The frontier. (O'Neill City, Holt County, Neb.) 1880-1965, June 29, 1950, SECTION 2, Page 16, Image 16

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    4-H Clubbers
Plan for Camp
ATKINSON— Mrs Herman
Gans, leader of the Green Val
ley Blue Birds, a 4-H club, will
accompany her club to camp
this coming week.
The camp, which is to be
held at Long Pine, will be held
from June 29-31.
Other Atkinson News
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Knight,
Lonnie and Sharon Cane, of
Springfield, Ala., and Mr. and
Mrs Fred Tasler and Lavern
Grenoble were visitors of Char
ley Tasler’s Thursday and din
ner guests at Herman Gan’s
Mrs. Delanie, of Columbus,
is visiting a friend, Mrs. Wil
liam Carroll.
Homer Wetzel, of Ordway,
Colo., stopped to see his cou
sin, Wilmer West, this week.
Mrs Marie Murphy and Mrs.
Nona Beckwith, who are at
tending Concordia college,
were home for the weekend.
They have been teaching in
Stuart the past 2 years.
Mr. and Mrs. John Subka
and son, Jack, of Waterloo,
Wkc.; Mr. and Mrs. Richard
Davis and Mr. and Mrs. Wilson
Rossman, of McFarlan, Wise.;
Mr. and Mrs Richard Rossman,
af Oklahoma City, Okla., were
guests at the Charles Tasler
ranch and John Warner farm
home this week.
Mrs. Elva White and son,
Dick, Mrs. William Wefso and
Mrs. Amelia Hoffman drove to
Norfolk Tuesday on business
Judy Kay Farewell spent the
week at tne William Steskal
George Hanel, of Denver,
Colo., stopped at his brother’s,
F. J. Hanel, Thursday, June
22. He took back a “supply”
of angle worms. They sell for
$1 25 per 100 in Denver, Colo.
Elvan and Jim White drove
to Sioux City Tuesday, June
Charley Tasler and son,
Charles, made a business trip
to Bassett Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs Philip John
ston, of McCook, are guests of
Mrs. Johnston’s mother, Mrs.
William Shultz, this week
Mr. and Mrs. John Ward
were visiting relatives in Tay
or this week.
Mrs. Minnie Kaiser, of Chey
nne, Wyo., who has been vis
ing her son, Herbert, of O’
Neill, and daughter Mrs. Fran
ks Weller returned home.
Mrs. Maude Silverstrand
• urned from a 10-day trip to
Denver, Colo., Friday, where
ihe enjoyed a family reunion
with her brother, Mark Wal
ath, and 5* sisters. Mr. Silver
drand met her in Grand Is
Mrs. Carl Smith, jr., was
honored with a baby shower
by friends Thursday evening,
June 22, for the new little
laughter, Carlene, at the home
>f her husband's parents. Mrs.
Smith is the former Edith
Mrs. Rinnie Gans will teach
the Rudy Dvorak school this
fall. Mrs. Doris Vogel will be
teaching at the Skrdla school
and the Robert Clifford school
has employed Miss Beth Sloan.
E. G. Witter is on a fishing
trip in Minnesota this week.
V. J. Krysl put down wells
for James Kubart and Frank
Hanel this week
Neighbors have been help
ing the Flannery Brothers mix
cement for their new building.
The outside walls are to be
built of pumus brick.
Charles Sloan has been do
ing carpenter work at George
Crawford’s this week.
Miss Laura McLaughlan, a
missionary who is here fron*
India for a year's vacation,
was the speaker at Bassett for
the Union Sunday-school con
The Pinochle club met Wed
nesday, June 28, with Mrs. Fred
O. Robertson.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Green and
family were fishing near Fair
fax, S. D., Sunday, June 25.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred O. Her
mann and children visited over
the weekend with Mr. Heer
mann’s brother, Mr. and Mrs.
William Heermann, and daugh
ter, of Brush, Colo.
Sunday, June 25, gupsts of
Mr. and Mrs. Reed Herley were
Mrs. O. A. Herley, Mr. and Mrs.
Vernon Parks and Mr. and Mrs.
