The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, July 20, 1950, SECTION 2, Page 9, Image 9

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    Victory Club Now
Boasts 18 Member*
EMMEt1 — The Victor;
Homemakers met at the horn'
of Mm. John Babl Wednesday
July 12, with a covered disl
luncheon served at noon. A1
member's were present excep
Mrs. Clarence Gokie, Mrs
Joe Gokie gr.d Mrs. John Clear;
were guests.
Later that day they joixve,
the club bringing the total mem
bership to 18.
A white elephant sale wa
held that netted almost $9. Tb
guessing prize was won by Mrs
Ray Conway.
The next meeting will be witl
Mrs. George Pongratz in Aug
ust. The Victory Homemaker
card party will be next Sunda;
evening, July 23, at the Johr
Babl home.
Other Emmet News
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Casper
of Primrose, and Mr. and Mrs
Leonard Leidig and son, Eddie
of Ohio, arrived Monday t<
spend several days visiting Mr
and Mrs. Henry Patterson.
Wayne Fox and Mrs. Estelli
Kendall spent Wednesday, Jul;
12, at Hastings.
Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Shep
ard, of Omaha, were Frida;
evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs
Harold Mlinar.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Kloppen
borg and Al, Rudy and Donnie
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Kloppen
borg, and Wynona Rae attend
ed a family reunion picnic belt
at a park at Hastings Sunday
July 16.
Mr. and Mrs- Leo Weichman
of Stuart, were Sunday dinne:
guests at the Joe Winkler home
Bobby Kramer, of O’Neill
and Melvin Luben spent Thurs
day visiting their grandparents
Mr. and .Mrs. Bob Fox.
Mr. and Mrs. Don Engler anc
Miss Patty Engler, of Stuart
spent Sunday evening visitinj
at the Joe Babl home.
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Haye;
and Tony Burda, of Atkinson
and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Far:
were Sunday fishers at Swai
Mrs. Art Harley and daught
er, of Atkinson, were Wednes
flay evening, July 12, visitor
at the Guy Beckwith home.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold McMil
lan and daughters, of Newport
visited at the Cecil McMillai
Budget and
w Other News
By Bonnie
| McDonald
HAVE YOUR CAKE . . . every
crumb of it. To prevent youi
freshly baked cake from stick
ing to your cake plate, sprinkle
sugar on the plate, then place
the cake on the sugar. Sugar
absorbs moisture from bottom
of cake,, prevents sticking. Cake
is easy to serve.
ELAINE “Preeisional” slips are
tailored to fit 99 out of 100
women without alteration? And
I do mean FIT. They’re propor
tioned throughout, sized to fit
every contour. They can’t sag,
bulge, twist, or ride up. They’re
carefully tailored of superb
quality multifilament rayon
crepe. They’re daintily lace
trimmed. Whatever your build,
there’s a MISS ELAINE slip
just for you. Worth seeing at J.
M. McDonald Co. . . . only $2.98.
Junior might let you have at
least one marble for your mend
ing basket. A marble is mighty
handy for mending the finger
tips of gloves and for other uses.
Easy to use, saves your finger
tips, too.
EASY TO ALTER pants, made
with exclusive easy-alter outlet
—one of the many features that
make DICKIES work suits fa
vorites of hard-working men . .
favorites of women who keep
their men’s clothes in wearing
condition. Shirts and pants of
selected, Sanforized suntan
twill. Special construction gives
?very man his exact fit. Com
pare with work sets anywhere.
At J. M. McDonald Co. . . . the
shirts, $2.98 . . . pants, $3.49.
NOW'S THE TIME to get your
share of savings on family cloth
ing and home needs at McDon
ald’s. Big twice-a-year clearance
is in full swing. Fast - selling
bargains in clothing and fabrics
for summer . . . hurry-up buys
in clothing and home goods for
year-around use. You save up to
one-half . . . yes, even more! It’s i
an event you can’t afford to !
miss. Come to J. M. McDonald
Co. thi‘- week. The best buys !
will be gone . . . soon!
Want to move your stove or re
frigerator to another spot in the !
kitchen? Raise front legs of ap
pliance and slip a piece of lin
under them. Get in back, lift
just a wee bit, and slide appli- !
ance to new position. Easy does
it . . . and no scratches on your
home Monday afternoon.
Mrs. Charles Abart was a Sat
( urday afternoon visitor of Mrs.
j Agnes Gaffney.
Mr. and Mrs- Owen Mullen
• and sons. Paul and Micheal, of
; Nebraska City, drove Mrs. Mary
, Mullen to Emmet last week
1 where she is visiting Mrs. Georg
1 ia McGinnis.
t Mrs. G. D. Janzing spent
; Monday afternoon visiting Mrs.
. ; Joe Winkler.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mlinar
and family were Sunday dinner
5 guests of Mr. and Mrs. Adolph
- Mlinar near Atkinson.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Miller, of
s Cedar Rapids, la., were .Sun
; day morning, July 9, visitors of
. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Farr,
enroute to Valentine to visit
i Mrs. Maude Sesler.
Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Fox vis
> ited Mr. and Mrs- Bud Cole Fri
r day evening.
i Mr. and Mrs. Victor Frickel,
of near Atkinson, were Wednes
day afternoon, July 12, visitors
at the Guy Beckwith home.
They also visited Mrs. Dan Bar
’ tak and son, Danny, at the Beck
with home.
’ Mrs. Homer Mullen and Mrs.
Stewart, of O’Neill, were Fri
day evening visitors of Mrs.
, Mary Mullen and Mrs. Georgia
T McGinnis.
Mrs. Estella Kendall spent
Thursday at the Charles Fox
r home in O’Neill.
Mr. and Mrs. Owen Hayes,
of Atkinson, were Saturday ov
ernight guests at the Clarence
Farr home.
Miss Patty Kazda, of Oak
dale, is spending some time vis
l iting Jeanie Cole.
Rites at Chambers
| CHAMBERS— The Methodist
parsonage at Chmabers was the
’ scene of a wedding at 2:30 p. m.
I Sunday, July 16, when Mrs.
Eletha Corliss, of Kearney, be
came the bride of Lyman Hans
’ berry, also of Kearney.
. The double - ring ceremony
was performed by the bride
! groom’s father, Rev. L. R. Hans
, berry.
The bride wore a dress of na
. vy blue net over satin and a
. corsage of rose gardenias. She
5 was attended by her sister, Mrs.
Raymond Walter, of Gibbon,
. who wore a navy blue suit and
a corsage of white carnations.
The bridegroom was attended
1 by his brother, Ray Hansberry,
■ of Kearney. Both wore light
gray suits and white carnation
Following the ceremony a re
ception was held for the 20
guests at the parsonage. A 2-tier
wedding cake was served with
ice cream. Mrs. Charles Grimes
' and Mrs. Glen Adams assisted
with the serving.
Out-of-town guests were: Mr.
and Mrs. Ray Hansberry and
daughters, Anna Marie and
Gwendolyn, and sons, Charles
and Robert, Mr. and Mrs. Cletus
Corlis, Doyle Corlis, Miss Caro
lyn Reiter, Miss Bessie Brooks
and Gary Hansberry, all of
Kearney; and Mr. and Mrs.
Raymond Walter, of Gibbon. !
The bridegroom is the third
son of Reverend and Mrs. Hans
berry, of Chambers. The bride’s
j parents live at Kearney but
I were unable to attend the wed
| ding.
Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Nichols
and Jill and Ann, of Fremont,
were guests Sunday and Mon
day at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Hugh Ray.
Mrs. L. D. Putnam and Billy
and Daniel drove Miss Audree
Nelson to her home in Spencer
Friday and visited there for the
day. |
Week-End Specials !!
JULY 20 -21-22
PAPER NAPKINS, 80 in box 9c
TUBULAR CAKE PANS ...... .. - 89c
FELT BASE RUGS. 9 x 12 . . - $5.98
CAR MOPS . 89c
FOLDING RULE (Regular 89c) . 69c
CASTING REEL. Ocean City - $1.49
HORSE SHOE SET (Complete) ... .. $4.49
USED REXAIR VACUUM, good as new $75.00
O’Neill, Nebraska
St. Anthony's hospital float, featuring
small fry as hospital "staff," compelled wide
attention during O'Neill's progress parade.
rtMMian 1—rtrtV'irnni »mi»i i ~ If» i i ri ii I amm mnflM—MMMMUMMaMMBi
N: ■ *■
E”rn a litter and inhalator were "manned."
Entry won honorable mention in the heavy
float div;sion.—The Frontier Photo.
First-place winner in the novelty division went to the New
Outlaw Grocery. The butcher (Richard Farrier) is turning out
hot dogs while hundreds of people lining O'Neill's Douglas
street and hungry dog look on.—The Frontier Photo.
BIHii .- • irani -.——■
Mode O'Day frock shop and McCrary's Jewelry collaborat
ed on an entry. Mode O'Day side is pictured. Entry placed first
in the automobile float division.—The Frontier Photo.
Ewalt Millers
Wed 25 Years
STAR — Mr. and Mrs. Ewalt
Miller, wl\o were married July
4, 1925, celebrated their silver
wedding anniversary on Sun
day, July 2, at their home near
One hundred eighty - seven
friends and relatives were reg
istered in the guest book ot
which Mrs. Max LeMasters, a
niece was in charge.
Dinner was served cafeteria
style with a special table for
the honored couple, their at
tendants, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce
Johnson and Mrs. Hattie Boel
, ter, Mrs. Miller’s mother.
A place was also set at the
table for Mr. Miller’s mother,
Mrs. Ernest Miller, but she was
unable to be present. The table
was centered with a wedding
cake—white with pink roses.
Huge bouquets of pink and
white roses, red ohlox and shas
ta daisies, a gift from Mrs. L
A. Hansen, centered the dining
Mrs. Gerald Waring and Mrs.
