Mrs. Z. X. Marshall Discusses Missions’ NORTH OF STUART —The Cleveland Ladies’ Aid met at the home of Mrs. Merrill Smith on Wednesday, July 19. Thir teen members and 4 guests, Mrs. Z. X. Marshall, Helen Mc Clurg, Mrs. Vida Munson and Mrs. Linford Sweet, answered roll call. After a devotional period, Mrs. James Allyn gave a read ing, followed by a program on “Missions” given by Mrs. Mar shall. This program had been presented by Mrs. Marshall at the Presbyterial meeting in Norfolk and she came out from Stuart to give it for the Cleve land ladies. Vesta Adams showed slide pictures on ‘ Missions” and told how “Pete, the Pig,” became a way of mission giving. After the lesson, Miss Helen McClurg showed some interest ing slides of pictures taken of local people and scenery on the Niobrara near the McClurg home. The hostess served luncheon assisted by co-hostess, Mrs. El-1 sie Sweet. The next meeting is at the home of Mrs. Herbert Sweet. Other North of Stuart New* Robert Deming, Charles Do bias and Merrill Smith drove to Pilger and Stanton on busi ness Tuesday, July 18. Cleveland 4-H club met at the Merrill Smith home Satur day, July 22. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Smith and children called at the Char les Dobias home Monday eve ning, July 24. Mr. and Mrs. Z. X. Marshall, of Stuart, were Wednesday, Ju ly 19, dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Lofquest. The men went fishing while the la does attended the aid meeting at the Smith home. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Sweet, Corinne and Dick returned on Wednesday, July 19, from a 10 day trip to Kansas. While gone they vistied Mr, Sweet’s bro ther, W. A. (Art) Sweet, wife and family at Newton, Kans., and his sister, husband and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley North, | at Saffordville, Kans. Mrs. North is the former Mildred Sweet. Mrs. Violet Montgomery spent several days visiting at the home of her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Rollo Berry. Tom Berry helped his son, | Bill, cut grain recently. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Prange were Sunday evening. July 16, j callers at the Russell Hipke 1 home. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hipke | and boys called at the Joe Schmaderer home Monday eve ning, July 17. Mrs. Herbert Sweet helped Mrs. Russell Hipke with paper ing Friday afternoon, July 21. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schmaderer and family and nieces, Karen and Marlene Schmaderer, visit ed with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hipke and boys Sunday eve ning, July 23. Mrs. Vina Munson helped Mrs. Russell Hipke can peas Monday, July 24. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Smith and family recently attended a family reunion at the home of Mrs. Smith’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fullerton, east of Atkinson. Others present were: Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Fullerton and Robert, of Neligh: Mr and Mrs. Leslie Watt and family, of Moorcroft, Wyo.; Mr. and M s. George Fullerton and family, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Fullerton and family, all of Amelia; and Mr. and Mrs. Edw. F. Seger and family, of Atkinson. Ward Merrill, of Cedar Rap ids, la., came Sunday, July 23, to spend a few days at the Char les Dobias home. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dobias and boys visited with the D. F. Scott family on Sunday, July 23. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Watt and children, Eileen, Lynn and Lar ry, of Moorcroft, Wyo., spent Friday night and Saturday, Ju ly 21 and 22, at the Merrill Smith home. Mrs. Watt and Mrs. Smith are sisters. Legal Notices (First pub. July 20, 1950) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND HEIRS County Court of Holt County, Nebraska. Estate of Frances Searles, Deceased. The State of Nebraska, To All Concerned: Notice is hereby given that Frank Searles has fil ed his petition, alleging that Frances Searles died May 12, 1948, intestate, a resident of Holt County, Nebraska, seized and possessed of some right, ti tle and interest in and to the : Southeast Quarter of Section 20; the North Half, the South east Quarter, and the North Half of the Southwest Quarter of Section 29, all in Township 29, North, Range 13, West of the 8th P. M., in Holt County, Ne braska. The petitioner owns an un divided interest in the above described real estate, having derived title thereto by inher itance. The prayer of said petition is for a determination of the time of death, the heirs, their degree I of kinship, and the right of de scent of the real property of the deceased; that she died m’.ea tate, and that there is no inner | itance tax, state or federal, due from her said estate or the neirs thereof. Said petition will be ’for hear ing in this Court on the 10th day of August, 1950, at ten o’ clock