Orion Herley and family, all of
New Pastor, Family
Meet Inman WSCS
INMAN — The Inman WSCS
met Thursday afternoon, June
22, at the home of Mrs. L. R.
lompkins with Mrs. Eva Mur
ten, Mrs. Lyle Abney and Mrs.
il. A. Tompkins as hostesses.
Miss Elisie Kreuger, presi
dent, had charge of the meeting
while Mrs. L. R. Tompkins led
I the devotionals. Rev. and Mrs.
Chappell and 2 girls, thetnew
I pastor and family who reside at
Ewing, were introduced to the
group. Reverend Chappel offer
ed a few remarks. There were
12 members and 9 visitors pres
Lunch was served by the com
Other Inman News
Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Bergstrum
of Omaha, and son, of Califor
nia, visited a few days last
week in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Elmer Krueger, and Miss
Elsie Kreuger.
The following Inman folks at
tended the wedding Sunday,
June 25, of Miss Naomi Stein
berg and Paul Hartigan at Page:
Mr. and Mrs. Pearl Cary, Mrs.
Marye Hartigan and Pat, Mrs.
Mina Crouse and Carolyn, Mary
Gale and Vernon Crouse, jr.,
Mrs. James Coventry and Kay,
Heritha Smith, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Ken
neth Coventry, Mr. and Mrs.
Herbert Rouse, Marvin and Wal
ter, Mrs. Mick Gallagher, Mrs.
Helen Sholes, Z. F. Smith and
Mrs. Harry Appleby.
Vernon Crouse, jr., of Valen
tine, Mary Gayle Crouse, of
Neligh, spent the June 24-25
weekend in the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Pearl Cary and attended
the wedding of their cousin,
Paul Hartigan.
Mrs. Mina Crouse and daugh
ter, Carolyn, of Hastings, la.,
came Saturday, June 24, to visit
Mrs. Crouse’s parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Pearl Cary, and to attend
the wedding of her nephew,
Paul Hartigan, to Naomi Stein
Mrs. Clarence Hansen and
Mrs. Floyd Keyes returned Sat
urday, June 24, from Sioux City
wheer they had been spending
a few days visiting their sister
and daughter, Murl Keyes, who
was in a Sioux City hospital.
I Mr. and Mrs. Marion Wear;
I and 2 sons, of Denver, Colo,
I spent Monday and Tuesday vis
2 iting Mr, and Mrs. Harve]
\ Tompkins and family. Mr. aw
M ry and Mr. and Mrs
Tompkins were college friends
S The Wearys were on their waj
e to Chicago, III.
Miss Mildred Keyes left Wed
* nesday, June 21, for Huron, O.
*• | where she will spend a few
: weeks visiting Mrs. Maude Cor
-; des.
Gary Buckmaster returned tc
3 his home in O’Neill Thursday,
’• June 22, after spending a couple
^ of days with his friend, Ronnie
1 Coventry.
^ Mi and Mrs. Vere Butler and
2 family, of Neligh, Sunday vis
" ited Mr. Butler’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A. N. Butler.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Morrow
and Robert and Sharon return
ed Wednesday from Lincoln
where they visited their daugh
ter and sister, Patricia, who is
[ in a hospital there.
t Mr. and Mrs. James Coventry
[ spent Thursday, June 22, in
i Fremont where they visited in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sher
. man Mapes. They were accom
, panied to Inman by their
daughter, Joan, and Deritha
and Yvonne Smith, who had
been attending the Theta Rho
girls’ convention.
Mrs. J. M. Jessen and Harold
Jessen, of Ainsworth, visited in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. James
McMahan Sunday, June 25.
Mr. and Mis. Kenneth Smith
took their daughters, Yvonne
and Deritha and Joan Coven
try to Fremont Wednesday,
June 21, where the girls attend
ed the Theta Rho convention
Wednesday and Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Retke
and family, of Los Angeles, Cal.,
are visiting Mr. Retke’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Otto Retke.
Mr. and Mrs. LaVern New
man, of Nyssa, Ore., were sup
per guests Friday, June 23, of
Mr. and Mrs. Earl Miller.
