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About The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965 | View Entire Issue (June 29, 1950)
toward - Wright Nuptials Read — Miss Rosie Howard, daughter m of Mr. and Mr? Ed Howard, of 9 Inman, and Thomas Wright, p son of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wright, of Atkinson, were unit i td bi marriage in O’Neill on |*£uesday. June 20, at the Holt ccunty hourthouse. County Judge Louis W. Reimer per formed the ceremony. The bride was attired in a gray suit with matching ac cessories and wore a white car nation corsage. The bridegroom / MRS. THOMAS WRIGHT —O’Neill Photo Co. K wore, a dark business suit with I carnation boutonniere. Their attendants were Mr. and Mrs. Darley Banks, sister and brother - in - law of the bride. A wedding dinner was serv ed at the Green Lantern cafe in Ewing for those present at the wedding. The young couple will make ! their home on a ranch south of ! Atkinson. ; Mrs. Darrel Heese Shower Honoree— STAR — Mi's. Darrel Heese was honored with a postnuptial shower Wednesday ..June 21, at the home of Mrs. Elmer Jur acek, the hostess. Each guest gave a recipe or lousehold hint to the brid'1. Contest games w'ere plaved and each guest furnished a line for the “Story of Their Ro mance,” which was read by the bride. The hostess wms assisted with the refreshments by Mrs. Wil liam Deriekson, Mrs. Albert Derickson, Mrs. Merle Span gler and Mrs. Arden Laursen. Mrs. Heese received many gifts, which were opened by the bride in the presence of the guests. Mrs. Rooney's Sister Is Feted— Mrs. James W. Rooney and Mrs. C. E. Lundgren entertain ed at luncheon Saturday, June 14, in honor of Mrs. Rooney’s sister, Mrs. Georgia Warnke, of ^lollywood, Calif. Winners at bridge were Mrs. W. T. Harty, high; Mrs. R. E. Evans, second high; and Mrs. L. M. Diehlman, all-cut. “Voice of The Frontier,” Mon., Wed., Sat., 9:45 a.m., WJAG. m > v •”•• • t ATKINSON BRIDE_Miss Raedean Slaymaker, of At kinson, and Fredrick Kunz, of Stuart, exchanged nuptial vows on Tuesday, June 20, at S t. Joseph’s Catholic church in Atkinson. (See sto ry on page 14.) — O’Neill Photo Co. Orchard Soldier Escapes Korea— Mr. and Mrs. J. Van Ostrand of Orchard, received a cable gram Tuesday afternoon from their son, Warrant Officer Stu art Van Ostrand, who has been stationed in Seoul, Korea, with Mrs. Ostrand, stating: “We are safe in Japan.” Van Ostrand was in the ad ministration section of the American embassy. He has been with the armed forces overseas for a number of years. Another Orchard man, Dr. A. C. Fletcher, is in Tokyo, Japan. Mrs. Fletcher is with him. Dr. Fletcher is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Fletcher. Celebrates Birthday— EWING — Mrs. Henry Flem ing Sunday was honored at her home on her birthday anniver sary. Three large birthday cakes made a table centerpiece. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wernich, of Ewing; Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Werpich, of Plainview; Mrs. Dora Townsend, of Page, who was accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Robert Weir, and daughters from Har tington. Mrs. Schaffer Hostess To MM Club— The MM club met Tuesday, June 27, at a 7 o'clock supper at the home of Mrs. D. C. Schaffer. Winners were: Mrs- Larry Johnson, high; Mrs. H L. Lind berg, low, and Mrs. Esther C. Harris, traveling. ( &Ma£a£t£ Wednesday noon, June 28 (prices subject to change) Corn, No. 2 yellow_1.29 Rye_1.11 Barley_1.00 Wheat 1-90 Butterfat, No. 1_.57 Butterfat, No. 2_.54 Eggs- 24 QtliniinilinnHnnlmlfflHliRnlllillliniini^^ lintl HHI! Ilii nUI! tl!IDinif(tiInfflll]iHlIIIiDHlfflfflQnlilmnnV Distinctive Invitations ANNOUNCE WEDDING BELLS We specialize in qual ity wedding station ery . . . engraved or printed. Our wide variety of type faces insures satisfaction. Set of 50 Up from $8.00 Includes In and Out Envelopes EWING NEWS Mrs. Waldo Davis ,and her mother, M r s. Louise Beal, spent Tuesday and Wednesday, June 20 and 21, in Sioux City where Mrs. Beal received med ical care. Mr and Mrs. George Thay er. of Omaha, came Saturday, June 24, to 6pend a week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Boies. Mrs Frank Belmar, jr., went to Page Tuesday to spend the remainder of the