterns and sizes in Armstrong Quaker linoleum; 15 different pattern in 12-ft. widths. — Midwest Furn. & Appl., West O’Neill, phone 346-J. 1 ltf FOR SALE: One 6-inch I beam 22 ft. long. Call Fred Brede hoeft, phone 11J3, O’Neill, or write Mrs. J. B. Trotter, Wil low Springs, Mo. 13-14c I HAVE EASTERN MONEY to loan on FARMS, RANCHES, and CITY PROPERTY. Let me figure with you on a loan. — R H Parker, O’Neill, ltf FOR SALE: Milk fed fries for sale. Ideal for locker or just fries. — Chas Claussen, O’ Neill, phone 1F21. 14p35 FOR SALE: 28" McCormick Deering thresher, good con dition. Reasonable. — War ren Roberts, Stuart, Neb:'. 14c65 FOR SALE. 85 2 X 6’« 14 ft. long, 56 2x 6’s, 12 ft. long New lumber. — phone 515-J, O’Ne.l! 14-15p60 O'NEILL LOCALS * Mr. and Mi's. T. J. Cullen and Kathy, of Summit. N J.. visited Mr. and Mrs. Carroll W. Stewart and family Monday. They were en route to California for their vacation. Guests Monday at the home of Mr. an dMrs. D. A. Baker were Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Crom well^ of Creighton. FOR SALE: 110-volt, 1,000-watt alternation light plant, $225. One 32 - volt Deloo, $70. — Plainview Farm Equipment Co. 4tf FOR SALE: A good used Mon arch Electric Range in good operating condition. It’s an old-timer but you can buy it for $39.95 at JACOBSON’S. 14c HERE’S a real buy in a used Westinghouse 4-burner Elec tric Range, complete with au tomatic oven heat control. Lots of good years use left in this one for $49.95 at JACOB SON’S. 14c For Reduced Rates on CAR INSURANCE See: I L. G GILLESPIE INS. AGY. O’NEILL Phone 218 NEBR. FOR SALE: Available IHC No. 9 and trail mowers. New Idea and Lundell power mowers.— Plainview Farm Equipment, Plainview. Nebr. 6tf BERLIN'S GARDENS FOR SALE: Beets, radishes, onions, potatoes, string beans, 13c FOR SALE: Beautiful porce lain coal and wood range, slightly used, you haul it away for $35.—Midwest Fur niture & Appl. West O’Neill 14c WANTED HELP WANTED: Fuller Brush territory open in O’Neill, Av erage weekly earnings $75 100. Rapid advancement for thoee who qualify. Home nights. Only those interested need apply. For interview write: Fuller Brush C o., 1222Vi Taylor St., Norfolk, ■Nebr. 13-14c Complete Auction Sales Service! Advertising, auctioneering, clerking ... let us take care of the details. Call or see • ED THORIN, Chambers or KEITH ABART, O’Neill Insurance of All Kinds WANTED TO BUY: Large size gunny sacks or feed sacks. Inquire Monday mornings, Thursday afternoons. —Holt Soil Conservation Dist., An nex Bldg., O’Neill. 13c WANTED: Someone to care for baby and do some housework. Call 25-W, O’Neill. 14p35 CUSTOM CORN SHELLING: New M-M truck mounted sheller, 1,500 bu. hour capac ity. Make arrangements for ' you rshelling with K. C. Hunt, at Hunt’s Recapping Service, phone 289, O’Neill. 50tf FOR PROMPT, efficient mech anical ditch digging, 6 inches wide, 6 feet deep, call or write Bonge Bros., Plainview, Nebr., phone 111 on 21. WANTED: To buy a barn, suitable to be moved. — Charles Vequist. O’Neill. 13-14p65 FARM & COMMERCIAL WIRING Don’t wire until you have:, our price. Be safe. Have your wiring installed by our | skilled workmen. We have all materials and fixtures i for a complete job. All ma- ! terial and work guaranteed, len years of REA wiring experience. Drop us a card for free estimate. For a neat job see us. Motor Re-winding and Repairs Kelvinator Appliances CONTACT Ralph Simpson LESTER ELECTRIC Spencer, Nebr. 29tf j REA FARMSTEAD WIRING SEE US before you wire, all work guaranteed. — CHAS. CHAMBERS. O’Neill, phone 247-R, or leave word at Gil lespies. 40tf i O NEILL LOCALS ! Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Maucher, • of Hay Center, visited from Tuesday, August , to Friday, August 4, with Mr. and Mrs. i Dale Buckmaster. They also vis r ited Mrs. Buckmaster’s parents, - Mr. and Mrs- Frank Hill, of Ne ligh, during their stay. MISCELLANEOUS HALVA’S ELECTRIC SHOP Generator & Motor Winding New and Used Motors for Any Job 25tf WM.’S BIKE SHOP 2'/i blocks north of Ford Gar age, O’Neill. Buy, sell and re pair. Have parts for bikes, Whizzer motors, scooters, skates, household appliances, etc. 52trf FLOOR SANDING DON’T SETTLE with plain sanding. Have a beautiful long-lasting finish applied to those floors. We have eight machines and over ten vears’ experience finishing floors. Our machines enable us to give fast, efficient service. Our prices are reasonable. Free estimate. 51tf EFF R. CARMICHAIL Box 201 Spencer, Nebr. NO REA? A wonderful buy in a MW all white porcelain wash ing machine with a Briggs & Stratton gas engine. Save yourself some money. Only $69.95 at JACOBSON’S. 14c HUNT’S PLUMBING & HEATING Complete Bathroom Fixtures 2d door West Midwest Furn. Service Phone 399; O’Neill 43ctf GOOD FLOOR SANDER and edger for rent. Inquire: Spelts-Ray Lbr. Co., O’Neill. ATTENTION: Mullen’s Radio Electric Service does REA and city electrical wiring. Guaranteed repair of home radios, auto radios and elec trical appliances of all kinds. We are now located in our new shop 2 blocks west and 1 % blocks south of the state garage, O’Neill. 7tf Long Term 4% Federal Land Bank L-O-A-N-S Pre-Payment Privileges ELKHORN VALLEY Nat’l Farm Loan Ass’n. Lyle P. Dierks, Sec.-Treas. O’Neill, Nebr. L. Guthrniller REPAIR SHOP Half-black East of Texaco Station SPECIALIZING in all kinds of automobile, truck and trac tor repair. Acetylene weld- j ing. FOR RENT FOR RENT: All modern, fur nished apartments. Close in. —A. E. Bowen, phone 322W, FOR RENT: Basement sleeping room, with stool and shower. For either 2 girls or 2 men. j Could be arranged for 4 school j boys. — Mrs. C. H. Switzer, O’Neill. 14c CARDS OF THANKS 1 WISH to thank the O’Neill volunteer fire department and others who helped fight a prairie fire at my place re cently; also Evert Miner for use of his cattle spraying outfit in connection with checking the flames. I4p50 —LOUIS O. MEYER. TO THE NEARBY and dis tant friends who remembered him so faithfully with cards, letters, visits and prayers while he was hospitalized — for "Jimmy'’—we want to say “thank you”, and for your kind expressions and tokens of your sympathy to those who mourn the passing of a loving son and brother, we are appreciative and truly grate ful _ MOTHER DAVIDSON AND FAMILY. 14p50 O’NEILL LOCALS Mrs. Fred Holtman and sons, Ricky, Dwaine and Kenneth, of Underwood, Wash., arrived Tuesday, August 1, to visit her brother and family. M!r. and Mrs- Dale Buckmaster and fam ily Rev. Lugensland To Be New Pastor AMELIA— Rev. Lugensland, ; formerly of Elgin, will be the : new pastor of the Free Method ist church south of Amelia. I He will succeed Rev. Ira Dix on, who is being transferred to Colome, S. D. Other Amelia News Mrs. Julia White and Mrs. Et : ta Ott called on Mrs. Tom Bak 1 er Friday. Douglas Friedrich, of O’Neill, visited his sister, Mrs. Lloyd Waldo, and family last week. Mrs. Gertie Minahan was down from O’Neill Wednesday evening, August 2, visiting Mrs. Delia Ernst. Mrs. Minahan has just returned from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Ted Keeney, and family in Texas. They had all been vacationing at Corpus Christi. Miss Joan Adair, of Amelia, and Ruth Weber, of Chambers, are attending a rural youth meeting at Chadron this week. The girls were sent as delegates representing their respective centers. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ander sen and family, of Hartington, visited Wednesday and Thurs day, August 2 and 3, at the home of his brother, Ray Ander sen, and family. Little Linaa i\ay t^.ruiz, or Stanton, is visiting her grand father, Peter Frahm, and uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Hienie Frahm. Mrs. Dale Smith and daugh ter, Donna Jean, of Alma, visit ed her grandmother, Mrs. Delia Ernst, over the weekend. Bob Leder, son of Mr. and Mirs. Robert Leder, sr., was nome on leave last week. He is stationed at Denver, Colo., with the air force. Miss Mary Jean Bailey, of Bassett, visited Mr. and Mrs. Hienie Frahm over the week end. Mr. and Mrs. John Shipman, who visited her mother, Mrs. Delia Ernst, last week, went to Wisconsin where Mr. Shipman is tynployed. Mrs. Forest Sammons left Sunday to accompany a group of teachers on a tour of Eastern states. Misses Cleone Doolittle and Donna Rae Peterson returned home last week where they at tended the summer session at Wayne state college. Mrs. Prewitt’s brother, Lyle Phipps, and son, of Mullen, vis ited the Prewitt family Sunday. He came by plane and while here a hard rain and wind storm struck. The plane was overturn ed and damaged so he could not fly home. A plane was called from Ainsworth to take him home. The ice cream social given on Wednesday, August 2, by the WSCS was well attended and netted nearly $60. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Ragland and family, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Coolidge and Calvin went to Neligh Sunday to visit Mr. Rag land and also to celebrate Jua nita Ragland’s birthday anniver sary. Reverend and Mrs. Hansber- i ry, of Chambers, called on Mr. • and Mrs. Ed White Friday. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Julius Belew and son, Marlin, of Stanton, vis- ] ited her parents, Mr. and Mis. j Levi Clemens, Sunday, July 30. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fuller- 1 ton, of Atkinson, visited Mr. and 1 Mrs. Harold Fullerton Saturday. Mrs. Emma McKathnie, of At- ] kinson, visited her brother, Lew ; Backaus, and wife the first part j ot the week and her brother, 1 Frank, and family from Wed nesday, August 2, until Satur day. Mrd. and Mrs. Vein Sageser returned home Friday from several days’ visit in Omaha and ; ! Council Bluffs, la. Mrs. Pearl White, Mrs. Julia White and Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker were in Atkinson Satur day. Mrs. Emma McKathnie, Mrs. Emma Lindsey, and Mrs. Etta Ott were dinner guests Thurs day at Mrs. Julia White’s. A card from the Travers fam ily stated they were in the Yel lowstone park. Miss Ardeen Andersen return ed to duties Monday as student nurse at Bryan Memorial hos pital after spending 3 weeks va cation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Andersen. Carl Hoppe, jr., and wife, of WOW CM YDOTEU-? WE'5 500WET ] Izee. Ore., are visiting his moth er, Mrs. Cap Withers, of Amelia. To Sponsor Parade— PAGE — The Page Improve j ment club met with Mrs. Jud Russell Monday morning, Au gust 7. Eleven members and 2 guests , Mrs. Dora Townsend and Mrs- Hal Farnsworth join ed the club. It was voted to sponsor the parade and a flow er show on labor day. A lunch was served by the hostess. Brother, Sister Meet After 27 Years PAGE — Charley Jackson, of j Elmira, N. Y., came Monday evening, July 31, and visited until Friday afternoon with his sister, Mrs. Myrta Van Conett. This was the first time in al most 27 years the brother and I sister had seen each other. It was the first time in 44 years since Mr. Jackson had been at Page. Mrs. Van Conett and Mr. Jackson visited Wednesday, August 2, at the home of Mrs. Van Conett’s daughter, Mr.., and M 's. Bernard Cooke and daugh ter at Chambers. They drove to Burwell during the aftrenoon to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Hurst and son. Other Page News Mrs. Robert C. Huppe, of Omaha, came to Page Thurs day evening to