Dotty Moore and Barbara
Brunckhorst, who attend sum
mer school in Wayne, spent the
June 24-25 weekend visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moore and
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Brunck
Mr. and Mrs. LaVern New
man, of Nyssa, Ore., were over
night guests Friday, June 23, in
the home of Mr. and Mrs. James
Mrs. Mick Gallagher returned
to her home Wednesday, June
21, after spending a few days
visiting relatives at Gregory, S.
Miss Vicki Hutton went to
Ainsworth Thursday, June 22,
where she visited her uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Burger.
Vicki returned home Sunday
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Hutton, who had spent the
weekend in the Burger home.
f | Mr. and Mrs. Tom Huttor
, have received word from theii
- son, Richard, who is in the nav>
• in Hawaii, that he has been pro
i moted to 3d-class petty officer
Mrs. Grace Jenkins, of Or
• lando, Fla., came Monday, June
r i 19, to spend several weeks vis
i iting relatives.
Harvey and Leon Tompkins
- spent Wednesday, June 21, in
Mrs. Ira Watson and Mrs.
1 John Watson and daughter
i spent Wednesday, June 21, in
Sioux City. They were accom
11 panied as far as Norfolk by Mrs.
Earl Watson, who visited her
i sister, Mrs. Stuart Hartigan, re
turning Thursday.
LYNCH — Mrs. Ted Lond
! quist and Robert Bowman, of
j Bristow, were in Lynch Mon
i day, June 19, calling on Lynch
i doctors . . . Mr. and Mrs. L. D.
Smalley, of Butte, were in
Lynch Monday, June 19, where
Mrs. Smalley had a medical
checkup following major sur
gery at the Sacred Heart hospi
tal some time ago . . . Mr. and
Mrs. R. P. Blamenkamp, of
Butte, brought their son, Boyd,
to Lynch doctors where they
took x-rays of his broken leg
Boyd’s leg is “getting along
fine.’’ . . Mrs. Clyde Reel and
infant daughter, Donna Marie,
returned to their home in Spen
cer Sunday, June 18, from Sa
cred Heart hospital . . . Little
Karen Havranek, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Lambert Havran
ek, of Spencer, underwent a
minor operation at the Lynch
hospital due to an injury re
ceived when bicycle riding . . .
Marion Classen, of Spencer, has
been on the sick list . . . Mrs.
Jack Wilson, of Redbird. is
staying with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Ellis Butterfield, suf
fering with an attack of appep
dicitis . . . Mrs. Wayne Boelter,
of Venus, was brought to the
Sacred Heart hospital on Thurs
day, June 15, and later sent on
to the Clarkson hospital at
Omaha. Her brother, Glen Hull,
took her there. Her father, El
mer Hull, and Wayne Boelter
I also accc.rpar.ied her to Omaha
... Billy Tcadtke has been suf
' -ri:if with a severe sore throat
■ part week. . . Myron
Hodges has returned home from
Rochester, Minn., where he re
ceived medical care for his eyes.
. . . Mrs. Mattie McCallister, of
Dmaha, former resident here and
present houseguest of Mrs. Lois
Harris, was taken ill Saturday
and a doctor called. She is
“some better” . . . George Luek
en has the chicken pox.
EWING— On Sunday, June
25, Mr. and Mrs. Gail Boies
were callers at the country
home of Mr. and Mrs- Frank
Bohn. Mrs. Bohn, who has been
on the sick list the past few
! days, was “improved." . . Mrs
Frank Vandersnick was able
to return home on Wednesday,
June 21, from Our Lady of
Lourdes hospital at Norfolk,
and is feeling fine.” Mrs. Gail
Boies and Mrs. Frank Bohn
brought her to Ewing. . . Supt.
• M.erl Benton, formerly of Ew
ing, is going to Rochester,
Minn., this week, where he
will undergo on operation on
his left eye for a small bone
cyst. He expects to spend 3
: weeks there. . . Harold Gene
Daniels was released from the
Clarkson hospital in Omaha
on Saturday, having undergone
surgery a week ago. . . Colleen
Adrian, small daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. George Adrian, is
j having a seige of 3-day mea
! sles. . . Mi's- Lester Bergstrom
is a patient in the O’Neill hos
pital, having become ill on
Friday. . . Ross Barnhardt, a
veteran of World War II, is in
the Veterans' hospital at Sioux
Falls, S- D., for treatment. . .