A. M. LOUIS W. REIMER COUNTY JUDCE (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 11-13 (First pub. July 13, 1950) NOTICE OF SUIT TO: John A. Harmon; Lillian | Hammond; W. J. Hammond; Loretta Duffy; John Duffy, first real name unknown; Josephine Soukup; John Soukup, first real name unknown; Grace Carlon; the heirs, devisees, legatees, personal representatives, and all other persons interested in the estate of Mabel H. Carlon, de ceased, real names unknown, and all persons having or claim ing any interest in Lots Eleven, Twelve, and Thirteen, in Block J in McCafferty’s Second Addi tion to O’Neill, Holt County, Ne braska, real names unknown, defendants. You and each of you are here by notified that on the 10th day of July, 1950, Harvey Sawyer as plaintiff, filed his petition in the District Court of Holt County, Nebraska, against you and oth- | ers as defendants, the object and prayer of which is to quiet and confirm the title in him, the | said Harvey Sawyer, to the real ! estate hereinabove specifically described, as against you and each of you and to secure a De cree of Court that you have no interest in, right or title to, or lien upon said real estate, or any part thereof; and for gener al equitable relief. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 21st day of August, 1950. Dated this 10th day of July, 1950. HARVEY SAWYER, Plaintiff, By Julius D. Cronin, 10-13c His Attorney, (First pub. July 20, 1950) John R. Gallagher, Attorney NOTICE OF PROBATE OF WILL Estate No. 3683 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, July 14, 1950. In the matter of the estate of Harmen Damero, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that a petition has been filed in said Court for the probate of a writ ten instrument purporting to be the last will and testament of Harmen Damero, Deceased, and for the appointment of Anna Damero, as Executrix thereof; that August 10th, 1950, at 10 o’ clock A. M., has been set for hearing said petition and prov ing said instrument in said Court when all persons concern ed may appear and contest the probate thereof. LOUIS W. REIMER County Judge (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 11-13 (First pub. July 27, 1950.) John R. Gallagher, Attorney NOTICE FOR PETITION FOR ADMINISTRATION Estate No. 3688 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, July 25, 1950. ] In the Matter of the Estate of j John J. Melvin, Deceased. | DR. J. L. SHERBAHN CHIROPRACTOR | Complete X-Ray Equipment j Vi Block So. of Ford Garage O'Neill. Nebraska Notice is hereby given to all persons interested in said estate that a petition has been filed in said Court for the appoint ment of Marne L. Melvin as Ad ministratrix of said estate, and will be heard August 17th, 1950 at 10 o’clock A. M., at the Coun ty Court Room in O’Neill, Ne braska. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 12-14 (First pub. Aug. 3, 1950) Julius D. Cronin, Attorney NOTICE OF FINAL SETTLEMENT Estate No. 3643 In the County Court of Holt County, Nebraska, July 28, 1950. In the matter of the Estate of William J. Biglin, Deceased. All persons interested in said estate are hereby notified that the executrix of said estate has filed in this court her final re port and a petition for final set tlement and distribution of the residue of said estate; and that said report and petition will be heard August 23, 1950, at 10 o’ clock A. M. at the County Court Room in O’Neill, Nebraska, when all persons interested may appear and be heard concern ing said final report and the distribution of said estate. LOUIS W. REIMER, County Judge. (COUNTY COURT SEAL) 14-16 Bluegrass Harvest Nears Completion The 1950 bluegrass harvest m Holt, Boyd, Rock and Wheeler counties and the drying of the green strippings is now almost complete. Rains during July slowed the dry yards considerably. Price for most of the blue grass ran about 8 cents per pound. Thousands of tons of green strippings were weighed and processed in the O’Neill region, which is fast becoming one of the large bluegrass areas in the nation. Haying Labor Shortage Seen “Since haying operations have been delayed by wet weather, the Nebraska state employment service anticipates increased demand for hayhands within the next few weeks.” This pre diction was made Saturday by Walter A. Steffen, Norfolk area manager. A consequent shortage is anticipated in some parts of the area. Farmers and workers are be ing reminded to contact the nearest volunteer farm labor representatives in order that workers can be immediately transferred from points of sur plus to other localities where shortages develop. The farm labor representative at O’Neill is Harry E. Ressel, and at Butte he is James S. Hansen. Stuart Buys $51,000 Diesel for Plant— STUART—The Stuart muni cipal light and power plant soon will have a new diesel engine and alternator. The village board last week accepted a bid of 51-thousand