spend between 2 and 3 weeks with her father and brother, H. L. Banta and Gary. Mr. Hupp was in the re serves and has been called to duty- He is at present station ed a* San Francisco, Calif. The WCTU met Thursday af ternoon, August 3. with Mrs. •T. N. Carson with 9 members present. Mrs. Blanche Darr was a guest and led the devotions. The following officers were elected: Mrs. Dora Townsend, president; Mrs Floyd Wertz, vice-president; Mrs. E. A Chic hester, secretary; Mrs. Merwyn French, treasurer. Luncheon was served at the close of the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Lamason and daughter, Frances, and granddaughter, Helen Jeffers, Mr. and Mrs. Rollie Snell, Mrs. C. A Townsend and Mrs. Mel vin Lamason and children en joyed a nohost dinner at the home of Mrs. Dora Townsend Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arp and family, of Yutan, spent the af ternoon and were supper guests Monday at the James Carson home. They are cousins of Mr. Carson. Mrs. Susan Hathaway, of Har tigan, spent from Thursday un til Sunday visiting Mr. and Mrs. Leo Lamason and Mrs Dora Townsend. Mbs. Hatha way is a sister of Mrs. Lama son. Mrs. O. L. Reed. Mrs. George Rost, Mrs. Dave Bownen and Mns. Alma Tegeler accompan ied Miss Helen Wegman on a vacation trip to the Black Hills, S- D. They left early Monday morning and plan to be away a week. Mrs Eva Cunningham enter tained at a dinner honoring the birthday aniversary of her aunt, Miss Maude Martin. Sunday. Present were, Miss Martin, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Stevens and Donald Cunningham. Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Kem per spent from Saturday until Monday a‘ the George Winkler home at Tilden Mrs. Winkler is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs Kemper. Robert Cunningham spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Cunning ham. He has been the relief operator at the Atkinson depot. He left for Seward to be the | operator there. Establish Tree Plantings Again— The state game and wildlife commission will again estab lish tree plantings for wildlife convention in Holt county. Last year similar plantings were established on the follow ing places: Ryan Estate, L. W. Reimer, and T. F Matthews, all of O’Neill, and Theo. Baumeis ter, of Atkinson. These areas have a good survival this year, according to C. R. (“Bob ’) Hill, of the Holt soil conservation service. Cedar, Russian Olive, and a variety of other fruiting shrubs were planted. The areas : range from 1 to 3 acres. The game commission furn ished the fence and trees and will plant and cultivate the trees the first year. The coop erator agrees to maintain the fence and do the necessary cul tivation for the next 10 years. , These areas are not posted nor 1 are they game reserves. They are merely areas designed to afford protection or cover par ticularly for pheasants. The in dividual land owner may or may not allow hunting just as he choses. To qualify these areas must be within *2 mile of cropland and over ^ mile from the woody cover. Any Holt soil conesrva tion district cooperator desir ing such an erea shauld con I tact the U. S. soil conservation ; at O’Neill before September 1. Only a limited number of areas i will be established- * New Electric Range Now in Parsonage EWING— The WSCS of the Ewing Methodist church met at the church parlors Wednesday afternoon, August 2. The meeting was called to or der t>y Mrs. Earl Billings, pres ident, and opened with the read ing of a poem, “God Is the Source,” followed by the devo tionals, led by Miss Anna Van z,andt. The theme was "The Pil lars of the Earth.” At the business session, the stove committee reported the purchase and installation of an electric range at the parsonage. Reports by