Frank Belmar, sr., of Clearwa
ter, father of Frank Belmar,
jr. of Ewing, has been suffer
ing from a gall stone attack.
PAGE — John Cronk, son of
Mrs. Gina Cronk, became “ser
iously ill” Thursday evening,
June 22. He was rushed to St.
Vincent’s hospital at Sioux Ci
ty where he underwent an ap
pendectomy. His condition is
“fair.” . . Mr. and Mrs. Clar
ence Stewart and their sons,
Glen and Ed Stewart, and their
daughter, Mrs. Gene Mudloff,
went to Norfolk Saturday af
ternoon, June 24. where Clar
ence Stewart submitted to an
appendectomy. . . N. G. Miller
| was on the sick list several
days last week. . .' Alf Ulry *
was taken to a Norfolk hospital
Monday evening, June 26. He
had taken suddenly ill with
STAURT — During Saddle
club practice on Thursday eve
ning, June 22, Danny Flanigan
was thrown by a horse and re
ceived a sprained arm . . . Miss
Joan Steinhauser is suffering
from poison ivy . , . Gilbert
Shald received two broken ribs
Friday when the truck he was ,
driving and which was loaded
with fireworks, exploded near
Orchard. Frenk Wewel receiv
ed ankle burns in the same ac- *
returned last week to the
Lutheran hospital at Norfolk.
. . Word was received Monday
that Mrs. Valo Edwards is “im
proved" at the home of her
son, Allen, at Ord. . . Lela Cor
coran is suffering with an in
fection. She is at the home of
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clair
“Vocie of The Fron tier
News - Markets - Shopping Tips
WJAG... 780 kc.
9:45 A.M.
IT’S OUR SECOND year of broadcasting . . . direct from
O Neill . . . with an interest-filled 1 5 minutes of
up-to-the-minute news, markets and shopping tips. These
programs originate from the O’Neill Studios in The Fron
tier building. Join thousands of your neighbors and friends
every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday morning at 9:45
a m. for I 5 minutes of O’Neill regional newrs and shopping
hints brought to you by Chuck Apgar of The Frontier
I ★ ★ ★
— O’Neill Studios —
W - J - A - G (Norfolk)
vTTT^VT^Tfi^|P|ipiHpHIB||||H >
I ✓ v \ \ / / ” ' ■
* Thursday STAR Specials!' *
IT_ _ _
We»t O’Neill Phone 346-J ;
SAMSON All Steel
Lawn Chairs
4 Different Bright Colors
; This Samson Lawn Chair Is the Finest i
Lawn Chair on the Market This Year
When Purchased in Pairs
v . ..... ..-n
EVERY ATTIC has its white ele
phants. It may be a white ele
phant to you but a good buy to
someone else!
THURSDAY ONLY you can order
a For Sale, Swap or T r a d e
classified ad in The Frontier and
receive an extra insertion without
OFFER IS GOOD for transactions §
made on Thursday, June 29,
only, and cash must accompany
order for first insertion.
HERE THEY ARE! Each and everyone
a real moneysaving bargain for
Thursday shoppers in O’Neill. Tune in to
the “Voice of The Frontier” each Wednes
day morning at 9:45 for a preview of the
next day’s STAR SPECIALS. Watch
The Frontier each week for the page of
Thursday Only STAR SPECIALS ! !
30 Head of Mixed Yearlings ‘
• One of the several consignments of cattle for today's sale
will be 30 head of yearling, mixed steers and heifers.
• In addition to the 30 head of yearlings there will be sev
eral consignments of dry cows. too.
• There will also be the usual strong run of hogs and
feeder pigs. The sale will get underway at 12:30 p. m.
with the hog sale.
(Fermerly Fredrickson Livestock Comm. Co.)
Phone 2 O’Neill 1
.♦ee*eeeoo~e«~.—.sees A
— West O’Neill — §
UniPenn Pennsylvania Oils
Unilene Mid-Continet Oils
XL Unilube Greases