dollars for in stallation of a 375-horsepower diesel that will drive a generat or capable of producing 250 kilowatts. Stuart village officials orig inally planned an addition on the power plant to house the generating equipment and fire department. But building ex I pansion has been abandoned. SPECIAL OFFER ' By The O’NEILL PHOTO CO. O'Neill, Nebr. FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY THE O'NEILL PHOTO CO. will furnish The O'Neill Frontier with baby pictures that will be used in connection with a feature story. This offer good only with a photographic order amounting to 15.00 or more. You select the sixe you wish from our complete line of fold ers—easels. enlargements and frames. BRING AD WITH YOU (this ts the life! nor _l \ only is cooking eas (JAITM LP GAS-ITS faster Ralph N.Leidy CELIA SIDELIGHTS Mrs. O. A. Hammerberg and Arlene Greenwood attended circle meeting at the home of ! Mrs. John Mohr Wednesday, 1 July 19. , . Willard Ratliff helped the ' Livingston Bros, hay crew put I up nay ror D. F. bcott. Mr. and Mrs. O. A. Hammer berg ana Arlene Greenwood weie supper guests at the P. W. rwilmurry home Friday evening, juiy 21. Mrs. Edna Hendricks and I Frea Cearns were dinner guests ' at tne Mark Hendricks home | Sunday, July 2d. Bob Pease and Don Coleman were fishing in Swan Lake on \ i aunday, Juiy 2d. Mrs. O. A. Hammerberg and! : Arlene Greenwood went to Wicmta, Aans., by auto Tues day, July 25, to visit their j daughters, Mrs. E. W. Samms, j and family, and Mrs. Leo Mil ner, and family. The Milners returned to Atkinson with Mrs. j liamerherg ana Arlene. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Smith > and family spent Thursday, Ju I ly 20, with the O. A. Hammer j berg family. Merrill is building 1 a stacker for the Hammerbergs. Mrs. Mark Hendricks visited I the Paul Nelson home north of O’Neill Tuesday, July 18, and picked cherries. Naomi Nelson came home with her and visited the Hendricks family a couple of days. Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Johnson, I of O’Neill, wrent to Saskatche- ; wan, Canada, recently to see a bout some property which they own there. Thursday evening, July 20, guests at the O. A. Hammerberg home were Mr. and Mrs. D. F. Scott and Alex Forsythe. Roy Worth and Miss Ruth Lindberg, of O’Neill, were din ner guests at the Mark Hend ricks home Saturday, July 22. Miss Lindberg has been rehired to teach the Hendricks school the coming year. She is attend ing Wayne State Teachers’ col lege at present and home for the weekends. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Raymer and family visited the Clarence Focken family Sunday after noon, July 23. Mrs. Vincent Allard anti daughters, Patty and Carol, vis ited her brother, Frank Kilmur ry, and family the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Smith and Donna and Rollin were O’ Neill visitors Thursday, July 20. Clarence Focken cut oats for Roy Margritz Monday, July 24. Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Kilmurry entertained the bridge club at their home Sunday evening, Ju ly 23. REDBIRD NEWS Mrs. Floyd Crawford and son were in Redbird on business on Saturday, July 22. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cihlar were callers here Saturday, July 22. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas His cocks were here Saturday, July 22. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Mellor were in Redbird Saturday, Ju ly 22. I Arthur Bessert was here on business Tuesday, July 25. Mrs. Anna Carson called in Redbird Tuesday, July 25. Delores Mellor was here on Tuesday, July 25. Edward Carson and Beverly were in Redbird Tuesday, July 25. Mrs. Clifford Wells and chil dren were among the callers in Redbird Tuesday, July 25. Elmer Luedtke and family visited in Redbird Tuesday, Ju ly 25. Will Hartland transacted bus iness here Tuesday, July 25. Gordon Barta and daughter called on Pete More Tuesday, July 25. Mrs. Albert Carson and Mrs. F. R. Bell were here Wednes day, July 26. Fred Truax, sr., visited in Redbird Wednesday, July 26. Michael Hull was a caller here Wednesday, July 26. Dale Bessert and Eva Truax visited at the Pete More home Wednesday evening, July 26. Ray Wilson was here on bus iness Thursday, July 27. Art Hrbek and nephew, Eu gene, were in Redbird Thurs day, July 27. Howard Slack, of near Dor sey, was here Thurdsay, July 27. Mrs. Ray Wilson and children autoed to Lynch Thursday, July 27. Joyce Slack was in Redbird Friday, July 28. William Conard was here Sat urday, July 29. I Howard Graham transacted business in Redbird Saturday, July 29. O'NEILL LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. Dean Streeter took Mrs. B. J. Matthews to her home in Lincoln, Sun., July 23. She had visited her sisters, Mrs. Clyde Streeter and Mrs. Dean Streeter, and other rela tives for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Streeter returned Wednesday, July 26. Washed