week at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Dora Townsend. Mrs Anna Savidge will be substitute at the tele phone exchange during her ab sence. Mrs. Lyle Dierks spent Tues day at O’Neill visiting Mrs. A. S. Evans and family at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs- H. S. Moses. Mrs. A. S. Evans, Bonnie and Dickie are guests of her par ents in O’Neill while Mr. Ev ans is at Imperial. He is look ing over the school for the coming year and also hoping to locate a place to live there, Mr and Mrs. Lyle Dierks attended the rural youth or ganization banquet at Cham bers Tuesday evening, June 20, which was held at the Le gion club. Mel Hansen, from radio station WOW, was pres ent. He interviewed several guests who were there, Lyl? being one of the number. This program was rebroadcast over WOW on Thursday, June 22, at 6:30 a. m. and was of spe cial interest to the Ewing folks. After the banquet, square danc ing provided entertainment for all. Roy Wright returned home Sunday from a business trip which took him into Missouri. On Sunday. June 25, Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Cloyd and family entrained at dinner the fol lowing guests: Mr. and Mrs. Gee Timmerman, o f Plain view; Mr. and Mrs- Joseph Buf- j fington, of Meadow Grove; Mrs. Doris Fischer, Devoe Fis cher, Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester 1 Bahn and son, Jerome, and Paul Doud, all of Ewing. Saturday, June 24, was the 78th birthday anniversary of Luther Buxton, of Ewing. On j Sunday, his family gathered at his home to celebrate the oc-! casion with a dinner party ; Those present were: Harry Ey er, of Royal; Mr. and Mrsi Wil liam Buxton, of Page; Mr. and J Mrs. Emory Buxton, of Or- , chard; Mrs. Edna Maurer and Herbert, of Clearwater. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Shain went to Omaha on Sunday to spend the day, returning home on Monday. Mrs. Martha Hill and daugh ter. Anna Mae, and Leonard Hill are vacationing in Minne- | sota. Mrs. Peter Hientz has ; charge of the Hill store during 1 their absence. Mrs. Louise Beal, of Orchard, is a guest this week at the home of Mr- and Mrs. Waldo Davis. O’Neill Juniors Top Atkinson, 17-12 ATKINSON— The American Legion sponsored junior base ball team of O’Neill Sunday swept to victory over Atkinson junior Legion ball club, 17-12, here. Atkinson put the heat on the O’Neil] juniors by rushing 5 across in the bottom half of the first inning. O'Neill retalliated with a 9-run rush in the top half of the third frame and from there went on to win their first encounter of the season. Slattery, Siebert and Butter field chalked up 2 hits each in 4 trips for Atkinson. S. Moore, O’Neill shortstop, took game batting laurels, as he bounced the white pill out 4 times in 4 trips at bat. Boxscore: Atkinson (12) ab r h o , Gokie, 2b 12 0 0 Everett, If ... 2 0 0 0 Brttenhorst, cf 3 0 10 ' 'Jla!t»i-yi 3b 5 12 1 Tushla, ss_4 10 0 Wilbur, lb_4 115 Sieb^-t, cf _ 4 4 2 3 Schaa|, c -3 2 111 i Krysl, rf-3 110 Butterfield, p 4 0 2 1 Judge, p — 10 0 0 Totals 34 12 10 21 O’Neill (17) ab r h o Hurley, c-6 *1 1 8 H L. Nielsen, 2b 2 3 0 0 Line, cf-4 4 10 S. Moore, ss 4 3 4 1 Godel, p 5 2 0 1 H. Nielsen, lb 5 2 1 10 Kelly, rf - 5 0 10 Harley, 3b 3 10 1 Coventry, If _ 3 110 Totals__ 37 17 9 21 { OVER • STOCKED 1 PRE-INVENTORY SALE - Thursday through Saturday! Carnation MILK Can.IOC Meadow Gold SALHO DRESSING Pint Jar... 1 Sc In Heavy Syrup PRUNES Gallon 47 c I Whole Kernel CORN 3 No. 2 cns 25c % I ( I Giant THE - DREFT OXYDOL Giant pkg. 67 C Colored Quartered NUCOA OLEO Lb. pkg.29c & Lean Meaty I POSK STEAK lb. Fisher’s CHEESE 2-Ib.pkg.59c * [ Sliced Bacon I ENDS 2 Ik 35c I S Cudahy “All Meat” WEINERS or § * MINCED NAM lb.45c! Vitality ORANSE-ADE 46-oz. can. 25rj Curtiss MARSHMALLOWS Pkg.15c 1 Longhorn CHEESE lb 43c Pork HOCKS lb 25c Chase & Sanborn I coffee I Lb....69c I HAWIIAN Pineapple, No, 2 can 29c IN SYRUP PEARS, No. l\ can 29c KARO BLUE Syrup, V2-gallon .... 45c TOMATO OR MUSTARD SARDINES, 2 cans.. 39c DEL MONTE Tomato Juice 2 ”°j 25c WOODBURY SOAP, 3 bars.19c ROBIN HOOD FLOUR, 5-lbs..45c LADY CORRINE JELLY, 12-oz. jar.. 19c SWIFT'NING } 3-lb. can 75c ( •• ** I plenty \ I °f I C Parking V ) F0R YOUR Y I We»t O’Neill I \ ^ COMFORT J 1 5^' ■■ • ~ ‘ '■ r - "