Delbetrt Boelter, sister of the
couple, were in charge of serv
Miss Ardis Hansen was in
charge of the gift table. Many
gifts were received and open
Many relatives and friends
called in the afternoon and eve
ning and were served refresh
ments. Beverly Boelter, Charyce
Johnson, Eileen and Joyce Mil
ler, Joyce Hansen and Glenda
Mott were waitresses.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller resided
in the St§y community since
their marriage. They have 4
children, Verna, Arnold and
Barbara at home and Mrs. Vince
(Neva) Cunningham, of Lincoln.
Visitors came from the fol
lowing towns for the occasion:
Page, Venus, Manchester, la.,
Laurel, Walnut. O'Neill, Row
ley, la., Omaha Middlebranch,
Verdigre, Lincoln, Winside,
Hoskins, Creighton, Star, De
catur, Dorsey, Orchard, Royal,
Redbird, Hampton, la., and Ba
ker, Ore.
Fractured Arm Doesn't
Hurt. Increases Apetite—
ATKINSON — Little Larry
Judge, 5, is recuperating from
a fractured left arm. He was
riding his pony and when the
pony stopped suddenly, Larry
went on over.
He says the arm doesn't hurt
His mother, howerer, says,
“It only seems to have increas
ed his appetite!”
Meeting Postponed—
Because of threatening rain,
the meeting of the Old Settlers
Picnic association, originally
scheduled for Friday, July 14,
has been postponed until Fri
day, July 21, according to Sec
retary Preston Jones.
Rain Interferes
Group s Outing
EWING — On Friday evening,
July 14, fifteen of the young
people of the United Presbyter
ian church had a picnic supper
and a hayride planned. They
started out at the time set, and
reached Pickerel lake, north of
Ewing. The picnic supper was
in progress when a sudden rain
storm made its appearance and
arrived before the supper was
Everything was gathered
hastily and the group went back
to the church where the picnic
was finished and they played
Chambers News
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Carpenter
drove to Oakdale Sunday to
visit her father, Mr. Myron Car- |
penter. Returning from Oak- :
dale they stopped in Neligh for
a short visit with her uncle and :
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Car
Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Dierk
ing and baby daughter left
Tuesday, July 11, for Omaha
on business and to visit rela
tives. Mr. and Mrs. A1 Dcirking
did the chores.
Katheryn Rubeck, cf O'Neill,
is visiting her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. John Honeywell.
Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Thorin
and children,' Mr. and Mrs. Er
nest Thorin and Charles and
Mrs. Clara Thorin drove to Ne
ligh Sunday to attend a reunion
of members of an extension
club they were members sever
al yars ago.
Anson Barker, of Minneapolis,
Minn, who has been visiting
his neice and husband, Mr. and
Mrs. Floyd Whitaker and ne
phew and wife, Mr. and Mrs- E.
R. Carpenter, since July 5, left
Friday for home. His daughter,
Mrs. David Harries, and a friend!
Mrs. Merle Mock, both of Min
neapolis, who brought him to
Chambers, returned Friday from
a trip through the Black Hills
and Wyoming and stopped for
him- They were guests in the
Whitaker home Thursday night
and dinner guests in the Car
penter home Friday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Brittell
and son, Dewey. Mrs. Brittell’s
brother, Leslie Woods, and Mr.
and Mrs. Arnie Mace, jr., and
Dickie drove to Neligh Sunday
to visit Mr. Brittell’s sister and
husband, Mr. and Mrs- Ray
Twenty - four ladies of the
WSCS of the Chambers Metho
dist church were guests Thurs
day, July 13, of the O'Neill
Mrs. C. V. Robertson visited
Friday, July 14, in the Frank
Skrdla home north of O’NeilL
Mrs. E. R. Carpenter accompan
ied her to Atkinson and spent
the day with her daughter and
husband, Mr. and Mrs. Dean
Stevens and children.
Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Hoerle
and children, are visiting his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jake
Hoerle. and her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ed Beed, and other
Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Cooper
were Sunday guests in the Se
well Johnson home at Emmet.
Lewis Rothchild and son-in
law, Bill Good, of Oakdale, was
calling on friends in Chambers
Mrs. Loran Coppoc and daugh
ter, of Quincy, 111., was expect
ed Wednesday to visit her par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Clair Grimes.
Doctor Coppoc left last Thurs
day, July 13, from New Orleans,
La., for a two weeks cruise. He
is in the navy reserves.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mitchell
■and children and Mr. Carl Mit
chell took the latter’s daughter,
Miss Loraine Mitchell, to Has
tings Sunday where she will
resume her work at the Mary
Lanning hospital.
Fred J. Jungman, of Atkin
son, candidate for state sena
tor from the 28th unicameral
district, was an O’Neill visitor
Curved Sofa
Lounge Chair
Comparable to
the Finest of
Custom Made Brand New Custom - Made Styles You’ve
Pieces. "
Never Seen Before!
In these days of television and more entertaining at home,
your living room becomes the most important room in
your home, and can be furnished with HIGH FASHION
pieces without exceeding your budget, if you take advant
age of this special purchase. The fabrics are magnificent .
brocatelles . . . matlasses . . . wool friezes . . . mohair in
colors that today s style trends demand. There’s quite a
wide choice of these finely made pieces, but we urge you
to come early for best selection. Our decorator trained
staff will help you create a room that will be “out of this