Gravel Concrete - Road Plaster Sand We Deliver Anywhere NO JOB TOO LARGE OR TOO SMALL Walker Gravel Co. Ewing, Nebr. Residence Phone 146 Pit Phone 25 SCOUT TRAINING SAVES A LIFE Ronald Boelter Taken to Safety by Eddie and George Tomlinson A farm youth, Ronald Boelter, visiting in O’Neill recently, was rescued from the Elkhorn river south of town by 2 Boy Scouts, Eddie and George Tomlinson. The 3 boys had gone into the river near the bridge. Eddie and George were playing tag, while Ronald was paddling around learning to swim. The Elkhorn was high from recent rains and ! caught Ronald short when he happened to step in over his head. He managed to call for help. Eddie was on the south side and George was hiding on the north side of the river, when Eddie heard Ronald’s call and went to his rescue. Eddie grab- i bed Ronald by the hair and call- ! ed George, while starting to tow Ronald to shore.' The current carried George against Eddie, and Eddie lost his hold on Ronald’s hair. This let Ronald get his arms and legs around Eddie. Eddie was equal to this des perate situation, however, as he had recently passed his life sav ing requirement toward becom ing an Eagle Scout. George, likewise, had recently passed his life saving requirement. Eddie immediately broke loose from the arms and legs of this drowning person. George held Ronald’s head above water, while Eddie got a secure grip in Ronald’s hair. George got a r* ■ . . chin carry hold on Ronald be side Eddie and the 3 went to shore. As Explorer Scouts, both Ed die and George knew how to apply artificial respiration and soon Ronald was breathing nor mally. Ronald told his aunt, Mrs. Boyd Boelter, who lives north east of O’Neill, that he felt very grateful to his 2 companions on this occasion. Eddie said he was glad he had passed Scout life saving, as he was nervous for a moment, but he kept thinking of what he had learned, and he knew he could meet the situa tion. George said he wouldn’t have known about a chin carry hold if he hadn’t also taken the Scout life saving course. Ronald’s mother, Mrs. Homer Boelter, lives on a farm near Walnut. George and Eddie are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Tomlinson, of O’Neill. Price to Speak In Atkinson— ATKINSON — C. V. Price, chief of the division of Nebras ka resources, will speak at a Lions club meeting in Atkinson on Monday evening, August 14. Price’s job is to interest in dustrial firms in locating or re locating their plants in Nebras ka. Venetian blinds, prompt delivery, made to measure, metal or wood, all colors.—J. M. McDonald Co., O'NeilL llti Fred J. Jungman LIVESTOCK FEEDER & BUSINESSMAN Atkinson, Nebr. Will Appreciate Your Vote For STATE LEGISLATURE, 28TH DISTRICT NON-POLITICAL BALLOT Primary Election, August 8th One who believes our tax load is heavy enough and that there is no need for any new or additional taxes. Instead, get value received for every tax dollar spent. _ 12-13 VOTE FOR D. S. McCAGE O'Neill. Nebr. Republican Candidate for SHERIFF OF HOLT COUNTY Fifteen Years Experience in f Successful Law Enforcement Primaries August 8th, 1950 My Law Enforcement Experience In Nebraska Below are two letters received from the former County Attorney and Mayor and present Chief of Police of Falls City, ? Nebraska, as follows: ' RICHARDSON COUNTY BANK G. S. Lyon, Cashier Falls City, Nebraska To Whom It May Concern: July 8, 1950 Having served this city as Mayor from 1928 to 1948 it was always my desire to have an efficient police force, one that would enforce the ordinances of the city and the laws of the State of Nebraska. “ In 1934 I appointed Mr. D. S. McCage, now of O’NeiiJ, I Nebraska, as one of the enforcing officers, and soon found \ that I had made no mistake, he serving until 1941. I found him to be a fearless, trustworthy officer, always attentive to duty, and enforcing the laws without favor. His I experience during that time would be of great value to him in l discharging the duties as Sheriff of Holt County, and it is a | real pleasure for me to recommend him to the voters for that office. , Signed: G. S. Lyon, former Mayor of Falls City, Nebraska POLICE DEPARTMENT Judd Ankorm, Chief Falls City, Nebr July 8, 1950 To Whom It May Concern: D. S. McCage, now of O’Neill, Nebarska, was employed as a police officer by the City of Falls City, Nebraska, from 1934 to 1941, inclusive. Officer McCage was a fearless, hard-work ing, trustworthy officer, and performed his duty without favor. Mr. McCage’s experience as a police officer at Falls City Nebraska, would be of value to him in discharging the duties of Sheriff of Holt County, Nebraska, as he had experience in working on many different types of cases and criminal in vestigation while employed by the City of Falls City. The undersigned are pleased to recommend D. S. McCage to the voters of Holt County, Nebraska. JUDD ANKROM, Chief of Police JOHN H WILTSE, Former County Attorney