the floor and carpet ing committees were given, fol lowed by discussion on each. Plans were made to entertain the WSCS of Page, to carry on the chain visitaton for the dis trict. The bazaar committee was appointed and pillow cases were given to members to have com pleted for the bazaar in No vember. Mrs. Henry Fleming, secre tary of supplies, read a letter from the district secretary, stat ing the supply quota for the year. First quarter supplies of $4 was sent to Omaha city mis sion. Plans were made for a farewell party for Mrs. A. S. Ev ans and a committee appointed to take charge. The lesson for the afternoon was presented by Miss Van Zandt. The topic was ‘“Christian Education and the Earth.” Mrs. Lee Wood and Mrs. Flor ence Butler were the hostesses for the meeting. They served a luncheon from a table decdrated with fern leaves and low vases of pansies. Wife of Superintendent Feted on Departure— EWING—On Friday evening, the members of the WSCS of the Ewing Methodist churn, gathered at the church parlors for a farewell party honoring Mrs. A. S. Evans, who will make her home for the coming year at Imperal, where Mr. Evans will be superintendent of schools. At 7 o’clock a dinner was served. The table had but one decoration, a large toy truck, piled high with furniture from the doll house, made a minia ture picture of the Evans family ready to leave Ewing. Vases of garden flowers added to the charm. A social hour followed the dinner. Mrs. Earl Billings, president of the society, presented Mrs. Evans with a vase, a gift from I all the members. An evening of fun followed I playing games which were in charge of Mrs. Harold Harris. In the guessing game of waist lines, Mrs. William Spence won the prize. Mrs. Evans and her team came out winners in the j relay egg race. A character quiz j afforded much amusement for j >— •"' ——— all with Mrs. Leland Weilke having guessed the greatest per c e n t correctly. A songfest brought the party to a close. Mrs. A. S. Evans has been a member of the society since coming to Ewir She has taken activities and.^i_ _ _ fices. 200 Attend Meet of Altar Society St. Patrick's Altar society met Thursday evening at the K of C hall with about 200 in attendance. After the business meeting, a program was pre sented which included a read ing, by John Head; a cornet solo, by John Berrigan and sev eral piano selections by John O’Neill. m Lunch was served by St. Cath erine’s guild, with Mrs. <H. J. Birmingham as chairman. Little Kathy Gallagher, Mrs. Robert E. Gallagher and Mrs. John J. Melvin were overnight guests Sunday ;n Omaha at the J. A. Frenking home. ROYAL THEATER — O'NEILL — Thursday August 10 Robert Montgomery and Ann Blyh with Jane Cowl in ONCE MORE, MY DARLINcA Man about town . . . meets girl about nineteen. He’s suave and smooth and scared simply stiff . . . when she tries out her adult approach* Adm. 42c plus tax 8c, Total SG< Children 10c, plus tax 2c. Total 12c Friday & Saturday August 11-12 THE EAGLE AND THE HAWK Color by Technicolor A Paramount picture starring John Payne, Rhonda Fleming, Dennis O’Keefe with Thomas Gomez, Fred Clark, Frank Fay len and Edward Niriega. Adm. 42c plus tax 8c, Total 50c Children 10c, plus tax lest Total 12c * Sunday, Monday, Tuesday August 13-14-15 YOU'LL REMEMBER FRANCIS As long as you can laugh! Donald O’Connor, Patricia Medina, Zasu Pitts, Ray Collins, John Mclntire and “Francis" the old army mule who talks! Adm. 42c plus tax 8c, Total 50c Children 10c, plus 2c tax Total 12c Matinee Sunday 2:30 Get Ready for... 10” PREWAY OIL SPACE HEATERS DON’T WAIT! Ready for Immediate Installation * Chilly autumn days are nearer than you think. Avoid being caught without heat. You can install a PREWAY now at a savings. WM. KR9TTER CO. - of O’Neill - Phone 531 - 9